Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending November 14th, 2014.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18th, beginning with Closed Session at 5:30 PM, followed by a special meeting of the Richmond Housing Authority at 6:25 PM, and the Richmond Council meeting at 6:30 PM.
2. Personnel Notes
Alicia Nightengale, Senior Management Analyst in the City Manager’s Office, has left the City of Richmond to advance her career by working for another Bay Area city in the recreation field. Many of you have gotten to know Alicia through her outstanding community work, most recently in organizing the community park rebuild last month at Parchester. Her talents will be greatly missed by City staff and community partners, and we wish her the best.
3. City of Richmond Credit Ratings
Last week, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services (“S&P”) affirmed the City’s long term general fund credit rating at “AA-“, which translates to “Very Strong”, and assigned its highest short term rating of “SP-1+” to the upcoming tax and revenue anticipation note. In determining the two ratings, S&P reviewed expected financial results for fiscal year 2013-14, budget estimates for fiscal year 2014-15, and various operational updates. As a reminder, the City received an upgrade of its long term rating in March 2014, from “A+” (“Strong”) to the current “AA-“.
As I have stated in the past, there is some difficult work ahead, especially in the short term, to get back to a balanced budget while maintaining healthy reserves. The ratings by S&P, however, are certainly a welcome affirmation regarding the long-term financial prospects for the City.
4. Magnifying Richmond’s Voice: Where Local and Global Goals Meet;
Where do we go from here?
The City of Richmond worked collaboratively with the United Nations Association of the East Bay to organize a unique event, Magnifying Richmond’s Voice, which took place on Saturday, November 8th. This event was part of a global conversation, responding to a growing call for active participation in shaping the “World We Want” – the platform created by the United Nations and civil society to amplify people’s voices in the process of building a global agenda for sustainable development.
Magnifying Richmond’s Voice provided an opportunity for community leaders and a broad spectrum of Richmond stakeholders to come together to set medium-to-long term goals and targets. Four discussion topics were selected from the 17 goals proposed by the UN Open Working Group to be explored in depth at this convening and to make concrete recommendations. Discussion topics were:
- Reducing hunger, and improving health and nutrition;
- Providing quality education, job readiness and promoting employable skills;
- Achieving equitable and sustainable economic growth and improving livelihood for all;
- Ensuring justice and human rights, building effective and accountable civic institutions.
The event started with remarks by Mayor Gayle McLaughlin and the city manager, both of whom spoke on the importance of public input in shaping local and global goals. Around 50 community members and stakeholders participated in the discussions, including representatives from Urban Tilth, Straight Talk on Prison, Black Women Organized for Political Action, Human Rights and Human Relations Commission, city departments and neighborhood councils. Half of the participants were youth, who will be evaluating the successes and shortcomings of these local, national, and global goals in the future.
The discussion outcomes from this consultation will be shared with the United Nations Association – USA and Richmond officials for global and local implementation. For more information about the event and further involvement please contact jantsand@ci.richmond.ca.us.
Thanks to Rochelle Monk’s ESC team, and, especially, Jantsan Damdinsuren, for organizing this event at the City’s end.
5. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week included:
· Attended the Magnifying Richmond’s Voice event (see item 4, above);
· Met with the in-house organizational development team;
· Attended a meeting with several Contra Costa County staff members, along with Administrative Chief Shasa Curl, that was organized by Supervisor John Gioia, to discuss possibilities for collaborating with the County on projects eligible for cap and trade grant funding;
· Met with Supervisor Gioia, together with the Richmond Community Foundation, bond counsel John Knox, and City Finance Department staff to discuss the proposed use of social impact bonds for blight abatement;
· Attended a meeting/conference call with various stakeholders of Doctors Medical Center (DMC) to discuss how to advance DMC’s five-year funding plan to maintain the full service hospital;
· Attended the West Contra Costa County Mayors and Supervisors meeting, at which Doctors Medical Center was the key point of discussion;
· Attended the monthly meeting of the city managers of Contra Costa County (Public Management Association);
· Met with Aram Hodess of the Plumbers Union, and Margaret Hanlon-Gradie, Executive Director of the Contra Costa Labor Council, along with Shasa Curl, to discuss the Berkeley Global Campus project;
· Discussed with staff members from the Police, Planning, and City Attorney departments proposed changes to the medical marijuana regulatory ordinance;
· Attended my regular, monthly meeting with Dr. Bruce Harter, WCCUSD Superintendent.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
6. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place until early May 2015.
During the week of November 10th, concrete was poured for an additional section of retaining wall, as well as three of four bridge “shear keys”. Pump station ladders and platforms were installed and utility work to the pump station continued. Also, work in preparation for concrete at the Meeker/Marina Bay Parkway intersection continued.
For the week of November 17th, an additional retaining wall concrete pour is scheduled and sidewalk and curb and gutter installation will continue at the Meeker/Marina Bay Parkway intersection. Work on landscape retaining walls at the Jetty/Marina Bay Parkway intersection will continue in advance of paving for both north and south intersections tentatively scheduled for mid-December.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
7. City of Richmond Blood Drive
The American Red Cross is sponsoring a City of Richmond Blood Drive on Monday, November 24th, from 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium/Bermuda Room, 403 Civic Center Plaza (Nevin Avenue).
To schedule your appointment or for more information visit redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: RICHMOND or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
If you have questions regarding your eligibility to donate blood, please call 1-866-236-3276.
We are looking forward to a successful drive on November 24th, and would like to schedule such an event every two or three months to create a routine and consistent site for the Richmond community and employees.

8. Get Covered! Health Enrollment Event Saturday November 15th
Open enrollment for 2015 health insurance plans through Covered California begins November 15th, 2014 and ends February 15th, 2015, and, consistent with its focus on health, the City of Richmond is encouraging residents to enroll in quality, affordable health care.
Residents may be eligible for the following affordable health insurance:
· Medi-Cal, California’ health coverage program for lower-income residents, OR
· Private insurance plans offered through Covered California
To enroll and receive support from certified enrollment counselors, we invite you to attend the Health Enrollment event in Richmond to be held:
Date: Saturday, November 15th
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Location: Richmond Memorial Auditorium, 403 Civic Center Plaza
Bring the following documents:
· Proof of current income;
· California ID or driver’s license of the person applying for the family;
· U.S. passport, legal resident card or certificate of Citizenship or naturalization documentation;
· Birth dates, Social Security numbers, home Zip Codes.
This enrollment event will be offering multilingual support in: English, Spanish, Burmese, Cantonese, Hindi, Hmong, Khmer, Khmu, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Mien, Nepalese, Punjabe, Samoan, Tagalog, Thai, Tibetan, Tongan, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
To register for the event, go to www.getcoveredcontracosta.eventbrite.ca.
To download the flier in multiple languages, go to www.richmondhelath.org.

9. Information Technology (IT) Department Updates
For the week ending November 14, 2014:
Facebook Statistics:
New Likes Increased by 112.5%
People Engaged Increased by 75.5%
Datanet Images of the Week:
Throwback Thursday: Featuring Richmond California History:
Please take a moment to comment and LIKE our City of Richmond Facebook post, and enjoy the History Trivia drawing.
Do you recognize this property? What is its current use? Who is the person standing in the field? What fond memories and or stories do you have of this property? All correct answers posted in the comments section of the facebook post before 8:00 AM on the following Thursday will be entered into a drawing for a prize. In addition to your comments, if you LIKE this post, you will be entered twice.

Photo of the Week:

American Public Works Association Conference at the Richmond Auditorium
10. Code Enforcement Updates
Graffiti Abatement
Chevron employees were out in force once again to help eliminate blight throughout the city. The team removed graffiti on the Richmond Greenway near Chanslor Avenue, abated weeds and picked up trash on Florida between S.45th and S.47th Street. Blight abatement is an ongoing and never-ending challenge, and the efforts by Chevron employees are greatly appreciated.


11. Public Works Updates
Facilities Mainenance Division: Painters have completed the apparatus doors at Fire Station #61 and the roll up door at the Carpenter’s Shop in the Corporation Yard.
Stationary Engineers completed the installation of a drinking fountain at Shield Reid Communtiy Center, repaired boiler #3 at 440 Civic Center Plaza, and serviced the pump at the Recreation Complex.

Boiler Repair
Utility Workers cleaned the carpets at the Communication Center, replaced damaged cords, relocated portable fire extinguishers at the May Valley Community Center, and maintained 29 City-owned buildings.

Cleaning at the Richmond Plunge
Electricians continued repairs to the Greenway path lighting between 8th Street and Marina Way, fixed the pedistrian crossing at Robert H. Miller Drive, and repaired the timer for the Nicholl Park tennis courts.
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews continued irrigation and soil replacement along the Richmond Parkway, continued with the rehabilitation of Shields Reid and Parchester Parks, weed whipped and trimmed the medians on Macdonald Avenue, weeded and trimmed on 52nd Street and Creely Avenue, weeded and trimmed Richmond Parkway medians between Macdonald and Hensley Avenues, and trimmed trees around Civic Center Plaza and on the Richmond Parkway near Hilltop.

Median Work on Macdonald Avenue
Tree crews trimmed or cut trees on Key Boulevard, McLaughlin Street, Florida Avenue and San Pablo Avenue.

Tree Trimming on Richmond Parkway
Streets Division: Staff installed two speed bumps on Sonoma Avenue, started paving work on Rosalind Street and Zara Avenue, worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk list, and performed storm patrol.

Zara Avenue Grinding
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday through Friday in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas as weather permitted.
Signs and Lines staff installed 29 new signs and poles, repaired 10 signs and poles, replaced and/or refreshed crosswalks and lane markers, and painted 3004 feet of curbs throughout the City.
Have a great week!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512