| This just in from Steve Early, author of Refinery Town. The Transformative Cities initiative has concluded that Richmond is one of three Utopias in the U.S. and the only one in California! And April Fool’s Day is still nearly a week away.
Dear participant of the Transformative Cities initiative, (comunicación en castellano y materiales estarán disponibles la semana próxima)
After months of work we are excited to share with you Transformative Cities Atlas of Utopias - (http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias/) a global gallery that we launch today of inspiring community-led transformation in water, energy and housing .
The atlas features 32 communities from 19 countries who responded to TNI’s Transformative Cities initiative which seeks to learn from cities working on radical solutions to our world’s systemic economic, social and ecological crises.
We are grateful of all your support so far submitting your stories and providing us with inspiring pictures. Without you this initiative would not exist. Thank you!
What is the purpose of this Atlas?
The project is by no means a comprehensive mapping of transformative practices worldwide. Transformation in one area such as water management does not necessarily mean transformative practice elsewhere in the city. Nevertheless, the atlas showcases inspiring stories of communities challenging entrenched power and boldly developing alternatives. These range from small villages in Bolivia to international cities like Paris that have confronted multinational corporations and hostile national governments and delivered democratic, people-powered solutions on water, energy and housing.
The cases show how public solutions based on principles of cooperation and solidarity rather than competition and private profit have been more successful in meeting people’s basic needs – and perhaps just as importantly in creating a spirit of confidence and empowerment that strengthen communities for many other challenges. These initiatives demonstrate in practice that another world is possible, and is already happening.
In the coming weeks, Transformative Cities will be exploring nine case in more depth and then inviting the public to vote their favourites. Our goal long-term is to learn from and with the communities on what delivers radical transformation at local level in terms of power relations and social and ecological justice.
Please take a look at the Atlas and share it with your networks via email, social media or word of mouth. Of course if you notice something that needs to be changed of have suggestions for improvement we look forward to receive them. For a more in-depth analysis of the atlas, check out the analysis of Sol Trumbo and Nick Buxton on the website of Open Democracy. https://www.opendemocracy.net/sol-trumbo-vila-nick-buxton/atlas-of-real-utopias
Utopia lies at the horizon. When I draw nearer by two steps, it retreats two steps. If I proceed ten steps forward, it swiftly slips ten steps ahead. No matter how far I go, I can never reach it.
What, then, is the purpose of utopia? It is to cause us to advance. Eduardo Galeano
How to share it? Some suggestions
- Send this same email text (with small changes if need it) to your community/network/organisation and the e-list you are part of.
- Write a post in the website of your community/network/organisation. The text in the email above could be a good basis.
- Write a post on Facebook/Instagram. Suggested post:
A source of inspiration very much need it in these times. The TNI lead Transformative Cities initiative launches an Atlas Of Utopias. 32 initiatives from 19 countries that demonstrate in practice that another world is possible, and is already happening. http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias
- Do a few tweets using #Atlas of Utopias. Suggested Tweets:
Don't miss #AtlasOfUtopias - a global gallery of inspiring community-led transformation in water, energy and housing that bring real solutions to our world’s systemic economic, social and ecological crises. http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias
Today @TransfCities launches the #AtlasOfUtopias with 32 initiatives that demonstrate in practice that another world is possible, and is already happening.http://transformativecities.org/atlas-of-utopias
- Use the Graphics of the Atlas of Utopias. We have created a series of images and memes to promote the Atlas. There is also one for your own initiative.https://nextcloud.tni.org/s/AUVTBoB7QwcqeYN
- Share the article written by Sol Trumbo and Nick Buxton for Open Democracy
(materiales estarán disponibles la semana próxima)
If you have any questions please let us know. Also let us know if you have exciting initiatives coming up, so we share them with the global community we are creating.
Thanks you again,
Sol, Nick, Evan, Angela, Bea and the rest of the Transformative Cities team.