Dear Friend of Rosie the Riveter,
The Rosie the Riveter Trust’s Board of Directors invites you to join us at Rosies Forever, a special celebration to honor the women and other home front workers of all colors and backgrounds who forged a unique U.S. history by taking on the daunting challenges of global conflict during World War II.
Join us at El Cerrito’s historic Mira Vista Country Club on Saturday April 8, 2017, to celebrate our WWII home front workers, as well as to help us inspire new generations with vital historical knowledge and a 21st Century “We Can Do It” spirit.
This will be yet another special evening with 1940s ambience, a huge silent auction, a chance to meet our celebrated WWI-era Rosies—as well as youngsters who have benefitted from our youth programs—and a delicious dinner shared with friends and fellow Trust and park supporters.
Your contributions to our most important fundraising event of the year will benefit youth programs, including Every Kid in a Park, a five-year National Park Service initiative launched in 2016. Thanks to the Trust’s support, 1,200 East Bay fourth graders visited our National Historical Park last year to learn history and to engage their families in healthy recreational parks exploration with a free one year pass to all national parks.
With your support, even more children will benefit this year!
Be sure to hold your spot NOW. Help us inspire new generations with the courage exemplified by those who pursued the common good, broke barriers and accelerated profound social changes during WWII. Last year’s dinner was sold out ─don’t wait!
A Reservation form is copied below. Also take a look at What We Do.
Rosie the Riveter is the non-profit partner of Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park, providing critical program and financial support where federal funds are either unavailable or cannot be used. Did you know that annual visitation of Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park has reached over 70,000? This is a huge benefit for Richmond, enhancing our city’s image and bringing much needed economic activity.

Mayor Tom Butt
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: 510-620-6503
Direct: 510-231-7502
Cell: 510/220-1577
Tom Butt Political Website:
Board member and past chair, Local Government Commission
Commissioner, BCDC
Alternate member, Contra Costa LAFCO
Member, League of California Cities, Environmental Quality Policy Committee
Member, West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee (WCCTAC)
Commissioner and chair, Contra Costa Transportation Authority
Board Member, Richmond Representative, Vice-chair, MCE (Marin Clean Energy)
Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge, Executive Committee
Association of Bay Area Governmnets (ABAG) Executive Committee Alternate