One of the candidates for Richmond mayor, Uche Uwahemu, is handing out cards that include the following information:
“2013 Overall Grade:”
- “Richmond City Council ----D-“
- “Richmond Education ----F”
- “Richmond Economy -----F”
- “Richmond Image ----F”
- “Richmond Services Delivery –F”
- “Overall Leadership ---F”
The source of the information is cited as “The National Citizens Survey (The NCS), National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) & International City/County Management Association (ICMA).”
Such a survey exists, and I have written about it in my E-FORUM (see for 2013) four times since the biannual survey started in 2007. All of the survey information is posted on the City’s website at
The problem is that the survey did not give the City letter grades in any of the categories cited by Uwahemu. It did not even ask questions about the “Richmond City Council” or “Overall Leadership.” The information on Uwahemu’s card is totally made up and has no basis in fact.
The survey actually showed remarkable improvements across the board over the past six years, indicating that Richmond is not failing at all but is going the right direction in a hurry.
Following are categories from the 2013 National Citizen Survey similar to those cited by Uwahemu showing not failure but dramatic improvement in the past six years in the percentage of people rating the category as “excellent” or “good:”
- Overall Quality of Life: +76%
- Overall Appearance of Richmond: +55%
- Overall Direction Richmond is Taking: +36%
- Quality of Services Provided by City of Richmond: +100%
- Police Services: +53%
- Sewer Services: +21%
- Parks: +16%
- Recreation Programs: +83%
- Public Information Services: +111%
- Public Schools: +10%
- Public Library Services: +51%
The progress measured by these surveys in just six years is by any measure remarkable, and it is indicative of a city council, a management team and hundreds of employees who are focused on change and excellence, not failure.
We all know that crime continues to drop dramatically. This year’s homicide rate is less than last year’s which was the lowest in 33 years. Both property crime and violent crime are down 25% this year compared to last year.
The most puzzling part of the survey report is the Benchmark Report, which compares Richmond’s scores against those of the approximately 500 other cities that use the almost identical survey. In almost every category, the way Richmond rated itself was at or near the bottom compared to others. For example, Richmond rated itself 382 of 383 jurisdictions surveyed in “overall quality of life.” In “sense of community,” Richmond rated itself dead last. This remarkably “low self-esteem,” or whatever you want to call it is consistent with previous years, although improving slightly in some categories. It doesn’t mean Richmond is failing; it just means that a higher percentage of people in Anytown, USA, like their quality of life, or whatever, more than those in Richmond.