Tom Butt
  E-Mail Forum – 2015  
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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending January 9th, 2015
January 9, 2015

City of RichmondCompost

Mayor and Members of the City Council:

This is the weekly report for the week ending January 9th, 2015, and the first such report for the new year.

1.    Meeting Notes

The next City Council meeting will be the swearing-in ceremony for the new mayor and councilmembers, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Richmond City Council Chambers, with a reception to follow in the Auditorium (see below).  For planning purposes, please note the following meeting schedule for the remainder of January 2015:

·         January 20th - First regular meeting with reorganized Councilmembers
·         January 27th - Study Session

2.    Swearing-In Ceremony and Reception

You are invited to the swearing-in ceremony for the newly-elected Mayor
Tom Butt and for re-elected and newly-elected Councilmembers Jovanka Beckles, Gayle McLaughlin, Eduardo Martinez, and Jael Myrick, at the Richmond City Council Chamber on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:30 PM, 440 Civic Center Plaza.

A reception will be held following the Ceremony in the lobby of the Richmond Memorial Convention Center, 403 Civic Center Plaza.

3.    Holiday Tree Disposal and Recycling Options

Residents have several options to properly dispose of holiday trees this January. Please see the summary below or the flyer for more information.

1)    If you have not already used your allocated On-Call Curbside Clean-up(s), call RSS Customer Service to arrange for no cost curbside pick-up at (510) 262-7100. Unscheduled pickups outside will be charged $15.48 by RSS.

2)    On any of your regular green waste collection days, cut your unflocked, natural tree to fit in your yard waste cart. Trees must be 6” or less in diameter and cut to 3’ in length. Cut off top and remove stand and all decorations. Artificial trees should be put into the trash bin.

3)    With proof of residency (driver’s license or CA ID), RSS customers can take Christmas Trees to Golden Bear Transfer (1 Parr Blvd, Richmond, Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Saturday - Sunday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM) thru the 1st weekend in February at no cost for compostable trees; $8.50 disposal fee for non-compostable.

Compost 2Mark DeSaulnier

4.    Congressman Mark DeSaulnier Opens District Office at the Richmond Civic Center

In a press release, Congressman Mark DeSaulnier announced the opening of his Richmond Congressional District Office at the City of Richmond’s Civic Center, located at 440 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor, on January 6th, 2015.

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Congressman Mark DeSaulnier

"I am pleased the Richmond district office is centrally located at the Civic Center, which houses many local government resources, because it will continue my work to make government as accessible as possible for area residents. I am grateful for the Richmond City Council’s assistance with this endeavor," said Mark DeSaulnier.
Congressman-elect DeSaulnier’s office will assist constituents who need help with a federal agency, passport application, are applying to a military academy, requesting a tour of the White House or United States Capitol, a Presidential greeting, Congressional commendations or wish to have a flag flown over the United States Capitol. Several full-time Congressional staff will also be based out of the location, working with local and regional governments to advocate on their behalf in Washington. 
“My top priority is to provide outstanding constituent services and I invite anyone who is in need of assistance or information from the federal government to call or to stop by my Richmond office. I am happy to be back working in West County. My staff and I look forward to assisting you,” concluded DeSaulnier.
Congressman-elect DeSaulnier will host an Open House at his Richmond office in early 2015.

5.    Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2014

The City of Richmond has issued its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Year Ended June 30, 2014, with an unqualified opinion from the City’s external auditors, Maze & Associates.  The CAFR presents the financial position and results of the City’s operations, as well as cash flows of its proprietary funds for the fiscal year then ended.   In conjunction with the issuance of the CAFR, the City’s application for the Excellence in Financial Reporting Award was submitted to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).  This certificate of achievement, which the City has received in each of the past seven years, is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. 

The CAFR Project Team included James Goins, Finance Director/Treasurer; Latha Ravinder, Accounting Manager; and members of the General Accounting Division: Nena Gapasin, Yolanda Skelton, Rhonda Jackson and Crispin Nunez.  The CAFR Project Team also included Iluminada Hallare from Housing Department, Ted Ferrer from the Successor Agency, and the Richmond Housing Authority staff.  Invaluable assistance was provided by other members of the Finance Department and staff from other City departments.

The City’s CAFRs, dating back to fiscal year 2001-2002 are all available online at the following link:

concrete base

6.    New Business License Filings – December 2014

There were a total of 30 new business license filings during the month of December 2014, representing 64 new jobs.  The largest new business is Living Intentions, LLC, with 20 employees.  Living Intentions is a manufacturer who provides nut and sprouted seed products.  Their website is

7.    Richmond’s Minimum Wage Ordinance

New provisions associated with the City of Richmond’s Minimum Wage Ordinance went into effect January 1, 2015.  The minimum wage requirement set forth in the Ordinance is $9.60 an hour (compared to $9.00 an hour for the state of California), which applies to any employee who works two (2) or more hours a week.

During this past month, the Richmond Employment & Training Department staff sent out information packets to over 3,000 businesses, distributed information through the city’s website, and reached out to Richmond Chamber of Commerce members to inform them of Richmond’s Minimum Wage Ordinance.  The information packet includes English and Spanish versions of the official notice that must be posted in all workplaces along with a list of employer and employee rights under the ordinance.  Employers  who pay for less than 800 hours of employee labor in a given 2-week period need not pay the City’s minimum wage until they pay over 800 hours or more of employee labor in a 2-week period.

For questions and additional information, please visit the website at or, or contact Employment Program Specialist Gina Baker at (510) 307-8011 or at
8.    Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project

The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings.  In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic.  This closure is planned to remain in place through May 2015. 

Over the last three weeks, two main retaining wall and sidewalk retaining wall concrete pours were placed, final lean concrete base was placed at the Jetty/Marina Bay Parkway intersection, electrical work at the Meeker/Marina Bay Parkway intersection progressed, and final sub-grade was established at both intersections.  For the week of January 12th, and weather permitting, additional main retaining wall and sidewalk retaining wall concrete pours are scheduled, pump station electrical installation will continue, and pavement at the Meeker/Marina Bay Parkway and Jetty/Marina Bay Parkway intersections will be placed if temperatures permit.

For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at  You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.


Lean Concrete Base at Jetty/Marina Bay Parkway Intersection

9.    City Manager Chronicles

I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.

Activities and meeting topics during the past two weeks included:

  • Attended the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors annual reorganization reception, recognizing Supervisor John Gioia as the new Chair of the Board;
  • Met with Sunne McPeak, representing the California Emerging Technology Fund, along with Mayor-elect Tom Butt, Supervisor John Gioia, Building Blocks for Kids Executive Director Jennifer Lyle, and others to discuss ways to bridge the digital divide in Richmond;
  • Attended the Facilities Subcommittee of the West Contra Costa Unified School District, also attended by Councilmember Jim Rogers, to express concern about reprioritizing bond construction projects, delaying projects at Richmond schools.
  • Attended a reception honoring the 2013-14 Neighborhood Public Art Grant Program recipients in the City Hall lobby;
  • Met with the Hilltop Landscape Maintenance District stakeholders group to discuss the assessment district methodology and maintenance work quality in the area;
  • Attended the monthly meeting of Contra Costa County city managers (the Public Management Association);
  • Attended the monthly Contra Costa County Mayors Conference;
  • Met with staff from multiple departments to review strategies for optimally using Measure U sales tax proceeds to upgrade and maintain the City’s road infrastructure.


These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.

10. Richmond ESC Youth Leadership Committee

Are you, or do you know, a student leader who is passionate and eager to serve your community? Then the Youth Leadership Committee (YLC) is the right program for you.

The YLC is a program designed for high school and college students who are interested in making a difference in their community through impact volunteering. The YLC is a program of the Richmond ESC - Excellence Serving our Community - a Cities of Service initiative of the City of Richmond. 

Leadership is at the core of the YLC. By joining the YLC, participants will enjoy innovative and fun leadership workshops, and both learn and apply essential leadership skills including: ethical decision making, time management, goal setting, public speaking, and conflict resolution.

YLC leaders will engage youth in community service learning projects, organize community events to raise awareness of pressing issues facing the Richmond community, and participate in leadership training.

APPLY HERE: Youth Leadership Committee - SPRING RECRUITMENT
Deadline to Submit: Monday, January 26, 2015 by Midnight

For more information please contact Jantsan at or call (510) 620-5576.
11. Get your Family Covered! Health Enrollment Event

Open enrollment for 2015 health insurance plans through Covered California began November 15, 2014 and ends February 15, 2015. The City is continuing its focus on improving community health and is encouraging residents to enroll in quality, affordable health care.

Residents may be eligible for the following affordable health insurance:

·         Medi-Cal, California’ health coverage program for lower-income residents, OR
·         Private insurance plans offered through Covered California

To enroll and receive support from certified enrollment counselors with your Covered CA or MediCal application, we invite you to attend Richmond’s “We’re Bringing Healthcare back to Our Community” healthcare enrollment event to be held:

Date:            Saturday, January 17, 2015
Time:            1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location:     Bay Area Rescue Mission (In the Chapel)
123 Macdonald Avenue
Richmond, CA 94801

What you need to bring – proof of:

·         Identity: ID, driver license, or passport for each adult applying.
·         California Address: Any piece of postmarked mail sent to you.
·         Income: Last 30 days of paystubs, 2013 income tax filings, and social Security Cards of everyone applying (including dependent tax information and head-of-household status).
·         Citizenship or Immigration status: Birth certificate, permanent resident card, certificate of naturalization, or certificate for each person applying.

What you need to know – for each family member:

·         Number of people enrolling (whole or partial family)
·         Social Security numbers
·         Birth dates
·         Home Zip Codes

To register online for the event, please visit

To download the flier, please visit If you want to find out if you are ready to enroll for this event, please call (916) 428-4699.

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12. Information Technology Academy Hosts Community “Free Computer Fix Day”

The De Anza High School Tech Academy will be holding a Free Computer Fix Day on Saturday, January 10th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The event will take place at De Anza High School in the cafeteria.  As a non-profit, public high school, the Tech Academy’s goal is to help bridge the digital divide by providing this free service to the community. The Tech Academy students will be available to diagnose and repair machines with minor issues.  Some of the repair services available will be:

·         Virus removal
·         Operating system installation
·         Laptop repair
·         General computer Issues
For more information, please contact Ben Gill, Information Technology Academy Lead Teacher, at or (510) 231-1440 x27046.

13. Information Technology (IT) Department Updates

Top 10 webpage visits for the week ending January 6th:

City Hall

Photo of the Week:

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Sunrise at City Hall

Datanet Image of the Week

Turkey dinner

14. Recreation Highlights

As we say hello to the New Year, the Recreation Department reflects on the holiday season and all the wondrous celebrations held.


  • The May Valley Community Center staff hosted an enjoyable turkey dinner with friends and family of the After School Adventure Program.


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  • The Annex Senior Center hosted a lunch celebration with over 55 seniors enjoying a fabulous meal and the opportunity to join in as the Sing-A-Long Ladies sang with the audience.


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  • The Shields-Reid Afterschool Program hosted a dinner, with more than 40 participants and their families, where the turkey and all the fixings were prepared by the Recreation Department staff. During the family style meal, each guest expressed the many things they were grateful for and offered overwhelming thanks to their families.


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  • The Southside Plus One Neighborhood Council held their annual Christmas party and luncheon at the BTA Community Center.  The event is held, in part, to honor the collaborative efforts of staff with the dedicated members of the Neighborhood Council. 


  • The Annex Senior Center hosted a holiday celebration where the annual Bazaar and 50/50 raffle were returning favorite activities.  The seniors enjoyed the food and their special gift from Santa.  The Alvarado Adult School, Richmond Goal Program, had 6 teenage volunteers help to serve the meal.

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·         The Recreation Department hosted its 62nd Annual High School Snow Ball on Saturday, December 13th at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.  Over 800 students from West Contra County Schools relished the evening, as the event has come to signify elegance and grace through the traditional Snow Ball King & Queen Ceremony and Procession. 

The Snow Ball King & Queen title is an honor awarded to students who embody academic and scholastic achievement. Each King and Queen is the recipient of the Snow Ball Scholarship, which assists towards their higher education costs.  The 2014 Snow Ball King, Jorge Granados, currently attends El Cerrito High School and the 2014 Snow Ball Queen, Maria Zavala, attends Middle College High School.

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·         The Recreation Complex, BTA, May Valley, Nevin, and Shields-Reid Community Centers, hosted a free drop-in holiday Cocoa, Candy Canes, and Crafts program for children ages 5-13, on December 22nd and 23rd.   Activities included arts and crafts, cookie decorating, games, music and more.  It marked a wonderful way to anticipate Christmas.

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15. Public Works Updates

Facilities Mainenance Division:  Capenters facilitated moves of offices in 440 Civic Center Plaza, completed kitchen repairs at the Nevin Community Center, and resolved a safety issue at the Recreation Complex.

Painters completed conference room walls at the Police Department.
Stationary Engineers completed lift repairs in the 440 Civic Center Plaza, replaced the exhaust motor at Fire Station #64, and repaired air conditioner #1 at 450 Civic Center Plaza.

Air Conditioner Repairs

Parks and Landscaping Division:  Crews trimmed shrubs and grasses at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park and the Employment and Training Center, weed whipped Wendall Park, weeded and trimmed the medians along Carlson Boulevard, performed graffiti removal near Humbolt, trimmed roses on Barrett Avenue, abated weeds on the Richmond Parkway off ramp area, continued with irrigation repairs and the Hilltop landcaping project, and  dealt with tree issues at LaMoine and Mira Vista Parks.


Description: Carlson Medians

Weed Abatement on Carlson Boulevard

Tree crews cut or trimmed trees on/at Andrade Avenue, Roosevelt Avenue, Highland Street, Orchard Street, Hilltop Green Park, and Mendocino Play Lot.

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Downed Tree in LaMoine Park

Streets Division:  Staff grinded and paved a driveway on Ohio Avenue and a portion of Murdock Avenue, installed bicycle racks, and worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk list.

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Pothole Repairs

Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the first Monday through Wednesday and the second Thursday and Friday in the Parchester Village, Hilltop Bayview, Hilltop Green, Fairmede/Hilltop, Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, Clinton Hill IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.

Signs and Lines staff installed 4 new signs and poles, repaired 13 signs and poles, and removed holiday decorations from the downtown area.



Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512

You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:


Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512