Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending July 22, 2016.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 26th beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM, followed by the special meeting of the Richmond Housing Authority at 6:20 PM, the regular meeting of the Joint Powers Financing Authority at 6:25 PM, and with the regular City Council agenda commencing at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: Richmond City Council Agenda Packet.
- 2. The Richmond Tool Library is Finally Here!
We are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of Richmond's first ever Tool Lending Library! We hope you can join the Community Services Department and Mayor Tom Butt on Saturday, July 23rd from 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM to celebrate the opening! The event will take place at the City of Richmond Recreation Center at 3230 Macdonald Avenue adjacent to Nicholl Park.
In the spirit of do-it-yourself culture, during the event you will be able to:
- Tour the tool library located at 3230 Macdonald Avenue;
- Screen print a t-shirt with the Richmond Tool Library Logo (please bring your own shirt if you want to screenprint!);
- Try out our new tools by building tool bins for the library;
- Help us paint our new storage space (if you're interested in painting with us, make sure to wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty);
- Sign up for a tool donation pickup;
- And more!
You can learn more about the Richmond Tool Lending Library by watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGOBN3alGi8.
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you Saturday, July 23rd! Please RSVP through Eventbrite or visit our Facebook event page.
Contact Kiana Ward at (510) 620-5552 or email toollibrary@ci.richmond.ca.us for more information.
Richmond Tool Library Facebook Page Richmond Tool Library Instagram
- 3. Public Review of the Climate Action Plan
Climate change presents the City of Richmond with complex challenges and tremendous opportunities. During the past year, the City has been working to prepare its inaugural Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP). Once adopted, the CAP will serve as a roadmap for how the City will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and prepare for the impacts of climate change on public health, infrastructure, the economy, ecosystems, and public spaces in our community.
Richmond’s inaugural Draft CAP was released on July 22nd for a 30-day public review and comment period. The Draft CAP is a multi-objective plan that addresses environmental, social, and economic issues related to climate change. The Draft CAP builds on the adopted goals and policies in the City’s General Plan 2030 and the Health in All Policies Strategy (HiAP) to further the City’s efforts to build health equity through the reduction of local Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and to simultaneously ensure that the community is well prepared for the impacts of climate change.
The Draft CAP and all appendices can be accessed electronically at www.richmondenvironment.org, and printed copies are available for review at the Richmond libraries and the Planning and Building Services Public Counter at 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor. Community members and stakeholders are encouraged to review the Draft CAP and provide comments by 5:00 PM on August 22, 2016. Comments may be submitted electronically to richmondcap@ci.richmond.ca.us or in written form to:
Attn: Lina Velasco, Project Manager II
Planning Division
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
A presentation of the Draft Climate Action Plan will be presented at the Tuesday, July 26th City Council meeting. City staff anticipates presenting the final draft to the City Council for adoption in the fall 2016.
- 4. The RichmondBUILD Academy Graduates its 30th Cohort!
The most recent RichmondBUILD Academy graduation, featuring the program’s 30th cohort, was held on Friday, July 1st. It was a great morning for friends, family, and distinguished guests. Academy graduates received intensive job training in construction and valuable certifications in CPR/First Aid, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) 40, Confined Spaces, and Traffic Control. As a result of their training, RichmondBUILD graduates are eligible for direct entry into the following unions: Carpenters, Laborers, Dry Wall/Lathers, and Iron Workers.
For more information, please visit http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/1243/RichmondBUILD or call (510) 621-1780.
- 5. Richmond Main Street Presents: 15th Annual Music on the Main!
Save the date, dust off your dancing shoes, and come downtown for Music on the Main! The festivities will take place on Wednesday, August 10th from 5:00 PM -7:30 PM in the parking lot on the corner of Marina Way and Macdonald Avenue.
The concert will feature spectacular performances by hometown favorites Andre Thierry (the king of Zydeco) and But-tah & The Buttahluv Band. Plus: family-friendly activities, artisan and food vendors, beer and other beverages for sale, drawing prizes, giveaways, fitness breaks, free bike parking, and more! Admission is free. All ages are welcome to attend.

For more information, visit www.RichmondMainStreet.org or call (510) 236-4049.
- 6. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely. Meetings of note during the past week included:
- Met with the City’s finance team to finalize the documents for issuing reassessment bonds for the Country Club Vista area that will lower property owner payments;
- Met with the Berkeley Global Campus Community Working Group “negotiating team” to discuss status of the project;
- Met with local attendees of the Community Progress Leadership Institute (Supervisor John Gioia’s District Coordinator Robert Rogers, Richmond Community Foundation Executive Director Jim Becker, County Tax Collector Russell Watts, Richmond Director of Infrastructure Maintenance & Operations Tim Higares, and Mayor Tom Butt’s Chief of Staff David Gray) to discuss the status of various blight abatement strategies;
- Met with RYSE Executive Director Kimberly Aceves, West County Y Executive Director Don Lau, West Contra Costa Unified School District Director of Community Engagement Elizabeth Carmody, Richmond Community Services Director Rochelle Monk and staff member Guadalupe Morales, and Mayor Tom Butt’s Chief of Staff David Gray, to discuss preparation of a City of Richmond Youth Master Plan;
- Met with staff members from the City’s Finance Department and Housing Authority to discuss finance and accounting procedures;
- Met, together with Planning Director Richard Mitchell, Senior Planner Lina Velasco, and Administrative Chief Shasa Curl, with representatives from the prospective buyers of Hilltop Mall to discuss redevelopment concepts in the Mall area;
- Enjoyed a “get acquainted” lunch with the City’s group of summer interns.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
- 7. Early Medical Intervention Saves Stroke Patient
According to the Center for Disease Control, on average, one American dies from a stroke every four minutes, resulting in over 130,000 deaths annually.
On July 7th, the Richmond Fire Department responded to a 27 year-old male patient with sudden onset right side weakness, facial droop and an inability to grip anything with his hand. The stroke symptoms were quickly identified by Richmond Fire and AMR paramedics and the patient was transported to Kaiser Richmond as a “stroke alert.”
Dr. Alvin Tang at Kaiser Richmond and County EMS applauded the pre-hospital personnel for their accurate and rapid patient care, which, combined with a prompt call to 911 and Kaiser’s new internal stroke process, resulted in the patient being able to resume his life with minimal deficits.
On July 13, 2016, Richmond Fire Engine 64 had the opportunity to visit with the patient at a stroke conference in Oakland. The Richmond Fire Department would like to congratulate Captain Steven Harris, Engineer Kevin Carr, and Firefighter Joshua Tate (not pictured) for their excellent life support skills. Well done!

- 8. FY2015/16 Financial Audit
Maze & Associates, the City’s external auditor, concluded the interim phase of their audit of the City of Richmond Financial Statements for FY2015/16 this week. They will return on November 7th for the final work on the audit, which lasts approximately four weeks. The objective is for the auditors to express opinions as to whether the City’s financial statements are fairly presented in all material respects in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
- 9. Richmond Staff Love Pokemon Go and Discover and Go!
If you’ve noticed people wandering the Civic Center Plaza looking intently at their cellphones, you are witnessing the phenomenon that is Pokemon GO! Librarians Sandra Stewart and Janelle Van Hook have been meeting other Richmond staff during lunch hour capturing Pokemon and battling at the Gym which just so happens to also be the Civic Center Plaza Fountain.
You may have seen some Pokemon Professors on the Civic Center Plaza on Wednesday evening. Librarians Janelle Van Hook and Sandra Stewart led a Pokemon Go Safari on Wednesday, July 20th from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM. About 30 Pokemon enthusiasts young and old joined in to catch pokemon and farm pokestops and learned about Discover and Go, a program that provides library cardholders with free and discounted tickets to local museums and cultural institutions. Everyone had a blast and is looking forward to another Safari in August.
Want to learn more about Discover and Go? https://richmondlibrary.discoverandgo.net/
Want to learn more about Pokemon Go?
- 10. Three Richmond Projects Selected as Finalists in the KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Challenge
The Play Everywhere Challenge is a national competition that will award $1 million in prizes for the best replicable and scalable innovations in city redevelopment and design that help make play easy, accessible, and fun for kids and families. The Challenge is hosted by KaBOOM!, a national nonprofit dedicated to bringing balanced and active play into the daily lives of all children, particularly those growing up in poverty in America, and will reward applicants who provide community-driven solutions that integrate play into everyday life and unexpected places – sidewalks, vacant lots, bus stops, open streets, and beyond.
Over 1,000 applications were submitted in the first phase, and Richmond is very proud to announce that three proposed projects made it to the 200 finalists. Finalists will receive funds and assistance to further hone their ideas, and, in September, KaBOOM! will award $1 million in prize money to enable approximately 50 winners from across the United States to bring their ideas to life. Winners will be announced in early fall 2016.
- 11. Mathieu Court Alley Play Street
The City of Richmond, in collaboration with the Richmond Art Center, the Trust for Public Land, local residents, and local nonprofits, presented a project to paint interactive games and artwork on Richmond’s recently transformed “green alley” to activate the space, making it a fun, green, and clean place to play. The City will partner with the Richmond Art Center’s Artists in Schools and Arts in the Community programs to host a class to develop design ideas and then work with artists and local volunteers to implement the alley improvements.

- 12. City of Richmond and State Board of Equalization to Host Workshop for Medical Cannabis Businesses
The City of Richmond and the California State Board of Equalization are hosting a workshop for medical cannabis businesses on Wednesday, July 27th. The workshop will provide useful information for current and prospective marijuana business owners to remain compliant with state laws, including record keeping requirements and remitting sales taxes. Representatives from the city will be on site to answer questions about the local application process, but no legal advice will be given during this event.
The workshop, which is open to the public, follows the Richmond City Council’s decision to allow commercial cannabis cultivators, product manufacturers, and dispensaries within city limits.
For Richmond developed an innovative plan for “Pop Up Play Days”— pop-up play spaces in Richmond created by opening a street near public housing to unfettered play for six hours, one Sunday per quarter. Kids and parents will engage in fun activities that will, in turn, encourage community bonding, alleviate trauma due to area violence, and build healthy habits.
In the next two weeks, Richmond residents living near Nicholl Park, Santa Fe Union Park, John F. Kennedy Park, and the Crescent Park Apartments will receive information from For Richmond about the date and location of a planning session during which they’ll be able to help determine what kinds of fun and interactive play will occur at Pop Up Play Days in their area.

- 14. Mayor Tom Butt Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament
The Mayor’s Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament is now accepting online registrations and sponsorships. Visit fundraise.richmondcf.org/mayorsgolf2016 to sign up!
The Richmond Mayor's Community Fund was established to support activities in Richmond not currently supported by the City or by other funders, such as youth leadership, summer employment, and greening the city. A steering committee of community members has determined that the fund for 2017 will support Richmond's youth athletic teams and leagues.

- 15. North Richmond Residents Invited to Meet with Mayor Tom Butt and Supervisor John Gioia at “Time with Tom”
Richmond Mayor Tom Butt and Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia invite all North Richmond residents to represent their neighborhood, share their vision for Richmond, and build meaningful relationships with neighbors, nonprofits and elected representatives at the next “Time with Tom” on July 27th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Community Heritage Senior Apartments courtyard. “Time with Tom” is a bi-monthly event hosted by Mayor Butt to meet with residents in a casual and welcoming atmosphere. Residents will have an opportunity to discuss various topics with Mayor Butt and Supervisor Gioia. There will be music, refreshments, and a photo booth.
This will be the fourth “Time with Tom” of 2016. Each event is located in a different neighborhood. Previous events were held at Portumex Restaurant on 23rd Street, Jered’s Pottery in Marina Bay, and the Courtyard Marriott in the Hilltop District.

- 16. Richmond Wellness Trail Living Play Preview
The Richmond Wellness Trail (RWT) is a collaborative project between the National Park Service, the City of Richmond, and several local nonprofits to develop an interactive trail with fitness stations, game art, and innovative play equipment to provide health and wellness opportunities within the public right of way.
A multi-day interactive design workshop for a trail segment will be held on August 8, 9, 10 & 11th, where one can drop-in, grab a snack and help design the Richmond Wellness Trail. For more information about this event, visit http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3252/Richmond-Wellness-Trail.
The “Richmond Wellness Trail” is modeled after a completed project in Little Rock Arkansas. The “Medical Mile” in Little Rock employed local artists to create murals, statues, and displays focused on the project’s theme: “Exercise + Smoking Cessation + Better Nutrition = 70% reduction in chronic disease”. The Medical Mile is located along the Arkansas River Trail’s most prominent section through downtown Little Rock. Key features include: a 1,300 foot three dimensional mural wall, wellness promenade, and “Body-Mind-Spirit” entry plaza. By providing a safe, accessible, and inspiring public space for citizens to exercise, the Medical Mile increases awareness and prevention of obesity and heart disease.
The Richmond Wellness Trail is envisioned to begin at the Richmond Kaiser Permanente Medical Center and extend down 9th Street and onto the Richmond Greenway heading east. 9th Street was recently designated by the Richmond City Council as a “Trunk Line” in the Pogo Park “Yellow Brick Road Project”. From the Richmond Greenway, the trail heads south on Marina Way South toward the Richmond Marina and north on 16th Street and West on Nevin Avenue forming a 1.5 Mile Downtown Walking loop.
The Richmond Wellness Trail will connect nearby amenities such as the Kaiser Medical Facility, Richmond BART/AMTRAK Station, Center for Performing Arts and Downtown Richmond to the Richmond Greenway, several schools, the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park, the Richmond Marina, the San Francisco Bay Trail and the future Richmond Ferry service.
For more information about this project, visit http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/3252/Richmond-Wellness-Trail.
- 17. West Contra Costa Unified School District Seamless Summer Food Program
Free summer meals are being offered at a location near you from June 9th - August 17th to all children 18 years or younger. This service will be provided by the WCCUSD Seamless Summer Food Program (SSFP). SSFP is making sure no child in West Contra Costa County goes hungry when schools are closed this summer. The Nevin Community Center, Parchester Community Center, Recreation Complex, and Main Library are among several City facilities hosting SSFP services.
Check out when and where you or someone you know can get free meals by following the link below. More information including menus can also be found on the site. If you have further questions regarding the program, please call (510) 307-4580.

WCCUSD Food Service Department: http://www.wccusd.net/page/256
Please use the following link to find all WCCUSD Summer Meal sites with dates, times, locations, and meals: http://goo.gl/KysTkr
- 18. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 07-22-2016

Facebook Statistics
Total page likes increased by 75%
Total page views increased by 95%
Total reached increased by 24%
Twitter Statistics
Total profile visits up 26.3%
Total tweets are up by 22.9%
Followers are up by 41.4%


City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
An upgraded version of the City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is now available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
You can view the City’s mobile app on YouTube: https://youtu.be/i4W1wVvB9fw
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
- 19. Community Services Highlights
Sign up at the Recreation Complex for fun summer activities! Space is still available for August and October.

After winning the Regional Tournament last month, Richmond’s own 17 & Under Futsal team participated in the US Futsal Championships in San Jose from July 14th-17th. They competed against both national and international teams and placed second. Congratulations to Coach Carlos and great job team!

Seniors continue to enjoy many activities at the Richmond Senior Center. Dance classes are very popular and shown here in the photograph is the instructor teaching a visually impaired participant.
Another popular activity these days is the 9000 piece puzzle being assembled by staff, senior employment personnel and participants. We can’t wait to see it finished!
- 20. Engineering/CIP Departments
Capital Improvement Projects:
Civic Auditorium ADA Upgrades Project
Engineering staff continues to oversee the Civic Auditorium Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Upgrades project in which the restrooms and facilities become further compliant with ADA standards. There were new doors installed and work continues on the elevator being installed in the lobby.
New Doors
Elevator Construction
Streets Division:
Paving crews ground and paved on the Richmond Parkway from Interstate 80 to Lakeside Drive in the southbound direction in lane two and worked from the outstanding pothole list and base failures throughout the City.

Grinding and Paving on Richmond Parkway
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday through Thursday and the fourth Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex, and Eastshore neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed 22 new poles and signs, installed 42 pavement messages including delineations, fabricated 19 signs, repaired 32 signs and poles, and painted 131 feet of curbs.
- 21. Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Abatement crews abated overgrowth on Carlson Boulevard along the fence line, removed graffiti in various areas, abated vacant lot on 300 block of Carlson Boulevard, cleared a homeless encampment near 6th Street, abated weeds on South 2nd Street and Maine Avenue, and continued with removal of illegal dumping throughout the City.

Carlson Boulevard Fenceline Weed Abatement

Lot Overgrowth Abatement
Santa Fe Neighborhood Abatement
Facilities Maintenance:
Carpenters installed new blinds in the Recreation Complex computer room, constructed a new office area in the Main Library, recycled bookcases, and installed shelving at the Main Library.
Painters completed the rear apparatus doors at Fire Station #68.
Stationary Engineers repaired the condensate return pump on the steam system in the Main Library, fixed the UV System water line at the Plunge, repaired the shower leak at Fire Station #67, installed Code Enforcement staff lockers, and replaced missing bolts to the Rosie the Riveter display at Marina Park.

Plunge System Repair
Utility Workers removed damaged furniture from the Shields Reid Community Center, installed soap dispensers at the Housing Department, and maintained 29 City owned buildings.

Removal of Damaged Furniture
Electricians repaired damaged underground pedestrian wires at two intersections, continue to support the Interstate 80 Interconnect project, connected power for new cubicles within the Police Department, and removed a broken street light at 18th Street and Barrett Avenue.

Street Light Repair
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews replaced the backflow meter at Nicholl Park, weed whipped the soundwall on McLaughlin Street, pruned shrubs at the Civic Center, repaired the fence located on the Greenway and the 23rd Street Grade Separation, relocated a decorative trash can, trimmed trees in Civic Center Plaza, and performed maintenance on Carlson Boulevard and Broadway Avenue.

Backflow Replacement
The tree crew cut or trimmed trees on South 20th Street, 39th Street, Virginia Avenue, Columbia Avenue, Valley View Road, Tulare Avenue, Ohio Avenue, Van Fleet Avenue, and at Atchison Park Pines and Veteran’s Memorial Park. The crew also mowed and edged the Civic Center.

Tree Removal in Atchison Pines Park
Hilltop District crews started weed abatement on Hilltop Drive and performed general maintenance on the westbound side of Richmond Parkway center median from Interstate 80 to the end of the soundwall.

Hilltop Drive Maintenance
Marina District crews mulched various sites for weed control, completed irrigation repairs, mowed turf, and edged lawns.

Mulching in the Marina District
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx |