Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the (long, but information-packed) weekly report for the week ending October 14, 2016. (It’s worth the read!)
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM, followed by the regular City Council agenda at 6:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link: Richmond City Council Agenda Packet.
2. San Francisco Business Times: Richmond Supplement
On Friday, October 14th, the San Francisco Business Times published a supplemental issue featuring Richmond. This issue highlights the assets and amenities that make Richmond one of the best options for business in Bay Area, and profiles a variety of companies that call Richmond home. Please follow the link to read and share this wonderful profile of Richmond: San Francisco Business Times Richmond Supplement.
Please visit our business assistance website to find out more about the resources and staff that the City of Richmond makes available to help your business start, grow, and succeed:

3. Richmond Information Technology Director Sue Hartman Receives State of Our Schools Award from the West Contra Costa Unified School District
At the annual State of Our Schools breakfast on Friday, October 7th, Information Technology Director Sue Hartman was honored as 2016 Partner of the Year by the West Contra Costa Unified School District. Ms. Hartman was honored for her work in partnering with the WCCUSD to improve internet connections for the students in Richmond.
Congratulations to Sue Hartman for her outstanding contribution to WCCUSD!
4. Richmond Receives Voice of the People Award from the National Research Center
As you may recall, every two years, the City of Richmond has utilized the services of the National Research Center (NRC) to conduct a survey of residents to gauge our operating performance and assess priorities. The program is managed by LaShonda White, Senior Management Analyst in the Richmond City Manager’s office.
As part of its National Citizen Survey™ program, the National Resource Center has established a Voice of the People (VOP) Award. The VOP awards fall into two categories, Excellence and Transformation, which are each divided into eight facets of livability:
· Safety
· Mobility
· Natural Environment
· Built Environment
· Economy
· Recreation and Wellness
· Education and Enrichment
· Community Engagement
This year, the City of Richmond received a Voice of the People Award for “Transformation in Local Environment.”
NRC states that the VOP Awards are the only accolades given in local government that are based on resident opinion. According to NRC, “Winners are chosen not only from high resident ratings, but also by demonstrating remarkable impact for the betterment of their communities.” For more information on the 2016 VOP winners, please follow this link:
The 2016 Voice of the People (VOP) Award was presented two weeks ago at the 102nd Annual International City/County Management Association Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
We appreciate residents for taking the time to participate in this survey which helps us improve our services, and thank the National Research Center (NRC) for their excellent survey product, and LaShonda White for administering this excellent program in Richmond.

5. Richmond Receives Beacon Award for Sustainability
The Beacon Program is sponsored by the Institute for Local Government and the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative. The Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative (SEEC) is an alliance to help cities and counties reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy.
The Beacon Program provides a framework for local governments to share best practices that create healthier, more vibrant and sustainable communities. The program honors voluntary efforts by local governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy and adopt policies that promote sustainability.
This year, the Institute for Local Government and the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative honored the City of Richmond with a Spotlight Award for Sustainability Best Practices, and with an acknowledgement for its energy savings efforts.
This Beacon Award was presented last week at the Annual League of California Cities Conference in Long Beach, with Mayor Tom Butt and Vice-Mayor Eduardo Martinez on hand to accept the award.

6. Community Design Charrette at Mathieu Court Alley for the Play Everywhere Challenge
Please come and share your ideas on how to turn our recently transformed “green alley” into a Play Street, where kids and families can come and play.
When: Wednesday, October 19th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Where: Mathieu Court Alley, at the corner of Barrett Avenue (between 5th Street and 7th Street).
To learn more about the Play Everywhere Challenge, please visit
This project is being done in colaboration with the Richmond Art Center, the Trust for Public Land, and the Iron Triangle Neighborhood Council. To learn more about the Mathieu Court Alley Play Street Project, contact Francisca Penafiel ( or Lina Velasco ( in the Planning Department.
The Play Everywhere Challenge is hosted by KaBOOM! in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Target, Playworld, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
7. Contra Costa College to Host the 6th Annual Dreamer’s Conference: Keeping the Dream Alive
On October 22nd from 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Contra Costa College will host the 6th Annual Dreamer’s Conference to support AB540 and undocumented students, parents, and allies in Contra Costa County. This conference is being presented by Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College, Los Medanos College, California State University, One Justice, United Latino Voices, and the University of California.
· Sarahi Espinoza Salmanca, creator of the Dreamers Roadmap app will be speaking about her journey.
· Workshops on DACA and immigration updates, how to pay for college, and more!
· Resource Fair with resources available at the University of California, California State University, and much more.
Register by October 14th to reserve your seat. For more information, please visit or call 510-215-3870.
Reminder: The Richmond Promise Scholarship is also available for AB540 students! Visit for more information and resources.

8. RichmondBUILD Cohort #30 Graduates at Work
The RichmondBUILD Academy continues to create career opportunities for Richmond residents through its sixteen-week intensive training program. Three of the recent graduates of the Academy’s 30th Cohort secured jobs in the construction/carpentry sector.
Diego H. and Gustavo M. (pictured above) are members of Laborers Local 324 and Carpenters Local 152, respectively, and are employed with locally-based Overaa Construction.

Jimmy B. (pictured above) is a member of Carpenters Local 152 and is employed at Coy Sanders.
For more information, please visit: or call (510) 621-1780.
9. RichmondWORKS: Employment Opportunities with Bay Area Beverage Company
The Bay Area Beverage Company, based in Richmond, is a premier regional beverage distributor of leading national and international beverages. Bay Area Beverage Company offers excellent benefits, including Medical, Dental and Vision insurance, a 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, and paid vacation and holidays.
The company is currently hiring for the following positions:
· HR Specialist
· Relief Sales Representative
· Sales Analyst
· Pricing & Purchasing Coordinator
· Urban Strike Team Merchandiser
· Operations Manager
· Delivery Supervisor
· Delivery Driver
· Day Warehouse Team Member
We encourage Richmond residents to view full job descriptions and apply online at
For other job opportunities, please visit or call 510-307-8014.
10. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past two weeks in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely. Much of my time these past weeks was spent first at the International City-County Management Association annual conference, and then at the League of California Cities annual conference.
Meetings of note during the past two weeks included:
- Attended the promotional swearing-in for Police Captain Arnold Threets and Police Sergeant Miles Bailey;
- Met with potential buyers of the Hilltop Mall;
- Met with Jordan Simmons, Artistic Director of the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, to discuss their programs;
- Attended the quarterly meeting of representatives of the Hilltop District Homeowners and Stakeholders, along with Tim Higares, Director of Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations;
- Attended the monthly meeting of Contra Costa County city managers;
- Attended the monthly Contra Costa County Mayors Conference;
- Attended the quarterly joint meeting of the City’s six labor unions.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
11. All Ears Reading
All Ears Reading, a free program sponsored by Tony LaRussa's Animal Rescue Foundation, has arrived at the Richmond Public Library, West Side Branch. Children in grades 1-5 can improve their reading skills by reading out loud to these special Pet Hug Pack therapy dogs. Young readers paired with a specially trained therapy dog gain confidence, and develop a love of reading. Studies by University of California Davis, in partnership with ARF and Nestle Purina Petcare Company, confirm the numerous benefits of dogs as calming, non-judgmental reading partners.
All Ears Reading is offered at Westside Branch Library (135 Washington Avenue) on the third Monday of the month from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The next session is Monday October 17th. Pre-registration is required. Drop-ins will be accommodated if possible. For more information please contact Deborah Bonet, or 510-620-6521.

12. Richmond Promise Scholarship Now Open!
On Monday, October 3rd, the 2017 Richmond Promise Scholarship launched and was celebrated with over 60 students and family members beginning their financial aid and scholarship applications at our computer lab workshop.
For those who couldn’t make it or need additional assistance, there will be more opportunities for students and families to get support on their applications throughout the fall. All dates can be found on the flyer below or on our website at All workshops are free but students must RSVP at to attend.
Additionally, Richmond Promise will be hosting a Community Information Meeting next Wednesday, October 19th from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM in the City Council Chambers. This is open to all Richmond community members to learn more about the Richmond Promise, give feedback, and have any other questions answered. There is no RSVP required for the information meeting. Afterwards, students and families are welcome to join Promise staff in the Civic Center Computer Lab from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM for application assistance. RSVP is required for the computer lab session.
Questions? Contact us at or 510-620-6531.
Apply for the Richmond Promise scholarship today at!

13. Fire Prevention Week
October 9th – 15th is Fire Prevention Week. This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign is “Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years.”
This year's campaign slogan represents a three-year national effort to educate citizens about essential elements of smoke alarm safety. Why three years? The National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) survey data has shown that the public has many misconceptions about smoke alarms. For example, only a small percentage of people know how old their smoke alarms are, or how often they need replacement. This may put families at increased risk in the event of a home fire.
As a result of those and related findings, we are addressing smoke alarm replacement this year with a focus on these key messages:
· Smoke alarms should be replaced every 10 years.
· Make sure you know how old all the smoke alarms are in your home.
To find out how old a smoke alarm is, look at the date of manufacture on the back of the alarm; the alarm should be replaced 10 years from that date. Find more information at
14. Now Open: Love Your Block Application Cycle
Year Two of Richmond Love Your Block is now live! To celebrate the launch last Thursday, Love Your Block joined Richmond Main Street Initiative for the Art In Windows opening reception and brought back the interactive Chalkboard Art Installation in front of the Richmond BART station. Community members of all ages stopped by to tell us about their aspirations and the impact our $2,000 mini-grants could have on their Richmond neighborhoods.

Miss all of the fun? We’ve got you covered! Our chalkboard installation will be up for two weeks, and Art In Windows pieces, featuring artwork created through Love Your Block funded workshops, will remain on display until November. Swing by the Richmond BART station and tell us how you would use $2,000 to Love Your Block – for extra fun, complete your answer with a chalk illustration! We value your responses and want to know how you would like to get involved.
Lastly, take a look at the Love Your Block grant application and start planning your neighborhood beautification project. To assist you in the process, Love Your Block is hosting six grant writing workshops throughout the application period. You must attend one workshop before turning in your application. Applications will be accepted until November 3rd at 11:59 PM. The deadline to submit an application in person is November 3rd at 3:00 PM.
To view the grant application and workshop dates, locations, and times, visit our website at:
Richmond Love Your Block Facebook Page
15. Richmond Farmers’ Market – 24th Street and Barrett Avenue
Come out to the Richmond Farmers' Market where the fruits are the sweetest of the season and the vegetables are filled with nutrients! The market is open year round, every Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM and is located on the corner of 24th Street and Barrett Avenue. The Richmond Farmers' Market also hosts prepared food vendors like our newest food truck "Curbside", a Filipino-American gourmet food truck that offers burgers (with a Filipino twist), sandwiches, fries, lumpia, and more.
Did you know that the Richmond Farmer's Market is also mobile? That's right, the Richmond Farmer's Market is available to attend select events like the July 2016 Health Fair sponsored by Brighter Beginnings Family Health. For more information, please contact Aaron Coleman, Market Manager, at (510) 761-8486.

16. Main Street Zumba is here to Stay!
Richmond Main Street is proud to announce that its popular weekly Zumba classes have returned and are here to stay. For the month of October, all classes will be taught by certified instructor Antoinette Holland. Classes will be held on Thursdays (October 6th, 13th, 20nd, & 27th) from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM at the BBK Health & Wellness Center, 310 9th Street, Richmond (9th Street @ Macdonald Avenue). All classes are open to adults of all ages and capabilities; the cost will be $8 per class. Don’t miss out on this fun, high-energy exercise. For more information: Call (510) 236-4049 or visit

17. Richmond Main Street 15th Anniversary Crystal Celebration
In recognition of their 15-year “crystal” anniversary, Richmond Main Street Initiative, Inc. (RMSI) will celebrate their monumental achievements on Thursday, November 3rd, from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM, at Riggers Loft Wine Company with a wine and tapas fundraiser featuring live music, a silent/live auction, and a special salute to Rosie the Riveter Downtown Champion Betty Reid Soskin.
All are invited to join in the festivities, celebrate and recognize these achievements, and support the continued revitalization of historic Downtown Richmond.
For more information, call (510) 236-4049 or visit
For tickets:

18. City of Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collections System Improvements Project Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration Available for Comment
The City of Richmond Department of Water Resource Recovery released the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the City of Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant and Collections System Improvements Project (Project). The MND identifies and analyzes mitigation measures to avoid significant environmental impacts from the Project. The MND is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The City of Richmond proposes to implement improvements to its WWTP and sewer collection system identified in the WWTP Facility Plan (Facility Plan) and Sewer Collection System Master Plan (CSMP). The critical improvements will address sanitary sewer overflows, replace aging and unreliable infrastructure, comply with discharge regulations, and upgrade or replace non-functioning or obsolete treatment processes with efficient, adaptable, and reliable systems.
Release of the Draft MND opens a 30-day comment period that closes at 5:00 PM on October 18, 2016. Comments on the Draft MND should be sent in writing and must be received by 5:00 PM on November 7, 2016, at the following email address:
City of Richmond Department of Water Resource Recovery
ATTN: Ryan Smith
450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
The Draft MND is available online at: Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
· Richmond Public Libraries:
o Main Branch, 325 Civic Center Plaza
o West Side Branch, 135 Washington Avenue
o Bayview Branch, 5100 Hartnett Avenue
· City of Richmond Water Resource Recovery Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza. The public counter is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
19. Richmond Bay Specific Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report Available for Comment
The City of Richmond Planning Division released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the Final Draft Richmond Bay Specific Plan (September 2016) for the Richmond Bay Specific Plan. The DEIR analyzes alternatives and identifies mitigation measures to avoid significant environmental impacts. The DEIR is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and evaluates the environmental impacts associated with buildout under the Specific Plan. It will also evaluate the impacts of the Sub-Area 4 Project, which would be located within the Plan Area and built according to the Specific Plan.

The Final Draft Richmond Bay Specific Plan documents the community and stakeholder-driven long-term vision for a 500-acre portion of Richmond’s shoreline. This Specific Plan focuses on ways the City of Richmond can capitalize on future ferry service and other area assets to create a sustainable, waterfront community that will, over time, provide increased jobs and housing opportunities, improved transportation options, and access to entertainment and recreation for the city and region.
Release of the DEIR opens a 45-day comment period that closes at 5:00 PM on October 18, 2016. Comments on the Draft EIR should be sent in writing and must be received by 5:00 PM on October 18, 2016, at the following email, or by mail:
City of Richmond Planning Division
ATTN: Lina Velasco
450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
The DEIR and the Final Draft Richmond Bay Specific Plan are available online at Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
· Richmond Public Libraries:
o Main Branch, 325 Civic Center Plaza
o West Side Branch, 135 Washington Avenue
o Bayview Branch, 5100 Hartnett Avenue
· City of Richmond Planning and Building Services Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza. The Planning Department public counter is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and Fridays from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
20. Mayor Hosts Fundraiser to Support Youth Sports
Mayor Tom Butt invites you to help support youth sports in Richmond. The Mayor's Community Fund Second Annual Golf Tournament seeks to raise $35,000 for youth sports.
Last year, more than $14,000 was awarded to 15 Richmond youth sports teams. The funding supported a wide range of activities – including baseball, softball, basketball, martial arts, tennis, football, and golf. Teams used their grants for a variety of purposes, including purchasing new equipment, paying activity registration fees for low-income families, and traveling for tournaments in other parts of the country! Mayor Butt is hoping to increase the fund’s impact in the lives of our youth.
If you are interested in being an event sponsor or buying tickets, visit or contact the Mayor’s Office at (510) 620-6527.

One of the most well-established art centers in the country celebrated its 80th anniversary here on Saturday, October 1st. The Richmond Art Center’s 80th Anniversary Gala welcomed 225 people, and delighted its guests with great food from Salute’s Restaurant, fabulous music by Terrie Odabi, wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a bevy of tempting auction items. The event was a huge success, raising funds for the Art Center to continue its important role as an award-winning leader in community, exhibition, and studio arts.
Hazel Salmi provided the inspiration for the Art Center years ago by riding around Richmond on her bicycle with a suitcase full of paints and art supplies. She engaged people in the process of making art everywhere she went, and the Richmond Art Center is a testimony to her enduring passion for the arts.
The anniversary façade of the entrance to the Art Center was fabricated with the help of Ron Holthuysen and his crew from Scientific Art Studio (the creators of the iconic mitt at AT&T Park, among other notable works). A structure featuring the Art Center logo, the number 80, and two side panels sporting splashes of color provided a bright new look to the Center’s entrance.
There is a heartwarming side-story about one volunteer from RichmondWORKS, 17 year old Janika Chanhsombath. Upon the recommendation of RichmondWORKS, Janika met with Michele Seville and took a tour of Scientific Art Studio where the project took place, and where she would work under Ron’s supervision for three weeks. Janika wants to be a welder, and already has some experience. She helped with every aspect of the entryway construction: measuring the façade for a seamless fit, learning how to use the saw to cut out the pieces, and finally welding the frames that hold up the logos and the “80”. She added to her skills, and was recommended for another internship as a result.
Volunteers included Arts & Culture Manager, Michele Seville (chair of the decorating committee); decorating committee members Susan Wittenberg, Inez Brooks-Meyers, and Sue Hartman; art commissioners Brenda Williams and Linda Kalin; Art Center artists Ikumi Sat and Jackie Mucha; Harvey Wittenberg; and numerous City staff members from Housing & Community Development and Planning & Building Services. Preparations for the Gala took weeks of planning and time – and Richmond demonstrated once again that we know how to get things done by working together!
22. Community Services Highlights
ACHIEVE After-School Program
The Shields-Reid Community Center Achieve Afterschool Program is at it again! On Wednesday, October 5th, 50 participants assisted the North Richmond Green Team and North Richmond Mitigation Council Members with cleaning the creek area near Lucky A’s Field and Verde School.

Shields-Reid Community Center also hosted a Community Chess Day on Saturday, October 1st, where 25 participants were treated to basic Chess lessons and strategies before taking part in an informal Chess tournament. The West Coast Chess Alliance volunteered their time to prep North Richmond Residents for the upcoming Shields Reid First Annual Community Chess Tournament which will take place on Saturday, October 22nd, from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Trophies will be awarded to youth and adult winners.

Nevin Community Center
Robin Wilson, from West County Reads, presented a free book reading this past Wednesday, October 5th. Robin mesmerized Nevin’s after-school participants, friends, and family with various stories, including Big Friendly Giant which was especially loved because it was a favorite movie featured during summer camp. The free book reading event was open to the entire community and over 25 people attended. All attendees were allowed three FREE books following the reading. Robin also captured the afternoon with a Zombie Mask Project using yarn dipped in flour and Elmer’s glue mixture.
23. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 10-07-2016

Facebook Statistics
Post engagements increased by 106%
Total views increased by 100%
Twitter Statistics
Mentions increased by 105.9%
Followers are up
WCCUSD State of Our Schools Award received by the City of Richmond

The City of Richmond received this State of Our Schools award on October 7, 2016 for partnering with the WCCUSD to improve internet connections for the students in Richmond.

City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE
An upgraded version of the City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is now available on the Apple App store and Google Play store.
This City of Richmond mobile app provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information via mobile devices. The app allows quick and real-time reporting of neighborhood-related issues; viewing the City’s Events Calendar; finding addresses and phone numbers of local businesses, city departments and council members. Locating one of Richmond’s numerous parks, and welcoming libraries and community centers, including reserving rental space for that special occasion are all done with ease!
You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube:
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at
24. Engineering/CIP Departments
Auditorium Improvements:
The work at the Civic Auditorium to upgrade the restrooms and the facility to comply with the American with Disabilities Act is nearing completion. The elevator walls were installed in preparation for the glass. All construction and upgrades should be completed soon.
Elevator Glass Installation Preparation
Nevin Avenue Streetscape Project:
The Nevin Avenue Streetscape project is in the final phase. The street from the Richmond BART Station to the Civic Center Plaza will be paved over the next week, weather permitting.
Paving on Nevin Avenue
Nevin Avenue BART Entrance:
The new entrance to the BART from Nevin Avenue is also progressing well. Crews have framed the street level floor as well as installed the walls for the elevator housing. This entrance will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act when complete.
Nevin Avenue BART Entrance
Streets Division:
Paving crews grinded and paved Buckboard Way from Wagon Wheel Way to Conestoga Way and prepared for the impending storm.
Paving on Buckboard Way
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV, and East Richmond neighborhood council areas as weather permits.
Signs and Lines staff repaired one sign and pole, installed 35 pavement markers, placed nine pavement messages, fabricated 31 new signs, and painted 807 feet of curbs.
25. Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations
Our very own Code Enforcement Officer Ruby Benjamin was recognized by the Coronado Neighborhood Council for her outstanding customer service and code enforcement work in the community. Congratulations to Code Enforcement Officer Benjamin for her excellent work!

Abatement crews demolished property located at 390 South 34th Street with assistance of the Police and Fire Departments, abated City property located at 411 South 23rd Street, assisted in the Richmond Parkway median weed abatement, cleared the alleyway to the rear of the 600 block of 23rd Street, assisted 26 seniors in the Fairemede area for a neighborhood clean-up event, removed tons of illegal dumping in various locations, and removed graffiti throughout the City.
Property Demolition
Assisting Seniors in Neighborhood Clean-Up
Alley Clean-Up
Graffiti Removal
Illegal Dumping
Facilities Maintenance:
Carpenters completed repairs to the stucco on the exterior walls of the Senior Annex Community Center, fixed foam roofing on the Civic Auditorium, and repaired equipment rooms at the May Valley Community Center.

Senior Annex Maintenance
Painters are performing touch up painting on the Art Center and are in the process of winterizing the May Valley Community Center.
Stationary Engineers relocated the by-pass steam line in the basement of the Auditorium, repaired the air conditioning equipment in the server room in 440 Civic Center Plaza, replaced the window at the Washington Field House, began building a cage for the cable/motor for the curtain in the Auditorium, removed abandoned steam supply line in Main Library basement, installed new insulation on domestic pipes in Auditorium, re-keyed the door in the warehouse building next to the Port offices, repaired the apparatus door in Fire Station #66, fabricated gutters for the Annex Senior Center, and water cooler replacement at Corp Yard.

Water Cooler Installation
Utility Workers power washed the Art Center, cleaned the front exterior of the Booker T. Anderson Community Center, relamped the Police Station, set up various rooms for events, and maintained 29 City owned facilities.

Bulb Replacement at the Police Department
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews completed maintenance in the East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD) garden, weed whipped the Humphrey Playlot, picked up trash along the Greenway, weeded a Lamoine Park and installed infant swings, cleared overgrowth behind 1329 Ohio Avenue, completed playground inspections, weeded various areas, and completed irrigation repairs at Mira Vista Park.
Weeding on Creely Avenue
The tree crew cut or trimmed trees on Cypress Avenue, Ells Path, Andrade Avenue, Berk Avenue, and South 47th Street . The crew also mowed and edged the Civic Center.
Hilltop Districtcrews continued with general maintenance at Country Club Vista and Bay Vista Parks, performed general maintenance on Richmond Parkway, completed maintenance at Vista Del Mar Park, leaf and debris clean-up around the Hilltop Mall area, and continued maintenance around business district.

Richmond Parkway Atlas Road Off-Ramp
Marina District crews mowed the turf, completed weed abatement along the trail,
and prepared Melville Square parking lot for rehabilitation and tree planting.

Melville Square Preparation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: |