I and the rest of the City Council are receiving hundreds of emails like this every hour from an @chevron.com email server. Most of them are not from Richmond; in fact they are coming from all over the state. How stupid does Chevron think we are that they would clog up our computers to the point we can’t get any other work done? Am I pissed? Yes.
Chevron, please stop!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Stacy Moffitt [mailto:smoffitt@chevron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:45 AM
To: McLaughlin, Gayle (city); Bates, Nat; jovanka_beckles@ci.richmond.ca.us; corky_booze@ci.richmond.ca.us; Butt, Tom; jael_myrick@ci.richmond.ca.us; Rogers, Jim
Subject: Support the Chevron Richmond Refinery Modernization Project
Dear Mayor McLaughlin and Members of the City Council:
I am writing to express my support for the Chevron Richmond Refinery Modernization Project and to urge the City Council to support the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Conditional Use Permit approving the environmentally superior alternative (referred to as Alternative 11) recommended in the July 18, 2014 Planning Department Staff Report, as well as the $60 million Environmental and Community Investment Agreement as proposed by Chevron.
The City of Richmond has led a robust and transparent public review process that started more than three years ago. Members of the public have had ample opportunity to submit comments and give feedback regarding the Modernization Project EIR.
The Project will make the refinery newer, safer and cleaner while protecting the environment, enhancing safety and creating local jobs. This $1 billion investment will replace some of the refinery’s oldest processing equipment with more modern technology that is inherently safer and meets the nation’s toughest air quality standards. As part of the Project, the Richmond Refinery has made a commitment to no net increase in criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and health risk from toxic air contaminants. Alternative 11 represents even more commitments. It limits the amount of sulfur that the refinery can process. And when combined with the project design features, Alternative 11 will reduce local GHG emissions and decrease health risks from toxic air contaminants and most criteria air pollutants for our fenceline neighbors compared to existing operations.
The Modernization Project means less pollution from refinery operations. It means 1,000 local union construction jobs, 1,300 additional related jobs and a commitment to hire locally and use local suppliers.
It also means $60 million over 10 years as part of the proposed Environmental and Community Investment Agreement, which includes funds to send Richmond students to college, train workers for jobs, fight climate change and provide support for non-profits that serve our community.
The EIR confirms that the Modernization Project is not about refining Canadian tar sands or heavy crude. And it will not enable the Richmond refinery to bring in crude oil by rail or pipeline.
The City of Richmond has convened a team of California’s best consultants, experts and government officials to develop one of the most comprehensive EIR’s for a refinery project anywhere in California.
The time for modernization is now. More than 70% of voters support modernization because it’s the right choice for Richmond. This community deserves a newer, safer, cleaner refinery.
I want to add my voice to the 10,987 and counting community members who have endorsed the Modernization Project. I urge the City Council to approve the July 18 Planning Department staff recommendations and Chevron’s proposed $60 million Environmental and Community Investment Agreement. Please reject any additional conditions, which would jeopardize this much-needed project that will benefit Richmond.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Stacy Moffitt
841 Chevron Way
Richmond, CA 94801