We'd like your help to select the final three names for the SFBayOspreys.org chicks. Here are the possible choices.
We've got names on this list that we think you may really like. ;-)
Please vote on this morning's Facebook post on Bay Ospreys,
and invite your constituents to vote on the same post too, please.
In alphabetical order, the 9 names to choose 3 from are:
BRISA "breeze", in Spanish
ESPERANZA "hope", in Spanish
LUCRETIA honoring Lucretia Edwards a Richmond conservationist who helped preserve thousands of acres of Richmond's shoreline.
NIZHONI means "beauty" in Navajo. Name was suggested by the CEO of Friendship House in SF because Ospreys bring beauty with their presence.
PRIDE & PURPOSE a pair of names for 2 chicks, honoring the City of Richmond's motto, "Pride & Purpose". #RichmondCA named the Osprey their city's official bird!
RAINBOW indicating a colorful promise, and a tribute to the fact that these chicks' mother (Rosie) was confirmed as returned from migration and reunited with Richmond, with a rainbow in the sky this spring.
ROEMER honoring Elsie Roemer, an outstanding GGAS bird conservationist and educator who advocated tenaciously for Bay birds and shoreline habitats.
VICTORY remembering the hundreds of ships built in Richmond during WWII, including the Red Oak Victory which is docked beside the Whirley Crane.
Cindy Margulis
Executive Director
Golden Gate Audubon Society
2530 San Pablo Ave., Suite G
Berkeley, CA 94702
www.goldengateaudubon.org |