| I really appreciate the East Bay Times endorsement, which states:
In the mayoral race, Butt understands the problem. Although he hasn’t been as forceful as we would like in addressing it, he stands head and shoulders above his competitor, Councilman Melvin Willis, who is banking on still more tax revenues to solve the city’s financial problems.
The editorial went on to say:
Despite all that, city officials only managed to balance the budget in recent years by diverting funds from a 2014 half-cent sales tax increase that they had suggested to voters would go toward fixing deteriorating roads.
As I have said many times, the story that the City Council misled the public on Measure U in 2014, has risen to the level of an urban myth. I know because I initiated what became Measure U. I pursued it in the beginning as a way to address our severely underfunded street maintenance effort, but as we continued to discuss it, it became clear that we had other budget shortfalls equally severe. When Measure U went on the ballot, it included not just street paving but also “….fund and maintain essential city services, such as public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs…” The exact ballot wording is quoted below:
Shall the City of Richmond adopt a one-half cent transactions and use (sales) tax, to fund and maintain essential city services, such as public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs and street paving
The impartial analysis from the city attorney in the voter packet included the following:
The revenue from this sales tax would be deposited in the City's general fund. It could be used for any legal municipal purpose, including public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs, street paving, and any other City program and service.
See what was on the City’s website at the time at https://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2913/Measure-U, including a Measure U Presentation.
Editorial: Richmond leaders need to get a grip on city finances
The best hope lies with re-electing Mayor Tom Butt and electing Pimplé, Zepeda, Johnson for council
By East Bay Times editorial |
PUBLISHED: October 4, 2018 at 6:15 am | UPDATED: October 4, 2018 at 6:48 am
Richmond will never climb out of its deep debt unless voters elect leaders who recognize the seriousness of the situation: City finances are getting worse, not better.
The city faces serious pockets of poverty and a corresponding demand for government services. But, despite some of the highest tax rates in the East Bay, Richmond leaders keep trying to provide more than they can afford and consequently burying the community deeper in debt.
They need to get a grip.

Richmond Mayor Tom Butt (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)
The candidates for mayor and council in the Nov. 6 election generally fall into two camps — those in denial and those who acknowledge reality and want to do something about it.
We recommend the best candidates in the latter group: Incumbent Tom Butt for mayor and Vinay Pimplé, Cesar Zepeda and Demnlus Johnson III for City Council. Their understanding and acknowledgment of the problem puts them ahead of at least half of the 15 candidates running for mayor and council.
Despite lots of talk about addressing the city’s financial problems, the shortfall on the city’s pension and retiree health plans for its workers keeps growing rapidly, from $446 million in 2015 to $613 million in 2018.

Vinay Pimplé (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)
This in a time when the economy was recovering. This even though property owners pay a special tax to cover part of the cost of public employee pensions. And even though the city charges a transfer tax on property sales that dwarfs almost all other cities in the state.
Despite all that, city officials only managed to balance the budget in recent years by diverting funds from a 2014 half-cent sales tax increase that they had suggested to voters would go toward fixing deteriorating roads.
Simply put, the city is living beyond its means on broken promises.

Cesar Zepeda (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)
In the mayoral race, Butt understands the problem. Although he hasn’t been as forceful as we would like in addressing it, he stands head and shoulders above his competitor, Councilman Melvin Willis, who is banking on still more tax revenues to solve the city’s financial problems.
Meanwhile, there are 13 candidates running for the three council seats.
Pimplé is a standout. Appointed to fill a vacancy in 2015, the lawyer and former software engineer proved to be the smartest and most financially astute member of the council. Unfortunately, he lost his 2016 bid for a full term. Fortunately for the residents of Richmond, he’s trying again.

Demnlus Johnson III (Aric Crabb/Bay Area News Group)
Similarly, Zepeda, an insurance agent who ran unsuccessfully in 2016, is trying again. And once again, he’s one of the strongest candidates, both for his careful study of city finances and his community leadership.
Zepeda serves as president of Hilltop District Neighborhood Council, Richmond Rainbow Pride, West County Democratic Club and Calle 23, which aims to revitalize Richmond’s 23rd Street and Civic Center area.
Finally, we recommend Johnson, the chair of the city’s Economic Development Commission. A fourth-generation Richmond resident who grew up in the Iron Triangle, graduated from college in 2015 and works as a community outreach coordinator for the West Contra Costa School District, he’s wise beyond his years — and he’s done his homework.
Butt for mayor. Pimplé, Zepeda and Johnson for City Council. Together, they provide the best hope for placing Richmond on a fiscally responsible path.
Shall the City of Richmond adopt a one-half cent transactions and use (sales) tax, to fund and maintain essential city services, such as public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs and street paving?
General Revenue for All City Services
The revenue from this sales tax would be deposited in the City's general fund. It could be used for any legal municipal purpose, including public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs, street paving, and any other City program and service. |