| The second shoe has fallen in the attempt by a small group of people, all affiliated with the RPA, to kill any progress on Point Molate in a full-court press with death by a thousand cuts. As we described in a previous E-FORUM, four individuals, Pam Stello, James Hanson, Tony Sustak and Paul Carman (all RPA-associated) as well as two organizations, SPRAWLDEF and Citizens for Eastshore Parks, have filed a petition with the Superior Court to have the Point Molate settlement, a Federal Court judgment, set aside. The city attorney believes the petition is without merit and has filed a response and seeks an intervention in federal court.
Now three RPA City Council members (Recino, Martinez and Willis) two of whom opposed the Point Molate settlement, have placed Item N-2 on the City Council agenda for Tuesday night to expand the scope, cost, complexity and time required to complete the visioning process, putting into jeopardy the tight schedule required to meet terms of the court ordered judgment. The extensive and complicated process they want to adopt is the same one drafted by the plaintiffs, Pam Stello, James Hanson, Tony Sustak and Paul Carman.
DIRECT staff to make modifications to the timeline and scope of the Point Molate Land Use Visioning process to allow for comprehensive outreach and meaningful community participation - Councilmembers Eduardo Martinez (620-6593), Ada Recinos (620-5431), and Vice Mayor Melvin Willis (412-2050).
If the RPA doesn’t kill it, he first Community Visioning Workshop and Site Tour is set for this coming Saturday, June 23, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 P at Point Molate. I urge as many people as possible to show up, because low turnout will prompt the RPA to claim there wasn’t enough public notice.

The City of Richmond is seeking community input about how to best use the land at Point Molate for the benefit of all. The first of three community visioning workshops and site tour will be held Saturday, June 23 from 10 AM to 2 PM meeting at Building 1, which is the iconic brick “castle” in the Winehaven Historic District.
Key areas for visioning will include restoration and adaptive reuse of the Winehaven Historic District and locations for the minimum of 670 houses required under settlement terms of litigation challenging the City’s denial of the proposed gambling casino. The settlement requires developing the property in a manner that is generally consistent with the Point Molate Reuse Plan (Reuse Plan), which was first adopted by the City Council in 1997 and incorporated in large part into the City’s General Plan 2030. The Reuse Plan includes completion of the Bay Trail and preservation of at least 70 percent of the 270 acres of dry land at Point Molate as shoreline park and hillside open space. In addition, East Bay Regional Park District’s (EBRPD) Master Plan includes a potential Regional Shoreline park at Point Molate.
CLICK HERE for more details on the June 23 event and to register to stay informed about upcoming workshops, surveys, and other project updates (https://richmondpointmolate.org). |