Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending April 21, 2017.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25th beginning with Closed Session at 6:00 PM followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: Richmond City Council Agenda Packet.
- 2. These Ospreys are Egg-shausting to Watch
When a couple makes an investment in a home, especially one in which they expect to start a family, remodeling and basic upkeep of the structure become a constant effort. Such is certainly the case with Rosie and Richmond, the Port of Richmond’s favorite ospreys, as they stay busy finding various pieces of flotsam with which to adorn their nest, all while incubating their eggs and getting “take out” meals from the water. This week’s decorating addition is a small length of rope that no osprey nest should be without.
As previously reported in this weekly report, and thanks to the Golden Gate Audubon Society, the San Francisco Bay area – and the world – can get an astonishing view into the life of an intrepid pair of ospreys that are nesting in Richmond, thanks to the launch of the region’s first live streaming osprey nest camera. The live video stream, viewable at http://SFBayOspreys.org, allows the world to enjoy close and personal views of an osprey pair – named Rosie and Richmond – as they raise young over the next several months. The video stream also captures the magnificent views of San Francisco Bay.
Check it out!

- 3. Richmond Art Center – Open House on Saturday (Tomorrow), April 22nd
The Richmond Art Center will be hosting an Open House event on Saturday (tomorrow), April 22nd from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The event will feature students selling their artwork, teaching artists doing demonstrations in each studio, a food truck, and activities for kids.

- 4. 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth
The Richmond Community Foundation (RCF) is partnering once again with the West Contra Costa Unified School District in helping to introduce students to industry leaders and local employers at the 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth: Building the Next Generation Workforce on Wednesday, May 10th.
This year’s summit focuses on ensuring that our young community members (up and coming high school graduates) are prepared to fill the employment opportunities that we know will be available in our region in the coming years. The event will also help employers and industry leaders understand how to strategically and effectively build our next generation workforce.
This convening will attract educators, community organizations, community leaders, local government and elected officials, businesses, and area foundations from throughout Northern California to share innovative approaches, research-driven models, and best practices for supporting children and youth.
Featured speakers for this event will include:
Register today for the 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth! Click here for more details!

- 5. Spring Clothing Drive to Benefit Bay Area Rescue Mission

Beginning April 17th, the Community Services Department will be partnering with the Bay Area Rescue Mission (BARM) to collect new, unworn undergarments including underwear, bras, socks, and belts. While plenty of clothing is donated to the residents and guests at BARM, new undergarments are much more difficult to come by. Please consider donating these clothing articles in their original packaging to the barrels located at any of the following City of Richmond locations:
- Booker T. Anderson Community Center
- Community Services Building (Recreation Complex)
- May Valley Community Center
- Nevin Community Center
- Parchester Community Center
- Richmond City Hall
- Richmond Plunge
- Richmond Police Department
- Richmond Public Library – Bayview
- Richmond Public Library – West Side
- Richmond Swim Center
- Shields-Reid Community Center
For more information about the spring clothing drive, contact Stephanie Ny at stephanie_ny@ci.richmond.ca.us or (510) 620-6563.
For more information about Bay Area Rescue Mission, visit http://www.bayarearescue.org or call (510) 215-4555.
- 6. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Meetings of note this past week included:
- Met with the Finance Department’s budget team to continue to prepare the FY 2017-18 budget;
- Participated in a conference call, together with Finance Director Belinda Warner and Water Resource Recovery Manager Ryan Smith, and the financing team, to discuss preparing a ratings presentation in connection with wastewater infrastructure financing;
- Met with members of the Safe Return Project, along with Senior Deputy City Attorney Everett Jenkins, to discuss implementation of the Fair Housing Ordinance;
- Attended the monthly Council of Industries meeting, at which Planning and Building Services Director Richard Mitchell provided the keynote presentation;
- Met with West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) Superintendent Matt Duffy and members of his staff, along with Senior Management Analyst LaShonda White, Finance Director Belinda Warner, and Planning and Building Services Manager Richard Mitchell, to discuss the concept of a teacher housing incentive program;
- Attended the WCCUSD Food Services Department Nutrition Celebration held at Mira Vista Elementary School;
- Met with El Cerrito City Manager Scott Hanin and Police Chief Paul Keith, together with Richmond Police Chief Allwyn Brown and Police Captain Arnold Threets, to discuss dispatch services contract terms;
- Met with representatives of the Integral Development team, along with Administrative Chief Shasa Curl and Management Analyst Mike Uberti, to discuss the status of the residential development project at the Fire Training Center;
- Attended the Richmond Promise Board meeting.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
- 7. Environmental Sustainability Summer Jobs Available for Richmond Youth and Young Adults
The City of Richmond is partnering with the Rising Sun Energy Center to connect Richmond youth and young adults with the California Youth Energy Services (CYES) program. CYES employs local youth to provide free residential energy and water efficiency installation and education services, or Green House Calls, and operates in six Bay Area and Central Valley counties, including Richmond. Rising Sun is currently recruiting Richmond residents for Energy Specialists and Managers.
Energy Specialist:
Rising Sun is hiring youth ages 15-22 for the Energy Specialist position. On the job, pairs of Energy Specialists visit homes in their communities by pre-scheduled appointments to help residents save water and energy.
Energy Specialist Job Description
Application: https://risingsunenergy.org/job-application/
Leader-In-Field-Training (LIFT):
Rising Sun is hiring young people ages 18-24 for the position of LIFT. LIFT will support Energy Specialists in their job of providing no cost installations of water and energy saving devices to residents. LIFT's learn technical and transferable skills working closely with their managers and creating a pathway for them to return as managers.
Leader-In-Field-Training (LIFT) Job Description
Application: https://risingsunenergy.org/summer-program-manager-outreach-associate-lift-and-program-assistant-application/
Summer Program Manager:
Rising Sun is hiring Summer Program Managers. We are looking for individuals looking to increase their grassroots outreach skills and managerial experience, while gaining a foothold in the non-profit sustainability sector and supporting local youth. SPM's will run the sites and manage and mentor the Energy Specialists who provide energy efficiency assessments and installations to residents.
Summer Program Manager Job Description
Application: https://risingsunenergy.org/summer-program-manager-outreach-associate-lift-and-program-assistant-application/
- 8. First Annual “Taste of Richmond”
Help celebrate the diverse food, beverage, music, and culture of Richmond at the first annual “Taste of Richmond”. This event will feature samples for Richmond’s diverse food and beverage scene, and will introduce guests to spectacular sweeping views of the San Francisco Bay, the San Francisco skyline, and Richmond's treasured shoreline. Local restaurants, caterers, and beverage establishments, including R&B Cellars, Carica Wines, Irish Monkey Cellars, Far West Cider Company, East Brother Beer Company, and others will offer limited tastes of both food and beverages.
The First Annual Taste of Richmond will be on Saturday, May 20th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Riggers Loft Winery in the Historic Point Richmond Ship Building District, presented by the City of Richmond Economic Development Commission.
All samples and tastes are included in the single admission price of $12.00 or two tickets for $20.00. Children under 10 are admitted free.
Please join us for this “tasteful” event. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit: www.taste-of-richmond.eventbrite.com.
- 9. Celebrate National Bike Month Bike Month in Richmond & the East Bay
Spring is the time to get bicycling again, and to enjoy the many benefits of riding that include:
- Saving money on gas, parking and transit;
- Bypassing congested traffic or transit schedules;
- Reveling in the convenience of the door to door commute and hassle free parking;
- Getting 40 minutes of exercise (the average commute), which directly improves physical and mental health.
There are plenty of great options to celebrate National Bike Month in Richmond and in the greater East Bay. Please use the following link for a short guide to getting started to enjoy Bike Month to the full, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for Bike to Work Day on May 11th.
- 10 Richmond Main Street’s Annual Stakeholders’ Meeting
Join the Richmond Main Street Initiative for a look back on the successes and challenges of 2016 and to discuss the vision and goals for 2017 and beyond. Hear Downtown development updates, Energize Richmond Campaign information, and more. The meeting will take place on Monday, April 24th from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts (339 11th Street, Richmond).
Light refreshments will be provided, and all Downtown Richmond and Community Stakeholders are welcome. RSVP online by following the link RSVP here or by calling (510) 236-4049. For more information: email admin@richmondmainstreet.org.

- 11. Free Energy Efficiency Workshop for Richmond Homeowners
Looking to reduce energy use, increase comfort, and add value to your home - plus get incentives and rebates? Learn how to save money and make your home more energy efficient at the FREE homeowner workshop sponsored by the Bay Area Regional Energy Network and hosted by Contra Costa County and the City of Richmond.
At this FREE event:
- Find out about rebates of up to $5,500 available through the Bay Area Regional Energy Network
- Learn about the co-benefits of energy efficiency including health and comfort
- Obtain information about cost-effective programs and measures that can save energy and money
Property owners are encouraged to attend the free workshop on Monday, May 1st from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Richmond City Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza.
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Registration, complimentary snacks, and refreshments
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Workshop Presentation
RSVP today at https://richmond-homeownerworkshop-may01.eventbrite.com
For more information, contact Lorin Fink at Lorin.fink@clearesult.com or (650) 226-4010 ext. 8004.
Further details on the Home Upgrade program are available online at www.bayareaenergyupgrade.org.
- 12. Second Annual Richmond Promise Scholars Celebration!
Please join your community members to honor Richmond Promise scholars who are owning their future; recognize our civic and educational partnerships that are critical to their success; and celebrate what the Promise means to the Richmond community. This year’s celebration will be Thursday, May 25th from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.
The event is free, but space is limited. Student Scholars may bring up to three friends or family members. Please RSVP online to confirm attendance. Please send inquiries to info@richmondpromise.org or call (510) 761-7231.
Opportunities for participation:
- Attend! Join us at this event to honor and celebrate Richmond young people attending college! The event is free, but space is limited to 1,000 guests, with priority to Richmond students and families. RSVP here to confirm attendance: https://rpscholarcelebration.eventbrite.com
- Table! Do you offer a resource or a program that is beneficial to Richmond families and college-going high school students? Consider providing a table at the College Fair! Contact Richmond Promise to confirm your spot: info@richmondpromise.org
- 13. Community Compost Workshop
International Compost Awareness Week is May 6th-14th and the UC Master Gardeners will be hosting a Community Compost Workshop to celebrate! The event will be at the Richmond Main Library (325 Civic Center Plaza) Saturday, May 13th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. This event will feature presentations and demonstrations from the Master Gardeners on hot and cold composting, EBMUD on garden water saving tips, and vermicomposting (worm) bin building. It will cost $20 to build a vermicomposting bin.
For more information about the event, please visit ccmg.ucanr.edu/compostweek or call Tom at 925-997-8459.

- 14. Richmond’s Food Emporium Relaunching April 30th
Food Emporium, Richmond’s very own version of Off the Grid, returns to Hilltop Lake Park for its spring kickoff on Sunday, April 30th from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and it’s bigger and better than ever!
Come out for an afternoon of fun for all ages – a jump house, mini car show, live music, and art activities. And, of course, food trucks will be making their way over to serve you delicious meals, including local favorites That’s My Dog, Kim’s Louisiana Fried Turkey & Stuff, and Curbside Kitchen!
Food Emporium is run by the community, for the community. Join us in creating a fun and family-friendly space for residents to come together and check out everything Richmond has to offer. We hope you’ll stop by!
Food Emporium is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We gladly welcome volunteers, entertainers, artists, sponsors, and vendors of all kinds to help make this event a success. To find out how you can get involved, visit our website at https://www.foodemporium.online/.
- 15. Community Services Highlights
Shields-Reid Community Center Beautification Day
The Shields-Reid Achieve Afterschool Program is proud to announce a “Love Your Block” Open House Park and Community Center beautification day, and you’re invited! Youth participants, neighborhood volunteers, along with community groups (North Richmond Municipal Advisory Committee, the North Richmond Green Team, and the Richmond Art Center) are teaming up to clean the park, work on planter boxes for the new children’s garden, and paint a mural on the park side of the Shields-Reid Community Center. Children in the SRCC Achieve Program are taught to “Respects Themselves and Others” and to “Respect Their Center and Community.” They demonstrate these values by participation in weekly clean-up events throughout the community with the North Richmond Green Team.
Shields-Reid participants will have the opportunity to support the “Love Your Block” grant award by cleaning and beautifying their own park and community center with the help of volunteers. Additionally, Fred Alvarado, a muralist with the Richmond Art Center, has garnered input from the community and worked weekly with the children at SRCC to design a “Sustainable Practices” mural that will be painted during the Open House. All community members are welcome to join in to paint and lend a hand!
We invite the community to come out and support the children of Shields-Reid. Again, all are welcome to the Open House, clean-up, and mural painting. Volunteers are encouraged to register at the Shields-Reid Community Center (1410 Kelsey St) by April 27th. For more information call 510-620-6822. We look forward to seeing you there!

ServiceWorks is Here in Richmond, Volunteer with Us!
ServiceWorks, powered by the City of Richmond Community Services Department in partnership with AmeriCorps, the Citi Foundation and Points of Light, is a groundbreaking, national program that engages 16-24 year olds in Skill Building, Volunteering, and Success Coaching as strategies to help address barriers to youth economic opportunity within the targeted communities in ten major cities in the US. Richmond is one of these sites.
Through ServiceWorks, program participants -- also known as Service Scholars -- gain critical leadership and workplace skills, strengthened networks and community connections AND the opportunity to apply those skills by volunteering and leading their own community service projects.
There is a range of ways for volunteers to support ServiceWorks. We are recruiting Success Coaches, Workshop Facilitators and Recruiters to help us. Whether you have just a day, a few hours a week, or a few hours to commit each month, you can help empower Service Scholars to articulate a vision for their futures, take steps to accomplish their goals and leverage their networks to overcome any obstacles they may be facing in reaching their goals.
Come and volunteer with ServiceWorks to help youth become the leaders of tomorrow. Contact Vanessa Chau at (510) 620-6552 or email Vanessa_Chau@ci.richmond.ca.us for more information and to RSVP for a training session.

Save the Date! ServiceWorks is Hosting a Bootcamp!
Do you know any young adults from the ages of 16-24 interested in becoming a leader? Are you interested in helping out your community? Would you like to host a workshop or mentor a young adult on their pathway to SUCCESS?
ServiceWorks Richmond is hosting a bootcamp to celebrate National Volunteer Week on Saturday, April 29 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Our bootcamp is an energetic, one-day experience, giving participants (16-24) an introduction to how service can be a pathway to college and career, and inspire YOU to become agents for change in your own communities all for FREE! RSVP today!
ServiceWorks Boot Camps are productive, fun and inspiring events--so register today and invite your peers to spread the word!
FREE breakfast and lunch, FREE swag bags, and a chance to win FREE door prizes.
Scholar Participant Sign-Up (16-24 only):
Volunteer Sign-Up (18+):
Please contact Vanessa Chau at (510) 620-6552 or email Vanessa_Chau@ci.richmond.ca.us for more information.

Mural Honoring Fred Jackson to be Painted at the CURME Fred Jackson Peace Harmony Garden
Help us celebrate the life and legacy of Fred Jackson! Artist Timothy B. will create a mural at CURME’s Harmony and Peace Garden on April 23rd and 29th from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 1643 Fred Jackson Way.
For more information please contact Nadia Perez at (510) 621-1568.

Parchester Village Children’s Edible Garden Opens
On April 14th, Richmond Love Your Block grantees Patricia Hall and Raynard Lozano hosted their open showcase of the new Parchester Village Children’s Edible Garden in conjunction with Parchester Community Center’s open house. Afterschool program participants, residents, and community members came together to create flag banners, hunt for eggs, and plant the garden’s very first seedlings.
This new garden is intended to be a source of positivity, education, and inspiration for the community, particularly for the neighborhood youth. If you’d like to get involved, contact Stephanie Ny at stephanie_ny@ci.richmond.ca.us or 510-620-6563.

More Easter Hightlights
The Eastshore Neighborhood Council hosted their “The Love McIntosh” Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Booker T. Anderson Community Center. The event consisted of an Easter Egg hunt for the children, dance contest, food for everyone and baskets for the first 100 children and a raffle for large basket and 2 bikes.
The Richmond Annex Senior Center hosted the sixth annual Spring Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15th. It was another successful year for kids chasing down Easter eggs stuffed with candy treats.
The Easter bunny visited and the Richmond Fire Department gave out stickers for the kids. Fire department personnel provided several activities for the kids, including cupcake decoration, face painting, arts and crafts, and delicious baked desserts made by the seniors. Two new bicycles donated by Target were among the golden egg prizes.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped out, including local seniors, the Richmond Fire Department, and the Boys and Girls Scouts.

- 16. Information Technology
Website Statistics
For the Week Ending 4-21-2017

Tweets and Facebook followers are up!

City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
- Monthly app use has increased each of the last 4 months.
- 74% of users with the app installed used it at lease once in the Month of March.
This City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s Events Calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. Locating one of Richmond’s numerous parks, and welcoming libraries and community centers, including reserving rental space for that special occasion are all done with ease! You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube: https://youtu.be/i4W1wVvB9fw The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
- 17. Engineering/CIP Departments
Engineering Projects
Last Friday, April 14th, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for Unity Park. Unity Park, located near 16th Street and Ohio Avenue on the Richmond Greenway, is a community designed and built park in conjunction with the City, volunteer organizations, and local builders. It is a $5 million dollar park project that will include a community garden and soccer field within the space. Construction will begin the week of April 24, 2017.
Unity Park Groundbreaking Ceremony
There were new traffic signal video detection systems installed at multiple locations along the Richmond Parkway. The systems were installed at Lakeside Drive, Atlas Road, Hensley Street, and at the Bella Vista Apartment intersection.
Detection System install at Lakeside Drive
Traffic calming reconfiguring on Barrett Avenue proved to be an issue for cars attempting to turn left from the westbound lanes. The traffic modification to create a left turn lane onto Westbound I-80 was completed on Thursday, April 20th. This change will allow for safe turns and less congestion for westbound travelers.
Barrett Avenue Traffic Modification
Streets Division
Paving crews worked from the outstanding pothole list in various locations around the City, placed grindings in alleyways, performed storm patrol, and continue to address issues on Via Verdi and Rifle Range Roads.

Pothole Repair
Street sweeping staff performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Santa Fe, Point Richmond, Marina Bay, and Coronado neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff fabricated 14 signs in-house, repaired two signs and poles, installed nine new signs and poles, painted 16 feet of curb, and performed storm patrol.
- 18. Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Crews abated and fenced the property located on 37th Street, assisted the Parks Division with weed abatement on Carlson Boulevard, continued with removing illegal dumping and removing graffiti throughout the City.

Fencing of Home
Median Clean-Up
Graffiti Removal
Illegal Dumping
Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Officer Ewing received a complaint about a property with overgrown vegetation. An inspection was conducted and the property owner was issued a 10-day notice to abate. On April 17th, while conducting other inspections, it was observed that the property had been brought into compliance.
Overgrowth Before and After
Facilities Maintenance
A plaque for Anthony C. Allen, beloved community activist, was installed at the Nevin Community Center as a small token of gratitude from the City of Richmond and the community. Mr. Allen coached and mentored the youth of Oakland and Richmond through the schools, the Police Activities League, and various community groups. He helped organize and champion the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts Iron Legacy Project, worked with Nystrom United Revitalization Effort (NURVE), and served as a member of the Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Communtiy Organization (CCISCO) and the Iron Triangle Neighborhood Council. He contributed to local community revitalization projects including the Elm Playlot, Nevin Park, and the Nystrom Revitalization Effort. His efforts and compassion for the community will be greatly missed by all.

Anthony C. Allen Plaque at the Nevin Community Center
Carpenters resolved safety issues at the May Valley Community Center and at the Richmond Plunge.
Painters completed the exterior restrooms of the North Richmond Ballpark and painted the hallway to the community room of the Booker T. Anderson Community Center.

Painting at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center
Electricians replaced a traffic signal knockdown at Macdonald Avenue and 16th Street, attended training, inspected new traffic control cameras, replaced broken fixtures in the Auditorium, picked up downed street light poles, repaired traffic light damage at Valley View and De Anza Drives, and replaced a 3M red light out at Harbour Way and Barrett Avenue.

Signal Replacement
Utility workers set up the Council Chambers for an event, delivered podium and flags for the Unity Park Groundbreaking event, relamped the Council Chambers, set up facilities for various events, and serviced 29 City owned buildings.

Light Replacement in Council Chamber
Parks and Landscaping Division
General maintenance crews prepped the Greenway for the Unity Park groundbreaking ceremony, weeded and trimmed Cutting Boulevard right-of-ways from South 41st to South 45th Streets, assisted with downed trees, repared broken swing at Burg Park, repaired the fence at the Corp Yard, and picked up trash on the Greenway.

Mulching Placement on So. 29th Street Median
Hilltop Districtcrews continued maintenance around Hilltop Mall business area, continued irrigation installation on Richmond Country Club Vista landscaping project, performed weed abatement on Robert Miller Drive, and started weed abatement on Hilltop Drive.

Maintenance on Hilltop Drive
Marina District crews continued the landscaping project on Regatta Boulevard, performed weed abatement through the entrances and shoulders, and continued storm clean up throughout the Marina.

Landscaping Project on Regatta Boulevard
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx