Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending October 17th, 2014.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, followed by the regular Council agenda at 6:30 PM.
2. Measure U – Richmond’s One-Half Cent Sales Tax Measure
Registered Richmond voters will be asked to vote on Measure U, a one-half cent sales tax proposal that appears on the upcoming November 4th ballot. If approved, the additional revenue generated by Measure U will maintain and enhance essential city services, such as public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs, and street paving. Information about Measure U can be found on the City’s website at: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/Finance/MeasureU.
Several informational meetings have been completed for both the public as well as community organizations, where City staff presented information and answered questions regarding Measure U. A video of the City Manager’s presentation is also aired several times a day on KCRT.
An informational mailer will be sent to all Richmond residents this week, providing information about the sales tax in general, as well as proposed street paving component, and programs that may be funded by the revenue.
3. Unveiling of Newly Renovated Basketball Court at MLK Park – October 20th
On Monday, October 20th at 3:30 PM, Golden State Warriors legend Mitch Richmond and the Warriors Community Foundation will join the City of Richmond, The California Endowment, Richmond Community Foundation, Good Tidings Foundation, and the Santa Fe and Coronado communities to unveil the newly refurbished basketball courts at Martin Luther King Jr. Park.
The new courts feature four new NBA plexiglas hoop systems and a 14,000 square foot all-weather acrylic playing surface. The project also includes new spectator seating and a drinking fountain.
The new courts will be unveiled in honor of Mitch Richmond. Mr. Richmond is a well-known former player from the Golden State Warriors, a six-time NBA-All Star, and was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2014. Come out and join us for this exciting event on October 20th!
4. Vote by Mail Ballots at City Hall
The City Clerk’s Office is one of several cities in Contra Costa County to partner with the County Elections Office to assist Richmond residents who vote by mail with an easy and convenient location to cast their ballots. A ballot box is available in the lobby of the City Manager’s Office/Clerk’s Office at City Hall for Richmond residents to cast their votes. Residents began casting their ballots on Tuesday, October 14th. The ballot box is available from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Residents can cast their ballots in the Clerk’s Office until 5:00 PM on Election Day, November 4.
A number of residents and staff have informed City Clerk Diane Holmes that they are very pleased that they can come to City Hall and vote instead of mailing their ballots. The ballot box is locked and unlocked each day by one of the staff in the Clerk’s Office, and procedures are in place to detect any possible tampering of the box. County staff will collect ballots once each week leading up to Election Day. On Election Day, the box will be locked at 5:00 PM and staff from the County Elections Office will collect the box and ballots on Wednesday, November 5th. Vote by mail ballots can also be dropped off at any precinct on Election Day. Anyone with questions can contact City Clerk Diane Holmes at (510) 620-6514 or the County Elections Office at (925) 335-7800.
Patrick Seals casting his ballot
5. Help Rebuild Parchester Park
We are only one week away from rebuilding Parchester Village Park and we need your help! Listed below are four ways you can contribute to the Parchester Park Project:
- Volunteer on Build Day: Saturday, October 25th (all ages and skills welcome)
- Contribute a donation to the project from the wish list
- Donate a monetary gift
- Purchase the shoe “Petal” from Livie & Luca shoe company. (Livie and Luca are proud sponsors of the park project and 100% of the proceeds support the project.)
To sign up or for more details visit our webpage at:
We hope to see you there!

6. City of Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) and Peacemaker Fellowship Profiled on CBS/KPIX News
The ONS and its Peacemaker Fellowship was recently profiled for its innovative approach to reducing firearm assaults and associated injury. The efforts of the ONS continue to attract positive attention and inform the field of violence intervention and interruption through the development and implementation of promising practices.
To view the profiles, click on links below:
7. Wet Weather Storage Basin Project
For decades, the City’s sewers have filled with rainwater during heavy storm events, a common problem in older sewer systems. In order to minimize flooding of this water onto City streets, special overflow points were installed in the system to divert these heavy flows to the Richmond Inner Harbor. These design releases are common throughout the Bay Area, and were approved by regulators at their time of installation. However, rules have changed to beneficially improve the environment and stewardship of San Francisco Bay, and the City can no longer divert the flows. As a result, the City has begun construction on facilities that are needed to manage these wastewater storm flows. A large excavation has now been completed for a new pump station adjacent to Canal Boulevard and another excavation is underway for a new tank that will be located close to this location against the hillside. Construction of this $17.5 million project will continue into fall 2015.

8. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place until early May 2015.
During the week of October 13th, concrete was poured for two additional sections of retaining wall. Pump station infill walls and ladders were installed. Curb, gutter and sidewalk work continued at the Jetty/Pierson intersection with Marina Bay Parkway and is approximately 75% complete; while rough grading for one of two phases near the Meeker intersection with Marina Bay Parkway has started.
For the week of October 20th, reinforcing steel will be installed for additional retaining wall sections and one concrete pour for retaining walls is scheduled. The concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter will be completed at the Jetter/Pierson intersection with Marina Bay Parkway, and crews will start sidewalk, curb and gutter at the Meeker intersection. As noted in prior updates, the work at Meeker will entail the closing of the Marina Bay Parkway entrance to “The Crossings” commercial development for approximately six weeks. All businesses within the complex will remain accessible by the Meeker Avenue entrance.
Additionally, PG&E has scheduled to re-energize the streetlights on Marina Bay Parkway south of Regatta Boulevard on October 21st, which will allow these lights to be operational before October 24th.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s Public Outreach Coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
9. Baywalk Mixed Use Project
The Notice of Availability and Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (NOA) for the Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Baywalk Mixed Use project was issued on October 9th. The NOA is available on the project webpage at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/index.aspx?NID+101 .
The project site comprises approximately 10 acres of land located at 830 Marina Way South. A total of 255 townhomes (155 townhomes and 99 live-work townhomes) are proposed as a three-story, mixed use development with a business and fitness center. Comments on the content of the draft MND should be provided at the earliest possible date, but no later than November 24, 2014. Comments shall be in writing and sent to Jonelyn Whales, Planning & Building Services Department, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 or via email at Jonelyn_Whales@ci.richmond.ca.us.
10. Nevin Homes Residential Projects
The Planning and Building Services Department released a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Nevin Homes affordable residential project on September 23rd. A public study session requesting comments from the Planning Commission was held on October 6th. Comments on the project and content of the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) were provided to staff. Additional comments may be provided by the public. The posted comment period was extended by staff from October 23rd to November 10th. Comments should be in writing and sent to Jonelyn Whales, Planning & Building Services Department, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 or via email at Jonelyn_Whales@ci.richmond.ca.us.
11. Rumrill Boulevard Community Design Workshop
On Thursday, October 9th, the cities of Richmond and San Pablo hosted a Community Design Workshop at the Lao Family Center. The workshop focused on generating strategies for transit improvements to Rumrill Boulevard/13th Street between Contra Costa College and Harbour Way. In a cooperative and encouraging public forum, residents, public officials and transportation consultants all shared ideas on how to better integrate cars, pedestrians, cyclists and businesses along the corridor. For more information on the project, visit the website: http://goo.gl/UzTETx or contact the Planning Department at (510) 620-6841.
12. Help Shape AC Transit’s Future! Meeting in Richmond
AC Transit is preparing its Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA) and will be conducting eight public workshops across the District in the month of October to collect feedback from the public about current service and recommendations for future investment. A workshop will be held in Richmond at the Main Library (325 Civic Center Plaza) on Thursday, October 23rd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Input from these workshops will be used to develop revised recommendations for discussion in January/February 2015.
You can provide input in two ways: (1) come to one of the open house workshops; and/or (2) take a survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PlanAct01.
For more information, please visit http://www.actransit.org/PlanACT/.
13. Second Annual Health Promoters Conference
On Saturday, October 25th, the 2nd Annual Health Promoters in Action: Planting Seeds for Change conference will be held from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Richmond Civic Auditorium. The conference is planned for health promoters, health conductors, and community leaders who are interested in improving the health of the community. FREE continental breakfast and a healthy lunch will be provided!
The first 50 to register will receive a gift the day of the event. Please visit this link to register: http://seedsforchange.eventbrite.com.
The conference is bilingual (Spanish translations services provided). Child care will not be available. For registration assistance contact (925) 727-7442.

14. 5th Annual North Richmond Green Festival October
On Saturday, October 25th, the 5th Annual North Richmond Green Festival will be held at the 3rd Street Ball field/Park Fred Jackson Way & Pittsburg Avenue in Richmond from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This will be a fun and informative family event. Some of the fun activities will include live music, raffle prizes, speakers on environmental topics, petting zoo, eco-friendly arts and crafts, games, and health screenings.
Adult and children volunteers interested in planting flowers and vegetables at the Neighborhood House of North Richmond Multicultural Senior and Family Services Center should report to 515 Silver Avenue in Richmond at 9:00 AM (before the festival begins). For more information on the event please call Carla Orozco at (510) 776-7568.

15. Code Enforcement Updates
After losing the subject property through foreclosure, the former owner left the property in a condition that included an unsecured structure and hazardous material located in the front yard. Code Enforcement staff took action to have the hazardous material immediately removed and initiated the code enforcement process to attempt to compel compliance with applicable zoning laws. The property was soon purchased at auction and the new property owners worked closely with the code enforcement officer assigned to the case to bring the property into full compliance.
An army of volunteers from Chevron volunteered five hours of their workday to eliminate blight on a section of the Richmond Greenway. This is part of a newly formed and ongoing partnership between Chevron and the Police Department’s Code Enforcement Unit. The group removed graffiti, abated weeds and picked up trash along the Greenway near San Pablo Avenue. Chevron has pledged their assistance at least once a month for up to five hours per event.

Planning and Code Enforcement staff have partnered with a number of local businesses to address zoning and code enforcement issues. The main issues are with respect to meeting obligations of conditional use permits and conforming to development standards. Staff will continue to work with other businesses on 23rd Street, Macdonald Avenue and San Pablo Avenue to correct similar issues.
16. Information Technology (IT) Department Updates
For the week ending October 14, 2014:
KCRT - Candidates Night Replay:
KCRT's 2014 Richmond Mayor and City Council Candidates Night
Both specials airing back to back (KCRT)
KCRT's 2014 Richmond City Council Candidates Night (KCRT)
Election 2014 Preview: Richmond City Council - Short Term (CCTV)
Tue 11/04/14 09:30 AM KCRT-TV Ch 28/99
Thu 10/30/14 10:30 PM KCRT-TV Ch 28/99
Mon 10/27/14 09:30 AM KCRT-TV Ch 28/99
Thu 10/23/14 11:30 PM KCRT-TV Ch 28/99
Datanet Images of the Week
KCRT – Image of the Week

East Brother Lighthouse, East Brother Island, Point Richmond, CA
Throwback Thursday: Featuring Richmond California History
Congratulations to Lynn Maack for winning the recent Throwback Thursday trivia regarding the picture below. Lynn shared, “This sign spanned San Pablo Avenue on the north side of the intersection at Macdonald Avenue. It was removed in the late 1950s after the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge was built and the ferry service was discontinued.”
You may watch the historical video of the demolition of this sign on the following links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIXsJO8IAY0
Granicus: http://richmond.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?publish_id=eb13962e-4ff8-11e4-ad11-f04da2064c47 (direct link).
and https://richmond.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=4
(this list page provides additional historical videos).
City of Richmond Historical Sign
17. Public Works Updates
The Richmond Swim Center is undergoing rehabilitation. It is now past the demolition phase and on to the construction phase.
Richmond Swim Center
Facilities Mainenance Division: Carpenters continued with the cover for the Corporation Yard storage area, and addressed safety issues at various locations.
Painters have finished the computer lab at the Recreation Complex, and continuing with areas of the Corporation Yard.
Painting at the New Computer Lab in the Recreation Complex
Stationary Engineers repaired the main waste line to the Main Library, serviced the waste line at Fire Station #66, and began the installation of the heating units at Booker T. Anderson Community Center.
Utility workers repaired the vacuum cleaner at the Senior Annex Community Center, replaced non-working light bulbs at the Bayview Library, as well as serviced 29 City owned buildings.
Electricians continued with the Richmond Parkway street light repair, repaired the lights at Fire Station #68, relamped the plaza lights in front of the Richmond BART Station, replaced signal lights on the Richmond Parkway, and changed the timing on the signals at Richmond Parkway and Lakeside Drive.
Repair of Lights in Fire Station #68
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews continued irrigation and soil replacement along the Richmond Parkway, continued with the rehabilitation of Shields Reid Park, weed abated Richmond Parkway, prepared holes for tree planting at Parchester Park, and cleaned up the area around Richmond Parkway and Hensley Avenue.

Clean Up on Hensley Avenue and Richmond Parkway
Tree crews trimmed or cut trees on Lincoln Avenue between 20th and 23rd Streets and on 41st Street.
Tree Hole Boring at Parchester Park
Streets Division: Staff ground and paved on Orchard Avenue from San Pablo Avenue to South 59th Street as well as crack sealed Park Central Drive.

Paving on Orchard Avenue
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the second Monday and Tuesday and the third Wednesday through Friday in the May Valley, Vista View, Clinton Hill I – III, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, and Point Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines staff fabricated 24 new signs, installed 7 new signs and poles, painted 230 feet of curbs, and set up a road closure at San Pablo Avenue and Richmond Parkway.

Installing Stop Message on Lassen Street and Esmond Avenue
Bump Message Installation
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512