If you find the Richmond Police Department slow to respond to calls for service these days, it may be because they are tied up taking police reports from the nation’s “targeted individuals,” for whom Richmond has become the last great hope. On May 29, Police Chief Chris Magnus wrote in frustration:
We just don't have the resources, including staff, to respond to all these people who are now contacting us because they believe they are being "targeted." We are getting numerous inquiries and requests from individuals all over the country--some even from other countries related to the Council's recent resolution. Richmond now seems to be known as the "resource or helpers" for folks from many states with a myriad of mental health and other problems. If these inquires come from actual Richmond residents, we do our best to be thoughtful, kind, and as helpful as we can be. BUT--we cannot be the department that fields all these requests from around the nation and beyond.
Not only is the Police Department’s phone ringing off the hook; the Mayor’s Office is also getting inquiries, such as this one:
XXX called. She lives in her car. Currently in Carson City, NV. Formerly in Sacramento. Believes she’s being targeted, gang stalked, and electronically stalked. She believes she’s been stalked from Silicon Valley to Sacramento and now to NV where she lives in her car. She was in Laramie, Wyoming for a summer and believes she was stalked there as well. She’s 60, has gone to the police and the FBI but no one has helped. She’s been to the VA (she’s a veteran) and was told she needs medication. She believes things happen when she’s asleep and that her energy is being stolen. She wants to know how she can take advantage of Richmond’s policy so she won’t be stalked and targeted. She’d also like to receive a copy of the policy that the Council passed.
I am trying to figure out how we can use this newfound fame to help market Richmond, much as desolate eastern Nevada has used the Extraterrestrial Highway to lure tourists to an otherwise deserted stretch of desert highway.
I have to confess that two weeks ago I had no idea what a “targeted individual” or “gang stalking” was. Thanks to my more enlightened City Council colleagues, I am now not only familiar with the terms, but Richmond has instantly become the worldwide ground zero for addressing the evils of this pernicious form of harassment.
It turns out that the space based weapons resolution passed by the City Council earlier this week had nothing to do with the future use of space, star wars or war and peace, in the conventional sense.
The resolution has been in the works for nearly a year and is closely tied with a group of people worldwide, commonly known as “targeted individuals,” who believe they are victims of illegal harassment and abuse, generally by intangible methods such as radiation and chemical releases. The Urban Dictionary defines “targeted individuals” as:
Targeted Individuals are people who are illegally and covertly harassed, abused, gang-stalked and spied upon 24/7 by organized groups of persons.
There are several reasons why people become targets and they usually have something to do with sex and money, in that order. The targeting may have to do with a messy divorce, child custody, unrequited love, whistle-blowing, revenge, differences in social, political, or religious beliefs, etc.
Targeting for monetary reasons can include anything from denying you social security benefits or workmen's comp. to outright stealing from your bank account, from sexual slavery to embezzelment, and so on.
Targets should vehemently resist all attempts at being denied any and all kinds of government benefits. Appeal any bad decisions and if you don't like the next decision, appeal it again.
Another claim being made and that is that people might be being targeted for experimental reasons by the military or security agencies, usually, to test out how certain mind-control techniques and weapons work, which goes back to money or sexual slavery.
The main purpose of the assaults is to discredit and control targets. Harassment and abuse is often set up by corporations, businesses, organized criminals, street gangs, right-wing extremists, doctors, dentists, lawyers, or anyone who stands a chance of making any money off of targets.
Targeted Individuals are often hit with gassing (blowing noxious bio/chemical fumes into the target's environment) and they are attacked psychologically, as well. These abuses often lead to the need for psychological and physiological medical attention, thereby providing a good cash flow for the medical community and for big pharma., while taking care of someone's personal problem at the same time.
According to several Internet postings, Richmond first became the latest champion and best hope of targeted individual rights about a year ago (June 2014) when a “precedent setting meeting” was arranged by then Vice-mayor Jovanka Beckles between the Richmond Police Department and a number of targeted individuals. According to a post by Deborah Dupré, “BREAKING NEWS: Jaw Dropping What Calif. Police Just Did Regarding Targeted Individuals!”
California has become the first state to pledge aid to targeted individuals (TIs), marking a major breakthrough to an estimated 350,000 innocent Americans suffering from what they say is organized spying or stalking, many of whom also say their perpetrators are covertly using new military grade weapons to attack them…
A breakthrough for TIs (targeted individuals) has occurred in the U.S. – if it holds. Amy Anderson, a few activists met with Richmond, California vice-mayor and the Richmond police force captain, who pledged that they and their administrations’ will now be working alongside TI victims in their city to assist them, according to an email sent to Dupré.
Richmond survivors can now officially call the Richmond police dispatch number if/when they come under electronic attack and file a police report, according to White, a first in the United States.
Not only that, the captain further stated that he is willing to work with medical personnel in the area informing them of this type of covert criminal activity.
Police departments and medical personnel historically dismiss targeted individuals’ reports under electromagnetic attack. They typically mock TIs when reporting for protection and aid, and sometimes worse: they attempt to have the target committed to psychiatric units. In some cases, they have succeeded, intensifying the living nightmare that targets reportedly experience every day of their lives.
TI’s in the Richmond area will soon be able to seek much-needed assistance from their local police or hospital emergency rooms as situations occur, according to White.
“This may lead to other initiatives which would come as we continue to work with the administration regarding our issues,” she said…
“The vice-mayor, police captain and their aides listened patiently to several victims as they recounted their stories in person in the vice-mayor’s office and by conference telephone, regarding the activities of covert harassment groups locally and nationwide,” recounted White. “Then, stunningly, the police captain revealed that he knew of two people who are also victims of this technology.”
The targeted individuals who met with the officials and police found a strategy that worked for them and against local terror groups, possibly state sponsored terror groups.
“Please note that this arrangement could ONLY have happened by meeting with administration officials first. People have already met with police department personnel with no results,” White said. “Amy started by going directly to the city administration officers, the vice-mayor and councilmembers (in private meetings, not at the public, televised council broadcasts).
“After the vice-mayor became informed and convinced of our issues in several meetings, she then brought the police department personnel into the discussion, who at that time also became concerned allies in helping victims deal with a covert community terror program. I believe our most available solution at this time will most likely come locally and from the top down.”
Amy’s boyfriend, a security guard with his own business, offered to establish a task force to help TI’s in Richmond. The police captain pledged the assistance of the city of Richmond police department in this effort.
“We are hoping to get more communities of TI’s involved in organizing locally to get a handle on their stalking and electronic harassment scenarios.”
“The biggest hurdle for TIs is getting people to take their concerns seriously. A proposal made in 2001 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban “psychotronic weapons” (another common term for mind-control technology) was hailed by TIs as a great step forward. But the bill was widely derided by bloggers and columnists and quickly dropped,” according to veteran TI Harland Gerard reporting to the Washington Post in the article Mind Games.
“Doug Gordon, Kucinich’s spokesman, would not discuss mind control other than to say the proposal was part of broader legislation outlawing weapons in space. The bill was later reintroduced, minus the mind control. “It was not the concentration of the legislation, which is why it was tightened up and redrafted,’ was all Gordon would say.”
Police usually take no action when TIs report their victimization in hopes of protection and justice. This news today, therefore, comes as another Targeted Individual landmark case.
In June, California became the first state to pledge aid to targeted individuals (TIs), marking a major breakthrough to an estimated 350,000 innocent Americans suffering from organized spying or stalking, many of whom also say their perpetrators are covertly using new military grade weapons to attack their bodies and their minds.
The breakthrough for American TIs occurred when a group of TIs met with Richmond, California vice-mayor and Richmond police force captain, who pledged that they and their administrations’ will now be working alongside TI victims in their city to assist them, according to an email sent to Dupré.
Richmond survivors can now call the Richmond police dispatch number if/when they come under electronic attack and file a police report, a first in the United States.
Another Internet post called the Richmond 2014 meeting a “milestone” and the “beginning of a trend:”
There is an interesting development from Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance FFCHS (FREEDOMFCHS.com), the human rights group. A milestone has been reached because Richmond CA will now take crime reports from Targeted Individuals about Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) abuse and Organized stalking. This is a first because prior to this, the police would ignore complaints about DEW and Organized Stalking and attribute it as a delusional disorder. But all that has apparently changed. I see this as the beginning of a trend and there is no going back. When someone makes a DEW or Organized Stalking complaint in Richmond Ca and calls the police, a crime report will be written. This will allow investigations, searches & seizures of weapons and ultimately, arrests and convictions.
A June 2, 2014, post, picturing then Vice-mayor Jovanka Beckles, Amy Anderson and others, called the meeting with Richmond Police “a major breakthrough for the T.I community,”
Amy Anderson a longtime Richmond, California resident and Targeted Individual has worked tirelessly for years with her City Officials to increase awareness and to gain support for the T.I. Community. She has successfully been able to get the Vice Mayor to agree not to allow the installation of additional cell phone towers in the City since they have been known to be used as directed energy weapons.
The latest victory came on June 20, 2014 when Amy brought along several targeted individuals both in person and over the phone to explain the program and to share their stories with the Vice Mayor and the Police Captain.
The meeting began with the Vice Mayor recapping the previous meeting which included Amy Anderson, and leaders from other Human Rights Organizations. Amy gave an overview of electronic harassment, Renata Murry, Israel, Gloria Welburn and Robert Brown spoke about Organized Stalking. Miriam Snyder and Dorothy Mackey gave an overview of the Program and Joseph Whip explained how his Security Company will assist victims who report the crime to the Police.
The two hour meeting ended with the Captain thanking the T.I.’s for their information and explaining that helping the T.I Community would be a new experience for the police department since they are accustomed to dealing with evidence and witnesses. In the case of Targeting, there is usually very little of either, nevertheless the Captain committed the Richmond Police Department to helping Targeted victims in any way they can, and stated that Targets reporting the crime in the City of Richmond will no longer be deemed mentally ill and placed in mental institutions. Going forward when a Target reports a crime perpetrated against them, the Richmond Police will provide a safe environment for the victim, file a police report and give a copy of the report to the victim for their records. The victim will also be referred to the newly formed T.I. Task Force made up of several of the victims present at the meeting.
This is a major breakthrough that has never been done in the T.I. Community; through Amy’s persistence, dedication and commitment to the T.I. Community she has been able to get results that major T.I. Organizations have not been able to accomplish.
This latest breakthrough should restore hope for all Targeted Individuals and should help us to realize that not everyone is involved in the targeting campaign. There is help out there but we must be willing to lose the fear and work hard to get it. This should also be a call to action for all T.I.’s to get active in their Cities so we can take our Cities back one City at a time!
A special thank you to Amy, the Vice Mayor, the Police Captain and the T.I. Community!
Update: The Captain has delivered on his promise to help the T.I. Community and has referred the first Electronic Harassment/Organized stalking victim to the T.I. Task Force….This is major!
Finally, another 2014 post called the Richmond development a “true breakthrough:”
Richmond, California resident and veteran targeted individual Eleanor White, author of Tortured America, Coping With the Crime, says a true breakthrough for TIs (targeted individuals) has occurred in the U.S. – if it holds. Amy Anderson, a few activists, and White met with Richmond, California vice-mayor and the Richmond police force captain, who pledged that they and their administrations’ will now be working alongside TI victims in their city to assist them.
“The vice-mayor, police captain and their aides listened patiently to several victims as they recounted their stories in person in the vice-mayor’s office and by conference telephone, regarding the activities of covert harassment groups locally and nationwide,” recounted White. “Then, stunningly, the police captain revealed that he knew of two people who are also victims of this technology.”
Local terror groups
The targeted individuals who met with the officials and police found a strategy that worked for them and against local terror groups, possibly state sponsored terror groups.
“Please note that this arrangement could ONLY have happened by meeting with administration officials first. People have already met with police department personnel with no results,” White said. “Amy started by going directly to the city administration officers, the vice-mayor and councilmembers (in private meetings, not at the public, televised council broadcasts).
“After the vice-mayor became informed and convinced of our issues in several meetings, she then brought the police department personnel into the discussion, who at that time also became concerned allies in helping victims deal with a covert community terror program. I believe our most available solution at this time will most likely come locally and from the top down.”
Amy’s boyfriend, a security guard with his own business, offered to establish a task force to help TI’s in Richmond. The police captain pledged the assistance of the city of Richmond police department in this effort.
“We are hoping to get more communities of TI’s involved in organizing locally to get a handle on their stalking and electronic harassment scenarios.”
Richmond survivors can now officially call the Richmond police dispatch number if/when they come under electronic attack and file a police report, according to White, a first in the United States.
Not only that, the captain further stated that he is willing to work with medical personnel in the area informing them of this type of covert criminal activity.
Police departments and medical personnel historically dismiss targeted individuals’ reports under electromagnetic attack. They typically mock TIs when reporting for protection and aid, and sometimes worse: they attempt to have the target committed to psychiatric units. In some cases, they have succeeded, intensifying the living nightmare that targets reportedly experience every day of their lives.
TI’s in the Richmond area will soon be able to seek much-needed assistance from their local police or hospital emergency rooms as situations occur, according to White.
“This may lead to other initiatives which would come as we continue to work with the administration regarding our issues,” she said.
Innocent people of all walks of life are conveying that they are being targeted, many detailing what meets the criteria of torture. Some of these targets have not survived, as reported by Deborah Dupré.
Not everyone touched by the “targeted individual” community was happy to see Richmond’s embracement. The mother of a “targeted individual” wrote the following email to me:
Dear Mayor Butt,
I am sending some links below to articles my son sent me regarding an ordinance that he says the City Council voted for and that the Richmond Police will be taking reports for crime investigation for this type of weapon targeting.
My son suffers from mental illness and believes that Voice-Skull or electromagnetic waves generated by groups who target individuals as described in this article. He keeps using this to support his theory that the reasons he hears voices is that he is being targeted! Of course, I find this hard to believe but I can't convince him otherwise. He often refers to and site Richmond Police and City Council.
I am doing everything in my power to get him treatment but he holds on to this delusion that he is being targeted. They Call it Voice-Skull or Synthetic Telepathy
So why am I a writing to you? I think he is misinterpreting that the Richmond Police are now taking this seriously. Can you please tell me whether this is true or not. I need to try to break through his delusion in order to get him to take appropriate medication otherwise he will never be well enough to function again. This is a young man with a BA MA, very intelligent and very talented who is decompensating and throwing his future away because of this. Part of delusional disorder or Psychosis is that they cannot see that they are delusional and have a problem. This is a serious issues. I don't see him as any danger other than this destroying his life or possibly to himself.
Here are the links: I would greatly appreciate a response from your or someone in your office or the Police Force.

Chip Johnson
Richmond Council saves us from space attacks (by 5-2 vote!)
By Chip Johnson on May 26, 2015 6:28 PM
Photo By Getty
Dying star — or space attacker?
The Richmond City Council, in all its wisdom, last week addressed an unforeseen threat to California residents. A silent stalker that travels at light-speed from the heavens above and watches the world with an omniscient, unblinking, unrelenting eye.
I’m talking about space-based mind control weapons, people! Where have you been?
After listening to horror stories from more than a dozen people who believe that government agencies and other parties are watching them from outer space –including one speaker who was “targeted” just before arriving at Richmond City Hall– the council voted 5-2 to approve a resolution to discourage the use of space weapons on earth dwellers.
The resolution approved on May 19 refers to an attempt by a U.S. Congressman 14 years ago to ban space-based weapons. In 2001, then-Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D–Ohio, introduced the “Space Preservation Act” and “Space Preservation Treaty” that would have banned spaced-based weapons.
The Richmond resolution from Councilwoman Jovanka Beckles doesn’t merely support those attempts to ban space-based weapons, it does so “to ensure that individuals will not be targets of space-based weapons.”
Beckles said in a memo she was introducing the resolution because she had met a Richmond woman who “informed me she was a survivor of such horrible attacks. According to her description, these government patented technologies and weapons interfere and disrupt the targeted individual’s health physically and psychologically by remote transmission.” Beckles said it was a shame that city officials have dismissed their claims.
The way I read this, if I had access to space-based weapons, I could use them to control my editor’s mind — maybe score a couple of extra weeks vacation. Or I could use them to manipulate Ticketmaster and get free tickets to the Warriors playoff game. I’m warming up to the idea of space-based weapons.
Even so, as a public policy matter, I wouldn’t have supported this.
It’s not real.
It may be real in the minds of some people — but it’s not what you’d call a widespread public problem. Yet five councilmembers voted for and passed it. In addition to Beckles, they were Eduardo Martinez, Gayle McLaughlin, Vice Mayor Jael Myrick and Nat Bates. Voting no were Vinay Pimple and Mayor Tom Butt.
“For a moment I was inclined to support it simply because of the symbolic relief it would bring to (people), and I could see no downside,” Butt wrote in his weekly newsletter. “On the other hand, I considered the message this would send to the hundred thousand or more Richmond residents who are not “targeted” by mind control technology and do not suffer routine physical pain from space-based weapons.”
Butt said he didn’t think most people would want their elected officials to dwell on this matter. For the council to do so, “especially based on the testimony of a dozen, mostly out-of-town speakers of questionable credibility, worries me,” he said.
Butt originally viewed the issue as harmless. But he received a letter after the vote that changed his mind.
“My son suffers from mental illness and believes that Voice-Skull or electromagnetic waves generated by groups who target individuals” plague him, the woman told Butt. “He keeps using (the council’s decision) to support his theory that the reasons he hears voices is that he is being targeted! Of course, I find this hard to believe, but I can’t convince him otherwise. He often refers to and cites the Richmond Police and City Council.”
She said the council’s vote is helping her son justify his beliefs and avoid taking his medication.
In all, it’s going to take a lot more than a vote by the Richmond City Council to save us from a space attack. The real question is, what will save us from the Richmond City Council?
Categories: Richmond, Wacky things
Barnidge: No more mind-control weapons targeting Richmond residents
By Tom Barnidge Contra Costa Times Columnist
Posted: 05/20/2015 11:25:41 AM PDT# Comments
Everything on today's menu is low-fat and high-fiber. Consume as much as you wish:
Few societal threats escape the watchful eye of the Richmond City Council, so it was no surprise Tuesday night that it voted its opposition to airborne weapons systems that have allegedly targeted residents with mind-control technology. You read that correctly.
After a dozen professed victims told of pain suffered from chemtrails, particle beams and electromagnetic radiation, the council voted 5-2 in favor of Councilwoman Jovanka Beckles' resolution "in support of the Space Preservation Act and the Space Preservation Treaty to permanently ban spaced-based weapons," with Mayor Tom Butt and Councilman Vinay Pimple dissenting.
"I'm just a dumb city council person," Butt said, "and this is way, way over my head. I frankly think it's way out of the purview of what this city council should be taking up."
Colleague Nat Bates was more understanding: "I'm going to support the resolution for the simple reason that we have voted on a lot of dumb ideas."