Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending May 29th, 2015.
The next meeting of the Richmond City Council is Tuesday, June 2nd, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, and the regular agenda convening at 6:30 PM. To see the City Council agenda use the following link: Agenda.
- Richmond Promise Community Workshops
This past July, the Richmond City Council approved the Chevron Environmental and Community Investment Agreement, which allocated $35 million over 10 years to fund “The Richmond Promise” scholarship program. The basic goal of the Richmond Promise is to help ensure that every Richmond child in the public school system has the financial resources and tools necessary to attend college. The City is hosting two upcoming community workshops to help craft the Richmond Promise to best serve the Richmond community and students. At these workshops, we will discuss:
- Needs of Richmond students and families;
- How to prepare and support students to graduate from high school and pursue higher education.
If you are interested in attending the workshops, please RSVP at www.RichmondPromise.eventbrite.com (so that we may plan accordingly for the number of attendees) and help spread the word!
The workshops will be:
Monday, June 8, 2015
6:00 PM—8:00 PM
Bermuda Room
Richmond Auditorium
403 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804 |
Thursday, June 18, 2015
6:00 PM—8:00 PM
Multipurpose Room
DeJean Middle School
3400 Macdonald Ave
Richmond, CA 94805 |
Please contact (510) 620-6512 for more information.

- Grand Opening of the Ferry Point Look Bay Trail
You are invited to the festive event celebrating completion of the Ferry Point Loop of the Bay Trail for the new trail being completed by the City of Richmond past the Plunge to the Ferry Point Tunnel on Sunday morning, May 31, 2015, at the Train Master’s Building Plaza between Garrard Boulevard and Richmond Avenue with grand opening schedule of festivities starting at 9:30 AM. Emceed by Richmond Mayor Tom Butt, with speakers including Senator Loni Hancock, County Supervisor John Gioia, and East Bay Regional Park District Board President Whitney Dotson, this will be an opportunity to learn how about the cooperative effort involving 12 separate construction projects over 15 years to complete the Ferry Point Loop. You also will learn about plans to extend the Bay Trail to Point Molate, Point Pinole Regional Shoreline and the Hilltop District.
Hope to see you there!

- RichmondBUILD Receives Grant for Environmental Job Training from Environmental Protection Agency
The United States Environmental Protection Agency announced this week a grant award of $192,300 to RichmondBUILD for environmental job training. Environmental job training grants support programs that recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents of waste-affected communities with the skills and certifications needed to secure employment and careers in the environmental field. Awardees were selected for funding based on the comprehensiveness of the training curriculum, success in placing graduates, and strong community and employer partnerships.
RichmondBUILD will use the federal grant to train 51 Richmond residents and place at 45 graduates in environmental jobs including solar installation, hazardous material removal, and construction. This grant award is very timely as it provides support for preparing Richmond resident for employment on the upcoming Solar One Project. The Solar One Project (a partnership between Marin Clean Energy, City of Richmond, Chevron, and Stion) is a new 60 acre, 12 megawatt solar farm at a former brownfield site on the Chevron Refinery and has a goal of hiring 50% Richmond residents.
Richmond residents interested in the RichmondBUILD program can call (510) 621-1780 to sign up for upcoming classes or stop by the RichmondWORKS One Stop Center at 330 25th Street.
Firefighter Jessica Wraa holds in her arms one of Richmond’s newest citizens. The crew from Station 67 responded for the report of a woman in labor. Firefighter Wraa, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) assisted with the delivery of “Baby Mitchell.” Labor and delivery incidents are not uncommon for the Fire Department and crews need to be well-prepared and trained to assist with these types of calls. “I was excited to be able to cut the umbilical cord,” Jessica stated. The Richmond Fire Department welcomes Mitchell into the world.

- Berkeley Global Campus Working Group
This past Thursday, I met as a member of the “Working Group,” which consists of members of the Richmond community representing various constituencies, and which was formed to develop recommendations to UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks that can form the basis for agreements between UC Berkeley and the Richmond community regarding benefits to be brought by the Berkeley Global Campus. At the meeting, UC Berkeley representatives distributed an “Open letter to the Richmond community from UC Berkeley Nicholas Dirks: An update on the Berkeley Global Campus.” The letter provides a good summary of the project and the commitment by the Chancellor to the Richmond community. You can read this interesting letter by clicking here:
- Friends of the Richmond Public Library and Richmond Library Teens SAT Scholarship
The Friends of the Richmond Public Library and the Richmond Public Library Teen Services Division presented their 18th Annual Scholarships Are Terrific! (SAT) at City Council Meeting, May 26, 2015. The scholarship was established for West County high school graduates that are accepted to a four-year college. Applicants were required to write a three-page essay and give a description of their community and volunteer activities. Funding for the scholarship is generated from registration fees for the annual Richmond Library Teens S.A.T. Preparation Workshop.
This year’s recipient of the $1,000 award is Yann Picouleau, a resident of Richmond and a Pinole Valley High School student. His service to the community includes: secretary to the newly formed Richmond Youth Council, membership in the National Honor Society, secretary to Pinole Valley High Gay-Straight Alliance and service to the International Coastal Clean-Up Day. Yann will be attending San Jose State University to pursue a degree in Industrial Design.

Angela Cox, Yann Picouleau and Katy Curl
- Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. Overall project completion is scheduled for fall 2015.
During the week of May 25th, raised sidewalk concrete pours were placed, and rebar installation for bridge tower beams commenced while interior work at the generator building continued. For the week of June 1st, raised sidewalk concrete pours will continue, the bridge tower beam concrete will be poured, and the generator will be set into place in the generator building.
As noted in prior updates, project delays encountered during the winter (due primarily to AT&T relocation and heavy rains in December) resulted in a formal “contract days” schedule that would require reopening of the roadway in August 2015. After an evaluation of roadway pavement design, means and methods (including concrete mix designs, placement equipment and sequencing, and finishing methods) it appears that there is a slight chance that the roadway could be reopened by July 2nd; however, this would require a complex set of circumstances be executed perfectly, without any unanticipated problems. Because many factors are beyond the project team’s control (including weather, supplier and logistics performance, materials availability, and other items) it is much more likely that the roadway would be reopened three weeks later, on or around July 24th. In either case, the roadway will be reopened with one lane in each direction to allow work to continue. The contractor (Gordon N. Ball) and the construction management consultant (The Hanna Group), are both committed to reopening the roadway as early as possible. Additional details will follow in future updates.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196
- Comments Due on Draft South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan (SRTCP) by June 1, 2015
In 2012, the City of Richmond was awarded a Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant from Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) to develop the South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan (Connectivity Plan). In coordination with the South Shoreline Specific Plan, the Connectivity Plan identifies key deficiencies in the local and regional transportation network and includes specific recommendations to improve multi-modal connectivity between the City's Southern Shoreline and Central Richmond neighborhoods as well as adjacent communities including El Cerrito, Albany, and Berkeley.
The draft South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan (SRTCP) is available and comments are due by June 1, 2015. To access the draft report, please visit the project website at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/srtcp. Copies are also available for review at the Richmond Main Library, 325 Civic Center Plaza and the Richmond Planning Division counter located at 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor, Richmond.
Please send comments on the draft to Lina Velasco, Senior Planner by June 1, 2015 via email at Lina_Velasco@ci.richmond.ca.us or by mail at Planning Division, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804.

- Hacienda Tenant Relocation Update
In January 2015, the Richmond Housing Authority received approval from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of the Hacienda public housing development and approval of Tenant Protection Section 8 Vouchers to assist in the relocation of the residents. The Housing Authority has retained the professional firm of Autotemp to provide relocation assistance for the residents. As of the week ending May 29, 2015, the following relocation activity has occurred:
Total # of units 101 |
5-1-2015 |
5-8-2015 |
5-15-2015 |
5-22-2015 |
5-29-2015 |
Tenants interviewed |
94 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
97 |
Vouchers Issued |
54 |
62 |
67 |
80 |
84 |
Inspections Conducted |
0 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Request to port out of Richmond |
4 |
5 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Applications Submitted |
7 |
11 |
16 |
21 |
32 |
Relocations completed |
0 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Since the May 19th presentation at the Hacienda Community Room to further explain the relocation process, the Hacienda residents are more involved with the process and many are viewing potential replacement sites and submitting rental applications. A Draft Relocation Plan has been provided to the Housing Authority by Autotemp and was released for public comment on May 1, 2015, Richmond Housing Authority Hacienda Relocation Plan.
- United States Communities Government Purchasing Alliance
The City of Richmond was recognized by the United States Communities Government Purchasing Alliance for its outstanding efforts in saving taxpayer dollars through participation in the U.S. Communities Cooperative Purchasing Program. The program was founded and is co-sponsored by the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, and The United States Conference of Mayors. The contracts that the City is currently using are with The Home Depot for maintenance supplies, Ricoh for copiers and Hertz for equipment rental.

- City of Richmond NEW Mobile APP Update
Great News!! The City of Richmond mobile app is now available. It provides Richmond’s community members with one-stop access to City services and information. You may watch the informational video for an overview of the app available for free at Apple App Store for IOS devices and at Google Play for Android phones.
The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this new Mobile APP. We welcome your comments at webservices@ci.richmond.ca.us

- Information Technology (IT) Department Updates
Website Statistics: Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending May 26, 2015:

Facebook Statistics
New LIKES increased by 142.9%
Total Reached increased by 162.3%
People Engaged increased by 82.3%
City Council Presentation from De Anza High School Technology Academy Students
De Anza High School Technology Academy students presented their compelling research on why City of Richmond public Wi-Fi would benefit the community.

City Council Meeting May 26, 2015
The student’s survey results reflected 84% would support free public Wi-Fi in the City of Richmond.
With free public Wi-Fi, students will have needed access to the internet for West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) extracurricular opportunities.
In 2016-2017 each student will receive a tablet for their school career. Internet access is essential for this use.
What the students asked for from the City of Richmond is for the City to consider the necessity of bringing public Wi-Fi into the City of Richmond to provide access to the internet for health information, applying for jobs, and educational opportunities, and to consider allowing the involvement of Richmond students in implementing this project.
KCRT – Datanet Screen of the Week

- The City of Richmond Cares About Your Health
Think twice before you spray once. The City of Richmond encourages you to use non-toxic methods to reduce the number of weeds in your lawn and garden.
The Senior Center is currently undergoing several renovations. During construction, programming has been moved to the Richmond Auditorium. Please call (510) 620-6793 for further information.

Annex Senior Center
On Wednesday, May 20th a local Girl Scouts troop visited the center to paint and install a Little Box Library for the seniors. Everyone is excited about now exchanging books. The Alvarado School GED Group Program also visited that day and placed dirt into the new garden box.
The ever popular Zumba for Seniors continues every Thursday at 11:00 AM. Instructor, Oscar Solano, always gives 100%. Participants especially enjoy the program.

Thirty-three participants from the afterschool program teamed up with the North Richmond Green Project to do a neighborhood trash clean up. In the weeks leading up to the clean-up, the children learned about the importance of recycling, and keeping trash out of the local watersheds that lead to the bay and ocean.

Facilities Mainenance Division:
The Richmond Swim Center located at Kennedy High School is progressing nicely. It is now being prepped for the installation of the plaster into the pools. The renovation is still on track to be completed by mid to late summer.

Plaster Prep at the Swim Center
Carpenters have been continuing to assist with the Senior Center upgrades and worked on the kitchen upgrades at the Native American Health Center.
Painters completed the Richmond Museum painting.
Stationary Engineers relocated the heat register at the Employment and Training Building, completed the annual elevator testing at Civic Center Plaza, repaired a water leak to the main line at Fire Station #64, replaced the exhaust fan motor at Fire Station #61, fixed the waste line on the 2nd floor of Fire Station #67, and repaired the water closet in the women’s restroom at the Native American Health Center.
Utility Workers cleaned the stairs and windows at the R-Transit building, removed excess debri from the Civic Center Plaza, auto scrubbed Civic Center Plaza, and maintained 29 City owned facilities.

Auto Scrubbing at the Civic Center
Electricians replaced 2 broken trail lighting pole skirts, repaired marked trail light outages in the Marina, began repairs to signal knock down at Marina Way and Macdonald Avenue, and fixed the traffic signal conduit that was damaged.

Pole Repair
Parks and Landscaping Division:
General maintenance crews weeded and trimmed medians on Cutting Boulevard, spread mulch at the Family Justice Center, widened the sidewalk between Portola and Barrett Avenues, continued with the trimming and mulching at Civic Center Plaza, and cleaned weeds at the Communications Center.

Cutting Boulevard Medians
Hilltop District crews continued work on the sidewalk near AM/PM landscaping project, continued general maintenance on Richmond Parkway, installed a backflow cage on Blume Drive.
Marina District crews continued irrigation repairs on the turf areas, weed abatement on the entrance streets to the Marina and strip clean up of the medians.

Median Clean Up
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on or around: Creely Avenue, South 39th Street, Roosevelt Avenue, South 13th Street, South 47th Street, Civic Center Plaza, 26th Street and Barrett Avenue.
Streets Division: Paving staff worked on potholes and sidewalks from the outstanding pothole list and the remaining staff went to assist the Parks and Landscaping Division.
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday through Thursday and the fifth Friday in the Santa Fe, Point Richmond, Marina Bay, Coronado, Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, City Center, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex, and Eastshore neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed 22 new signs and poles, repaired 21 signs and poles, fabricated 8 new signs and painted 65’ of curb.

New Sign Installation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Have a great week!
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512