Che Rodgers and Jillian Meeker will succeed Bryan & Stephanie Wesolek as keepers of East Brother light Station on April 28. After two years of extraordinary service, Bryan and Stephanie are off to sail around the world.
Che and Jillian were interviewed via Skype and recruited from New Zealand where they had been working during the (New Zealand) summer. They grew up locally (Jillian in Santa Cruz and Che in West Marin) but have traveled widely in their previous work.
Both have extensive experience in the hospitality industry, and Che has a U.S. Coast Guard 50-ton Master’s certificate.
Che has worked in the cruise ship and charter industry in Alaska and Washington, piloted a private yacht in Scotland, and worked as a restaurant cook. He has wooden boatbuilding skills and plays the mandolin and banjo.
Jillian also has a performing arts, cinema and musical background has been an innkeeper in Port Townsend and worked in a Santa Cruz restaurant.
Che and Jillian will be employees of East Brother Light Station, Inc., a non-profit corporation that since 1979 has operated one of California's best-known and unique bed and breakfast inns. The income from operations is used by a group of volunteers to maintain the buildings, which are both a California State Historical Landmark and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Volunteers assemble at East Brother the second Saturday of each month to paint, clean fix, plant and maintain the historic structures and the island’s boat.
East Brother is an island in San Francisco Bay that is the home of an intact 1874 lighthouse and fog signal. The lighthouse is owned by the U.S. Coast Guard but maintained for public use by the non-profit corporation.
For more information, see
