Tom Butt
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  Police Department Executive Leadership Review - Report
November 27, 2018

In the aftermath of the Mark Gagan and Jasmine Abuslin incidents, both of which received extensive press coverage (see hyperlinks below), former City Manager Bill Lindsay commissioned an Executive  Leadership Review of the Richmond Police Department by MBD Innovations (author Michael Davis). The Report is dated September 2018 and was released by the city manager today.

Click here for the  full report. Following is the Report Summary

The Report examines the executive leadership efficacy of the RPD based on the stated goals and intended outcomes of the organization.

The consultant conducted a site visit and interviewed 22 individuals including city staff, leaders within the RPD and community members. An online anonymous survey of all sergeants and officers was conducted with 67 respondents.

Determine if the command staff of the RPD has the organization on the track towards optimization as compared to the paragons of organizational effectiveness.
The Report examines both Internal and External organizational dimensions making the following findings:

External Dimension
The connectivity between RPD executive team and the City Manager is sub-optimal.
A comprehensive strategy does not exist to challenge the conditions that contribute to crime and disorder in Richmond.
The police department’s community policing strategy is focused mostly on solving the problems presented to them by the community.
There are pockets of the community that are distrustful of the police and there is no cogent strategy to address it.

Internal Dimensions
There is no compelling articulated vision for the Richmond Police Department.
The current organizational structure fosters an operational disconnect from management (lieutenants and above) and first line staff.
The talents of line staff within the RPD are underutilized.
The RPOA and RPD administration relationship is unnecessarily acrimonious.
Poor morale is the predominant issue raised by line staff.

There are gaps in the competencies of strategy, approach and execution towards optimization.
The RPD is fundamentally sound in the delivery of police services.
To improve, there is work to be done in both the internal and external dimensions.
The most pressing issues for the RPD reside in resolving the internal issues.