| Thanks to Garry and Maryn Hurlbut and other hardworking volunteers, youth tennis rocks in Richmond.
The mission of the Richmond Tennis Association (RTA) is to improve the healthy lifestyles for Richmond residents of all ages through active participation in vigorous tennis programs along with enhanced facilities and adjacent parks.

Nicholl Park Tennis Courts
The Richmond Tennis Association (RTA) is pleased to announce the completion of the reconstruction of two very old and previously unusable tennis courts at Nicholl Park, 3230 Macdonald Avenue. This has been made possible by a generous $10,000 facility grant from the US Tennis Association (USTA) and a $2,888 donation from RTA.
There are now six courts available at Nicholl Park which will allow the Richmond Tennis Programs to continue to grow and meet the needs of our Richmond adults and youths in their pursuit of active and healthy lifestyles.
Previously, the tennis courts at the Richmond Plunge were rehabilitated and augmented by a beautiful garden, celebrated on July 15..

Om Memorial Day weekend, RTA’s Dil Chitaure achieved the #1 USTA Northern California 3.5 Ranking with his Memorial Day Weekend Tournament victory!!
In April, the four RTA Richmond playoff teams played some great tennis:
- The RTA Men's team won a nail biter 1st round playoff match against the Oakland Davie Stadium team as Tom Treynor and Ben Chuaqui fought off two match points to win the deciding line as we won the match, 3-2, and moved on to the League Championship match versus the Claremont Resort and Spa team on 4/15.
- The other RTA playoff teams did not fare as well but, nevertheless, acquitted themselves well as competitive Richmond sportsmen/women.
Congratulations on a great season by all the RTA men/women.
In March, for of the RTA five Adult teams finished off their regular season and made into their respective league championship playoffs. In March PLAYOFFS:
- The RTA 4.0 Men's team beat Laney, 2-1, and will face Davie Stadium
- The RTA Men's team beat Salesian, 3-0, and will face Claremont Resort and Spa
- The RTA Women's team lost to Laney, 1-2, but made the playoffs against Salesian
- The RTA Women swept Berkeley Tennis Club, 3-0, and will face Salesian
- The RTA Men beat Salesian, 2-1, but lost to Claremont R&S, 1-2, to get knocked out of playoff contention. Nevertheless, a great season!
For more information:
Garry Hurlbut
President, RTA
510-547-8111 (c).
"news and events" on http://www.rta-ca.org
Like RTA on https://facebook.com/richmondtennisca |