WCCUSD is in the process of developing its facilities master plan. They have provided opportunities for public input and have created a group called the Prioritization Committee.
Description of Facilities Master Plan from District website http://www.wccusd.net/FMP
The Facilities Master Plan will guide the prioritization and sequencing of construction projects utilizing the remaining bond funds and future projects beyond current funding. The process includes a data gathering activities in the fall including Demographics, School Capacity, Input Meetings, School Site Assessments and Standards leading to the creation of an overall District wide Needs List. A Prioritization Committee of Community Members from each city, Elementary Parents from each High School Family, Community Bond Over-site Committee Representative and K-12 Operation Representatives will be tasked with taking the input from the Input Meeting and devising criteria for creating a score card for sequencing construction projects. In January and February, the results of these efforts will be brought back out to the community for additional input. The final option will be taken to the Board of Education before Implementation can begin.
The Committee’s Purpose is as follows:
The Prioritization Committee is tasked with developing criteria that will serve as the basis for the order in which the West Contra Costa School District facilities will be considered for project sequencing and funding. The Prioritization Committee will be making a project sequencing recommendation which will be incorporated into and aligned with the overall vision and recommendations in the Facilities Master Plan.
The description re: selection of Committee members is below (per the District):
Each Community Member will be selected by the City Manager of the City. Each member must reside in the City where the Family Area is located. The Community Member should understand the critical role and responsibilities of the Committee, expressed interest in participating in work of the Committee, be committed to the good of whole community while also advocating for their schools located within each specific city. The Community Member may be a past parent, a business person, teacher, property owner or any other definable stakeholder in the community and may not be an elected official. The Prioritization Committee will also include a representative of our Citizens Bond Oversight Committee as well as current parents from each of our high school attendance area families.
The following people are on the Committee:
• Dr. Charlene Harlan-Ogbeide
• Chris Chartland
• Ann Tarabini
• Tom J. Waller
• Tony Gutierrez
• Georgina Edwards
• Patricia Magana
• Jeff H. Casillas
• Jocelyn La Roque
• Bev Kavanagh
• Greg Chang
• Patricia Ponce
• LaShonda White
The Committee's final meeting before the District takes recommendations on criteria and metrics to the Board is tonight. I believe the item is going to the Board on December 9th. There might be additional meetings after the Board meeting.
For additional questions, contact:
LaShonda White
Senior Management Analyst
City Manager’s Office
City of Richmond
(510) 620-6828 Direct Line
(510) 620-6542 Fax