| I am endorsing the "California's Future" slate of delegates to the California Democratic Party in the AD-15 (Thurmond) election. Please help elect this diverse, effective and qualified group of community members. (see slate card at bottom)
The election is taking place this weekend and there are some key decisions that these delegates can influence. The Democratic National Committee and the CA Dem Party will be selecting new party leadership this year. We will also have what should be an interesting race for Governor in 2018.
By electing the California’s Future slate of 14 strong grassroots progressive delegates you can help decide the direction of the Democratic Party for years to come. The candidates are passionate about protecting the environment, improving public schools, reforming the criminal justice and immigration systems and fighting for working families and seniors.
The candidates include my City Council colleague, Jael Myrick and my Chief of Staff, Alex Knox. I endorsed these candidates along with Asm. Tony Thurmond and Sen. Nancy Skinner because the Party desperately needs to improve its outreach, relevance and accessibility to the diverse population in the state.
I urge you to come out and vote for the California’s Future slate, and to ask your friends to do the same.
Click here to commit to voting for California’s Future.
Directions for Voting:
Date: January 7
Location: Albany Community Center, 1249 Marin Ave.
Speeches by the candidates begin at 11:30 and registration is open from noon to 2pm. You must be in line by 2pm if you want to be able to vote.
There is a $5 registration fee, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Once you register you can vote and leave.
- Mayor Tom Butt