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  Richmond Streetlight Wars
October 10, 2014

For my entire tenure on the Richmond City Council, I have gotten a lot of complaints about streetlights – not enough streetlights or streetlights that are not working. For as long as I can remember, people would do anything for a streetlight. Now for the first time, I am getting complaints about have too many streetlights!

A flood of complaints from Point Richmond residents is pouring in about new LED streetlights that have been added to almost every utility pole. People are saying they are in ruining their nighttime view or causing glare, and they want them removed or turned off.

Some are claiming that they are not “dark sky compliant.”

So here is the story. The fixtures are Cree XSP1 Type 2  and are a Dark Sky Friendly Fixture. Also see Cree Accessory Field Adjustable Output Spec Sheet.

For people who want street lights removed, turned off or reduced in brightness, email andy_yeung@ci.richmond.ca.us, who will furnish a petition. If a majority of residents on a block want streetlights turned off, the City will accommodate them.


Street Lights
New LED streetlights