| 2018 Hilltop/Fairmede Mayoral Forum September 28, 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJNuaXg8Fnk.
Video courtesy of Don Gosney.
A spirited debate between mayoral candidates at Hilltop Community Church tonight. I noted that my opponent stated in his filing statement, “Richmond is safer, healthier and more prosperous,” not exactly a compelling reason to change mayoral leadership.
Before the debate started, the audience heard a presentation from the beat cops and spent over a half hour complaining about insufficient police coverage and police response and asked for more patrols.
Ironically, the first question was about police and crime. I pointed out that only last year, my opponent was quoted in the press, “Willis said he would like to cut the police department’s budget and reallocate the remaining funding to city youth programs.”
I asked the audience of some 40-50 people who was in favor of reducing the police force. Two RPA members raised their hands.
We went on to discuss street maintenance, Point Molate, Hilltop Mall and much more.
