Tonight! Free Solar Sign Up Workshop for Qualifying Richmond Homeowners
Wednesday, June 1st
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Multi-purpose Room
440 Civic Center Plaza

The City of Richmond is hosting a free solar sign-up event with our non-profit partner GRID Alternatives. Interested community members are encouraged to attend the City of Richmond and GRID Alternatives sign-up event Wednesday, June 1st, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Multipurpose Room at 440 Civic Center Plaza. Light snacks will be provided.
The City of Richmond and GRID Alternatives are excited to provide free solar systems to income-qualifying homes in Richmond and North Richmond funded by the City of Richmond and State of California. We still have ample room in the program and need your help to get the word out to meet our programmatic goals! Program eligibility requires Richmond and North Richmond residents must own and live in their own home, and make less than 80% of area median income (chart included below).

To date, the City’s partnership with GRID Alternatives has serviced over 150 homes in Richmond and provided millions of dollars in energy cost savings to the community. This new partnership initiative will provide free solar to an additional 135 Richmond households and create more than $2.5 million in energy cost savings for families and prevent more than 5,700 tons of greenhouse gases over the systems lifetimes.
Please kindly RSVP at To enroll at the workshop please bring copies of: 1) a latest tax return (two pages) for each member of the household; 2) one PG&E bill (all pages); and 3) either a mortgage statement, insurance statement, property tax bill or copy of deed to apply.
More information about the program can be found at Please share this info on your neighborhood listserv, NextDoor or other utilized communication channels.