Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending April 1, 2016.
1. Meeting Notes
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5th beginning with a Closed Session at 6:00 PM, followed by the regular agenda at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link.
2. Personnel Note
I must report with sadness that Chad Smalley, Richmond’s outstanding Capital Improvements Program Manager is leaving the City organization to pursue other opportunities. Chad began his Richmond career with the Redevelopment Agency, and, because of his talent, was always handed the most important and complex projects. Of note, Chad was the project manager for the very successful Brad Moody Memorial Grade Separation project, and was the City’s “point guard” for bringing ferry service to the community. He is a true professional and will be missed.
3. Cesar Chavez Day Celebration at Atchison Village
Groundwork Richmond, in partnership with the City of Richmond ESC Volunteer program, the City Parks and Landscaping Division, and Leadership High School, celebrated Cesar Chavez Day by planting 30 redwood trees at Atchison Village Park this past Thursday, March 31st. Altogether, more than 150 students, volunteers and Groundwork’s Green Team members participated after some inspirational words by Vice Mayor Eduardo Martinez and a blessing of the land by Richmond's Teokalli Mexica dancers.
Groundwork Richmond is an organization that works to empower people, businesses and organizations to promote environmental, economic and social well-being through planting trees, providing youth apprenticeships, and sharing STEM education with residents of the local community. As part of this redwood tree planting effort, Groundwork Richmond will track the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) sequestration capacity of each tree, and measure the benefits of urban forest expansion to our communities.
The Groundwork Richmond Green Team will lead this effort with a goal to plant 40 trees. The Green Team is a pre-employment training program for local high school age youth to develop leadership and job skills, visit National Parks, earn paid apprenticeships, and learn about careers in the outdoors.
Thank you to Sarah Calderon, Executive Director of Groundwork Richmond, and to all of the volunteers and City staff members that helped with this event.
4. Richmond-ECIA Community Grant Program Application is Available!
The Richmond – ECIA Competitive Grant Program is funded through the Chevron Modernization Project Environmental and Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) that was entered into between the City of Richmond and Chevron. Grants ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 will be awarded to Richmond-serving organizations that provide projects or programs focused on the Richmond community, youth, and youth sports.
The grant guidelines and application was released on March 16th on the City’s BidsOnline system. You must register your organization on the BidsOnline system at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/bids in order to download the application (select category “#99888 – Not-for-profit organizations” when registering). For general information regarding the grant or to access the videotaped version of the technical workshop, visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/eciagrants.
5. ECIA Grant Review Panelists Needed – Application Deadline April 8th!
The City of Richmond is seeking individuals interested in reviewing applications for the Richmond – Environmental and Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) Community Grants Program (please see the previous item for background on the program). Grant review panelists are fundamental to the decision making and awarding process. The Mayor is looking to appoint individuals that will: (1) thoroughly review and objectively score grant applications in accordance with specified criteria, (2) serve on the panel from May 2016 - April 2017 (majority of work will be done in May/June 2016), and (3) make recommendations to City Council for grant funding consideration. Anyone interested should complete a Board or Commission Application and submit it to the City Clerk's Office by Friday, April 8th.
For more information or questions contact (510) 620-6828, email eciagrants@ci.richmond.ca.us or visit www.ci.richmond.ca.us/eciagrants.
6. Community Meeting to Review the San Pablo Avenue Complete Streets Design
The City of Richmond, in conjunction with the City of San Pablo, will host a community meeting to discuss the upcoming San Pablo Avenue Complete Streets Project. The project includes installation of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) curb ramps, sidewalks, a bike lane and other pedestrian and bicycle improvements along San Pablo Avenue from Rivers Street to Hilltop Drive, in the cities of San Pablo and Richmond. The meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Monday, April 4th at the Courtyard Marriott (3150 Garrity Way) in Richmond’s Hilltop neighborhood. The public is invited to attend this meeting to learn more about the implementation of this project.

7. Welcome the Spring Season with Art In Windows
Richmond Main Street Initiative and the Richmond Arts & Culture Commission are presenting the latest Art in Windows Exhibition. The exhibition features works of photography by Josue Hernandez, Saida Hogan Nassirruddin, with Marni Temple, Carnell Rogers and Robert Ellison from Elders Learning Community. All are invited to join the Art in Windows Spring 2016 Opening Reception, Art Walk and Mixer on Thursday, April 7th from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

Meet the artists, take a stroll around Downtown to view this exhibition and the public art in the neighborhood, and enjoy delicious light refreshments. The reception begins at 4:00 PM. The Art walk departs from the Richmond Main Street Office (entrance at 402 Harbour Way) at 4:45 PM and returns at 5:30 PM (times are approximate) for more mingling and refreshments.
For more information, call (510) 236-4049 or email admin@richmondmainstreet.org.
AIW is made possible through a partnership between Richmond Main Street Initiative and the Richmond Arts & Culture Commission, with support from Abdo Nasser and St. Raphael the Archangel’s Chapel.
8. Construction Trades Day for Richmond Residents
Chevron and RichmondBUILD are hosting a Construction Trades Day to share information about the exciting job opportunities on the Chevron Refinery Modernization Project. Members from the Contra Costa Building Trades will be on hand to provide information about the many apprenticeship programs, prerequisites, and career opportunities. Confirmed to attend are representatives from the Carpenters, Electricians, Laborers, Iron Workers, Plumbers/Steamfitters, Boilermakers, and Operating Engineers.
Richmond residents will have access to information and resources about job training, removing employment barriers, and credit counseling. The event will be Tuesday, April 5th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at the Richmond Convention Center Bermuda Room (440 Civic Center Plaza).

9. Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 159 Apprenticeship Opportunities
In addition to the Construction Trades Days opportunity described above, the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 159 are reaching out to the community to publicize their plumber/steamfitter apprenticeship program which provides excellent education and on-the-job training opportunities. The next program begins next week, Monday, April 4th at their Martinez location. Please call the Plumbers and Steamfitters office at (925) 229-0400 for more information.
10. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Much of my time this past week was spent in budget meetings with staff members. This past week’s budget meetings included the Finance, Recreation, Transportation, and Information Technology departments, as well as the Offices of the Mayor and the City Council. Several other meetings of note during the past week included:
- Met, together with Administrative Chief Shasa Curl, with Jordan Simmons, Artistic Director of the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, to discuss the Center’s activities and impact during the past year, and plans for the coming year;
- Met with staff members from various departments to discuss proposals for use of transportation funds in the Environmental and Community Investment Agreement with Chevron.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
11. West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) LCAP Survey Announcement
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the new funding mechanism for California public schools. Each school district in the State of California must engage parents, educators, employees, and the community to establish plans that describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals, and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals.
The WCCUSD 2015-16 LCAP Feedback Survey is now open in English and Spanish. This anonymous survey is an important part of WCCUSD's stakeholder engagement process to gather feedback on the design and implementation of the LCAP. The survey will be open until April 22, 2016.
Please take the survey (English version) (Tome la encuesta en Español) now. Your participation is critical in this decision-making process.
Please also feel free to share and distribute with your networks and community.
12. Terminal One Project Draft Environmental Impact Report Available
On February 26th, the City of Richmond Planning Division released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Terminal One Project (Project). The DEIR, which is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), evaluates the environmental impacts associated with the Project, analyzes alternatives and identifies mitigation measures to avoid significant environmental effects. Release of the DEIR opens a 45-day comment period that closes at 5:00 PM on April 11th.
Comments on the Draft EIR should be sent in writing by 5:00 PM on April 11th at the following email: Lina_Velasco@ci.richmond.ca.us or address:
City of Richmond Planning Division
ATTN: Lina Velasco
450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
The DEIR is available online at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/terminalone. Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
- Richmond Public Libraries:
- Main Branch, 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, and
- West Side Branch, 135 Washington Avenue, Richmond (Point Richmond); and
- City of Richmond Planning and Building Services Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond. The Planning Department public counter is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Fridays from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
13. 6th Annual North Richmond Green Festival and Earth Day Celebration

This year’s 6th Annual North Richmond Green Festival and Earth Day Celebration will be held on Saturday, April 23rd at the North Richmond Ball field/Park on Fred Jackson Way & Pittsburg Ave in Richmond. There will be an opportunity to volunteer from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM and the Festival will be held from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The outdoor festival brings residents together to celebrate the efforts that are being made to improve the environment and the health of the community. The festival and celebration will include live music, pony rides, arts and crafts, a farmer’s market, free food, and children's activities.
Each year, local agencies, businesses, and organizations come out and set up booths to share eco-aware and healthy living information with residents to expose them to the resources that are available to them.
Please contact Carla Orozco at (510) 776-7568 if you would like to set up a table or booth at the event. Spread the word, volunteer and celebrate at the 6th Annual North Richmond Green Festival and Earth Day Celebration.
14. Tenant and Landlord Resource List
Because of the very difficult housing rental market, the Richmond City Council asked that staff prepare a list of resources that are currently available to assist renters and landlords to advise them of their rights and responsibilities, and that might be of assistance in resolving conflicts over rent increases and other issues.
Resource lists in both English and Spanish are now available on the City’s Housing Policy webpage: housing resources.
We welcome suggestions for other resources to be included on this list.
15. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 04/01/2016

Twitter Statistics

City of Richmond Website and Mobile APP UPDATE
An upgraded version of the City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is now available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.

The app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information. You can watch the informational video for an overview of the app available for free at Apple App Store for IOS devices and at Google Play for Android phones.
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us.
16. Recreation Highlights
Community Center Egg Hunts:
May Valley Community Center youth participated in the annual egg hunt at La Moine Park across the street from the community center. Recreation staff put together and hid over 300 eggs for the 58 children enrolled in the After School Program. All of the Easter eggs were found in record time!

On Saturday March 26th the Eastshore Neighborhood Council, along with the Recreation Department and numerous donors, hosted the Annual Lovie McIntosh Easter Egg Hunt at Booker T. Anderson Park. Approximately 200 members of the community came to enjoy the wonderful day. Every child was given an Easter basket and two lucky children received a bike. The day consisted of the egg hunt, music, a dance contest, hot dog lunches, and fun in the jumper!
The Annual Spring Egg Hunt at the Richmond Senior Annex was again a very nice program, with over 150 friends and families participating. When the Richmond Fire Fighters arrived, the kids were especially delighted to receive a red fire hat. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts helped with the face painting, cupcake decoration, and putting eggs on the grass. Senior Annex Board Members helped sell hot dogs and cupcakes. Our favorite Easter Bunny appeared and brightened the Hunt. Several participants won baskets and two youth also won bicycles during the joyous occasion.
The Shields Reid Achieve Afterschool Program held their annual Spaghetti Dinner and Egg Hunt on Friday, March 25th. More than 100 after school participants and family members enjoyed the Egg Hunt and wonderful dinner in Shields Reid’s newly renovated park. Participants were given information about upcoming Achieve Summer Camps. Everyone involved had a fun time!
17. Public Works Updates
Engineering Division:
Staff has been overseeing the Pavement Rehabilitation Project which includes American Disability Act (ADA) curb ramp installation, curb and gutter repair and paving. This week ramp, gutter and curb work was completed on Ohio Avenue in preparation of the pavement overlay scheduled soon.
Facilities Maintenance Division:
Carpenters relocated a white board and display monitor in the Planning Department, resolved safety issues in the basement of the Auditorium, and adjusted the doors at the Point Richmond Community Center.
Painters pressured washed the canopies at the Employment and Training Center, applied safety markings in the basement of the Auditorium, and sealed and prepared newly constructed walls in the storage area of the Auditorium.

Painting in the Auditorium Basement
Stationary Engineers repaired the leak on the dehumidifier at the Richmond Swim Center, fixed the sump pump in the Plunge basement, installed a metal cage around the backflow device at the Recreation Complex, drained standing water from the Auditorium basement, removed a water tank from the Auditorium, repaired water valves to the extractor at Fire Station #63, and made replacement keys for Bayview Library.

Water Tank Removal from the Auditorium
Utility Workers re-lamped some areas of the Richmond Plunge, set up various areas for events, and cleaned 29 City owned facilities.

Plunge Re-Lamping
Electricians replaced the traffic controller at 33rd Street and Macdonald Avenue, re-lit an out yellow light at 12th Street and Barrett Avenue, repaired the pedestrian crossing at Valley View and Morningside Drive intersection, repaired five street lights on Trailside Drive and Canyon Oaks Drive, tested new LED fixtures in the Auditorium, replaced a damaged sign on the Richmond Parkway and Macdonald Avenue, and fixed street lights on Giant Highway.

Street Light Repair
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews weed whipped meadians on Castro Ranch Road, weeded and trimmed the Humphrey Play Lot, weeded and trimmed around Civic Center Plaza, replaced the tennis court net at Burg Park, replaced basketball nets at Humboldt and Burg Play Lots, repaired the drinking fountain at the Solano Play Lot, and trimmed trees around over head lines at Mira Vista Park.
The tree crew cut or trimmed trees on: Jo Ann Drive, Visalia Avenue, Grant Avenue at Booker T. Anderson Park, and evaluated locations for new tree planting.
Hilltop District crews completed general maintenance of the Hilltop Drive center medians, continued weed abatement in various areas, continued general maintenance on Richmond Parkway, repaired island curb on Auto Plaza Drive, and began pressure washing of the sound wall along Hilltop Drive.

Hilltop Drive Maintenance
Marina District crews planted 17 trees as replacements, irrigation installation for trees, turf mowing and weed abatement on Harbour Way and Marina Way.

Tree Planting
Streets Division:
Paving staff paved the Marina lot by the boat ramp, Visalia Avenue from 18th Street to 23rd Street and worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk lists.

Paving on Visalia Avenue
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday and the fifth Tuesday through Friday in the Santa Fe, Point Richmond, Marina Bay, and Coronado neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed 17 new poles and signs, painted 140 feet of curbs, repaired 38 signs and poles, re-striped the parking lot on Macdonald Avenue and installed eight pavement message and delineations.
Stop Message Installation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx