For months, vandals and taggers have been systematically trashing and defacing two of the iconic historic buildings of Shipyard 3, the Cafeteria and the General Warehouse. The buildings were broken into repeatedly, the meager contents trashed, and the wall covered with graffiti. Both buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and are part of the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park. The City is looking for lessees for both buildings.
For a video taken about a month ago, see
Since that time, the Port of Richmond has fully secured and boarded both buildings and painstakingly cleaned the graffiti off the concrete facade of the General Warehouse, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars.
But the taggers just kept coming back and doing it again.
Finally, with the help of a new security camera system and some witnesses, Richmond Police Department nabbed a team of seven taggers on April 5. There were seven juveniles, all from Richmond. One was arrested and cite-released to his parents for the crime of misdemeanor Vandalism; one received a traffic citation and his mom's car was impounded; and the remaining detainees were all released to their parents. In the case against the one arrestees, the act was witnessed, caught on video and confessed to. It will be forwarded to Juvenile Probation for disposition.
