Moving cynically from its underdog grass roots beginning, the new deep pockets Machiavellian Richmond Progressive Alliance is looking more and more like its archrival Chevron, running negative hit pieces on its rivals that are -- well not exactly truthful.
The hit piece shown below tries to take out Jim Rogers with four allegations, three of which are inaccurate.
· Jim Rogers did, in fact, support the same minimum wage that RPA Council members (and the entire City Council) voted for and passed. See, June 17,2014.
· Jim Rogers voted for the same pro-DMC polices the RPA Council members (and the entire City Council) voted for and passed. See, Resolution 70-14, July 20, 2014 and City Council Minutes from October 21, 2014. See
· Jim Rogers never voted on rent control while on the City Council because it never came up when he was in office. The RPA kept their rent control offensive secret until after the 2014 elections.
It is ironic that Chevron is sitting out this election while RPA has taken its place as the new well-funded political machine in town using Chevron tactics to win an election.