CBE and Chevron reached a settlement regarding the Chevron modernization project approved by the City in July 2014. In that settlement, Chevron and CBE agreed to file an agreement or stipulation ‘discharging the writ’ with the superior court (ending all litigation involving the current and earlier EIRs) if certain conditions were met. Once signed by the City and approved by the Court, the discharge of the writ will allow Chevron to proceed with its project, but only after all Air District permits and City building permits have been obtained.
Chevron and CBE had agreed that the stipulation could be withheld, however, if any person or organization appealed the Air District authority to construct permits. We have just received confirmation from the Air District that the period to challenge those permits has expired, and no party has filed an appeal. This means that the litigation involving the City, Chevron, and CBE is headed toward conclusion. The City, Chevron, and CBE are filing the attached stipulation today to discharge the writ and end the litigation. Once this stipulation is approved by the Court, Chevron is free to apply for building permits and proceed with constructing its Modernization Project.
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