The premier Business Roundtable, as promised in my State of the City presentation, will take place at the Richmond Country Club on Thursday, March 26 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. Seats are limited and reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can RSVP online at:
I would like to thank Comcast for agreeing to sponsor lunch for the first Business Roundtable.
The Business Roundtables are recurring lunch gatherings of Richmond business owners (or their representatives) to help identify local opportunities for building a healthier business climate in Richmond. Each gathering begins with short presentations by representatives from three successful companies that opened or moved to Richmond within the last three years. Representatives will share information about:
- Their business and the number of employees they have;
- Their reasons for opening or moving their business to Richmond;
- Business-related Richmond public policy strategies that have and have not worked; and
- Public policies they suggest for the City to improve business recruitment, retention, and success.
A 10 minute question-and-answer period will follow the presentations, and then guests will have an open discussion for 15 to 20 minutes regarding issues raised during the presentations. Notes from each meeting will be used in the formulation of possible City policy initiatives.
For more information, contact David Gray ( or Terrance Cheung ( in the Mayor's Office.
David Gray
Director of Projects & Programs
Office of Richmond Mayor Tom Butt
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94803
Main: 510-620-6503
Direct: 510-620-6527
Fax: 510-412-2070