Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the report for the week ending September 29th, 2017.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 3rd, beginning with Closed Session at 5:00 PM, followed by a meeting of the Richmond Housing Authority at 6:25 PM, and then by the City Council meeting at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: Richmond City Council Agenda Packet.
- Cheers for the Promise & Scholarship Opens October 2nd!
Cheers for the Promise a Success!
Thank you to all who attended the first annual Cheers for the Promise this past Wednesday at East Brother Beer Company! Richmond Promise Executive Director described the turnout as “an awesome cross section of the community that came out to have a good time and shared experience.” The guest bartender line-up for the invent included Mayor Tom Butt, West Contra Costa Unified School District Superintendent Matthew Duffy, Councilmember Jael Myrick, Contra Costa College President Mojdeh Mehdizadeh, and the city manager, all of whom served up discounted drinks to appreciate and celebrate our community’s educators.
In addition to the camaraderie, the cost of an annual scholarship was raised for the Richmond Promise Scholarship Fund with a total of $1,700 in tips!
Richmond Promise Scholarship Opens Monday
The 2017-18 Richmond Promise Scholarship application will open this Monday, October 2nd.
To be eligible for the Richmond Promise Scholarship, a student must:
· Be a resident of Richmond or North Richmond (i.e. have a Richmond home address);
· Have graduated from an eligible high school within the West Contra Costa Unified School District boundary area or received your GED/high school equivalency last or this academic year;
· Have attended an eligible high school at least 9th-12th grade consecutively;
· Completed the FAFSA/Dream Act by the March 2nd Cal Grant deadline.
The application can be found by visiting: www.richmondpromise.org. Please share this opportunity with eligible students in your life.
If you have questions, please check Info@richmondpromise.org or call 510-761-7231.

I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Meetings and events of note this past week included:
- Met with representatives from the Bay Area Council and several cities to discuss responses to the Request for Proposals by Amazon for a site for their second headquarters;
- Met, together with Human Resources Director Lisa Stephenson and Finance Director Belinda Warner, with Police Officer Association representatives to discuss OPEB (retiree medical benefits) funding;
- Participated in a conference call with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) staff, along with Mayor Butt, Deputy City Attorney Carlos Privat, the City’s legal team, and housing consultant Tia Ingram, to discuss various regulatory issues;
- Attended the monthly budget review meeting with Finance Director Belinda Warner and her staff;
- Attended a meeting with union leadership, along with Human Resources Director Lisa Stephenson and her staff, and Transportation Project Manager Lori Reese-Brown, to discuss the status of the paratransit program;
- Met with a regional group of labor representatives to discuss development of alternative medical benefit plans;
- Attended the “Cheers for the Promise” event;
- Attended the monthly West County Mayors and Supervisors meeting;
- Attended the Annual Richmond Shoreline Tour, hosted by the West County Council of Industries;
- Attended the community workshop for the First Mile/Last Mile Strategic Plan, along with Transportation Program staff members Lori Reese-Brown and Denee Evans;
- Attended the UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Community Leadership Breakfast, at which the Richmond Promise program was honored;
- Met, along with Mayor Butt and members of his staff, and City Manager’s staff member Gabino Arredondo, with members of Kaiser leadership to discuss their community activities;
- Attended the ribbon cutting for the Harbor 8 Project bioswale and rain garden.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
- Community Services Highlights
North Richmond Shoreline Festival

Join us October 7, 2017 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM for our annual North Richmond Shoreline Festival! Free food, entertainment, activities, and more for the whole family!
Info: 510-219-1571
Richmond Tool Library’s Fundraiser and First Ever Tool Talks Workshop!

The Richmond Tool Library is hosting its first ever tool workshop! Join us, Sunday, October 15 from 12 noon to 2:00 PM at the Recreation Complex (3230 Macdonald Avenue) to learn about pruning, tool maintenance, and more! Refreshments will be provided.
Our crowdfunding campaign is live! Help us replace tools in the Library! Check out tinyurl.com/RTLFundraiser to help us ‘build a better Richmond’!
Info: Guadalupe Morales, toolllibrary@ci.richmond.ca.us
ServiceWorks is Hiring! Apply Now and Please Share Widely!

Are you interested in working in the Bay Area and with young adults from the ages of 16-24? Our program is hiring (1) AmeriCorps VISTA and (1) Fellow! ServiceWorks continuing in Richmond for ServiceWorks 2.0 and is a college and career program that helps high school students get ready for their future by teaching them leadership skills, networking, and the importance of volunteering.
The application for ServiceWorks as an AmeriCorps VISTA and Fellow is open! We strongly encourage candidates to apply online as early as possible. The last day to apply for priority round consideration is October 20, 2017.
Descriptions for the Positions are below:
Project Development Leader (Full Time + Evenings/Weekends)
Training and Development Leader (Full Time + Evenings/Weekends)
Richmond ServiceWorks Fellow (30 Hours/Week)
Interested in applying or getting involved with volunteer projects? For additional comments or questions, please contact Vanessa Chau at Vanessa_Chau@ci.richmond.ca.us or at (510) 620-6552.
Youth Leadership Committee is Back!

Are you a high school or college student looking to become a leader in your community? Are you interested in learning how to create a community service project to create positive change? Join the YLC for the upcoming school year! Applications are now open with workshops to begin in the fall. We’ll have field trips to local excursions and workshop topics on public speaking, presentations, financial literacy, networking, resume-building, and more!
Application open here – deadline extended to September 30th: tinyurl.com/RichmondYLC17
Contact Guadalupe Morales at guadalupe_morales@ci.richmond.ca.us or call 510-620-6553 for more info.

2017 Annual Shoreline & Bay Yacht Tour
Website Statistics for the Week Ending 09-22-2017

Tweets and Facebook followers are up from the prior week!

é Total actions on page are up 100%
é Page views are up 13%
é Total reached up by 517%
é Tweets are up 26.8%

City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
The City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
This City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s Events Calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. Locating one of Richmond’s numerous parks, and welcoming libraries and community centers, including reserving rental space for that special occasion are all done with ease! You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube: https://youtu.be/i4W1wVvB9fw The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
- Engineering/CIP Departments
Streets Division:
Paving crews ground and paved Santa Clara and Mariposa Streets from Tehama to Burlingame Avenues and worked from the outstanding pothole list in various locations around the City.
Paving on Santa Clara Street
Street sweeping staff performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday through Thursday and fifth Friday in the Santa Fe, Point Richmond, Marina Bay, Coronado, Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, City Center, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex, Eastshore, Richmond Parkway and Medians neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff repaired 8 signs and poles, and installed 175’ of thermo plastics for pavement messaging.
- Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Abatement crews performed weed abatement at various City locations, assisted seniors from the North Richmond Neighborhood Clean-up event, removed graffiti and tons of illegal dumping throughout the City.
Weed Abatement
Neighborhood Clean-Up
Seniors Neighborhood Clean-Up
Illegal Dumping
Code Enforcement:
Code Enforcement Officer Souza has been monitoring a property of an absentee owner and manager for months. A contractor has since been sent out to secure the property and remove overgrowth and debris. The fees incurred will be placed on the property owner to reimburse the City.

Before and After
Facilities Maintenance:
Utility Workers pressure washed at the Richmond Transit Center, removed a wasp nest from Fire Station #67, set up various rooms for events and serviced 29 City owned facilities.

Pressure Washing at the Transit Center
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General crews repaired the drinking fountain at Nicholl Park, began maintenance at John F. Kennedy Park for an event, supported the community event along the Richmond Greenway, repaired irrigation at Tiller Park, cut ivy and tree branches on Valley View Road, picked up trash on the Greenway and trimmed some areas of Civic Center Plaza.

Cutting at Civic Center Plaza
Hilltop District crews continued maintenance around Hilltop Mall business area, continued with sheet mulching on Atlas Road, performed banner repairs at Country Club Vista and continued weed abatement on Richmond Parkway.

Maintenance on Hilltop Drive
Marina District crews performed trail vegetation clean-up, weed abatement, shrub pruning, site improvements at the Rosie the Riveter location, beach clean-up and planting and continued with the replacement of decomposed granite.

Beach Clean-Up
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx |