Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending September 19th, 2014.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 23rd, beginning with Closed Session at 5:45 PM, followed by the regular Council agenda (with a combined Housing Authority agenda item) at 6:30 PM.
- City Receives Grant for Digital Health Literacy
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) just announced that the City of Richmond has been awarded a National Leadership Grant (NLG) in the amount of $249,314 for the Richmond Public Library. IMLS is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums. Richmond’s Digital Health Literacy Project was one of 51 projects funded out of 212 applications.
The Leadership Grant proposal was built on recommendations contained in the Building Blocks for Kids (BBK) report “Community Connections: A Road Map for Advancing Digital Literacy and Access in Richmond’s Iron Triangle” that was prepared with the support of the previous 2012 IMLS-NLG planning grant.
Congressman George Miller sent the City his congratulations just prior to the announcement. He was pleased to learn that the funding will help implement the Richmond Digital Health Literacy Project. He noted that IMLS was impressed that the Project will provide low-income residents with tools and skills needed to access online information to improve their health.
The Richmond Digital Health Literacy project will develop customized online health curricula, provide training to low-income residents in digital health literacy, and offer the opportunity for participants to obtain a refurbished laptop computer. As part of the City’s grant-funded strategy to provide free Internet access for low income Richmond residents, the project also includes funding to provide free broadband and wireless antennae to participant residences and public computer centers.
The Library and Cultural Services Department acknowledges the following partners who are currently committed to be part of the collaborative project:
Brighter Beginnings, Building Blocks for Kids Collaborative, The California Endowment, Healthy Richmond, Internet Archive, ReliaTech, Richmond City Manager’s Office, Richmond Employment and Training Department, Richmond Information Technology Department, and the Richmond Police Department
- LEAP’s 30 Year Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, September 21st at 12:30 PM
What do America Ferrera, Video Music Awards, TED, and Alex Trebek of Jeopardy have in common? Find out by joining LEAP on September 21st in a community celebration from 12:30 PM – 400 PM at 440 Civic Center Plaza.
This past week, the Port of Richmond hosted a delegation from Zhoushan, China, led by Jiang Jianguo, Chairman of their Municipal Committee (City Council). Jason Zhuang, who is now the Deputy Director of Zhoushan’s Foreign Affairs Department, and long-time Richmond friend, was also in attendance. Richmond and Zhoushan have a 21 year sister city relationship. Jim Matzorkis, Port Executive Director and Lucy Zhou, Port Marketing/Operations Manager hosted the group. On Wednesday, September 10th, the group attended the City Manager’s Senior Staff Meeting, where introductions were exchanged and the City Manager presented them with gifts as a token of our commitment to the relationship with our sister city, and to show our appreciation for their long-term friendship.

- Public Workshops on the Countywide Transportation Plan
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) is updating the Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP), which is used to guide investments in transportation improvements in Contra Costa County. Examples of projects in Richmond that have been funded with CCTA’s assistance include the Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass, the Richmond BART Parking Structure, Richmond Parkway lighting upgrades, and local street repaving.
CCTA is holding several public workshops to solicit input on the transportation investments to include in the CTP, including two in West County:
- Saturday, September 20th, 1:30 PM at the Richmond Auditorium Bermuda Room, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond
- Monday, September 22nd, 7:00 PM at the Hercules Community Center (gym) 2001 Refugio Valley Road, Hercules
Community members can also participate in the CTP planning process through a “telephone town hall” meeting on Tuesday, September 23rd at 6:00 PM by dialing (877) 229-8493 and entering pin number 1126642 at the prompt; or through the website www.keepcontracostamoving.net.

- Measure U Community Meetings
Registered Richmond voters will be asked to consider how to vote on Measure U, a one-half cent sales tax proposal that appears on the upcoming November 4th ballot. If approved, the additional revenue generated by Measure U will maintain and enhance essential city services, such as public safety, public health and wellness programs, city youth programs, and street paving. Information about Measure U can be found on the City’s website at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/Finance/MeasureU.
Several informational meetings are planned for both the public as well as community organizations, where City Staff will present information and answer questions regarding Measure U. Upcoming meetings open to the public are as follows:
- Wednesday, October 1st at 7:00 PM
Recreation Complex
3230 Macdonald Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
- Thursday, October 9th at 7:00 PM
Hilltop Mall Community Room
2200 Hilltop Mall Road 2nd Floor
Richmond, CA 94806
(Door entrance between JCPenney and Police Department Substation)
- Richmond Confidential Profile of Fire Station #61
Several weeks ago, a group of University of California, Berkeley Journalism Students, working with the news website Richmond Confidential, profiled Fire Station #61 in Point Richmond. The fire crew on duty that day was Captain Mark Cisneros, Engineer Erin Perez, and Probationary Firefighter Alexander (A.J.) Schindler. The accompanying video link:
provides a first-hand look of life in the fire department through the eyes of one of our newest firefighters.
- Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place until early May 2015.
During the week of September 15th, two additional concrete pours for retaining walls were completed, each of approximately 100 cubic yards. Additionally, rebar was placed for the third level of pump station walls, and work at the Jetty/Pierson intersection with Marina Bay Parkway continued.
For the week of September 22nd, a concrete pour for retaining walls is scheduled, as well as a pour for the third level of pump station walls. Also, utility relocation work near the Meeker intersection with Marina Bay Parkway will continue.
Crews will also be evaluating methods to restore power to several street lights on Marina Bay Parkway south of the project. These lights utilized power from a location within the project that required demolition and are proposed to be energized by a new service to be installed as part of the project. The contractor has been directed to find a way to energize these lights in the interim, until the new service is installed.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s public outreach coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
- Help Rebuild Parchester Park
We are less than two months away from rebuilding Parchester Village Park and we need your help! There are four ways you can contribute to the Parchester Park Project which are listed below.
- Volunteer on Build Day: Saturday, October 25th (all ages and skills welcome);
- Contribute a donation to the project from the wish list;
- Donate a monetary gift;
- Purchase the shoe “Petal” from Livie & Luca shoe company. (Livie and Luca are proud sponsors of the park project and 100% of the proceeds support the project.)
To sign up or for more details visit our webpage at:
We hope to see you there!

This past spring, the Code Enforcement Division received a complaint regarding a blighted property. An inspection was conducted and the property owner was notified that the deteriorating exterior needed to be replaced and/or painted. The property owner contacted Code Enforcement and expressed that she needed additional time to find a contactor to perform the work and the extension was granted. As a result of enforcement efforts, and as a result of the responsible actions by the property owner, the property has now been rehabilitated.

- “Getting Ready for College Conference” on September 27th
On Saturday, September 27th, at De Anza High School, the West County Ed Fund is sponsoring the “Getting Ready for College Conference” to provide both students and parents with the tools and resources they will need to apply to college, and to answer any questions on a variety of subjects. Topics will include funding and how to pay for college, admission requirements, the application process, and the different types of college options available to students. The workshop is free and all current 10th, 11th and 12th graders and their parents are encouraged to attend. You can register for the event and find out more information at www.edfundwest.org/grfcc.

- 8th Annual Home Front Festival – October 11th
Come join in the festivities at the 8th Annual Home Front Festival on Saturday, October 11th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at three sites along the Richmond waterfront. There will be activities for the entire family, food, live entertainment and much more! Admission is free!
- Information Technology (IT) Department Updates
Website Statistics
For the week ending 09/17/2014:

Facebook Statistics
Weekly total reached increased by 86.2%
People engaged increased by 54.8%
The Richmond Art Center is located at 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond CA. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Sundays from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
KCRT – Fall 2014 Television Schedule:

Throwback Thursday Trivia: Featuring Richmond California History
Congratulations to Jim Pylant for his correct answer to this week’s Trivia.

In 1912 Clark’s confectionery store, which sold candy, ice cream and cream sodas, once stood on 805 Macdonald Ave. What sits there now is an empty lot right across the street from Kaiser Hospital. According to the Polk Directories, in the Richmond History Museum collection, Clarks Candy was owned by William L. Clark, husband to Nellie Clark. He lived above the store in the same building.
History provided by Melinda McCrary, Richmond History Museum.
Facilities Maintenance:
Carpenters repaired the storefront entrance at the Richmond Police Department, remodeled the Main Library Kitchen, and started the computer lab enhancements at the Recreation Complex.
Painters started the mechanical room in the Recreation Complex.
Stationary Engineers repaired the apparatus exhaust system at Fire Station #66, started fabricating parts for the Auditorium air handlers for repairs, installed heating units at Booker T. Anderson Community Center, and started the upgrade of the boiler controls at the Richmond Auditorium.

Heating Unit Installation at Booker T. Anderson
Utility Workers cleaned carpets at the Richmond Police Department, replaced bulbs at the Youth Works Building, and maintained 29 City-owned buildings.

Carpet Cleaning at the Richmond Police Department
Parks and Landscaping:
Crews trimmed shrubs and weeded the Bowling Green at Nicholl Park, removed shrubs and trees from Parchester Park for Arbor Day, continued with the Richmond Parkway maintenance, delivered benches to Parchester Park and installed a new backflow meter at LaMoine Park.

2nd Street Park Maintenance
Tree Crews trimmed or removed trees at Parchester Park, on 33rd Street, 38th Street, Clinton Avenue and on Fran Way.

Parchester Park Tree Removal
Streets Division:
Crews grinded and paved South 41st Street, and paved South 34th Street and South 2nd Street Park.

Paving on South 41st Street
Street Sweeping cleaned the commercial and residential routes for the third Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay and Point Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Traffic Signs and Lines fabricated 11 new signs, installed 8 new signs and poles, painted 1,626 feet of curbs, installed a stop message and bar, and repaired 52 signs and poles.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512