Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending September 4, 2015.
1. Meeting Notes
The next regular meeting is currently scheduled for Tuesday, September 15. The agenda packet will be available on September 11, 2015.
2. 2015 Richmond Community Survey Results
Every two years since 2007, the City of Richmond has conducted a community survey to help city officials evaluate services, measure resident satisfaction/use of current services, benchmark ratings for services provided by the City, and help plan for Richmond’s future. In 2015, surveys were mailed out to 3,000 randomly selected and geographically dispersed Richmond households. A total of 422 completed surveys were obtained, providing an overall response rate of 14% with a margin error of plus or minus five percentage points.
To review the survey reports, please use the following link: 2015 Richmond Community Survey.
3. The 2015 Richmond Community Survey Available to All Richmond Residents to Complete
If your household was not one of the 3,000 households selected to receive the survey, but you would like to provide feedback to the City, now is your chance to do so. The 2015 Richmond Community Survey can now be completed by ALL Richmond residents in English or Spanish by accessing the following link: www.n-r-c.com/survey/richmondncs.htm.
Feel free to contact LaShonda White in the City Manager’s Office at (510) 620-6828 with questions, comments, or to obtain a paper copy of the survey. Your input can help make the City of Richmond a better place to live, work, and play. We look forward to receiving your feedback!
4. BART Service Interruption
There will be no Transbay BART train service between West Oakland and Embarcadero stations on the weekend of September 5th – 7th (Labor Day Weekend) while BART maintenance crews perform vital repairs to improve track safety.
Please avoid taking BART and use alternative routes for Transbay trips during these weekends. Dial 511 or visit http://www.511.org for alternative transportation.
· If BART is your only means to cross the Bay, BART will provide a limited bus bridge at no additional charge (see flyer below).
· West Oakland BART Station will be closed.
· BART will provide normal service in the East Bay, throughout San Francisco and on the Peninsula.
· This is part of the transit system’s “Building a Better BART” program.
· When the work is completed, BART customers will experience a faster, safer, and quieter ride.

5. Climate Action Plan Community Workshop – September 16th, 6:00PM
Interested in building a healthy community? Creating local jobs? Community members are encouraged to attend the City’s Climate Action Plan community workshop on Wednesday, September 16th, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.
The Climate Action Plan will serve as a roadmap for the City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change on the public health, infrastructure, ecosystems, and public spaces in our community. The plan development is underway and it is important that we have broad input from all community members to ensure we develop a plan that best meets the needs for the community.
Food and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP: Richmond Climate Action RSVP. More information about the plan can be found at http://www.richmondclimateaction.org/.

6. Richmond Library Hosts Latina Storyteller Olga Loya
Latina storyteller, performance artist, writer and teacher, Olga Loya uses a dramatic mix of Spanish and English to share traditional tales from Latin America, as well as stories from her own varied and colorful life growing up in East Los Angeles. Known nationally and described as an "alchemist" who can conjure up images and fill them with life, her shows are bursting with color and passion. Stories inspired by legend and current headlines, reality and dreams, ancient myths and personal experience, healing stories and tales of extraordinary women are shared with imagination and exuberance. Loya uses her voice, body and sometimes music and dance to draw her audience into the imaginative and surprising worlds of the tales she tells.
Loya has been a featured teller at many festivals including the Guadalajara, Mexico Festival and the Jonesborough National Storytelling Festival. She has performed and taught workshops at colleges, schools, libraries, conferences, festivals, museums, bookstores, and corporations.
The event is sponsored by the Richmond Public Library and LEAP (Literacy for Every Adult) and will be held on September 17, 2015 at 5:00 pm at the M.F. Whittlesey Room in the Richmond Public Library (325 Civic Center Plaza). Call 510-620-6557 for more information.
Olga Loya
7. R-Transit
R-Transit is Richmond’s very own Paratransit service for the senior and disabled population, and it is expanding mobility options for its clients. Please see the brochure below for information about the opportunity to take a free round trip ride to the Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historic Park Visitor Center.
8. Richmond’s National Drive Electric Week
9. Hacienda Tenant Relocation Update
In January 2015, the Richmond Housing Authority received approval from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the disposition of the Hacienda public housing development and approval of Tenant Protection Section 8 vouchers to assist in the relocation of the residents. The Housing Authority has retained the professional firm of Autotemp to provide relocation assistance for the residents. As of the week ending September 4, 2015, the following relocation activity has occurred:
Total # of units 101 |
7-31-2015 |
8-7-2015 |
8-14-2015 |
8-21-2015 |
8-28-2015 |
9-4-2015 |
Tenants interviewed |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
98 |
Vouchers Issued |
96 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Inspections Conducted |
26 |
27 |
29 |
29 |
32 |
35 |
Request to port out of Richmond |
18 |
19 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
Applications Submitted |
67 |
71 |
71 |
76 |
83 |
86 |
Relocations completed |
17 |
17 |
18 |
20 |
26 |
29 |
Autotemp consultants are actively providing ongoing advisory assistance, rental referrals, and transportation for tenants to view new rentals. In addition to the completed relocations, thirty-two (32) Hacienda households have been accepted or have applications pending at the newly constructed Harbor View Apartments, with an additional twenty-one (21) other households ported out to other jurisdictions, all but four (4) in the Bay Area. The Hacienda Relocation Plan was adopted on June 16, 2015 by the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners.
10. Human Rights and Human Relations Commission: “Reach One, Teach One, Save a Child” – September 12th
The Human Rights and Human Relations Commission is presenting the Annual Education Forum “Reach One, Teach One, Save a Child” on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm in the Lovonya DeJean Middle School Multipurpose Room (3400 Macdonald Avenue).
Cases of child abuse and trafficking have been reported in all 50 states. Child victims of trafficking are recruited, abused, transported, bullied, or received for the purpose of exploitation. Putting a stop to all forms of child trafficking in Richmond and regionally is critical to the Richmond Human Rights and Human Relations Commission.
Presenters include:
Lynette Parker, Richmond Police Department
Dr. Betty Burrus-Wright, Human Rights and Human Relations Commission
Representative, Community Violence Solutions
MC: Richmond Councilmember Vinay Pimple
Join us to save a child on Saturday, September 12, 2015. The event is free to the public. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all attendees. For more information, contact RichmondHRHRC@ci.richmond.ca.us or (510) 620-6563.
11. Richmond Main Street Farmers’ Market Every Wednesday!
The Richmond Main Street Farmers’ Market is in full swing! Come Downtown on Wednesdays, now through November 18th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Nevin Plaza (Nevin Ave at 13th Street) for a fantastic selection of fresh seasonal fruits and veggies, artisan vendors, baked goods and treats, food booths, and more!
The market proudly offers the Market Match program which allows any CalFresh recipient who shops using their EBT card to get extra money to buy fruits and veggies! For example, spend $10 and get another $10 to spend. Visit the information booth for details.
For more information on the market, visit the Farmers' Market webpage, like our Facebook page, or call (510) 236-4049.
12. Nevin Avenue Improvement Project Update – Parking Restrictions
The Nevin Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project is a reconstruction of Nevin Avenue between 19th Street and 27th Street that will improve aesthetics and safety for travel between the Civic Center and Richmond BART Station areas. The project involves new sidewalks, curb and gutter, streetlights, landscaping and stormwater drainage improvements.
During the week of August 31st, the first phase of work commenced on Nevin Avenue between 19th Street and 23rd street, including demolition of the existing road and sidewalk. Additionally, EBMUD continued relocation work related to the project.
During this phase, one way traffic control is in place and no on-street parking will be permitted, 24 hours a day on Nevin between 19th and 23rd Street. In order to accommodate the needs of residents that live along this stretch of Nevin Avenue, portions of 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd streets near Nevin Avenue are signed for resident parking only, and temporary construction parking permits have been issued to residents along the parking restricted area.
Non-residents that may have been parking in this neighborhood are advised that parking is available west of the Richmond BART station at several locations including: 1) the BART parking structure at 16th and Macdonald, 2) the City-owned lot at 13th and Nevin, and 3) the City-owned garage at 12th and Nevin. Parking is also available east of the impacted area at the Richmond Civic Center. The parking restrictions will be in place for the duration of work on this phase, estimated to be approximately five months.
For the week of September 7th, demolition work will continue, modifications to traffic control will be made as necessary, and excavation for new a storm drain will commence. Additionally, EBMUD will continue to work to relocate their facilities in the area.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196. You can also follow the project on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/NevinAvenueProject.

Demolition Work Underway
13. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard. The project is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. Project completion is scheduled for late this fall.
During the week of August 31st, off-site fabrication of the bridge towers continued, as did fabrication of small “infill panels” for the sidewalk railing. Electrical work continued on the traffic signal at Meeker Avenue, as well as for the storm water pump units, and grought grading of the pathway around the bio retention basin was completed. For the week of September 7th, the offsite fabrication activities mentioned above will continue, and installation of remaining irrigation system materials will begin. Additionally, work will begin on modifications to the relocated driveway to the Crossings commercial complex. The community is advised that some of this work is scheduled to occur after business hours to improve access to parking lot areas.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
14. Information Technology
Website Statistics
Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending 09/04/2015


City of Richmond Website and Mobile APP UPDATE
The City recently upgraded its website which now incorporates responsive design that allows the content on the City’s website to automatically adjust to the screen size of any device. Forget about using the pinch-
zoom to see something. This responsive design makes content easy to view and easy to navigate on tablets and smartphones providing a great user experience no matter how the content is accessed.

Great News!! The City of Richmond mobile app is now available. It provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information. You may watch the informational video for an
overview of the app available for free at Apple App Store for IOS devices and at Google Play for Android phones.
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this new Mobile APP. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
15. Recreation Highlights
The Shields Reid after school program youth participated in a North Richmond Neighborhood clean-up. Twenty-eight youth and five recreation staff collected several bags of trash around Shields Reid Park and the neighboring area. The monthly clean- up is an ongoing collaboration with the North Richmond Green Team.
The Annex Senior Center participants enjoy working in their garden, using the fresh vegetables to create a pasta primavera for everyone.

Disabled People’s Recreation Center
With summer camp officially over, the Adult Morning Program (AMP) and the Therapeutic Interactive Recreation Program (TIRP) participants have gotten right back into the swing of things with a full week of activities:
Monday: Great day recycling and enjoying lunch at the park.
Tuesday: Participants had so much fun playing Monopoly to help them with their money management skills.
Wednesday: Great excursion visiting former Recreation employee, Alicia Nightengale, at her Mill Brae community center.
Thursday: Participants spent time discussing current events, made rice krispy treats and enjoyed one another’s company.
Friday: Picked up yummy Zachery’s pizza for lunch and hung out at Booker T. Anderson community center.
Monday: Individual music time for participants.
Tuesday: Computers and iPads were used to play math games.
Wednesday: Everyone celebrated together for two participant’s birthdays, had delicious gluten-free chocolate cupcakes, and sang “Happy Birthday” with a guitar accompaniment from the music therapist.
Thursday: Participants did their maintenance in the garden area and free time on the computers.
Friday: Reading, music and iPad games filled the day.
16. Public Works Updates
Engineering Division:
ADA Barrier Removal Project – Several Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible curb ramps were constructed in Parchester Village to facilitate access to AC Transit bus stops near Parchester Park and the Parchester Community Center. This is an on-going project that continues to install accessible curbs throughout the City.

ADA Curb Replacement
Facilities Maintenance Division:
Carpenters installed a drop ceiling in the file room of the Employment and Training building. All staff also attended safety training.

Drop Ceiling Installation
Painters have been working at the Point Richmond Community Center and Library and in doing so have completed the Equipment Room, Employee Restroom and an exterior wall.
Stationary Engineers repaired two 150 gallon water heaters in the Recreation Complex, replaced valves at the Swim Center, located backflow devices at Point Molate, cleared drains at the Richmond Art Center, and fixed the roof drain at the Point Richmond Community Center.

Valve Replacement at the Swim Center
Utility Workers removed items from Point Molate, scrubbed floors at the Corporation Yard, cleaned windows at the Civic Center, completed safety training, and serviced 29 facilities.

Window Cleaning at Civic Center Plaza
Electricians relamped the changing rooms and offices at the Swim Center, replaced the “Exit” signs at the Swim Center, repaired the “speaking” pedestrian crossings near De Anza High School, installed new copier receptacles in the Mail Room of City Hall, inspected the Recreation Complex, replaced the light pole at Shimada Park, and coordinated traffic loop replacements at two locations.

Pedestrian Crossing Repair
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews removed damaged bus shelters, continued trimming and sheet mulching at Civic Center Plaza, continued weed whipping along San Joaquin soundwall and on Mighty Mite Trail, completed irrigation repairs at Nicholl Park and at the Civic Center Plaza, repaired a fence on the Greenway, trimmed seven trees on the 23rd Street Grade Separation, and fixed the gate handle at Burg Park.

23rd Street Grade Separation Maintenance
Hilltop Districtcrews continued work on the landscaping project near AM/PM on the Richmond Parkway by continuing with the concrete pour for the sidewalk, flail mowed the remaining Hilltop High Fire Zones, abated weeds on the Parkway medians from Hilltop Drive to the Causeway, and weed- abated Country Club Vista and Bay Vista Parks.
Concrete Pour for Sidewalks
Marina District crews mowed all parks, added extra garbage cans, powerwashed picnic areas, finished planting trees, repaired the drinking fountain, spread 200 yards of mulch, and completed weed control at Barbara J. Vincent Park.

Tree Planting at Barbara J. Vincent Park
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on or around: South 20th Street, 5th Street, Sutter Street, Marina Way, Mira Vista Park, and at Nicholl Park.
Streets Division:
Paving staff grinded and paved on 20th Street from Coalinga to Costa Avenue and worked on potholes and sidewalks from the outstanding lists.

20th Street Paving
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services on the fifth Monday and first Tuesday through Friday in the Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, May Valley, Vista View and Clinton Hill neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed 10 new signs and poles at various locations, fabricated three signs, painted 1696 feet of curb, installed three pavement messages, and repaired 20 signs and poles.

Crosswalk Installation near Solano Play Lot
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
LaShonda White
Senior Management Analyst
City Manager’s Office
City of Richmond
(510) 620-6828 Direct Line
(510) 620-6542 Fax