| Seeking Recommendations for Richmond Air Monitoring Sensor Locations
Groundwork Richmond, in partnership with the City of Richmond and environmental consultant Ramboll, was awarded a grant from the California Air Resources Board to deploy 50 air monitoring sensors throughout the Richmond community. This effort is part of the State of California Assembly Bill 617 (AB617) Community Air Protection Program.
We are asking for community input to recommend where the air monitors should be installed. Please submit location recommendations by December 15th, 2018 at www.shairaq.io/richmond-sensor-locator/.
AB617 Community Air Protection Program:
Assembly Bill 617 (Garcia, C., Chapter 136, Statutes of 2017) is a State-mandated program that uses a community-based approach to reduce local air pollution in communities around the State that continue to experience disproportionate impacts from air pollution. Richmond is one of two focus communities for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s initial implementation of the AB 617 Richmond Area Community Health Protection Program. The outcome will include the development of an action plan to reduce air pollution and exposure in the Richmond community.