Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending January 29, 2016.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2016 beginning at 5:30 PM. The agenda may be found by clicking this link.
Richmond Promise Launch
This past week was the culmination of leadership by the Richmond City Council, and hard work by City and West Contra Costa Unified School District staff, our local nonprofits, and the Richmond community, to launch the Richmond Promise program to support better opportunities for our youth.
Under this Richmond Promise program, every Richmond or North Richmond resident who has attended a local school since at least the 9th grade will be eligible for up to $1,500 per college year – up to $6,000 total toward their college education, predicated on a student’s length of time as a Richmond resident. This supports those young people who have been here the longest. The program also includes additional attendance incentives, to support the School District’s existing positive attendance initiatives.
City staff researched and interviewed representatives from approximately 20 different Promise programs from across the US, and developed a draft strategic plan to initiate the community discussion about the program elements. I would especially like to thank members of the City Manager’s staff – Shasa Curl who led this project in the manager’s office, Mike Uberti, who did so much of the heavy lifting, and Gabino Arredondo – all of whom made the 2016 launch of the Promise a reality. I would also like to acknowledge and thank Mia Settles Tidwell for her consulting assistance on implementation of the program, and Despina Costopoulos of Scholarship America, which will administer the scholarship program.
It was the input and engagement of the Richmond community that allowed for the creation of a program to meet the needs of our local youth. This came about from a number of community workshops and a Council-appointed blue ribbon task force to make policy recommendations. The result is a Richmond Promise that is unique among Promise programs in the country in that it is the only Promise available to all Richmond students – whether they attend public, charter or private schools.
Additional thanks go to the West County School District for its efforts to support college readiness programs for its students, as well as the many nonprofits currently working with the District, including College is Real and the Ed Fund. The Richmond Promise looks forward to find ways to enhance and support these endeavors with these partners, and through strong relationships with Chevron and the rest of the business community.
The Richmond Promise is made possible by an investment of $35 million dollars over the next ten years resulting from the Environmental and Community Investment Agreement between the City and Chevron, and we look forward to working together to seek additional ways to grow these funds to provide support for our students.
The next several weekly report items provide updates on the progress to implement this program.
2. Richmond Promise Retains First Executive Director
The Richmond Promise is in the final stages of incorporating as a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit that will administer this ambitious program. The Richmond Promise, Inc. has selected Jessie Stewart to be its first executive director, following interviews with a number of extremely qualified applicants. A summary of her background and qualifications follows.
Quite interestingly, Jessie Stewart was born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan, which is the home of the groundbreaking Kalamazoo Promise, and which is one of the communities upon which the Richmond Promise is patterned. Ms. Stewart was educated in the Kalamazoo public schools, and emphasized during her interview that great things can happen when a college-going culture becomes an ethos of a city. She experienced first-hand the transformative impact the Promise has had on her home community of Kalamazoo.
Ms. Stewart is also quite familiar with the Richmond community and the West County public schools. She currently serves as Y-PLAN National Director at UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities + Schools, where she developed partnerships between school district and government/community leaders nationwide, including here in Richmond, to engage young people in city planning and policy making. In this role, Jessie worked with City of Richmond staff, West Contra Costa Unified School District staff, and community and business partners to plan and implement various projects with students and teachers at Kennedy, De Anza, and Richmond high schools.
Ms. Stewart states that she believes high quality education is critical to community health and transformation, and brings over a decade of experience at the intersection of education and community development to the Richmond Promise. She has also indicated that she looks forward to serving the Richmond community in this new capacity to ensure that the Richmond Promise realizes its potential as more than a scholarship, but as a comprehensive and collaborative initiative for college success and community transformation.
The following are details of her education and experience:
Jessie Stewart, MCRP
- Educator and city planner with experience in education policy, non-profits, government, and academia.
- Career situated at the nexus of education policy and community development
- Masters of Community and Regional Planning from University of Oregon
- BA in History and Political Science from University of Michigan
- Y-PLAN National Director at UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities + Schools where she developed partnerships between school district and government/community leaders nationwide, and here in Richmond to engage young people in city planning and policy making.
- Founding AP US History and Government teacher at Golder College Prep in Chicago IL, where she had honor of handing out the first diplomas to the graduating class.
- From Kalamazoo, MI and graduate of Kalamazoo Public Schools, home to groundbreaking Kalamazoo Promise
- Other: Has been a cross country coach, team captain of the University of Michigan cross-country team, founder of Team Half Step, running club in Eugene, Oregon
We are extremely confident that Jessie will be an outstanding executive director for the Richmond Promise.
3. Richmond Promise Community Workshop #2 & Applications Now Available
Applications for the Richmond Promise are now available! Please visit www.richmondpromise.org to start an application today. All Richmond residents graduating in 2016 who have attended schools within the WCCUSD boundaries since at least the 9th grade are eligible for up to $1,500 per year for their college education via the Richmond Promise.
Staff hosted the first community wide workshop this past Wednesday, and is preparing another for Thursday, February 11th, in addition to preparing workshops for individual school sites. The workshops focus on the goals and eligibility requirements to apply for a Richmond Promise scholarship and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. The presentation will also include information on how to fill out a successful application. Details for this next workshop are as follows:
Thursday, February 11
6:30 - 7:30 PM
DeJean Middle School
Multipurpose Room
3400 Macdonald Ave
Richmond, CA 94805
Light refreshments starting at 6:00 pm |
For more information, please call (510) 620-6512 or email info@richmondpromise.org.

4. Richmond Promise School Site Outreach
Richmond High School is hosting a Richmond Promise workshop for their students and families on Thursday, February 4th. Staff will be on hand to provide students and their families and overview of the goals and eligibility requirements to apply for a Richmond Promise scholarship and provide an opportunity for questions and answers. The presentation will also include information on how to fill out a successful application. Staff is currently finalizing plans with Kennedy High and De Anza High to host their own workshops as well.
Staff have also made presentations at local Cash for College events, the Peres Elementary parents meeting and the WCCUSD district wide counselors meeting. Staff is working to schedule more workshops and identify opportunities to support Richmond students. For more information, please visit www.richmondpromise.org or call (510) 620-6570. Details for the Richmond High School workshop are as follows:
Richmond High School
Thursday, February 4
6:00 pm – 7:00 PM
Richmond High Library
1250 23rd Street, Richmond, CA |

5. Cash for College Nights in WCCUSD
As students look toward their future beyond high school, a number of programs and events are forthcoming in west Contra Costa County. The Ed Fund coordinated FAFSA and California Dream Act application training to ensure volunteers are able to help all students in WCCUSD complete their financial aid applications by the March 2nd priority deadline. Completing the FAFSA or Dream Act application is a requirement for receiving the Richmond Promise scholarship as well.
The East Bay Consortium lead the line-by-line training that was open to novice volunteers as well as those experienced with helping students with financial aid. Richmond Public Library Teen Services Librarian Angela Cox and City Manager’s Office Analyst Gabino Arredondo were a part of the team of volunteers assisting over a hundred students and their parents fill out FAFSA applications at De Anza High, Kennedy High and Richmond High.
6. Richmond Tennis Association Acknowledged by the USTA for Excellence
Garry Hurlbut, one of the leaders of the outstanding Richmond Tennis Association (RTA), reports that the Northern California Division of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) will be presenting the Richmond Tennis Association with the 2016 Outstanding Community Tennis Association Award at their annual ACES event on Sunday, January 31st.
This is a notable accomplishment for an organization that represents the Richmond community very well throughout all of northern California. The RTA competes at a high level against teams from surrounding areas including Oakland, Walnut Creek, San Leandro, Berkeley, Claremont, and Alameda.
Congratulations to Garry and Marlyn Hurlbut and the entire RTA Board of Directors for this honor.
7. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended this past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week included:
- Met with Russ Branson, with PFM and the National Resource Network, together with Finance Director Belinda Warner, to discuss the next phase of the budgeting project;
- Together with Environmental Manager Adam Lenz, met with Supervisor John Gioia and staff from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, to discuss the status of regional air quality monitoring programs;
- Attended the grand opening of the Harbour View Apartments;
- Met, together with staff from several City departments, with representatives from the Trust for Public Land, to discuss their Climate Smart Cities Program;
- Attended the official launch of the Richmond Promise program at Kennedy High School;
- Met, along with Environmental Manager Adam Lenz, with Richmond Sanitary Service General Manager Shawn Moberg and Bielle Moore, to discuss several solid waste service issues;
- Attended the monthly budget review staff meeting;
- Participated in teleconferences regarding the pricing of the Richmond Joint Powers Financing Authority bonds, together with Finance Director Belinda Warner and members of the finance team;
- Met with representatives from Assemblymember Thurmond’s office to discuss legislative priorities;
- Met with Sandi Genser-Mack from the Richmond Public Library Foundation to discuss funding priorities;
- Attended the monthly meeting of the West County mayors and supervisors;
- Attended the celebration for the completion of the Pt. Molate soil remediation project.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
8. Mayor Butt Hosts Works from Richmond’s NIAD
Mayor Tom Butt and NIAD invite you to attend “Works from Richmond’s NIAD Art Center,” on Tuesday, February 9th from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM in the Mayor’s Office. The mayor is excited to partner with NIAD for a second year and feature new creative works at his office. NIAD’s visual arts program has promoted meaningful independent living by area artists with disabilities for more than 35 years. Come join us for this wonderful event and open house. Light refreshments will be provided.
Questions: Please contact Irene Perdomo, Director of Projects and Programs, at 510-620-6548.

9. Hacienda Tenant Relocation Update
In January 2015, the Richmond Housing Authority received approval from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of the Hacienda public housing development and approval of Tenant Protection Section 8 Vouchers to assist in the relocation of the residents.
As of the Week ending January 29, 2016 the following relocation activity has occurred:
Total # of units 101 |
12-11-2015 |
12-18-2015 |
1-8-2016 |
1-15-2016 |
1-22-2016 |
1-29-2016 |
Tenants interviewed |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
Vouchers Issued |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Inspections Conducted |
62 |
62 |
99 |
99 |
99 |
99 |
Req. to port out of RHA |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
Applications Submitted |
93 |
93 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Relocations completed |
56 |
58 |
67 |
76 |
80 |
98 |
Autotemp consultants are actively providing ongoing advisory assistance for the remaining residents. In regards to the thirty-seven (37) Hacienda households that have been accepted with approved applications and unit assignments at the newly constructed Harbor View Senior Apartments. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspections have been conducted for these units; all units passed and move in activity for these senior households has commenced. All remaining Hacienda residents have finalized their replacement housing choices. Of the ninety-eight (98) completed relocations, thirteen (13) households have successfully leased-up outside our jurisdiction from Sacramento to Los Angeles and throughout the Bay Area; two of them have successfully leased-up outside the State of California (New Jersey and Arizona).
10. Five-Year Financial Model
This past week, staff members in the Finance Department received training on the five-year financial model from Public Financial Management Group, Inc. (PFM). Training included instructions on updating and modifying data, growth rate assumptions, and initiatives. It also included creating and saving scenarios in order to compare financial outcomes under varying conditions. Staff will test the functionalities of the model and report findings and questions to PFM, which may result in further refinement.
11. City of Richmond Zoning Update and Planning Commission Study Session
The City of Richmond is updating its Zoning ordinance (“Update”). Existing zoning predates the General Plan 2030, which was adopted by the City Council in 2012. State law requires that the Zoning ordinance be consistent with the General Plan because it translates General Plan policies into specific regulations that govern land use. Once the Update is completed, procedures for reviewing land use applications will be simplified.
As a first step in the Update, the City’s zoning consultant has prepared an “Issues and Options” paper (available online at www.zonerichmond.com) which includes preliminary recommendations for the Update. The paper will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting on February 4th at 6:30 PM. The Planning Commission meets in the City Council Chambers located at 440 Civic Center Plaza.

12. 2016 Historic Preservation Awards
The City of Richmond and the Richmond Historic Preservation Commission invites nominations for the 2016 Richmond Historic Preservation Awards. The purpose of the Historic Preservation Awards program is to increase public awareness of Richmond’s heritage by recognizing individuals, organizations, businesses, and agencies whose contributions demonstrate outstanding commitment to excellence in historic preservation, local history or promotion of the heritage of the City. Awards will be presented in May during National Preservation Month. In addition to public and private buildings and structures, historic preservation projects may include media, publications, presentations and exhibits, parks, burial grounds, public art, oral history, theater productions, events and video presentations.
Eligibility: Any individual, group, organization or agency involved in historic preservation or promoting Richmond’s heritage is eligible to receive a Richmond Historic Preservation Award. The preservation project or activity (or a substantial portion of a large-scale multiple activity project) must have been completed no later than December 31, 2015.
Nomination Form: You may nominate an eligible preservation project or activity by submitting a completed 2016 Historic Preservation Awards Nomination Form to the Richmond Planning and Building Services Department. Additional details about eligibility, evaluation criteria used, and submittal requirements are found in the nomination form which can be downloaded at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/preservationaward or you can pick up a nomination form from the Planning and Building Services Department located in the City Hall Building, 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd floor, Richmond, CA 94804.
Nominations are due by 5:00 PM on March 24, 2016. Feel free to call Soco Montore at (510) 620-6705 with any questions.
13. Public Comment on a Safety Evaluation of the Chevron Richmond Refinery
The public has an opportunity to comment on a report from a third party consultant on the process safety evaluation of the Chevron Richmond Refinery. The evaluation includes an assessment of the refinery’s process safety culture, the management of the process safety program, and human factors. All of these are important factors on preventing accidental releases. The report includes the findings and recommendations from the consultant. Some of these findings and recommendations have already been addressed by Chevron. An action plan will be developed by Chevron working with the Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Programs staff on addressing the remaining findings and recommendations.
The comment period is from February 1, 2016 to March 16, 2016. A public meeting will be held at the Richmond City Council Chambers at 440 Civic Center Plaza on February 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The meeting will discuss the findings from the evaluation and provide an opportunity for the public to make comments about the report. A copy of the report can be found at the following link: http://cchealth.org/hazmat/pdf/2012_0806_chevron_Final_Draft_of_Safety_Evaluation.pdf.
Comments can also be submitted in writing to: Contra Costa Hazardous Materials Programs, Attn: Cho Nai Cheung, 4585 Pacheco Blvd., Suite 100, Martinez, CA 94553.
14. R-Transit
R-Transit provides door-to-door transportation service to persons with disabilities and seniors (age 55 and older) living in the communities of Richmond, Kensington, El Sobrante, East Richmond Heights, Hasford Heights, Rollingwood, and North Richmond. Register for service and reserve your next trip to the movie theatre for $2.00 each way. See the flyer below for additional details.

15. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending 01/29/2016

Social Media
Facebook Statistics for the current week:
- New Page Likes increased by 28.6%
- Total Reached increased by 85.8%
Facebook statistics over the past 28 days

Twitter Statistics:
- Tweets increased by 3.8%
- Tweet impressions increased by 20.9%
- Profile visits increased by 32.9%
- Mentions increased by 16.7%
- Followers increased by 15

Point Molate Park Soil Remediation Area and Winehaven
16. Office of Neighborhood Safety Update
During a visit this week to Washington D.C., DeVone Boggan, Director of the Office of Neighborhood Safety, three staff, and four young fellows were warmly welcomed in the office of California’s 11th Congressional District Representative, Mark DeSaulnier. Reports of their visit are posted to the Representative’s Facebook Page:
“ABC Nightline followed these young men from Richmond on their visit to Washington, D.C. and our office. The trip was organized by the City Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS), which is the first non-law enforcement agency of its kind that seeks to reduce firearm assault, injury, and deaths in Richmond. ONS fellows are from the community and in many instances have personal experience with past acts of violence. They came to share their stories and tell us about the positive impact their presence has had in Richmond, including achieving the lowest homicide rate in 40 years. #StopGunViolence”
17. Shields –Reid Project Pride
The Shields Reid Achieve Afterschool program joined the North Richmond Green Team last week, at Project Pride, to learn about recycling and keeping our local watersheds clean. Thirty-five participants from Shields Reid and 12 participants from Project Pride discussed ways of keeping the North Richmond Community clean.
18. Public Works Updates
Facilities Maintenance Division:
Carpenters contstructed a metal stud wall for the Police Department’s Internal Affairs office at 440 Civic Center Plaza.

Metal stud wall framing for Internal Affairs.
Carpenters also formed a concrete path serving the kitchen entrance of the Senior Center and installed new storefront doors serving the administrative office of Employment and Training.
Painters stained and applied clear wood floor finish to the hardwood floors at the Plunge and clear coat finish to cabinets in the socal hall of the Senior Center.
Stationary engineers repaired the wheel chair lift in the lobby of 440 Civic Center Plaza, replaced air filters in the Auditorium and Main Library, and removed debris and cleaned the basement of the Plunge. Repairs where made to the boiler at Employment and Training, showers at the Plunge, the faucet in the Art Center, shower valves at the Swim Center. They also welcomed a new employee who attended a variety of safety tranings.
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews installed four new signs and prepared John F. Kennedy Park for its grand opening on January 23rd. They also weeded the Bowling Greer, the sitting area at 55th Street and Creely and Burg Park. Crews cleaned out drains and completed fence repairs due to vandalism at the Community Garden.

Sign installation at John F. Kennedy Park
Tree crews worked on 7th Street, 25th and 26th Streets, Stege Avenue and Costa Avenue.
Hilltop District crews continued weed abatement around Hilltop and general maintenance on the Richmond Parkway.
Marina District crews controlled rain runoff and relandscaped Shimada Park..

Rain runoff control
Streets Division:
Paving staff worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk lists, constructed sandbags, delivered sandbags and cleaned drains.

Pothole maintenance

Pothole maintenance

Pothole maintenance
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, South Belding Woods, Atchison Village, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex and Eastshore neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed nine new poles and signs, fabricated 21 signs, completed painting curbs and installed three pavement messages and delineations. Staff also completed a two-day safety training.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx