Many people have contacted me or the Mayor’s Office about the BAART Richmond clinic proposed to be relocated from 1313 Cutting Boulevard to 3563 San Pablo Dam Road. Many people appear to believe that the City of Richmond or even the Mayor’s Office is driving this relocation.
To be clear, the City of Richmond, including the mayor and City Council, have had no role whatsoever in the relocation proposal for the BAART clinic. At this point no decision making body of the City has taken any action either for or against the proposed relocation.
As an independent health care provider, BayMark Health Services (the applicant) is responsible for choosing the location and securing any necessary permits from regulatory agencies. The sole responsibility of the City of Richmond is for the Richmond Planning Department to review the application for land-use related permits submitted by the applicant.
According to the BAART website, BAART Richmond has been providing drug treatment since 1988 and offers treatment for addiction to heroin and prescription medications such as OxyContin, hydrocodone, and other opioids. BAART has a staff dedicated to offering individualized, caring services to help patients lead a more productive and healthy lifestyle. In addition to drug treatment, BAART provides primary care services. BAART is committed to high quality community based health care. Services Include:
- Methadone Maintenance
- Methadone Detoxification
- Buprenorphine Maintenance
- Individualized Substance Use Disorder Counseling
- Addiction Education
- Relapse Prevention
- Primary Health Care
- Case Management
- Coordinated Treatment during Pregnancy
If you need more information about the clinic, their services or their relocation plans, please contact the Contra Costa Health Services, Alcohol and Other Drugs Program or Nadine Robbins-Laurent ( at BayMark Health Services.
The Planning Department will ultimately provide for the same public process as is done with any other proposal requiring similar permits. That process includes multiple opportunities for public input as well as review by the Planning Commission. The project will require a conditional use permit..
Anyone who is interested may track the progress of the application using the city's etrakit system. Visit and search for Project # PLN17-384.
There is also the option to sign up for regular notifications from the Planning Department and other City offices. The email notifications for the weekly list of Planning projects, Design Review Board agendas and Planning Commission agendas can all be accessed here:

BAART Clinic, 1313 Cutting Boulevard

Proposed BAART Clinic, 3563 Sn Pablo Dam Road