Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the two weeks ending August 12, 2016.
The City Council is in recess for the month for August. Enjoy your break!
- 2. Richmond Set to Break Rosie Record at Rally this Saturday at the Home Front Festival
Richmond broke the Guinness World Record last year, only to have the Michigan Rosies break it again... (Not that there’s anything wrong with Michigan, but) Let’s take it back!
Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park, along with the Rosie the Riveter Trust, the City of Richmond, and other great partners, are hoping for a turn-out of 5,000 to help break the record for the most people in one place dressed as Rosie the Riveter!
After the record-breaking rally, the party will continue with the Home Front Festival in Marina Bay Park until 4:00 PM with music, food and fun! Marina Bay Park is at the corner of Regatta Boulevard and Melville Square in Richmond.
WHEN: Saturday, August 13th
Rosie check-in starts at 10:00 AM
Arrive before 10:30 AM to be counted by Guinness
WHERE: Craneway Pavillion, Ford Assembly Plant
1414 Harbour Way South, Richmond
(Next door to the National Park Visitor Center)
WHO: Everyone can participate! Bring your friends!
UNIFORM REQUIRED (rules for the record count are strictly enforced by Guiness):
- A red bandanna with polka dots, worn in the traditional "Rosie" style;
- Dark blue collared shirt and dark blue pants or dark blue coveralls;
- Closed-toed black or brown shoes or boots;
- Red socks.
For more information, visit Rosie the Riveter Rally

- 3. Come Downtown to Chill with a Cop After the Rosie Rally
Everyone is cordially invited to come Downtown to Chill with a Cop! No agenda, just a delicious scoop of free ice cream and great conversation with your neighborhood beat officers on Saturday, August 13th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM in the Community Green Space Park at Harbour Way & Macdonald Avenue. Meet your neighborhood beat officers, learn important crime prevention tips, take home free books, and enjoy a delicious ice cream treat (while supplies last). Admission is free and all are welcome! Sponsored by Richmond Main Street, Richmond Police Department, and Lappert’s Ice Cream.
For more information call (510) 236-4049, email admin@richmondmainstreet.org, or visit www.RichmondMainStreet.org.
- 4. “Create Peace Project” Draws Crowds at Civic Center Plaza
The Create Peace Project, one of sixteen 2016 Neighborhood Public Art mini-grants, was designed to create a collaborative mural in a public place. Ross Holzman’s project attracted more than 250 community Richmond participants to Civic Center Plaza from July 18th - 24th and included people of all ages, from children as young as five years to adults in their 80s. A dedication event will be held August 20th at the new site at the corner of Macdonald Avenue and Harbour Way.
The project attracted a diverse cross-section of Richmond residents. The focus was to engage people on the street, passers-by, City employees, and those who happened to be in the right place at the right time for an art experience. The project gave people the opportunity to explore and re-discover the beauty and joy of painting. Staff outreached to community members, community centers and local groups, including Girls, Inc. and Richmond Main Street. Participants engaged in the process of creating an “inner peace” mural together. There was no formal design; it was painted through an organic process by inviting participants to freely express themselves on the mural.
The mural process had three phases:
- Paint large shapes and fill them in with solid colors;
- Create patterns, images and designs within, and connect the existing shapes; and
- Pose in a joyful, fun way on the mural and have someone outline in chalk (and then paint) their shape.
Ross Holzman and his wife, Iza, provided simple instructions on brush stroke skills, complimentary colors, pattering and effective painting techniques. The tapestry of color, pattern, design, and imagery is beautiful - a reflection of the diversity of the participants’ ages, ethnicities and personalities. The mural is a vibrant and positive piece reflecting the collaboration and inspiration of all who participated in the project. It will replace an existing mural that is in disrepair in the community space at the corner of Macdonald Avenue and Harbour Way.
“The HeART of Richmond” – Create Peace Project, Summer 2016 –
Neighborhood Public Art Mini-Grants in Action
- 5. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely. Meetings of note during the past week included:
- Presented an update to City staff (first session) regarding City finances and various activities in the City organization;
- Attended (briefly) a meeting with the possible buyers of Hilltop Mall, together the Planning and Building Services Director Richard Mitchell, Administrative Chief Shasa Curl, and Senior Planner Lina Velasco;
- Attended the monthly meeting of the Contra Costa Public Management Association (Contra Costa County city managers);
- Attended the Richmond Promise Board of Directors meeting;
- Attended the monthly meeting of the Richmond Southeast Shoreline Community Advisory Group;
- Reviewed the status of the ferry terminal art project with Administrative Chief Shasa Curl and Library and Cultural Services Director Katy Curl.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
- 6. Richmond Library Teens S.A.T. Workshop Wins Award
Parents Press Newspaper annually invites its readers to select the “Best Of” schools, enrichment programs, and family attractions in the east bay. The Richmond Library Teens S.A.T. Workshop was voted the silver award for Best Testing Preparation Program by Contra Costa County residents for 2016. Congratulations on the well-deserved award!
- 7. Richmond Public Library Partnerships
The Richmond Public Library recently partnered with Vision to Learn to provide free vision screenings for children ages 3 to 18. The Vision to Learn van was set up in front of the library on Tuesday, August 9th and Wednesday, August 10th. Thirty-one youth were examined and 23 will be receiving a free new pair of glasses just in time for school to start! Next week, Vision to Learn will be at the American Indian Public Charter School (171 12th Street in Oakland).
Also, on August 9th, the Richmond Public Library partnered with Read Aloud Volunteer Program to provide a Family Literacy Night sponsored by the Richmond Community Foundation. Stories and literacy tips were shared along with pizza and lemonade. Families made a storytelling game, “Spin a Story,” to play and take home, and every child received a free book for their home library.

- 8. Draft Richmond Urban Greening Master Plan is Available for Comment
On August 9th, the Planning Division released the Draft Urban Greening Master Plan (UGMP) and associated Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for public review and comment.
The 30-day public comment period will close at 5:00 PM on September 9, 2016. Comments should be provided in writing to urbangreening@ci.richmond.ca.us or via mail to Lina Velasco, Project Manager II, Planning Division, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804.
The Planning Division will host a community meeting to present the public draft UGMP on August 16th from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the City Council Chambers located at 440 Civic Center Plaza in Richmond.
The Urban Greening Master Plan provides a road map for a strategic approach to management and expansion of Richmond’s urban forest. It allows for quantification and analysis of urban forest data while building on and supporting planning efforts that promote the City’s broader sustainability goals.
The project was partially funded by a Proposition 84 (Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006) Urban Greening Planning grant. For more project information, visit http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/2858/Urban-Greening-Plan

- 9. Richmond College Students/WCCUSD Alumni Give Back at the First Annual Richmond Promise College Workshop!
On Tuesday, August 9th, Richmond Promise scholars and families gathered in 440 Civic Center for the First Annual Prep for College Success Workshop. Students had the chance to network with WCCUSD alumni and current college students, and engaged in mini-workshops including Budgeting & Financial Literacy, and Getting Connected to Resources on Campus
Highlights Included:
- Visits and well-wishes from WCCUSD Board President Randy Enos and Trustee Madeline Kronenberg
- College-Student Panel with Richmond/WCCUSD Alumni attending UC Berkeley, Contra Costa College, Yale, and UC Santa Cruz
- Access to Students Rising Above Digital HUB for 24/7 college support
- Peer Campus Cohort Connections!
If a young person in your life applied to the Richmond Promise scholarship, please check to ensure they have completed all of the documents necessary to process their award. The Richmond Promise team is here to support students and families to complete documents. Call or email for inquiries & assistance:
- 10. Mayor Tom Butt Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament
The Mayor’s Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament is now accepting online registrations and sponsorships. Visit fundraise.richmondcf.org/mayorsgolf2016 to sign up.
The Richmond Mayor's Community Fund was established to support activities in Richmond that are not currently supported by the City or by other funders, including youth leadership, summer employment, and greening the city. A steering committee of community members has determined that the fund for 2017 will support Richmond's youth athletic teams and leagues.

- 11. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 08-12-2016

Facebook Statistics
Total page likes increased by 100%
Total page views increased by 57%
Post Engagement increased by 67%
People reached increased by 13,720%
Twitter Statistics
Tweet impressions are up by 12.7%
Followers are up

Top mention earned 21 engagements

Top media Tweet earned 226 impressions



City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
An upgraded version of the City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is now available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
The free City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information.
You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube: https://youtu.be/i4W1wVvB9fw
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
- 12. Community Services Highlights
Sign up at the Recreation Complex for the final Day Trip with the East Bay Regional Park District! Space is still available for October.

Teen Eco Action Week
In collaboration with the East Bay Regional Park District, the Recreation Department selected 19 youths (13-17 years) to participate in this year’s Teen Eco Action Week form July 25-29. This year’s program involved hiking, biking, rock climbing, fishing, and shoreline cleaning at various parks. It also involved learning about job skills and careers in parks and recreation in addition to participating in service learning projects. At the end of the program, each participant received 15 community service hours plus tips on applying for future jobs/ interview skills in recreation. Finally, each participant received a $100 stipend and certificate upon successful completion of the program.
Summer Camp Excursion
Fifty participants from the Shields Reid Achieve Summer Camp visited Lake Anza at Tilden Park on Thursday, August 4th. Though the weather was overcast and chilly, the children and staff had a great time making sand castles and splashing in the water.

- 13. Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Facilities Maintenance:
Carpenters completed updates of the administrative office at the Parks Field office, constructed sump pump enclosure at Native American Health Center, removed locker room doors at Fire Station #64, repaired entrance of 450 Civic Center Plaza and fixed the interior doors at the YouthWorks building.
Painters completed the exterior and quarters of Fire Station #64 and prepared the exterior the Booker T. Anderson Branch Library for painting.

Painting at Fire Station #64
Stationary Engineers repaired the condensor fan to the air conditioning unit in the Dispatch Center, installed two roof access ladders at the Plunge, repaired the apparatus door opener at Fire Station #66, replaced the restroom stall door at Fire Station #66, fixed the apparatus door wall mount opener at Fire Station #68, replaced the server room air conditioner compressor at City Hall, replaced locks on the fan room in the Art Center, removed restroom partitions in the Senior Annex Center, disposed of a refridgerator at the Main Library, and relocated flue and vent pipes at Fire Station #66.

Door Replacement
Electricians replaced the overhead green on Richmond Parkway and Bella Vista apartments, repaired the pedestrian button at 33rd Street and Macdonald Avenue, replaced the security light at the Senior Center, located source of damage to power for lights at Hilltop and Blume Drive, relamped the red light at Hilltop and Hillview Drives, and connected power for cubicles at the Police Department.

Power Lines for Cubicles in the Police Department

Power Installation for Cubicles
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews weed and trimmed the Solano Play Lot, repaired the fence at Nicholl Park and on the Greenway, began irrigation work at Rain Cloud and LaMoine Parks, mowed the Greenway from San Pablo Avenue to Carlson Boulevard, weeded and trimmed the medians on San Pablo Avenue, fence repair on the Greenway, and bucked two trees on Santa Rita Road.

Fence Repair

Bucking of Tree on Santa Rita Road
The tree crew cut or trimmed trees on South 12th Street, Dunn Avenue, Tulare Avenue, Hellings Avenue, Potrero Avenue, Sonoma Street, Berk Avenue, Wiswall Drive, and at Atchison Park Pines. The crew also mowed and edged the Civic Center.
Hilltop District crews completed weed abatement on Hilltop Drive, completed weed abatement on Kay Road, performed general maintenance on the westbound side of Richmond Parkway to Interstate 80, and continued traffic control for Richmond Parkway near Country Club Vista.

Weed Abatement on Richmond Parkway
Marina District crews cleaned the trails in the area, trimmed trees, conducted weed abatement, trimmed shrubs, started irrigation repairs, maintenance on medians, fertilized and aerated turf, graffiti removal, and prepared the Rosie the Riveter Monument for an upcoming event.

Trail Clean-Up Marina District

Landscaping Near Rosie the Riveter
- Engineering/CIP Departments
Nevin Avenue Streetscape Project:
The Nevin Avenue Streetscape project is progressing and is almost complete. Weather permitting, the project will be complete by the end of September 2016.
Nevin Avenue Streetscape
BART Connection Project:
The project connecting the Richmond BART Station to Nevin Avenue is also progressing well.
Nevin Avenue BART Connector Project
Streets Division:
Paving crews paved areas of the Richmond Parkway and worked from the outstanding pothole list.

Richmond Parkway
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV, and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff fabricated 31 signs, repaired seven signs, laid delineators (buttons) on Richmond Parkway behind the paving crew, and painted 50 feet of curbs.

Laying Delineators on Richmond Parkway
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx |