The Richmond City Council went off the tracks last night, caving in to an obsessed mob of Point Molate obstructionists and adopting a framework for future development that is so constricted it will probably make future development economically infeasible. Of course, this was their plan all along.
The adopted motion copied below is intended to set the requirements on which any of six selected developer finalists must base their development proposals.
The most egregious requirement is making Drum Lot 2 off limits for housing. It is the only area at Point Molate that can accommodate all or most of the 670 units allowed by the Federal Court approved Settlement Agreement.
Essentially, these are poison pills that seriously subvert or render the Settlement Agreement useless.
Councilmembers Jael Myrick and Ada Recinos, who previously voted for the Settlement Agreement caved in to political pressure and flipped on this one, providing two of the four votes needed to pass.
I-2. In the matter to accept the Point Molate Vision for inclusion in the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Point Molate, and AUTHORIZE the city manager to issue the RFP to the shortlist of qualified master developers for Point Molate; and
I-3. In the matter to direct staff to report how the input from the Community Visioning sessions will be incorporated into the Point Molate concept plans presented to the Planning Commission and City Council, the Council combined Items I-2 and I-3 for discussion and action:
A motion by Councilmember Myrick to add the following to the request for proposal: No housing on the southern district; maximum 670 housing units; mix of affordable housing with a goal of two thirds to be moderate, low income, and very low income; include an evacuation plan and a transportation plan with an MOU with AC Transit or shuttle program; infrastructure costs for housing must be self-funded by the project with no additional cost to Richmond taxpayers including no additional debt funded by Richmond taxpayers outside of Point Molate. Vice Mayor Willis seconded the motion and requested a friendly amendment that the south development area drum lot be converted into a community land trust; include a community benefits package; allow multiple developers; and the visioning criteria in the visioning document to include the Richmond Community-owned Development Enterprise document and the Point Molate Community Plan document as criteria for scoring the developments as proposals go out. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Myrick removed the 670 maximum housing stipulations from his motion and only accepted the friendly amendment to include the visioning criteria in the visioning document to include the Richmond Community-owned Development Enterprise document and the Point Molate Community Plan document as criteria for scoring the developments as proposals go out. Vice Mayor Willis withdrew his second. Councilmember Recinos seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Choi, Martinez, Myrick, Recinos. Noes: Councilmember Beckles and Mayor Butt. Abstain: Vice Mayor Willis.
It really is essential to use the November election to remove the RPA’s irresponsible dominance of the City Council and return our city to one governed by reason and not by wackos. |