My re-election campaign has officially begun. Please visit our new website, www.TomButtForRichmond.com to read about our first term, the progress we have made, and to learn how to get involved in our campaign. And I hope you’ll join us on Wednesday, August 1, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm for our campaign kick-off at Brezo Restaurant, 135 Park Place. Come on out, pick up a lawn sign, enjoy some food, and sign up to get involved. RSVP at https://www.tombuttforrichmond.com/aug-kickoff

Mayor Tom Butt
Candidate for Reelction as Mayor 2018
117 Park Place
Richmond, CA 94801
Phone: 510.231-7502
Mobile: 510-220-1577
E-mail: tom.butt@intres.com
Tom Butt Political Website: http://www.tombutt.com/
Board member and past chair, Local Government Commission
Commissioner, BCDC
Alternate member, Contra Costa LAFCO
Member, League of California Cities, Environmental Quality Policy Committee
Member, West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCTAC)
Commissioner and chair, Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Board Member, Richmond Representative, Vice-chair, MCE (Marin Clean Energy)
Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge, Executive Committee
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Committee Alternate