I provide these courtesy of Don Gosney. Don notes:
Here are the preliminary results as of this morning. I’ve only included those results that may be of interest to the general percentage of the populace. Note that when Jovanka expanded her reach to include other cities and another county, she received fewer votes than she received when she was last elected to the Council. As has been my custom, as more results come in, I’ll revise these tables.
As for former Mayor McLaughlin and Councilmember Beckles, this is the end of the road for McLaughlin in this election cycle. If Beckles remains in second place for AD-15, she will be in a runoff against Buffy Wicks in November and cannot run for reelection to the Richmond City Council. If Beckles slips to third, she is out of the AD-15 race but can run for reelection to the Richmond City Council in November.
