Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending August 7, 2015.
1. Meeting Notes
The City Council is on hiatus for the remainder of August, with the next regular meeting currently scheduled for Tuesday, September 15th.
2. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Conference
The State of California and the City of Richmond hosted the 2015 State Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Conference on Monday, June 29th and Tuesday, June 30th at the Richmond Convention Center. The event was a huge success with 430 total attendees. CERT Program Managers, instructors, and volunteers from across the state attended, making it the best attended conference yet.
The conference started with pre-conference training on Monday that featured a four- hour training on Teen CERT, CERT Tools for Leadership Success, CERT Traffic and Crowd Management, CERT Animal Response, and CERT for Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteer Management.

The official opening of the conference was on Tuesday, June 30th, with Mayor Tom Butt and Fire Chief Adrian Sheppard hosting the opening ceremonies, as well as VIP’s from the Governor’s Office and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
Over 25 workshops were conducted on improving CERT Programs across the state, including:
· People with disabilities and access and functional needs;
· Engaging cert volunteers;
· Leadership success;
· Disaster mental health;
· Exercise planning;
· Re-energizing CERT programs;
· Spontaneous volunteer management;
· Social media;
· Instructor development;
· Communications methods and plans;
· State disaster service worker program;
· Innovations sharing.
Conference attendees overwhelmingly appreciated the efforts of the City of Richmond in hosting and making it possible for so many to attend this first class conference. These efforts will assist communities in years to come to be better prepared for emergencies.
Special thanks to Mayor Tom Butt and Fire Chief Adrian Sheppard for their support in making this event happen and keeping with the CERT motto: “To Do the Most Good for the Most Number of People.”
3. PG&E Community Pipeline Safety Initiaitve
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is working with customers and the City of Richmond to ensure first responders and safety crews have immediate access to underground natural gas pipelines in case of an emergency. This important pipeline safety work includes reviewing structures, trees and brush located near the gas pipeline to identify those items that need to be removed and replaced to keep the area safe and clear for first responders.
For any tree or structure that needs to be removed and replaced for safety reasons, PG&E will work with the property owner to develop a plan that balances the need for public safety with the need to preserve the character and natural beauty of the community.
Throughout the month of August, PG&E will be performing safety checks on the area above and around their natural gas transmission pipelines in Richmond.
For more information on the planned gas safety work in Richmond, please contact Sarah Wetter, PG&E’s local customer outreach specialist, at 1-925-270-2888 or sarah.wetter@pge.com. Additional information on the Community Pipeline Safety Initiative, as well as other PG&E gas safety efforts, can also be found at pge.com/GasSafety.
4. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Much activity last week was devoted to working with the City’s finance team following Moody’s downgrade of Richmond’s bond rating. Other activities and meeting topics during the past two weeks included:
- Met, along with Transportation Project Manager Lori Reese-Brown, with Councilmember Beckles and Dexter Vizinau, of Cybertran International, to discuss their efforts to develop ultralight rail projects;
- Met with a real estate representative of Blume Distillation to discuss their interest in developing an ethanol facility from local, organic feedstock;
- Met with potential consultants to assist in implementing the recently-adopted Rent Control and Just Cause for Eviction ordinance;
- Attended the National Night Out festivities;
- Participated in several telephone calls with legislative staff representatives in Washington to discuss issues with HUD;
- Met, together with various staff from the Public Works Department, with representatives from PG&E to discuss their Community Pipeline Safety Initiative (see item [3], above);
- Met, together with staff associates working on the Richmond Promise, to discuss financial management programs;
- Attended the monthly Contra Costa Mayors Conference.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
5. The Main Library Will Close on August 14-15 and August 21-22 For Construction
The Main Library’s ADA restroom upgrade is set to begin on Friday, August 14th, necessitating that this facility be closed for two consecutive three (3) day weekends -- Friday and Saturday, August 14-15, and Friday and Saturday, August 21-22, with a possible third closure late in the project. The closures will allow the City to complete the demolition element of the project, while allowing uninterrupted patron usage during the week.
This important ADA project is expected to take 45 working days to complete. The most disruptive work demolition will only be performed on weekends while the library is closed. The duration of the total project is approximately 60 days, with completed projected around October 14th.
Phase one of the project includes replacing all fixtures and finishes in the men’s and women’s restrooms, located in the Main Reading Room. When complete, both restrooms will meet or exceed the latest ADA standards.
Phase two of the project will upgrade the accessible path from the street into the Main Reading Room. It includes both van and automobile accessible parking, a new ADA ramp leading to the front main entrance, and a new ADA compliant storefront entrance.
During the Main Library closures, the Book Drop will be closed. Fines will not be assessed on closed days, and we ask that library materials not be left out in front of the library.
The Library and Public Works Departments are committed to minimizing the disruption of services during the construction as much as possible, and we thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Now might be a good time to make full use of our eResources, including ebooks and audio through Overdrive, Internet Archive, or enki. You can also explore language learning with Basic ESL or Pronunciator, the fun free way to learn any of over 80 languages. Enjoy a trip to a Bay Area museum or cultural center -- free/low cost tickets are available online through Discover and Go. All of these resources are available at www.richmondlibrary.org.
6. Rumrill Boulevard and 13th Street Corridor Mobility Plan – Help Make Rumrill Boulevard/13th Street Safe for Everyone!
The City of San Pablo, in partnership with the City of Richmond, the Local Government Commission and Contra Costa Health Service, is preparing to finalize the details for the preferred complete-street design plan along Rumrill Boulevard from Contra Costa College to the 13th Street train track overpass in Richmond. This design aims to transform the street into a friendlier and safer place for people and businesses by improving conditions for travel by foot, bike, bus and car.
The third Community Design Workshop is scheduled to complete street design for Rumrill Boulevard/13th Street on Wednesday, August 19th from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM at the Lao Family Community Center (1968 Rumrill Blvd., San Pablo, at the intersection of Rumrill Blvd. and Folsom Ave.) This project is funded by a Caltrans Environmental Justice Transportation Planning Grant.
Food, refreshments, childcare, Spanish and Mien translation will be provided. For more information, please visit the City of San Pablo webpage or contact Roberta Feliciano, City of San Pablo at robertaf@sanpabloca.gov or at (510) 215-3052, or Lina Velasco, City of Richmond at Lina_Velasco@ci.richmond.ca.us or (510) 620-6841.
7. Chill with a Cop
The entire community is cordially invited to come to Downtown Richmond to Chill with a Cop, a special ice cream social event on Saturday, August 15th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM in the Community Green Space Park at Harbour Way & Macdonald Avenue. Meet your neighborhood beat officers, learn important crime prevention tips, and enjoy a delicious ice cream treat (while supplies last). Admission is free an all are welcome! This event is sponsored by Richmond Main Street, the Richmond Police Department, and Lappert’s Ice Cream.
For more information: call (510) 236-4049, email admin@richmondmainstreet.org, or visit www.RichmondMainStreet.org.

8. YES (Youth Enrichment Strategies) Walk to Nature
YES (Youth Enrichment Strategies) Nature to Neighborhoods’ third annual Walk to Nature is August 29th. Come join the Richmond community from 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM for a walk to Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline.
YES Nature to Neighborhoods has partnered with the East Bay Regional Park District to promote physical activity and good health by introducing access to nearby regional parks in Richmond. Enjoy a beautiful day with your fellow community members and enjoy free giveaways of t-shirts, water bottles, back-to-school gear and more! Please register at the Richmond Greenway (6th St and Ohio Ave) by 9:30 AM. Together, everyone will walk to Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline and arrive by 11:00 AM. There will be bus transportation back to the Richmond Greenway starting at 2:00 PM. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please email nancy@yesfamilies.org, or call 510-232-3032. For more information, please visit the Walk to Nature Facebook page: YES – Nature to Neighborhoods.

9. RPAL Back to School Carnival
The Richmond Police Activities League (RPAL) and Richmond Police Explorer Post are sponsoring a Back to School Carnival and Festival, Friday - Sunday, August 21-23. The Carnival will kick off on Friday at 5:00 PM and conclude on Sunday at 11:00 PM. Helm and Sons Amusement is the carnival provider.
On Saturday, August 22nd, between 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, we plan to encourage youth to go back to school with a positive mental attitude and better prepared for school. PG&E and the Hotel Mac, along with other supporters, will sponsor backpack give away, including school supplies and other important information and safety tips to help our youth succeed in school and feel safe.
For more information, contact Richmond PAL at 2200 Macdonald Avenue, 510-621-1221.

10. Climate Action Plan Community Workshop
Community members are encouraged to attend the City’s Climate Action Plan community workshop on Tuesday, August 18th, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.
The Climate Action Plan will serve as a roadmap for the City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of climate change on the public health, infrastructure, ecosystems, and public spaces in our community. Development of the plan is underway, and it is important that we have broad input from all community members to ensure that the final plan is one that effectively meets the needs of the community.
Food and refreshments will be provided. Please kindly RSVP so we know how much to order. More information about the plan can be found at www.richmondclimateaction.org.

11. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard. The project is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. Project completion is scheduled for this fall 2015.
During the week of August 3rd, off-site fabrication of the bridge towers and sidewalk railings continued, while the first of two deliveries of sidewalk railings was received on-site. Additionally, the main retaining walls were prepared for the application of anti-graffiti coating. For the week of August 10th, the second delivery of sidewalk railing will arrive and installation railing will commence, work on the stormwater bioretention basin will start, and the stormwater pumps are scheduled to be installed in pump station.
For additional information or to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
12. R-Transit
R-Transit is Richmond’s very own paratransit service for the senior and disabled population, and is expanding mobility options for its clients. Check out the following brochure for information about the opportunity to take free round trip rides to the Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historic Park visitor center.

13. New Fire Department Rescue Company Apparatus
Richmond Fire Department installed new Rescue Company apparatus on July 31st. Fire Station 67’s (Cutting Boulevard) crew will be using this larger rescue apparatus to respond to the following emergencies:
· Confined Space: Removal of a utility splicer from a small contained space that has very little oxygen;
· High Angle Rescue: Removal of a trapped longshoreman from a crane at the port or a window washer from the side of a building;
· Low Angle Rescue: Removal a fatigued or injured hiker from the side of hill;
· Trench Rescue: Shoring the loose terrain and removal of a trapped worker trapped in dirt or aggregate;
· Vehicle Extrication: Removal of a trapped motorist from a damaged vehicle.
The Spartan Metro-Star apparatus was designed by Richmond Fire Department’s Apparatus Committee, including City shop staff, and custom built by Emergency Vehicles Incorporated (EVI) in Lake Park, Florida. The combination of the Richmond Fire Department’s comprehensive instruction, a new apparatus equipped with exceptional tools, and the copious hours of training in various rescue system disciplines affords the Richmond community with expert response in the event of a rescue emergency.

14. Richmond Fire Boat Victory Rescues Stranded Boat in San Pablo Bay
On July 30th, the Richmond Fire Boat Victory overheard a radio call of "MAY-DAY" to the US Coast Guard from a boater that had lost power and was worried of being capsized. The Victory was in the vicinity, and rendered assistance by establishing a secure tow to the 20 foot fishing boat and pulling it to the nearest harbor. The fishermen were delighted to see Richmond’s fire boat crew and were thankful for their speedy arrival.

15. Chevron Facility Training
Richmond Fire conducted phase one of the annual Chevron facility training. Joint training between Richmond Fire Department and the Chevron Fire Department is a regular occurrence to keep personnel prepared for any possible emergency.

16. Information Technology
Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending August 7th:

Facebook Statistics
For the week ending 08/07/2015:
Total reached increased by 109.6%
THROWBACK THURSDAY Photo of the week, provided by KCRT

Do you recognize this image? Where and when was this photo taken? All correct answers posted in the comments section of the Facebook post before 8:00 AM on the following Thursday will be entered into a drawing for a prize. In addition to your comments, if you LIKE this post, you will be entered twice. For more information about Richmond’s Facebook page, please visit:
City of Richmond Website and Mobile APP UPDATE
The City recently upgraded its website which now incorporates responsive design that allows the content on the City’s website to automatically adjust to the screen size of any device. Forget about using the pinch-zoom to see something. This responsive design makes content easy to view and easy to navigate on tablets and smartphones providing a great user experience no matter how the content is accessed.

Great News!! The City of Richmond mobile app is now available. It provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information. You may watch the informational video for an overview of the app available for free at Apple App Store for IOS devices and at Google Play for Android phones.
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this new Mobile APP. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us
17. Recreation Highlights
The weekly Sr. Center Yuan Ji class was extremely popular last week with over 45 students.
The Annex Sr. Center participants enjoyed a special festive filled Hawaiian Luau day. Yoko & The Sunshine girls performed a hula dance, others performed traditional songs, and the feast was amazing!
As we continue to enjoy warm weather, the Family and Recreation swim activities have become a nice retreat for everyone.

Disabled People’s Recreation Center DPRC
The participants of the Disabled People’s Recreation Center summer camp programs enjoyed another busy, but awesome week of activities:
Monday – Recycling at the Richmond Rod & Gun Club, exercise, San Francisco Giant’s puzzle challenge, and all American cuisine packed in one fun day!

Tuesday – San Francisco tour of the downtown and the embarcadero area with a stop for lunch by the Giants Stadium. Go Giant’s.

Wednesday – BBQ at the San Pablo Reservoir and an hour hike around the waterfront area. Too bad no fish were spotted on such a gorgeous day!

Thursday – The annual trip to the Special Friends and Family Day at the Solano County Fair Grounds, where lunch was provided along with free rides. Everyone enjoyed deep fried goodness, which included, funnel cakes, Oreos and pickles. Of course they couldn’t leave the fair without checking out the livestock.
Friday – Community walk at the beautiful 1st Street in Benicia and great island food. Then off to lessons at Fat Shafts Archery. The competition is fierce as they are becoming skilled archers!
Shields-Reid Summer Camp
On one the hottest days this summer, Tuesday, July 28th, 55 participants from the Shields Reid Achieve Summer Camp took advantage and cooled off at Keller Beach.

Back to School Backpack Give-Away
On Saturday, August 8th, from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM at the Richmond Recreation Complex, 350 youth who have participated in any of the Recreation Department six summer camp programs will have the opportunity to receive a FREE new backpack and school supplies. The items have been donated by the One Richmond Motorcycle Association.
Included in each backpack will be a variety of school supplies and a special children’s book, written by Andre A. Lewis, about the work of the City’s Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) titled, ‘Be A Change Agent For Your Community’.

18. Public Works Update
Facilities Mainenance Division:
The Point Richmond Community Center and Library roof repairs are moving along nicely. The eaves are nearly complete and they will be moving to the next phase of the repair.
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews hauled debris from the Humboldt Community Garden, repaired the fence along the Greenway at 44th and Barrett Avenue, weeded and trimmed medians along Cutting Boulevard and Macdonald Avenue, weed control on Castro Ranch Road medians, yard maintenance, weed whipped medians on McBryde Avenue and completed irrigation repair on the Greenway.

Median Maintenance
Hilltop Districtcrews continued work on the landscaping project near AM/PM on the Richmond Parkway, trimmed along Hilltop Drive from Robert Miller to Hillview Drive, continued with the installation of concrete forms for sidewalks on Richmond Parkway and Atlas Road completed weed abatement on Robert Miller Drive removed a damaged Acacia tree on Blume Drive and weed abated at Vista Del Mar Park.

Landscape Project near AM/PM
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on or around: 13th Street, McLaughlin Avenue, 18th Street, San Pablo Avenue, East Richmond Avenue, Barnard Street and Kelsey Avenue.
Streets Division:
Paving staff grind and paved on Bonita Road from Jerilyn Avenue to the end and worked on potholes and sidewalks from the outstanding lists.

Bonita Road Grinding

Paving on Bonita Road
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the first Monday through Friday in the; Parchester Village, Hilltop Bayvies, Hilltop Green, Fairmede/Hilltop, Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heihgts, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, May Valley, Vista View and Clinton Hill I neighborhood council areas. Please note there is limited sweeping due to vehicle maintenance.
Signs and Lines staff installed 6 new signs and poles at various locations, placed two pavement messages, painted 1860’ of curb and repaired 52 signs and poles.

Curb Painting
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512