Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for a very busy two weeks ending February 12th, 2016.
1. Meeting Notes
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, the Richmond Housing Authority meeting at 6:25 PM, and the regular agenda at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link.
2. In Memoriam: Officer Augustine O. Vegas
By this point, you have undoubtedly heard that Richmond Police Officer Augustine O. Vegas was killed at his Vallejo home early on Thursday morning. Officer “Gus” Vegas served as a Richmond police officer for over 14 years, most recently assigned to the Regulatory Services Unit. He also previously worked as a patrol officer, and as a detective in both the Property Crimes Unit and the Homicide Unit. The Richmond community was indeed fortunate to have known this person of such tremendous character, and we are deeply saddened that he will no longer be with us.
The Police Department’s peer support team and police chaplains have been available these past several days to help staff members process and cope with this unexpected loss. We are also keeping Gus’ wife, Sandra, and his family in our thoughts as well. Sandra Vegas worked closely with the Vallejo Police department on issues concerning foster care youth. Our thanks also extend to the Vallejo Police Department for their swift response to the shooting incident.
3. Personnel Changes at the Office of Neighborhood Safety
The City of Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) and its Operation Peacemaker Fellowship has garnered national and international recognition as a promising approach to reducing urban firearm assaults and associated death and injury. As Director of the Office of Neighborhood Safety, DeVone Boggan has been more than instrumental in initiating a creative and effective program for reducing violent crime in Richmond; he has been its source of inspiration, a leader of an effective ensemble of neighborhood change agents, and a mentor to youth throughout the Richmond community.
It is not surprising that a variety of cities and counties from around the country are seeking to replicate the ONS and Fellowship models, and Mr. Boggan has decided to leave his full-time position with the City of Richmond to assist them in their efforts. DeVone will be forming a new, non-profit consulting organization called Advance Peace, and will be contracting his services to other agencies to expand the ONS and Fellowship models nationally.
I will soon be proposing to the City Council a transition plan that will continue to allow Mr. Boggan to assist the City of Richmond in a part-time consulting capacity while we pursue the strategies that have been implemented by the Office of Neighborhood Safety.
We certainly wish DeVone the absolute best in his new business venture, and look forward to continuing to work with him to provide ONS program continuity in Richmond.
4. Personnel Changes in the Recreation Department
DeVone Boggan’s departure from the City of Richmond in a full-time capacity also leaves a vacancy in the leadership of the Recreation Department. (You may recall that DeVone’s responsibilities also included managing the Recreation Department.) To fill this vacancy, I am promoting an individual who has been extremely successful over the years in connecting with the Richmond community, and who, most recently, has provided leadership for the Cities of Service impact volunteer program.
Beginning in March, Rochelle Monk will serve as the City’s Community Services Director, to include management of the City’s recreation programs, as well as continuing her oversight of the other community service programs that she now manages. I have had several discussions with Rochelle over the past few weeks about her thoughts and ideas for moving recreation programs forward, and am confident that she can bring the same quality leadership and community involvement to recreation as she has to the Cities of Service program.
I know that the City Council and City staff will support Rochelle as she undertakes these new responsibilities.
5. UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks Launches Strategic Planning Process for the Campus
Over the past several years, the City of Richmond’s ties with UC Berkeley have grown stronger, not only through their plans for the Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay, but also through relationships with their Departments of Public Health, City and Regional Planning, Education, Business Administration and others. As a result, when there is news out of the UC Berkeley campus, it is of interest to the Richmond community.
This week, UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks announced that the campus would be undertaking:
“…a strategic planning process designed to ensure our excellence in the face of continuing financial challenges. This process is comprehensive, encompassing academic and administrative realignment, investment in our fundraising and revenue-generating activities, and the reexamination of all our discretionary expenditures, including athletics and capital costs.”
The strategic planning objective is to arrive at an alignment of excellence in their public education mission with new and emerging fiscal realities. In Chancellor Dirks’ words:
“…this is a moment not just to stabilize our finances, but also to consider our future as a leading institution of higher education. The guide for this effort has to be our core mission: to enhance the educational experience we provide to students while maintaining our commitment to access; to increase the support we provide for ground-breaking research and scholarship; and to align our public outreach with 21st century societal needs.”
The Berkeley Global Campus has never been a project funded out of its standard educational resources, but relies on financial and academic partnerships. Nonetheless, we will be monitoring this new strategic planning process in an effort to continue our current strong partnership with UC Berkeley.
6. Yellow Brick Road “Play Street” Ribbon Cutting
On Friday, February 5th, the City celebrated the opening of the Yellow Brick Road Play Street, a component of the Yellow Brick Road Project. This work, spearheaded by Pogo Park, was funded by a $50,000 rapid-response grant from the NFL's 50 Fund.
Pogo Park partnered with the City, traffic consultants Fehr and Peers, and others to deliver traffic calming measures including a traffic circle, roadway striping and sidewalk bulb-outs at the intersection of 8th Street and Elm Avenue, adjacent to Elm Playlot, within 30 days, as required by the NFL grant. The objective of the project is to make the streets safer for children to play outside.
The traffic-calming measures planned for this intersection will prevent cars from speeding through the stop signs at 8th Street and Elm Avenue and improve safety for local children who play at Elm Playlot. Once completed, the traffic-calming installation at 8th and Elm will serve as a demonstration model for the Yellow Brick Road, which is proposed to be constructed in 2018-2019 through a $6.2 million grant of Active Transportation Program funds that was awarded last year. Special thanks to the multiple City departments collaborating with the community to make this great project happen.

7. Richmond Promise Application and Outreach
Richmond Promise Executive Director Jessie Stewart and City staff continue to work to engage students and families regarding the Richmond Promise, and help students complete their application. Since the Richmond Promise launched on January 26th, staff has engaged hundreds of residents and hosted and attended 11 meetings, including on-site workshops for Richmond High, Kennedy High, El Cerrito High and De Anza High as well as two community wide workshops. Staff is currently developing workshops for charter students and local youth organizations as well. Nearly 200 students have already registered a Richmond Promise application in just over two weeks since the launch.
We encourage you to help us spread the word and get local students enrolled. Please visit www.richmondpromise.org to start an application and find out more information. Students must complete their FAFSA or CA Dream Act by March 2nd to qualify.

8. Cash for College Nights in WCCUSD
As students look toward their future beyond high school, a number of programs and events are forthcoming in West Contra Costa County. The Ed Fund coordinated Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act application training to ensure volunteers are able to help all students in the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) complete their financial aid applications by the March 2nd priority deadline. Completing the FAFSA or Dream Act application is also a requirement for receiving the Richmond Promise scholarship.
The East Bay Consortium led the line-by-line training that was open to novice volunteers, as well as those experienced with helping students with financial aid. Richmond Public Library Teen Services Librarian Angela Cox and City Manager’s Office Analyst Gabino Arredondo were a part of the team of volunteers assisting over a hundred students and their parents fill out FAFSA applications at De Anza High, Kennedy High and Richmond High.
9. Richmond Promise Charter School Workshop
Staff will be on hand to provide all charter school students and their families an overview of the goals and eligibility requirements to apply for a Richmond Promise scholarship and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. The presentation will also include information on how to fill out a successful application. Thank you to Leadership Public Schools Richmond for hosting the event.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Leadership Public Schools Richmond Cafeteria
To start a Richmond Promise application and find out more information, please visit www.richmondpromise.org.
10. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past two weeks in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past two weeks included:
· Met with representatives from RYSE to discuss ballot initiatives to support youth program funding;
· Met, together with Planning and Public Works staff members, with representatives of community-based organizations to discuss grant funding for Richmond Greenway projects;
· Attended the League of California Cities City Managers Department meeting, at which I made a presentation concerning Richmond’s “Health in All Policies” strategy;
· Met with individuals from the West County healthcare community to discuss the status of the local healthcare system in the context of the closure of Doctors Medical Center – this meeting was organized and attended by staff from Assemblymember Tony Thurmond’s office;
· Attended the NIAD (Nurturing Independence through Artistic Development) event at the Mayor’s office;
· Attended a special meeting of the Berkeley Global Campus working group, at which the structure of community benefits agreements was discussed;
· Attended a meeting at the Contra Costa Transportation Authority offices, along with several city managers, to discuss elements of a possible sales tax measure;
· Met, together with Finance Director Belinda Warner and Human Resources Director Lisa Stephenson, with employee benefit consultants to discuss strategies for reducing OPEB (other post-employment benefits) liabilities;
· Attended the monthly Contra Costa Public Managers Association meeting (includes all Contra Costa city managers and other public agency executives);
· Attended the Policy Committee meeting of the NURVE (Nystrom United Revitalization Effort) project;
· Attended the monthly “check-in” meeting with West Contra Costa Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Bruce Harter.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
11. Mayor Tom Butt Hosts NIAD Artists’ Reception and Office Open House
On Tuesday, February 9th, Mayor Tom Butt hosted his Second Annual NIAD Artists Reception and Office Open House. (NIAD is Nurturing Independence through Artistic Development.) The event showcased a new selection of works by NIAD artists that will be on display in 2016, and provided the community an opportunity to meet new staff members in the Mayor’s Office. Several NIAD artists were in attendance at the event to see their work displayed and to talk with guests about their work. The public is welcome to visit the Mayor’s Office throughout the year to view the 2016 art collection and meet the Mayor’s staff. To learn more about the NIAD Art Center in Richmond, follow this link: http://niadart.org.

12. Bicycle Rack Voucher Program
For the third year in a row, Engineering/Utilities Department staff submitted a successful application to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Bicycle Rack Voucher Program (BRVP). As a result of their efforts, the City received $11,160 in vouchers that will be used to purchase 72 bike racks, creating up to 186 new bike parking opportunities.
This year’s application includes decorative bicycle-shaped racks which will go in prominent settings in front of Richmond and John F. Kennedy High Schools, as well as at DeJean Middle School and at the Civic Center. These racks will not only provide new bike parking locations, but will also provide a welcoming statement of the City’s support for active transportation options.
The application also includes several corral-style installations for local schools and City facilities. City staff, working with students and school district employees, identified the need for more formal and secure bike parking at Richmond and John F. Kennedy High Schools, where bikes currently have to be locked up to fences. Each school will be set up with a bike parking “corral” that will accommodate 20 to 40 bicycles.
A similar installation of arc-shaped racks will be installed at the newly refurbished Kennedy Swim Center, and a few more racks will be added at The Richmond Plunge and the Family Justice Center.
Ordering, shipping, and installing the racks will take several months, so look for these improvements in the spring or early summer. The BRVP deadline has also been extended to June 3, 2016 – so if you know of a business or activity center needing bicycle racks, contact Infrastructure Administrator Patrick Phelan at Patrick_phelan@ci.richmond.ca.us. For more information about this program, see http://www.baaqmd.gov/grant-funding/public-agencies/brvp.
13. Free Home Solar Systems Now Available for Qualifying Richmond Residents
Richmond homeowners can now qualify for a FREE home solar system funded by the City of Richmond and the State of California.
Grid Alternatives, the City’s nonprofit solar technology partner, is now accepting applications from qualifying Richmond homeowners to participate in the program. To qualify, you must own and live in a Richmond/North Richmond home and earn at or below the 2015 maximum household income, depending on household size.
To assist homeowners in the application process, the City of Richmond and Grid Alternatives are hosting a sign-up event on Thursday, March 3 from 6:30-8:00 PM. Please bring copies of your latest tax return (first two pages) for each member of the household, one PG&E bill (all pages) and either a mortgage statement, insurance statement, property tax bill or copy of deed to apply.
Please see the attached flier for additional event details and qualifying household income limits.
To help us plan for meeting logistics, please RSVP for the event at www.gridalternatives.org/richmond or call 510-621-1541.
Apply to participate now at http://www.gridalternatives.org/clients or call 510-731-1333.
14. Six-Week S.A.T. Preparation Workshop
Richmond Public Library Teen Services is now offering a six-week S.A.T. Preparation Workshop for college bound teens. The 19th annual workshop is open to students in West Contra Costa County. Participation in the workshop can be used to fulfill the college readiness requirement for the Richmond Promise Scholarship. Enrollment is limited and applications are due by 7:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2016. For more information and an application, go to www.richmondlibrary.org or contact Angela Cox at (510) 620-5516. The workshop is sponsored by the Friends of the Richmond Public Library in partnership with College is Real.
Taking the SAT is an essential component of the college application process. Preparing well with courses like this will help students achieve a high score and attend the college of their choice. Don't wait - enroll today!

15. Environmental & Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) Competitive Grant Program
The City of Richmond is hosting an informational meeting regarding the new Richmond – ECIA Competitive Grant Program. This grant program is funded through the Chevron Modernization Project Environmental and Community Investment Agreement (ECIA) that was entered into between the City of Richmond and Chevron in 2014. Funding will be available over the next 10 years to fund programs that support community, youth and youth sports. Grants will be awarded on an annual basis and awards will range from $5,000 to $75,000.
Governmental entities and non-profit organizations that provide services focused on community, youth and youth sports services to Richmond residents are all encouraged to attend. Non-profits must have 501c3 tax status or plan to use a fiscal sponsor that has 501c3 tax status.
There will be two workshops held in the Richmond City Council Chambers (440 Civic Center Plaza) on Tuesday, February 16th at 10:00 AM or Wednesday, February 24th at 6:00 PM.
For more information contact (510) 620-6828 or email eciagrants@ci.richmond.ca.us.

16. Government Alliance on Race and Equality (GARE)
Team Richmond, along with 13 other Bay Area agencies, attended a two-day workshop in Oakland on February 1st and 2nd – the beginning of a yearlong learning cohort of governmental jurisdictions. The Government Alliance on Race and Equality (GARE) focuses on normalizing conversations about race, operationalizing new behaviors and policies, and organizing to achieve racial equity. The objectives of the workshop were to:
· Gain understanding of government’s role in relation to racial equality;
· Develop shared language regarding racial equity;
· Develop skills at analyzing policies and practices from a racial equity perspective;
· Develop a racial equity tool-kit and action plan,
· Learn strategies to help engage in conversations about race; and
· Begin to strategize with others about how government can advance racial equality.
The GARE team from Richmond includes staff from the City Manager’s Office, Employment & Training, Police Department, Richmond Housing Authority, City Council Offices, and Utilities.
Feel free to contact Ryan Smith, Wastewater/Stormwater Manager, at ryan_smith@ci.richmond.ca.us for more information about Richmond’s team. More information about the GARE and the Northern California cohort can be found here: http://racialequityalliance.org/2016/01/11/new-learning-cohort-to-advance-governing-for-racial-equity-northern-ca/.

17. Richmond Joint Powers Financing Authority Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2016
On February 3, 2016, the City closed on the issuance of $28,390,000 Richmond Joint Powers Financing Authority Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2016. The Bonds were rated BBB/stable by Standard & Poor’s (one notch lower than the City’s issuer credit rating, or ICR, of BBB+ because of the lease-based nature of the financing), and were issued as fixed rate bonds with a final maturity of November 1, 2037 and a true interest cost of 4.16%.
The proceeds of the bonds were used to fund the termination of the City’s two swap agreements with RBC related to the Series 2009 Civic Center financing, which facilitated the novation of the Pension Swaps with JP Morgan to RBC. This novation was important given a provision that permitted JP Morgan to terminate the Pension Swaps that was triggered when Moody’s downgraded the City’s credit rating to Ba1 in August 2015. The novation of the Pension Swaps to RBC occurred on the same February 3rd closing date, and amendments to the Pension Swaps resulted in the removal of reference to a Moody’s rating as a trigger for an additional termination event, and revised the S&P ICR rating threshold to below BBB (two notches lower than the City’s current BBB+ rating.) RBC’s agreement to novate and amend the Pension Swaps was critical in resolving the CreditWatch Negative from S&P, and it permitted S&P to affirm the City’s BBB+ with a stable outlook.
18. Hacienda Tenant Relocation Update – Final Report
In January 2015, the Richmond Housing Authority received approval from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of the Hacienda public housing development and approval of Tenant Protection Section 8 Vouchers to assist in the relocation of the residents. The Housing Authority has retained the professional firm of Autotemp to provide relocation assistance for the residents.
As of the Week ending February 5, 2016 the following relocation activity had occurred:
Total # of units 101 |
12-18-2015 |
1-8-2016 |
1-15-2016 |
1-22-2016 |
1-29-2016 |
2-5-2016 |
Tenants interviewed |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
Vouchers Issued |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Inspections Conducted |
62 |
99 |
99 |
99 |
102 |
102 |
Req. to port out of RHA |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
13 ported with success |
13 ported with success |
Applications Submitted |
93 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Relocations completed |
58 |
67 |
76 |
80 |
98 |
101 |
There have been seventy-five (75) families that have used their Section 8 TPVs to lease-up in RHA’s jurisdiction; thirty-seven (37) of these families were Hacienda senior households that moved into the newly constructed Harbor View Senior Apartments. There were also thirteen (13) households that have successfully used their Section 8 Tenant Protection Vouchers to lease-up outside of RHA’s jurisdiction from Sacramento to Los Angeles and throughout the Bay Area; two of them have successfully leased-up outside the State of California (New Jersey and Arizona). There were also thirteen (13) households that vacated the Hacienda that will not be using their Section 8 TPVs (7 to other public housing units, 2 to nursing homes 1 vacated w/o asst., 3 misc.). The total amount of relocation costs were $469,249.37. The Hacienda Relocation Plan was adopted on June 16, 2015 by the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.
As of February 5, 2016, all 101 residents have vacated the Hacienda, and this will be the final report on this process.
19. Nevin Avenue Improvement Project Update
The Nevin Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project is a reconstruction of Nevin Avenue between 19th Street and 27th Street that will improve aesthetics and safety for travel between the Civic Center and Richmond BART Station areas. The project involves new sidewalks, curb and gutter, streetlights, landscaping and stormwater drainage improvements.
The project has encountered delays during the course of construction, due primarily to unanticipated utility conflicts, and rainy weather. With dry weather predicted for the upcoming week, it is anticipated that concrete for the rain gardens, driveways, curbs and gutters will be able to be installed over the next two weeks in the street segments between 19th Street and 23rd Street. Certain intersections in this area remain pending utility relocation work.
For the segment between 24th Street and 27th Street, storm drain main line installation will continue through approximately the next two weeks, after which the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) will relocate a water line at 24th Street to allow connection of the new storm drain system. Once this work is complete, the sidewalk along the south side of this segment will be removed for the installation of storm drain laterals (to connect to the rain gardens). In light of these delays, overall completion of the project is now anticipated for July - August 2016.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196. You can also follow the project on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/NevinAvenueProject.
20. Richmond Public Library’s Adult Literacy Program: A National Model for Volunteers and Digital Literacy Acquisition
From 2010-2013, the Richmond Public Library joined as a lead partner in the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) to study tutor facilitated digital literacy. During the 3-year period, Richmond library’s program LEAP, served 1,933 learners.
Findings from this three year effort speak to the value of our local library and its programs. According to the research, “The program designed and implemented by LEAP was first and foremost a people-centered process. As a result, learning interactions gave rise to mutual respect.” The findings concluded that “libraries are especially able to connect with a diverse array of individuals who might not otherwise have opportunities to learn digital literacy or to volunteer…the impact of such programs goes far beyond the development of individual’s digital literacy skills and both expand and improve the overall health and well-being of the community.”
The complete research findings can be found at the link: http://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/lltr/.
Readers interested in lifelong learning e-tools available through the Richmond Public Library may visit: www.cal.learnerweb.org or www.richmondhealth.learnerweb.org.

21. Mathieu Court “Emerald Alley” Project Update
The Mathieu Court “Emerald Alley” Project is a combination Green Storm Water Management/Bike and Pedestrian enhancement project. This is a pilot project to retrofit alleyways as green infrastructure elements, and is designed to be replicated in other locations in the City. To that end, the City has applied the term “Emerald Alleys” to the overall concept, which ties in to the “Yellow Brick Road” concept developed by Pogo Park.
The Mathieu Court Emerald Alley project utilizes a combination of urban greening and transportation grant funds. The project will manage stormwater and improve pavement and aesthetics of Mathieu Court between Barrett Avenue and Ripley Avenue. This project is receiving funding assistance from a State Proposition 84 Urban Greening grant.
Contractor Ghilotti Bros. Inc., commenced construction on February 8th. Area residents can expect minor traffic disruptions, focused on the Matheiu Court alleyway itself. The first order of work will entail clearing and demolition in preparation for the installation of storm water lines that will be located beneath the “flow-through” planter elements of the project. The project is anticipated to be complete in May 2016.
For additional project information, please contact Michael Williams, Development Project Manager at (510) 307-8147.
22. 2016 Historic Preservation Awards
The City of Richmond and the Richmond Historic Preservation Commission invites nominations for the 2016 Richmond Historic Preservation Awards. The purpose of the Historic Preservation Awards program is to increase public awareness of Richmond’s heritage by recognizing individuals, organizations, businesses, and agencies whose contributions demonstrate outstanding commitment to excellence in historic preservation, local history or promotion of the heritage of the City. Awards will be presented in May during National Preservation Month.
In addition to public and private buildings and structures, historic preservation projects may include media, publications, presentations and exhibits, parks, burial grounds, public art, oral history, theater productions, events and video presentations.
Eligibility: Any individual, group, organization or agency involved in historic preservation or promoting Richmond’s heritage is eligible to receive a Richmond Historic Preservation Award. The preservation project or activity (or a substantial portion of a large-scale multiple activity project) must have been completed no later than December 31, 2015.
Nomination Form: You may nominate an eligible preservation project or activity by submitting a completed 2016 Historic Preservation Awards Nomination Form to the Richmond Planning and Building Services Department. Additional details about eligibility, evaluation criteria used, and submittal requirements are found in the nomination form which can be downloaded at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/preservationaward or you can pick up a nomination form from the Planning and Building Services Department located in the City Hall Building, 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd floor.
Nominations are due by 5:00 PM on March 24, 2016. Feel free to call Soco Montore at (510) 620-6705 with any questions.
23. R-Transit
R-Transit provides door-to-door transportation service to persons with disabilities and seniors (age 55 and older) living in the communities of Richmond, Kensington, El Sobrante, East Richmond Heights, Hasford Heights, Rollingwood, and North Richmond. Register for service and reserve your next trip to the movie theatre for $2.00 each way. See the flyer below for additional details.
24. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 02/12/2016


Don’t forget to download the City of Richmond Smartphon App!

25. Recreation Highlights
Seniors and DPRC
In preparation for the Chinese New Year gala, staff from the Richmond Senior Center and the Disabled People’s Recreation Center ventured to San Francisco’s Chinatown to purchase items for the grand event.
The Yuan Ji classes held at the Richmond Senior Center remains one of the most popular programs. In January, participants were invigorated by learning a new dance from an instructor visiting from Taiwan. The special class was held in the Richmond Auditorium.
In addition to Yuan Ji, Tai Chi classes are also among the favorites for participants.
Robin Yee, of West County Reads, visited Shield Reid and delightfully read books to 20 Achieve Afterschool participants. Shield Reid and West County Reads began collaboration during the summer of 2015 to help improve literacy at Verde Elementary School and Shields Reid Community Center.

26. Public Works Updates
Facilities Maintenance Division:
Stationary Engineers repaired all eight radiant heating units at the Plunge, fixed the spilt system air conditioning units in the Information Technology Room located at 440 Civic Center Plaza, repaired heater flue at the Plunge and replaced tile in the new Employment and Training conference room.
Utility Workers scrubbed floors at the Richmond Recreation Center and the Plunge, cleaned carpets at 440 Civic Center Plaza, removed and delivered e-waste to the e-waste station and cleaned 29 City owned facilities.

Carpet Cleaning at 440 Civic Center Plaza
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews weed whipped and mulched the medians along Carlson Boulevard, weeded and trimmed the meadians on Bayview Avenue, repaired irrigation at various locations, fixed the play equipment at Rain Cloud Park, weeded and trimmed around the Main Library, repaired the bleachers at Nicholl Park and painted the backstops at Nicholl Park.
Preparing Nicholl Park Ballfied
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on: 29th Street, Burbeck Avenue and in Point Molate. Staff also mowed the Civic Center Plaza lawns.
Hilltop Districtcrews continued weed abatement around Hilltop area, completed the center median weed abatement on Richmond Parkway and continued weed abatement at Hilltop Lake.

Richmond Parkway Maintenance
Streets Division:
Paving staff ground and paved Florida Avenue from South 33rd Street to South 37th Street, paved the area of the demolished Red Cross building and worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk lists.

Paving of the Demolished Red Cross Building Site
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas as permitted.
Signs and Lines staff installed 37 new poles and signs, painted 462 feet of curbs, repaired 44 signs and poles, fabricated 15 new signs and installed six pavement messages and delineations.

Sign Installation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
City offices will be closed on Monday, February 15th, in observance of Presidents Day.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx |