Commissioners Butt and Abelson-
Attached I have provided a fact sheet on the Carshare Grant that CCTA and its partners were awarded. The grant request was not fully funded so the project is in the process of being scaled down slightly. There will, however, be carshare pods located both in El Cerrito and Richmond in the vicinities of the El Cerrito Del Norte and Richmond BART stations. Vehicle types will include Electric Vehicles, Hybrids, Plug-In Electrics and at least one wheelchair accessible vehicle. Please let me know if you have any questions. I will provide updates as they are available. Have a happy Holidays.

Peter Engel, Program Manager
2999 Oak Rd., Suite 100
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
V: 925-256-4741
F: 925-256-4701
pengel@ccta.net / www.ccta.net