Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending April 14, 2017.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18th at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: Richmond City Council Agenda Packet.
- 2. 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth
The Richmond Community Foundation (RCF) is partnering once again with the West Contra Costa Unified School District in helping to introduce students to industry leaders and local employers at the 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth: Building the Next Generation Workforce on Wednesday, May 10th.
This year’s summit focuses on ensuring that our young community members (up and coming high school graduates) are prepared to fill the employment opportunities that we know will be available in our region in the coming years. While helping employers and industry leaders understand how to strategically and effectively build our next generation workforce.
This convening will attract educators, community organizations, community leaders, local government and elected officials, businesses, and area foundations from throughout Northern California to share innovative approaches, research-driven models, and best practices for supporting children and youth.
Featured speakers for this event will include:
Register today for the 8th Annual Northern California Summit on Children and Youth! Click here for more details!
- 3. Rosie and Richmond Hiding Easter Eggs
Not to be outdone by the Easter Bunny, the Port of Richmond’s favorite ospreys, Rosie and Richmond, now have three decorative “Easter eggs” adorning their nest atop the Whirley Crane at Shipyard 3 adjacent to the Red Oak Victory. They keep the eggs hidden – and warm – as they take turns incubating, sitting and gazing out on Brooks Island and San Francisco Bay.
As previously reported in this weekly report, the San Francisco Bay area – and the world – can get an astonishing view into the life of a pair of ospreys that are nesting in Richmond, thanks to the launch of the region’s first live streaming osprey nest camera. The live video stream, viewable at, allows the world to enjoy close and personal views of an Osprey pair – named Rosie and Richmond – as they raise young over the next several months.

Before nesting began this spring, the Golden Gate Audubon Society installed two high definition streaming video cameras at an osprey nesting spot on the historic Whirley Crane at Shipyard 3 of the Port of Richmond. The perspective on the nest affords a close-up view of osprey family life, while also providing a breathtaking view of San Francisco Bay throughout the day. At night, the cameras switch to infrared mode so that the sleep-time rituals of the family can also be viewable.
Information about ospreys and how local residents can help them is available on the web site that hosts the nest video stream, Golden Gate Audubon has also developed a set of free, downloadable lesson plans for secondary school teachers, using the nest cam to inspire enthusiasm for wildlife and ecology and interest in STEM (science/technology/engineering/math). also hosts a chat room where osprey fans can ask questions and share observations.
The City of Richmond thanks the Golden Gate Audubon Society, and all those who helped make this remarkable gift possible. And, of course, we thank Rosie and Richmond for allowing us into their home.
- 4. Office of Neighborhood Safety Co-Hosts Workshop: Preventing Violence And Fostering Hope
Last Friday, April 7th, the City of Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS), the RYSE Center, and the Alliance for Boys and Men of Color (ABMoC) hosted a full-day event “Preventing Violence and Fostering Hope” in the City of Richmond (North Richmond Young Adult Empowerment Center & the Richmond City Council Chambers).
The "Preventing Violence and Fostering Hope" community of practice was convened to further examine the ONS, which is considered to be a national model for innovative and nontraditional gun violence intervention within city government that is making a noticeable impact in what was once one of the USA’s most violent communities.
Marc Philpart, Senior Director at PolicyLink and leader of their Boys and Men of Color team stated that, "We believe that city/county violence prevention offices—when structured in a way that provide for intensive street outreach and positive, non-punitive alternatives—can tremendously reduce the violence in any community. The Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety is doing just that. More than a city program, the Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety is fostering hope and transforming lives."
With unique and tailored strategies, ONS combines components of evidence-based practices with a community-oriented focus on relationships and mentoring to fill a gap in services and increase community safety. In an effort to highlight these unique strategies and provide a blueprint for other communities with violent crime problems, the contributors to this convening hoped to clearly delineate how the City of Richmond is moving forward with vanguard approaches to invest in the lives of young men who once were labeled the communities’ most violent, even the most deadly, youth.
"Preventing Violence and Fostering Hope" brought together more than 60 leaders from around California and the country in an effort to position these leaders to think about how to replicate and strengthen effective violence prevention efforts in their communities. Richmond Mayor Tom Butt opened the afternoon session, encouraging leaders to think creatively and boldly when working to solve hard problems. Richmond City Manager Bill Lindsay participated on the Policy Roundtable session during which he and other panelists shared a variety of policy considerations for implementing impactful violence prevention opportunities within government structures.
The event concluded with a celebration at the RYSE Center for their annual Be A Kid Fundraiser, which was a huge success!
- 5. Spring Clothing Drive to Benefit Bay Area Rescue Mission

Beginning April 17th, the Community Services Department will again be partnering with the Bay Area Rescue Mission (BARM) – this time to collect new, unworn undergarments such as underwear, bras, socks, and belts. While plenty of clothing is donated to the residents and guests at BARM, new undergarments are much more difficult to come by. Please consider donating these clothing articles in their original packaging to the barrels located at any of the following City of Richmond locations:
- Booker T. Anderson Community Center
- Community Services Building (Recreation Complex)
- May Valley Community Center
- Nevin Community Center
- Parchester Community Center
- Richmond City Hall
- Richmond Plunge
- Richmond Police Department
- Richmond Public Library – Bayview
- Richmond Public Library – West Side
- Richmond Swim Center
- Shields-Reid Community Center
For more information about the spring clothing drive, contact Stephanie Ny at or (510) 620-6563.
For more information about Bay Area Rescue Mission, visit or call (510) 215-4555.
(Scholarships Are Terrific!)
The Friends of the Richmond Public Library and Richmond Public Library Teen Services are sponsoring a $1,250 scholarship to a member of the senior class attending a public, or charter school in West Contra Costa County. The scholarship is offered in collaboration with the West County EdFund for students who will be attending a four-year college in the fall of 2017.
For full details, and an application, go to the library’s website, Application forms will also be available at West County public, and charter high schools
- 7. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Richmond’s Transportation Division is working to expand plug-in opportunities in the community, and recently completed the installation of three new electric vehicle charging stations.

City Hall Library – 325 Civic Center Plaza (on Nevin Avenue)
A Level 2 dual port charger capable of charging two vehicles at the same time.

Family Justice Center- located at 256 24th Street is a single port Level 2 charger.

Kennedy High School Swim Center located at 511-599 S. 45th Street (cross street Cutting Blvd)
To find out more about these stations, and other charging stations near you, go to Read more about the City’s Transportation Program via the following webpage:
- 8. Make a Terrarium for Earth Day
In partnership with the Richmond Art Center, Richmond Public Library hosted a series of art workshops for children which resulted in a colorful mural now on display in the Children’s Room at the Main Library.
Bayview Branch Library will be hosting a Make a Terrarium for Earth Day Program on Thursday, April 20th at 3:00 PM.
- 9. Richmond’s Food Emporium Relaunching April 30th
Food Emporium, Richmond’s very own version of Off the Grid, returns to Hilltop Lake Park for its spring kickoff on Sunday, April 30th from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and it’s bigger and better than ever!
Come out for an afternoon of fun for all ages – a jump house, mini car show, live music, and art activities. And, of course, food trucks will be making their way over to serve you delicious meals, including local favorites That’s My Dog, Kim’s Louisiana Fried Turkey & Stuff, and Curbside Kitchen!
Food Emporium is run by the community, for the community. Join us in creating a fun and family-friendly space for residents to come together and check out everything Richmond has to offer. We hope you’ll stop by!
Food Emporium is a 100% volunteer-run organization. We gladly welcome volunteers, entertainers, artists, sponsors, and vendors of all kinds to help make this event a success. To find out how you can get involved, visit our website at

- 10. Celebrate National Bike Month Bike Month in Richmond & the East Bay
Spring is the time to get bicycling again, and to enjoy the many benefits of riding that include:
- Saving money on gas, parking and transit;
- Bypassing congested traffic or transit schedules;
- Reveling in the convenience of the door to door commute and hassle free parking;
- Getting 40 minutes of exercise (the average commute), which directly improves physical and mental health.
There are plenty of great options to celebrate National Bike Month in Richmond and in the greater East Bay. Please use the following link for a short guide to getting started to enjoy Bike Month to the full, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for Bike to Work Day on May 11th.
- 11. Richmond Main Street’s Annual Stakeholders’ Meeting
Join the Richmond Main Street Initiative for a look back on the successes and challenges of 2016…and their vision and goals for 2017 and beyond. Hear Downtown development updates, Energize Richmond Campaign information, and more. The meeting will take place on Monday, April 24th from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts (339 11th Street, Richmond).
Light refreshments will be provided, and all Downtown Richmond & Community Stakeholders are welcome. RSVP online by following the link: RSVP here or by calling (510) 236-4049. For more information: email

- 12. FREE Energy Efficiency Workshop for Richmond Homeowners
Are you looking to reduce energy use, increase comfort, and add value to your home, plus get incentives and rebates? Make your home more energy efficient and learn how at the FREE homeowner workshop sponsored by the Bay Area Regional Energy Network and hosted by Contra Costa County and the City of Richmond.
At this FREE event:
- Find out about rebates of up to $5,500 available through the Bay Area Regional Energy Network;
- Learn about the co-benefits of energy efficiency including health and comfort;
- Obtain information about cost-effective programs and measures that can save energy and money.
Property owners are encouraged to attend the free workshop on Monday, May 1st from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Richmond City Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza.
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Registration, complimentary snacks and refreshments
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Workshop Presentation
RSVP today at
For more information, contact Lorin Fink at or (650) 226-4010 ext. 8004.
Further details on the Home Upgrade program are available online at
- 13. First Annual Taste of Richmond
The City of Richmond Economic Development Commission presents the First Annual Taste of Richmond on Saturday, May 20th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Riggers Loft Winery in the Historic Point Richmond Ship Building District.
The Taste of Richmond will celebrate the diverse food, beverage, music, and culture of Richmond, and will introduce guests to spectacular sweeping views of the San Francisco Bay, the City of San Francisco skyline, and a portion of Richmond's treasured shoreline. Local restaurants, caterers, and beverage establishments including R&B Cellars, Carica Wines, Irish Monkey Cellars, Far West Cider Company, East Brother Beer Company, and others will offer limited tastes of both food and beverages.
All samples and tastes are included in the single admission price of $12.00. Discounts are available for purchase of multiple tickets. Children under 10 are admitted FREE.
Please join us for this “tasteful” event. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit:

- 14. 2nd Annual Richmond Promise Scholars Celebration!
Thursday, May 25th, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, Richmond Memorial Auditorium
Please join us in the 2nd Annual Richmond Promise Scholars Celebration honoring Richmond Promise scholars who are owning their future, recognizing our civic and educational partnerships that are critical to their success, and celebrating what the Promise means to the Richmond community.
Opportunities for participation:
- Attend! Join us at this event to honor and celebrate Richmond young people attending college! Event is free, but space is limited to 1000 guests, with priority to Richmond students and families. RSVP here to confirm attendance:
- Table! Do you offer a resource or a program that is beneficial to Richmond families and college-going high school students? Consider providing a table at the College Fair! Contact Richmond Promise to confirm your spot:
Next Steps for 2017 Richmond Promise Scholars!
Over 500 students submitted Richmond Promise Scholarship Applications, an increase of 20% from last year! Currently, Promise staff members are reviewing applications for accuracy and eligibility. Throughout the month of April, staff will be reaching out to students via email and phone if there is any additional information required to confirm eligibility. Students will receive notice of their award on May 9th, and be honored at the community-wide Richmond Promise Scholars Celebration on May 25th!
Please share these next steps and timeline with a Scholar in your life:
- Contra Costa College First Year Experience Pathway: Richmond Promise is partnering with Contra Costa College to offer a Summer Bridge & First Year Experience Pathway for Class of 2017 Scholars! This program will include a 1-week long summer math intensive from July 31st - August 1st, and advising and counseling courses to support students in their transition to college and through a successful first year. If students are intending to go to Contra Costa College, they must enroll in this program, or another learning community of your choice. Details can be found here:
- 15. Community Services Highlights
2nd Annual Park Rx Day! – Volunteers Needed!

Spend a Sunday with family, friends and neighbors at the recently renovated John F. Kennedy Park in Richmond!
Enjoy FREE lunch, FREE health screenings, & FUN activities.
The City of Richmond is seeking volunteers to help staff the fun activity stations we will have throughout the park from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Volunteer roles are listed below.
Registration Table: 1 person
Face painting: 2-4 people
Planko: 1-2 people
Outdoor Fitness Equipment Instruction: 2-3 people
PA & Sound: 1 person
Water Stations: 1 person
For more info, please contact Johann Frazier at (510) 620-8953 or email
Mural Honoring Fred Jackson to be Painted at the CURME Fred Jackson Peace Harmony Garden

For more information please contact Nadia Perez at (510) 621-1568.
Save the Date! ServiceWorks is Hosting a Bootcamp!
Do you know any young adults from the ages of 16-24 interested in becoming a leader? Are you interested in helping out your community? Would you like to host a workshop or mentor a young adult on their pathway to SUCCESS?
ServiceWorks Richmond is hosting a bootcamp to celebrate National Volunteer Week on Saturday, April 29th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This bootcamp is an energetic, one-day experience, giving participants (16-24) an introduction on how service can be a pathway to college and career, and inspire YOU to become agents for change in your own communities.
ServiceWorks Boot Camps are productive, fun and inspiring events--so register today and invite your peers to spread the word. RSVP today all for this FREE program!
There will be FREE breakfast and lunch, FREE swag bags, and a chance to win FREE door prizes.
Scholar Participant Sign-Up (16-24 only):
Volunteer Sign-Up (18+):
Please contact Vanessa Chau at (510) 620-6552 or email for more information.

Spring Egg Hunt
Last week, the Richmond Community Services Department held its annual Spring Egg Hunt and Information Day. The event, originally scheduled for Nicholl Park, was moved to the Richmond Recreation Complex due to rain. Richmond Community Centers and other collaborative organizations participated by representing themselves with decorative tables filled with fliers and other promotional items letting customers know what services they have to offer.
Hershey the Bunny led a group of 250 to 300 youth to the center’s basketball gym where the actual egg hunt was held. There were smiles galore as kids tried to pick up as many candy filled plastic eggs as they could. Some eggs were specially marked to let the lucky recipient know they won a bonus basket of goodies. Grand prize was a special basket with 3 basketballs and a cuddly stuffed replica of Hershey the Bunny.
Below is a link to a youtube video of Richmond Standard’s coverage of the event. Below are also photos of the event taken by Community Services staff member Brittnee Guerrero. Thank you to all who attended.

The Shields Reid Achieve Program held a Spring Break Camp the week of April 3rd through April 7th. Campers were treated to healthy food creations, arts & crafts, chess lessons and a trip to Golden Skate Roller Skating Rink in San Ramon. Campers had a great time!
Volunteers Help with Plunge Garden Make-over
The outdoor garden area in front of the Richmond Plunge has been receiving some much needed TLC by volunteers organized through the Richmond Tennis Association (RTA). Between the March rainstorms, neighborhood volunteers spent hours preparing the front garden for a low-maintenance rehabilitation. In addition to the work in the front, plans to develop the north side of the building (near the train tracks) have already begun, and will include a bocce ball court, as well as a teaching and butterfly garden.
Sizeable donations have already been received by the Gateway Foundation and the Point Richmond Neighborhood Council. Additional donations and volunteer efforts are welcomed and being organized through RTA. Donate here by selecting the bottom button and indicating "Plunge Garden" in the special instructions. Volunteers may contact Maryn Hurlbut, RTA Vice President & Recreation and Parks Commission Chair, at 510-237-6880 or
- 16. Information Technology
Website Statistics
For the Week Ending April 4th



City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
- Monthly app use has increased each of the last 4 months.
- 74% of users with the app installed used it at lease once in the Month of March.
This City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s Events Calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. Locating one of Richmond’s numerous parks, and welcoming libraries and community centers, including reserving rental space for that special occasion are all done with ease! You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube: The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at
- 17. Engineering/CIP Departments
Streets Division:
Paving crews worked from the outstanding pothole list in various locations around the City, performed storm patrol and continue to address issues on Via Verdi and Rifle Range Roads.
Pothole Repair
Street sweeping staff performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in the; May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff fabricated 18 signs in-house, repaired 6 signs and poles, attended training and performed storm patrol.
- 18. Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Crews assisted with the demolition of a house, assisted the Parks Division with weed abatement on Carlson Boulevard, helped with fallen branches and tree removal, continued with removing illegal dumping and removing graffiti throughout the City.
House Demolition
Median Clean-Up
Tree Removal
Graffiti Removal
Illegal Dumping
Facilities Maintenance:
Carpenters created concrete forms for the Swim Center’s new bicycle racks and finished concrete forms for the new shed to be installed at Nicholl Park.
Painters completed the interior restrooms of the North Richmond Ballpark, began painting the exterior of the same restrooms and safety striped the equipment room of the Plunge.

Painting at the Plunge
Electricians inspected the new traffic detection cameras, installed security lighting at the Native American Center, responded to storm damage and supported the I-80 Rapid Transit program.
Stationary Engineers installed a new heater in the Electric Shop, replaced the circulation pump at the Swim Center, various repairs at the Main Library, fixed the main gas valve in the boiler of 440 Civic Center Plaza, replaced a water heater at the Police Department, installed ceiling access ladder at the Swim Center, replaced the condenser fan motor at 440 Civic Center Plaza and changed the evaporator motor on the water tower at 440 Civic Center Plaza.

Evaporator Motor Replacement
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews mowed the Greenway from South 15th Street to South 20th Street, delivered mulch to volunteers for the Greenway, weeded medians on Castro Ranch Road, assisted the tree crew with emergency calls, sheet mulched the median on South 29th Street and Cutting Boulevard and picked up trash on the Greenway.

Mulching Placement on So. 29th Street Median
Hilltop District crews continued maintenance around Hilltop Mall business area, continued irrigation installation on Richmond Country Club Vista landscaping project, performed weed abatement on Blume Drive and started weed abatement on Hilltop Drive.

Maintenance on Blume Drive
Marina District crews started the landscaping project on Regatta Boulevard, trimmed trees on Marina Bay Parkway, completed weed abatement on Marina Bay Parkway and continued storm clean up throughout the Marina.

Landscaping Project on Regatta Boulevard
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!

Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: |