Poe's latest mailer continues to use lies and scare tactics to misinform voters. Depicted on the mailer (see below) is a distorted photo of a building that has at least 19 stories (you can't even see the ground floor for an accurate count – it could be more). The General Plan 2030 would not allow such a building on the site due to height limits. The Richmond Riviera project proposed by Poe has a density of just under 12 units per acre, which is defined as "low-density residential" in the General Plan 2030.For comparison, “Anchor Cove," built by Signature Properties next to Salute is 22.9 units per acre, and “The Anchorage,” built by Pulte Homes between Dicon Fiberoptics and Marina Bay Parkway is18.21 units per acre. The Richmond Riviera project has a density that is basically "suburban," see http://wcel.org/what-does-density-look. Poe's project could be twice the proposed density and fit in fine with other recent projects in Marina Bay.
Poe continues to characterize Richmond Riviera as “middle class housing,” although no middle class family could afford to live there, and he continues to say “one acre of land donated to support affordable housing for teachers” but provides no details about where such land would be located, who would build the housing or what it would cost to live there. At the same density as Richmond Riviera, one acre would provide 11 or 12 homes for teachers, assuming someone other than Poe would build them and sell them at below market rates.
Measures N and O are both bad for Richmond and bad for Marina Bay. Please vote “NO” on measures N and O.
