Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending October 23, 2015.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 27th beginning with a closed Session at 5:00 PM, followed by the regular agenda at 6:30 PM. The agenda packet may be found by clicking this link.
Editor’s note: Tomorrow, Saturday, October 24th is a remarkable day for activities in Richmond:
- Make a difference at John F. Kennedy Park (item 2);
- Celebrate the renovation of the Richmond Swim Center (item 3);
- Pick a pumpkin at the Plunge (item 4);
- Listen to the stories of Muriel Johnson (item 5);
- Find Food Day at Nevin Plaza (item 6).
Enjoy one or more of these great events on Saturday (rest on Sunday)!
2. Make a Difference Day at John F. Kennedy Park! – TOMORROW! Saturday, October 24th
Since this past April, dedicated resident volunteers, church members, and school personnel of the Park Plaza neighborhood and other south side communities have met weekly to share their visions for a newly designed John F. Kennedy Park. Partners on hand to support the design and planning process include The Trust for Public Land, which is generously funding the project, Chevron, a project sponsor, Richmond Trees, Groundwork Richmond, the Richmond Art Center, the National Park Service, Public Allies/Service Works, and City of Richmond staff representing the City Manager’s Office, Parks and Landscaping, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Richmond Police and Fire Departments, Office of Mayor Butt, and City Council Offices.
This collaborative effort will culminate tomorrow on national Make a Difference Day, Saturday, October 24th, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at John F. Kennedy Park (Cutting Boulevard and South 41st Street) where over 300 volunteers will converge on the park to rebuild it. Some of the improved park elements include an added play area for children, Richmond’s first outdoor fitness zone, a walking and fitness trail, the planting of 50 trees, a mural, and a community flower garden. Volunteers with all skill levels are welcome!
In addition to the community-build park event, the public is invited to visit the Super Bowl 50 Community Tour presented by Chevron. The tour will feature the Lombardi trophies for the Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49ers, and an interactive STEM zone.
To learn more about the community-build parks model and to sign up to volunteer, please visit
3. Richmond Swim Center Grand Reopening TOMORROW, October 24th
Following what promises to be an outstanding park rebuild at John F. Kennedy Park, the community is invited to join in the Grand Opening Showcase for the rebuilt Richmond Swim Center. This project was a collaborative effort between the West Contra Costa Unified School District and the City of Richmond. The Grand (Re)Opening will be Saturday, October 24th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the rebuilt swim center adjacent to Kennedy High School.
4. Floating Pumpkins at the Plunge - TOMORROW
If you are looking for more aquatic events in your life, in the spirit of the season, check out the Richmond Fall Fest at the Richmond Plunge tomorrow, October 24th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and take the opportunity to pick your pumpkin from the floating pumpkin patch. Admission is $6.00 for adults and $4.00 for children.
5. LEAP Hosting Storyteller Muriel Johnson TOMORROW
LEAP is excited to bring Muriel Johnson, early childhood educator and storyteller, to the community for stories and songs! The program is free and will be held at the Whittlesey Room at the Main Library tomorrow, Saturday, October 24th at 1:00 PM.
6. Food Day, TOMORROW, Saturday, October 24th
October 24th is nationally recognized as Food Day, which is intended to inspire Americans to change their diets and our food policies. Every October 24th, thousands of events all around the country bring Americans together to celebrate and enjoy real food and to push for improved food policies.
Richmond will host one such event from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Nevin Plaza (Nevin Avenue and 13th Street), where there will be free giveaways, medical screenings, compost demonstrations and giveaways, CalFresh enrollment, and several guest speakers.
You can learn more about this Food Day movement at
7. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week included:
- Met, together with Planning Director Richard Mitchell, Senior Planner Lina Velasco, and Administrative Chief Shasa Curl, with staff from the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to discuss the status of environmental remediation at the Zeneca site, and other sites in Richmond;
- Met as a member of the Berkeley Global Campus Community Working Group Housing Subcommittee to discuss preliminary recommendations regarding housing programs to be included in a compact with UC Berkeley;
- Participated in an “orientation” meeting with representatives from Federal Advocates, the City’s recently-retained federal and state legislative advocates;
- Attended a meeting with representatives from charter and private schools to discuss the Richmond Promise program and obtain enrollment data for Richmond students;
- Led a bicycle tour for approximately 40 attendees at the “Meeting of the Minds” conference, held at the Craneway, travelling from the Craneway, along the southern shoreline Bay Trail, to the Berkeley Global Campus, at which there was a facilitated discussion of ideas for development of the Berkeley Global Campus and the southern shoreline;
- Attended the monthly West County Mayors and Supervisors meeting;
- Attended the Richmond Police Department Awards Ceremony at which Officers Andrew Domenici, Michael Pagaling, Miguel Castillo, Matthew Anderson, Robert Branch, Daniel Reina, and Sergeant John Lopez were honored for meritorious service;
- Attended a meeting with Community Services/ONS Director Devone Boggan, City Council Staff Liaison Trina Jackson, representatives from RYSE, the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, and the California Endowment, to discuss strategic planning for community services programs for youth and families;
- Met, along with Housing Authority Executive Director Tim Jones, Planning Director Richard Mitchell, and veterans program representatives Rhonda Harris and Eddie Ramirez, to discuss possible sites for veteran-focused housing.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
8. Closure of Bay Trail Between Marina Bay and Central Avenue and Point Isabel Regional Shoreline
The East Bay Regional Park District will close Pt. Isabel Regional Shoreline from 5:00 AM to 10:00 PM Tuesday, October 27th for slurry-seal repair work on the paved trails. No entry into the park will be allowed from either the Isabel Street side or the Rydin Road side. The Marina Bay-to-Point Isabel Bay Trail from the bridge at Meeker Slough to the end of Rydin Road also will be closed; there will be no access to North Point Isabel. The Bay Trail from the end of Central Avenue to Isabel Street will also be closed.
9. Draft Richmond Bay Specific Plan (RBSP)
The draft Richmond Bay Specific Plan (RBSP) (formerly known as the South Shoreline Specific Plan) is now available for public review and comment. Written comments on the draft RBSP are due by November 16, 2015.
The draft RBSP was presented at the Planning Commission meeting this past Thursday, October 15th, and is scheduled for presentation to the City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 27th.
The RBSP will facilitate the implementation of Richmond's new General Plan by establishing specific planning policies, regulations, and urban design guidelines for an approximately 220-acre area located in the City of Richmond, south of Interstate Highway 580. The RBSP will focus on ways Richmond can take advantage of the planned Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay, future ferry service, and other area assets to create a sustainable shoreline district providing jobs, housing, transportation options, and opportunities for entertainment and recreation. This planning effort is being funded in part by a Priority Development Area (PDA) Planning Grant from the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).
Comments on the draft RBSP must be in writing and received no later than November 16, 2015. Please send comments to:
Lina Velasco, Project Manager
Planning and Building Services
450 Civic Center Plaza
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804-1630
Comments may also be sent electronically to
Start of Public Review: October 1, 2015
End of Public Review: November 16, 2015
Plan Availability: A copy of the draft RBSP is available for review online at Copies are also available for review at the following Richmond locations:
- Richmond Main Branch Library, 325 Civic Center Plaza;
- Bayview Branch Library, 5100 Hartnett Avenue;
- West Side Branch, 135 Washington Avenue; and
- City of Richmond, Planning and Building Services Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor.
10. Digital Health Literacy classes at the Nevin Community Center
The Richmond Digital Health Literacy Project continues to lead successful Digital Health computer classes at the Nevin Community Center. The class has grown from 7 to 18 students over the past five weeks. This first cohort includes English- and Spanish-speaking learners from the YES Nature to Neighborhoods Wellness Navigators program. More students will start the training program during drop-in computer lab hours at Richmond’s Literacy for Every Adult Program (LEAP) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM .
You are welcome to explore the Digital Health curriculum by creating an account at Please let us know what you think! Topics include finding reliable health information online, using Google Maps to locate health services, and understanding health insurance. Additional learning plans on the topics of physical wellness, family wellness, and community wellness will be added over the next month.
To volunteer to help out with the classes, or for more information about the Richmond Digital Health Literacy Project, contact the Project Coordinator, Ellen Kersten, at (510) 307-8002 or
11. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard. The project is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. Project completion is scheduled for late 2015.
During the week of October 19th, installation of infill panels for the sidewalk railings commenced and the third of four bridge towers was installed while installation of decorative metal on the bridge continued. Additionally, landscaping installation continued, and modification of the driveway and parking areas at the Crossings commercial complex was completed.
For the week of October 26th, installation of decorative metal will be substantially complete except for lettering on the bridge. Work on the sidewalk east of Marina Bay Parkway between Pierson and Regatta will start, while landscaping work will continue.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
12. Nevin Avenue Improvement Project
The Nevin Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project is a reconstruction of Nevin Avenue between 19th Street and 27th Street that will improve aesthetics and safety for travel between the Civic Center and Richmond BART Station areas. The project involves new sidewalks, curb and gutter, streetlights, landscaping and stormwater drainage improvements.
The next phase of work from 23rd to 27th Street is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of November 2nd. During this phase, the eastbound lane of Nevin Avenue will be removed for storm drain installation. This will necessitate demolition of the south side of the street between 24th and 27th Streets. During this phase, one way traffic control will be in place and only westbound traffic will be permitted. Additionally, no on-street parking will be permitted, 24 hours a day on Nevin Avenue. Due to the parking limitations, visitors to Civic Center facilities are encouraged to use the parking lot located at Barrett and 25th Street. The parking restrictions will be in place for the duration of work on this phase, estimated to be approximately five months.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196. You can also follow the project on Facebook at
13. Richmond Transit Village Phase II Nevin Avenue Improvements BART-19th Project
The Richmond Transit Village Phase II Nevin Avenue Improvements BART-19th Project involves the complete reconstruction of the east entrance to the Richmond BART station, replacing the existing sloped walkway with 1) an extension of Nevin Avenue, 2) a plaza and stairway, 3) an elevator and 4) a realigned ramp.
Beginning Monday October 26th, the existing sloped walkway to BART will be closed. The passenger drop off area and pedestrian access to the station will be relocated to the fenced BART parking lot north of the walkway, using the existing stairway near the station entrance. BART patrons are encouraged to utilize access from the west side of the station, where BART recently reopened the intermodal bus/taxi/passenger dropoff area to traffic. This project is expected to be completed in early 2017.
For additional information please contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Andrew Poelvoorde at (510) 595-4724.
Recently completed BART intermodal access
west of the Richmond BART station
Preparations for partial closure of the east
entrance to the Richmond BART station
14. Richmond’s Minimum Wage Ordinance
The City of Richmond’s Minimum Wage increase goes into effect January 1, 2016. The new minimum wage set forth in the Ordinance will be $11.52 an hour (compared to $9.00/hour for the State of California and the initial $9.60/hour wage initially established in the City on January 1, 2015) and it applies to any employee who works two or more hours per week.
The Employment & Training staff posted notices announcing the increase on KCRT, and the City’s website. Packets will be mailed to over 3,000 businesses and the Richmond Chamber of Commerce members to inform them of the change. The information packet includes English and Spanish versions of the official notice that must be posted in all workplaces along with a list of employer and employee rights under the ordinance. Employers who pay for less than 800 hours of employee labor in a given two-week period need not pay the City’s minimum wage until they pay over 800 hours or more of employee labor in a 2-week period. This is the first of three annual increases that will max out at $13.00/hour on January 1, 2018.
For questions and concerns please contact Gina Baker at (510) 307-8011.
15. The 2015 Community Survey Available to All Richmond Residents to Complete
The 2015 Richmond Community Survey can now be completed by ALL Richmond residents in English or Spanish by accessing the following link:
Feel free to contact LaShonda White in the City Manager’s Office at (510) 620-6828 with questions, comments, or to obtain a paper copy of the survey. Your input can help make the City of Richmond a better place to live, work, and play. We look forward to receiving your feedback.
16. R-Transit
R-Transit provides door-to-door transportation service to persons with disabilities and seniors (age 55 and older) living in the communities of Richmond, Kensington, El Sobrante, East Richmond Heights, Hasford Heights, Rollingwood, and North Richmond. Register for services and reserve a free round trip ride to Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historic Park. See the flyer below for additional details.
17. Ridematching in Richmond
Create a profile to find local commuters near you to share a ride. Register and pinpoint individuals nearby wishing to share a ride to a similar destination with just a few clicks. The rideshare matching service is completely FREE! Visit 511 Contra Costa’s RideShare website to create a profile: 511 RideShare.
Explore the many benefits of ridesharing today:
- Reduced stress from commuting
- Financial savings due to shared costs
- Reduce parking demand at work
- Reduce traffic congestion
18. Richmond Main Street Farmers’ Market Every Wednesday!
The Richmond Main Street Farmers’ Market is in full swing! Come Downtown on Wednesdays, now through November 18th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Nevin Plaza (Nevin Ave at 13th Street) for a fantastic selection of fresh seasonal fruits and veggies, artisan vendors, baked goods and treats, food booths, and more!
The market proudly offers the Market Match program which allows any CalFresh recipient who shops using their EBT card to get extra money to buy fruits and veggies! For example, spend $10 and get another $10 to spend. Visit the information booth for details.
For more information on the market, visit the Farmers' Market webpage, like our Facebook page, or call (510) 236-4049.
19. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending 10/23/2015
Website and Facebook Statistics:
Website Page Visits increased by 14.3%
New Facebook Likes increased by 20.0%
Facebook Engagement increased by 164.3%
City of Richmond Website and Mobile APP UPDATE
The City recently upgraded its website which now incorporates responsive design that allows the content on the City’s website to automatically adjust to the screen size of any device. Forget about using the pinch-zoom to see something. This responsive design makes content easy to view and easy to navigate on tablets and smartphones providing a great user experience no matter how the content is accessed.
Great News!! The City of Richmond mobile app is now available. It provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information. You may watch the informational video for an overview of the app available for free at Apple App Store for IOS devices and at Google Play for Android phones.
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this new Mobile APP. We welcome your comments at
Throwback Thursday: Featuring Richmond California History
Please take a moment to comment and LIKE our City of Richmond Facebook post, and enjoy the History Trivia drawing. Do you recognize this image? Where and when was this photo taken? All correct answers posted in the comments section of the Facebook post before 8:00am on the following Thursday will be entered into a drawing for a prize. In addition to your comments, if you LIKE this post, you will be entered twice. #tbt
20. Public Works Updates
Engineering Division:
Paving of Hilltop Drive began on Wednesday, October 21st. The paving will be done in phases and is anticipated to last about three weeks to minimize the impact on traffic in the area.
Hilltop Drive Paving
The staff has also coordinated the lighting fixture upgrades of John F. Kennedy Park. There have been a total of 27 new LED lights installed in anticipation of Make a Difference Day on Saturday, October 24th.
Lighting Installation at JFK Park
Facilities Maintenance Division:
Staff has been feverishly working to complete the finishing touches at the Kennedy Swim Center. The pool’s heater has been rebuilt, counters installed, lighting fixtures installed and functioning as well as the touch up painting completed. The grand opening is set for Saturday, October 24.
The Senior Center improvements are also progressing well and should be complete by December. Currently the new walls are installed, renovating floors and also looking to replace the furniture in the cafeteria area.
Carpenters installed lockers at the Swim Center, corrected mirrors and towel holders in the Swim Center locker room, installed the dedication plaque in the Swim Center and have been preparing the floors for refinishing at the Senior Center.
Painters completed painting the ramps leading to the Police Department with slip resistant paint, prepped the Senior Center floor for refinishing and continued to touch up the Swim Center because of last minute repairs.
Stationary Engineers rebuilt the pool furnace at the Swim Center, serviced the plumbing fixtures in the locker rooms of the Swim Center, installed new Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) at the Swim Center, cleared waste lines at Fire Station #64 and the Bayview Branch Library and repaired the furnace at the Men and Women of Valor building.
Pool Furnace Rebuild
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews have been preparing John F. Kennedy Park for Make a Difference Day on Saturday, October 24th.
JFK Park Preparation
Hilltop Districtcrews continued work on the landscaping project near AM/PM on the Richmond Parkway, general maintenance on the Richmond Parkway, completed sight line improvements to the Garrity Way center median, continued color mulching at Vista Del Mar Park and finished the slope clean up below Hilltop Mall Road.
Garrity Way Improvements
Marina District crews completed turf maintenance and repair, weeding of ornamental plantings, irrigation installation, debris removal throughout area, shrub pruning of medians and the Bay Trail, vandalism clean up and park furnishings repair.
Streets Division: Paving staff ground and paved 33rd Street, completed the Swim Center Parking area, installed bicycle racks, delivered barricades and worked on potholes and sidewalks from the outstanding lists.
Swim Center Parking Lot
Paving on 33rd Street
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday and Wednesday and fourth Thursday and Friday in the; North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex and Eastshore neighborhood council areas.
Signs and lines staff fabricated 15 signs in house, installed 25 new signs and poles, repaired 19 signs and poles and painted 1,543 feet of curbs.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
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