Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending April 3rd, 2015.
1. Meeting Notes
The next meeting of the Richmond City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, followed by the regular agenda at 6:30 PM. To see the agenda for this meeting use the following link: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/CityCouncilAgenda.
2. Ferry Service Update
On Thursday, April 2nd, the Water Emergency Transportation Authority (“WETA”) Board of Directors approved a contract amendment with Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects to prepare the final design and engineering of the Richmond Ferry Terminal, and to provide design services during construction of the terminal. This is a milestone made possible by the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s commitment of Measure J funds for operation of the Richmond Ferry Service, which provides sufficient funding to operate the service for a minimum 10-year period. This commitment has allowed WETA to expend the capital funds necessary to advance the Richmond Ferry Terminal project. The $1.2M design contract is funded through State Proposition 1B funds.
WETA anticipates geotechnical borings will be conducted in the coming weeks to inform the final engineering effort. They are also working concurrently to obtain Federal environmental clearance. The service is anticipated to start in 2017.
3. City of Richmond 2015 Community Survey
One of the best ways to improve Richmond’s services is to ask the people that live here what they think. With this in mind, the City of Richmond is pleased to announce the 2015 Community Survey! In the next few weeks, you may be notified that you have been selected to give input that will help the City improve the level of government services and the future of your community. Questionnaires will be sent to a random sample of 3,000 Richmond residents, asking them to comment on the community’s pressing needs and city services.
The purpose of the survey is to help City officials evaluate services, measure resident satisfaction with current services, and to help plan for Richmond’s future. The results from the survey will be included in a final report available to all City officials, staff and residents.
If you are selected, please return the survey before the stated deadline. If you know someone that receives one, please encourage them to fill it out and return it. Your input can help make the City of Richmond a better place to live, work and play. Feel free to contact the City Manager’s Office with your questions at 510-620-6512.
4. Housing Element Update and Just Cause Eviction Community Meetings
The City is currently working on two projects that can affect the future of Richmond housing policies.
The first is the update to the City’s Housing Element of its General Plan, which is required by State law. The Housing Element provides housing policies and analysis, and sets the stage for private market development.
The second policy relates to “just cause for eviction” which generally sets forth policies regarding tenants’ rights, and on what basis a tenant may be evicted from their rental unit by a landlord.
The City of Richmond invites you to participate in workshops regarding the Housing Element Update and Just Cause for Eviction to help us craft the goals, policies and programs that will shape housing in our city. The workshops will include:
- Overview of the current Housing Element
- Just Cause for Eviction policy options
The community workshops will be held on:
Thursday, April 9, 2015
5:00 pm-7:00 pm
City Council Chambers
440 Civic Center Plaza
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Bermuda Room
403 Civic Center Plaza
Please RSVP @ www.RichmondHousing.eventbrite.com to help us plan seating space accordingly. For more information go to www.ci.richmond.ca.us/housingupdate

5. Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay: Community Co-Chair Application for Richmond Community Working Group
In April of 2014, the Chancellor of UC Berkeley (UCB) and the Director of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) issued a Joint Letter of Commitment to Strengthen Community Partnerships between UCB, LBNL, and the Richmond community, including the development of the Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay (BGC). The statement provides for the creation of a Community Working Group (CWG) to be co-chaired and staffed by UCB and LBNL. The Charter adopted by the CWG provides for the nomination and selection of a Community Co-Chair, whose role is to work with the UCB and LBNL conveners to ensure that the community working group process is constructive and effective, including facilitating communication among all the partners. More information on the CWG and the Community Co-Chair application can be found on the UCB Chancellor's Partnership with Richmond website.
6. 2015 Shimada Youth Ambassador Visit
As part of the youth ambassador exchange, the Richmond-Shimada Friendship Commission hosted eight youth ambassadors and one adult chaperone from Shimada, Japan from March 21st through the 30th. During their stay, the students visited DeAnza, Kennedy and El Cerrito High Schools, and participated in the Doves for Peace Art Project with LaVonya DeJean Middle School students. They also met with officials at City Hall and the Richmond Police Department before touring the Richmond Art Center, the Library, Shimada Park and the National Park Service. The purpose of the exchange is to give students from Shimada and Richmond an opportunity to experience American and Japanese cultures. Councilmembers, Commissioners, community members and host families reminisced over the week’s activities at the Sayonara Potluck held at the Senior Center on Friday, March 27th. Youth from Richmond will travel to Shimada, Japan in June. For more information about the Youth Ambassador Program, please call 510-620-6581.

7. Annual Mayors Day of Recognition for National and Community Service
Mayor Tom Butt and the Richmond Community Foundation invite Richmond volunteers to a celebratory luncheon in your honor. The event is supported by Richmond’s impact volunteering program, Richmond ESC – Excellence Serving our Community, and will take place on Tuesday, April 7th, from noon to 1:30 PM, in the foyer of the Richmond Memorial Auditorium. In addition to honoring Richmond volunteers, local AmeriCorps member-supported programs and projects will be recognized. Please RSVP to (510) 620-5503.
8. Compost Giveaway & Great Tomato Sale
On Saturday, April 11th, the City of Richmond Environmental and Health Initiatives is hosting a Compost Giveaway free to all residents, in conjunction with Contra Costa Master Gardner’s Urban Tilth’s Great Tomato Sale. The Great Tomato Sale provides high quality, affordable tomato and vegetable plants to the community. All plants are $3, and staff will be on hand to answer your questions free of charge. The City hopes to donate compost to support the event and healthy food initiatives here in the City of Richmond.
The compost for the event is donated to the community by Republic Services. When we recycle and compost food scraps it’s better for the environment; and recyclables and compost are processed in Richmond, which creates local jobs. Richmond is one of the only cities in the Bay Area that has a closed loop composting program whereby the food scraps are composted within the City – actually on top of the old, capped landfill. By returning compost to our residents, Republic is assisting in creating a closed loop system. Visit http://ccmg.ucanr.edu/ for more information.

9. Richmond Arts and Culture Commission Updates
The Contra Costa Marketplace Magazine’s April issue features an article entitled Thriving Artforms for the People, from the City about Richmond’s thriving Neighborhood Public Art mini-grant program:
The popular Neighborhood Public Art program, which began in 1997, is funded by the City’s General Fund, and overseen by the Richmond Arts and Culture Commission and the Arts and Culture Manager. Applications open each August, and applicants present their proposals before the commission in September and October. Finalists are selected in October. The average number of grantees per year is ten.
The purpose of this community art granting program, which disburses $60,000 each year, is to build community through the arts, stimulate arts and cultural activity at the neighborhood level, and empower people to discover their own creativity. Together, participants learn new artistic skills, work with professional artists, and make art for their community.
The Richmond Arts and Culture Commission received an initial grant in 1997 from the California Arts Council to promote the visibility and access of the arts in Richmond. The grant was matched by the City, and the commission set up a mini-grant program with grants ranging from $1,000 to $10,000. An art commissioner is assigned to each grantee for the duration of their project. Over the years the Neighborhood Public Art grants have resulted in murals, plays, music programs, mosaic trashcans, art instruction for seniors, a sculpture garden, and more.
If you need more information, please contact Michele Seville, Arts and Culture Manager, Michele_seville@ci.richmond.ca.us, 510-620-6952.
10. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week included:
· Met with the owners of Golden Gate Meats, along with Mayor Butt, Councilmember Bates, Planning Director Richard Mitchell, and Employment and Training Director Sal Vaca, to discuss their company plans to build a new facility in Richmond that will generate local jobs and related economic activity;
· Met with LAFCO Executive Officer LouAnn Texeira, Supervisor John Gioia, Mayor Butt, and staff from the City and Contra Costa County, to discuss the process for annexation of North Richmond;
· Met with Council of Industries Executive Director Katrinka Ruk and President Bielle Moore to discuss various City issues;
· Met with Mayor Butt and various City staff to discuss a possible program to enhance the City of Richmond’s “brand” and to market the City as a place to live, work, and visit;
· Met with representatives from The Trust for Public Land, along with various City staff, to discuss plans for this year’s “community-built park” project in October;
· Made a presentation to real estate agents at Security Pacific Real Estate Offices regarding development activity in Richmond;
· Toured the new Port Administrative offices at the newly-restored Riggers Loft at the Port of Richmond;
· Participated on a panel at a symposium on health care costs, hosted by the Association of Bay Area Governments, together with the City of Oakland;
· Met with new DTSC Director Barbara Lee and staff, along with Mayor Butt and Community Advisory Group (CAG) representatives Sherry Padgett and Peter Weiner to discuss environmental remediation at the Zeneca site;
· Attended a stakeholders lunch on the topics of the City’s Housing Element and “just cause” eviction policies;
· Attended the monthly Contra Costa Mayors Conference;
· Attended the quarterly City of Richmond/East Bay Regional Parks District liaison meeting.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
11. Richmond Fire Department
Recently, Fire Inspector Eric Munson was sworn in by the California Fire Chiefs/Fire Prevention Officers as the secretary of the board. Inspector Munson’s new six year commitment allows him to serve in all capacities with the board and the opportunity allows the City of Richmond to remain on the cutting edge of all fire prevention and building code related activities. Inspector Munson will represent the State of California at the International Code Conference (ICC). His accomplishment is a first for any City of Richmond Fire Inspector.

From Left to Right Fire Marshal Terry Harris, Inspector Eric Munson, and Deputy Fire Marshal Robin Poindexter.
12. Iron Triangle Theater of East Bay Center for the Performing Arts Presents the Premiere of FREEDOM CHANGE
The Iron Triangle Theater at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts will be performing FREEDOM CHANGE. This theater production was constructed using a series of devised theater techniques with contributions from a large group of local teens, young adults and emerging resident theater artists. This piece is a compilation of their work and strives to represent the complexities of lived injustice while balancing the Center's mission of supporting artistic training and re-imagining our world. Following each performance, there will be a facilitated dialogue with actors, creators and the public around our collective response to the questions posed by the work — especially as it relates to our community here in Richmond and the surrounding neighborhoods. This piece includes mature themes.
FREEDOM CHANGE is part of the Iron Voices Project, an ongoing public dialogue about race and opportunity with a special focus on young men and boys of color. The project was initiated and is led by the Center and involves Young Artist Diploma students, community partners, local youth, young adults and professional theater, music, film, and dance artists. FREEDOM CHANGE was developed with support from The California Endowment and the City of Richmond Neighborhood Public Art Program.
Performances will be on Friday, April 3rd; and Saturday, April 4th. All performances start at 8:00 PM. Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for seniors (65+), and students under 18 are free. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. There is limited seating, so we encourage you to RSVP at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1369808.
*If you have questions about tickets or would like to request tickets as a Community Partner Organization, please contact us at boxoffice@eastbaycenter.org or call 510-221-6353.

13. Young Artists Repertory Series
East Bay Center for the Performing Arts would like to invite you to join them in the historic Winters Building, 339 11th Street in Richmond for their distinguished Young Artists Repertory Series! You won’t want to miss these diverse cultural performances from their Resident Companies.

Our Annual Showcase of Resident Companies
Join us for engaging performances from the Resident Companies at East Bay Center for the Arts including, Iron Triangle Urban Ballet, Richmond Chamber Ensemble, Richmond Jazz Collective, Son de la Tierra, Voices of Reason, and West African Music & Dance Ensemble.
Young Artists Repertory Series
Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:00 PM
Son de la Tierra
West African Music and Dance Ensemble
Friday, April 17, 2015 7:00 PM
Richmond Chamber Ensemble
Voices of Reason
Richmond Jazz Collective
Saturday, April 25, 2015 7:00 PM
Iron Triangle Theater
Iron Triangle Urban Ballet
For additional updates and information, please visit our website www.eastbaycenter.org.
Suggested Donation for Tickets: $15 General; $5 children 12 and under/students/seniors 65 and older. (Please note that we welcome all and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.)
East Bay Center for the Performing Arts
339 11th Street Macdonald Ave, downtown Richmond
Secured lot across the street from venue, $4 for the evening
We look forward to seeing you, your family and friends!
14. Leaders from Northern California to Convene in Richmond to Discuss Challenges and Solutions to the Diversity and Gender Gaps in STEM Careers
Lack of diversity in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields received national attention recently when the largest technology companies in the country released their diversity numbers. Across the board, African Americans and Latinos made up barely 2% of the workforce. And although women make up more than 50% of college graduates, they represent less than 30% of those working in STEM fields.
This year’s Northern California Summit on Children and Youth, an event that is organized annually by the Richmond Community Foundation, will focus on the complex topic of “Bridging the STEM Diversity Gap – Building the Next Generation Workforce.” The summit will be held on April 30th in the Richmond Auditorium, and will convene more than 200 educators, community organizations, community leaders, elected officials, businesses, and area foundations to share innovative approaches, research driven models, and best practices for building STEM career pathways for our children and youth. The goal of the summit is to demonstrate successful STEM pathways and replicate and scale them up throughout the Bay Area.
The summit will open at 9:00 AM with a welcome by Vice Mayor Jael Myrick, who is launching a local initiative to support President Obama’s “My Brother’s Keeper Initiative”. The Opening Plenary Panel features Dr. Helen Benjamin, Chancellor for the Contra Costa Community College District, Darien Louie, Executive Director of the East Bay Economic Development Alliance, and Miriam Karpilow, University Programs Manager for Pandora, Inc. Sunne McPeak, President and CEO of the California Emerging Technology Fund, will moderate the panel.
Erik Moore, Founder and Managing Director for Base Ventures, a company investing in seed-stage technology companies, will be the keynote speaker, and will describe “The Long Walk from Richmond to Silicon Valley.”
The concluding session for the Summit, “I Bridged the Gap,” features a panel of STEM field leaders who will describe their experiences overcoming challenges to pursue careers in STEM-related fields.
Experts from a variety of STEM fields will also present workshops that focus on challenges, learnings and opportunities in STEM education and STEM-related fields, and demonstrate successful programs in practice. An “Interactive Resource Village” will feature information and interactive exhibits from organizations including Chabot Space and Science Center, Contra Costa College, Community Resources for Science, Richmond Solar and Nerd Crossing.
For more information about the Summit program, or to register, visit: Summit.
15. UC Berkeley Summer Programs for Richmond Students – Apply Now!
CY-BEAR @ BERKELEY: Computing for Youth at Berkeley with Education and Research
CY-BEAR is a pilot program developed by UC Berkeley and will be held on the UC Berkeley campus Monday through Friday from June 28 to July 24, 2015, from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM. The program will provide students with exposure to cyber security and privacy principles by offering the ability to learn how to code, build simple websites and apps, and understand network vulnerability and protection. Students will have fieldtrips to local tech companies and get exposure to computer scientists and software engineers. In addition, students will receive college counseling from UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department staff. Lunch and transportation costs will be covered by the CY-BEAR program.
Eligibility: You must live in San Francisco, Alameda, or Contra Costa County and be entering the 9th – 12th grade in the fall of 2015. No coding experience is required.
All applications must be received by Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Applications can be downloaded here and are available on www.richmondhealth.org.
SUCCESS @BERKELEY: Summer University Camp for Computer, Engineering, and Science Scholars
The SUCCESS program is a pilot program developed by UC Berkeley to engage students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. SUCCESS will be held on the UC Berkeley Campus Monday through Friday from June 22 to July 31, 2015 (except July 3rd), from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The program will provide students with exposure to a wide variety of science activities and includes field trips to the Autocad 3-D printing museum, NASA’s Ames Research Center, Bay Area ecological reserves and research sites. In addition students will also receive college counseling. Lunch and transportation costs will be covered by the SUCCESS program.
SUCCESS is designed to introduce and prepare participants for the wide variety of high-paying and exciting jobs that await the next generation of science and engineering college graduates, with field trips to industry leading corporate headquarters and college advising.
Eligibility: You must live in San Francisco, Alameda, or Contra Costa County and be entering the 9th 10th or 11th grade in the fall of 2015.
All applications must be received by Wednesday, April 1, 2015. Applications can be downloaded here and are available on www.richmondhealth.org.
16. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place through June 2015.
The week of March 30th, crews continued the installation of formwork for the raised sidewalks and placed the first of four concrete pours for the transition walls (shorter walls for the areas between the sidewalk retaining walls and roadway curbs). Pump station mechanical work was substantially completion, and work continued to establish roadway subgrade south of the bridge. For the week of April 6th, sidewalk formwork and rebar will continue, the second of four concrete pours for the transition walls is scheduled, and work to establish roadway subgrade south of the bridge will continue.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
17. Information Technology (IT) Department Updates
Website Statistics: Top 10 Webpage visits for the week ending April 3, 2015:
Facebook Statistics
New Likes increased by 50.0%
Weekly total reached increased by 80.2%
People engaged increased by 21.9%

Datanet Image of the Week

Photo of the Week
A view of the Richmond Bridge from the Point Richmond shoreline at sunset.
Throwback Thursday: Featuring Richmond California History
Please take a moment to comment and LIKE our City of Richmond Facebook post, and enjoy the History Trivia drawing.
How did folks wish their family and friends happy Easter before phones, text messaging, and email? Fun family stories welcome. All correct answers posted in the comments section of the Facebook post before 8:00 AM on the following Thursday will be entered into a drawing for a prize. In addition to your comments, if you LIKE this post, you will be entered twice.

Image provided by Melinda McCrary of the Richmond History Museum
For more information about Richmond’s Facebook page, please visit:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/City-of-Richmond-CA-Local- Government/139438544014?v=wall
18. Recreation Highlights
Annual Recreation Information Day
The Recreation Department held its annual Spring Egg Hunt and Recreation Information Day on Saturday, March 28th. New this year, the event began with a Parade, at 10:00 AM, starting from the Richmond Recreation Complex and ending at the Civic Center Plaza. Staff, program participants, Recreation partners, friends and families, took part in beautiful outfits and Easter costumes. Then, children excitedly hunted for eggs in the plaza while parents watched. Later, everyone had a chance to visit information tables to collect summer recreational program information from a host of community organizations. Children and parents alike anticipate the event and with the beautiful weather igniting a high energy in everyone, the event was a wonderful success! Thanks to all who participated and we look forward to seeing you next year.

Booker T. Anderson Community Center
The Eastshore Neighborhood Council will be presenting its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at Booker T. Anderson Park.
Swimming is a great way to improve your fitness and workout all your muscles; legs, arms, torso, hips, even your heart muscle. So, join us during the Adult Lap and Fitness Swim programs and take advantage of the health benefits. Open Monday through Thursday – 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Friday – 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM, Tuesday and Thursday – 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
The Richmond Plunge also hosts kayak rolling classes Thursday nights from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Classes can help build your confidence and teach you how to roll! Rolling is the safest and fastest self-rescue technique available for sea kayakers and white water paddlers. Due to space limitations in the pool, these classes are taught using whitewater kayaks only. For class information please call (510) 893-7833.
For more information about any Richmond Plunge programs, hours, or activities, call (510) 620-6820.
May Valley Community Center
After school program participants enjoyed making a banner to represent their community center in the Recreation Information Day Parade. Participants also worked together in groups to paint giant cardboard eggs to wave in the parade.

The monthly May Valley Neighborhood Council Meeting was held Thursday, March 26th. Both the Richmond Fire and Richmond Police Departments had representatives from their organizations present to report on the happenings in the community. May Valley Neighborhood Council Meetings are held every 4th Thursday of the month from 7:15 PM to 9:00 PM.

Spring Break camp will be held at May Valley Community Center beginning Monday, April 6th through Friday, April 10th for youth ages 6-12. Camp will be from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. An extended care options from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM is available as well. Campers will get to participate in organized outdoor games, be creative in various arts and craft projects, as well as venture out on a field trip at the end of the week.

Disabled People’s Recreation Center
Any given week, participants of the Adult Morning Program and the Therapeutic Interactive Recreation Program are engaging in numerous activities. Job shadowing at the Richmond Senior Center during the Nutrition Program, invigorating walks at Pinole Shores, other exercise, lunch at Fernandez Park, music therapy, computer lab engagement, reading, and everyone’s favorite…cooking. They all love Musubi and would prefer to have it every week!
19. Public Works Update
Work continues at the Richmond Swim Center and is progressing nicely. The joint venture between the City of Richmond and the West Contra Costa County Unified School District will produce a great new facility that should be ready for use by mid to late summer.

Swim Center Construction
Facilities Mainenance Division: Carpenters installed office furniture in the Watch Commander’s office of the Police Department, recycle discarded library materials, recycled unwanted furniture from the Recreation Complex and fixed the kitchen wall, and counter at the Men and Women of Valor building.
Painters completed the eves of the May Valley Community Center and the watch room, hallway and equipment screen walls in Fire Station #67.

Painting Preparation
Stationary Engineers replaced the sump pump to the air conditioner at 450 Civic Center Plaza, repaired the water supply to the kitchen at Fire Station #66, and placed the heat exchanger to the boiler at the Plunge.
Utility workers attended training for Heat Illness Prevention, cleaned the vandalized area of Booker T. Anderson Communtiy Center, and serviced 29 City owned buildings.

Cleaning of Vandalism at Booker T. Anderson Community Center
Parks and Landscaping Division: General maintenance crews weed whipped behind the Nunn Street soundwall, picked up trash on the Richmond Greenway and Richmond Parkway, repaired the fence around the tennis courts in Nicholl Park and on Euclid Avenue, attended a training class, prepared various locations for Easter Egg Hunts, repaired fences at Fairmede and Nevin Parks, removed graffiti from the Civic Center marquee, trimmed weeds around the soundwall on San Luis Street, and landscaping at the Housing Authority.

San Luis Soundwall
Hilltop District crews completed weed abatement and maintenance on Atlas Road, continued work at the AM/PM landscaping project, and started grading of the sidewalk on the Richmond Parkway.
Marina District crews mowed lawns, performed graffiti removal and completed weed control on the Marina Bay Parkway median strips.
Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on: Dimm Street, Arno Court, Silva Avenue, Hilltop Green Park and Hilltop Park.

Tree Trimming
Streets Division: Paving staff ground and paved on South 24th Street from Cutting Boulevard to Maine Avenue and worked from the outstanding pothole list with hot and cold asphalt.

Paving on South 24th Street
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fifth Monday and Tuesday and the first Wednesday through Friday in the Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, May Valley, Vista View, and Clinton Hill I neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff installed 17 new signs and poles, fabricated 15 signs, repaired 80 signs and poles, placed pavement markers such as stop messages and crosswalks, and repainted 268’ of curb.

Message Installation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512