Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the week ending May 9th, 2014.
1. Meeting Notes
The next City Council meeting is a special meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 beginning at 6:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to clear the backlog of agenda items that have been carried over from prior meetings due to time constraints.
2. Youth Volunteers Attend the California Youth Summit
On Saturday May 3rd, sixteen students from various schools, including Richmond and Kennedy High Schools travelled to San Francisco for a day-long Youth Summit, hosted by Free the Children, the organization that brought We Day to California.
Students learned about the power to transform the lives of millions through the keynote speaker, Deng Ajak Jongkuch, one of Sudan’s Lost Boys. They also learned about self-identity, community issues, and action planning through engaging workshops. Meanwhile, the participating adults attended a professional development session to share best practices and learn about free resources from Microsoft and the Jefferson Awards. Did you know that the three strongest motivators for youth are commune, justice, and authenticity? Read the article “The Truth about Youth” by McCann Worldgroup for a full list of motivators.
At the closing session, two of Richmond’s students were awarded prizes from Mircosoft for having the best posts to social media about the value of YouthSpark, a free online tool for youth. Richard Howard from Kennedy High School was awarded a tablet and Arnold Dimas from Richmond High School was awarded an X-Box One!
Richmond ESC is proud to have Free the Children as a partner. Our partnership has enabled Richmond youth to become motivated about local and global community service and have access to the tools and resources to make a difference. To learn more, call (510) 620-5535.

3. “Richmond ESC at Berkeley” receives the UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Award
On Monday, May 5th, University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) hosted the Chancellor’s Awards for Public Service. Each year, the Chancellor recognizes students, staff, faculty, and community partnerships that embody UC Berkeley’s proud tradition of public service and commitment to improving our local and global community. Chancellor Nicholas B. Dirks presented our student organization, Richmond ESC at Berkeley, the Student Group Award for Civic Engagement.
Richmond ESC at Berkeley was also selected to receive a $900 mini-grant from the Public Service Center to further the work this upcoming school year. Richmond ESC is excited to continue to develop a partnership with CAL and appreciates the Public Service Center for its meaningful support.
If you know of current CAL students who would be interested in participating in Richmond ESC at Berkeley please contact Bertha Romo at (510) 620-5535.

4. Richmond ESC Thanks We Give – 2014 Donors!
We Give-2014 took place on May 6th. People from all over the nation gave to their favorite nonprofits. Over the course of 24 hours, 750 donors supported our Richmond nonprofits resulting in a little over $80,000 raised!
Richmond ESC would like to thank the individuals who donated to our program. This is our first year participating and we raised $250. Thank you to those who contributed! Every bit will help toward expanding and strengthening our youth service initiative. While We Give is only a day of giving, we encourage you to donate to Richmond ESC at any time throughout the year. Donations are tax-exempt and can be made to our fiscal sponsor, Richmond PAL. If you have any questions please feel free to call (510) 620-5535.
5. Library Scholarship
The Friends of the Richmond Public Library and Richmond Public Library Teen Services are sponsoring one $1,500 and one $1,000 scholarship to high school students who will be attending a four-year college starting fall 2014. Eligible students must reside or attend a public or private high school in West Contra Costa County. Application forms are available on the internet at www.richmondlibrary.org, at the Richmond Public Library at 325 Civic Center Plaza, and at counseling or career offices of high schools in West Contra Costa County.
Applicants need to provide copies of a letter of intent to attend college or registration confirmation to a college. In addition, applicants need to submit a three-page, double-spaced, typed essay entitled, “Public Libraries in the New Millennium: Programs and Resources That Will Attract Teenagers.” Entries must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 16th. Applications can be delivered or mailed attention to Añgela Cox, Richmond Public Library, 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804. For more information contact Añgela Cox at (510) 620-5516.
6. National Bike Month
May is National Bike Month, and there are exciting activities happening in Richmond throughout the month. Find out about more about biking news and activities all through May at www.richmondenvironment.org and http://www.youcanbikethere.org/calendar. Contact Mike Uberti for more information at (510) 620-6512 or mike_uberti@ci.richmond.ca.us.
Bike to Work Day 2014
On Thursday, May 8th, over 770 Richmond riders joined the entire East Bay for Bike to Work Day 2014. This represents a 28% increase in ridership from last year. The City of Richmond partnered with Bike East Bay, 511 Contra Costa, Building Blocks for Kids Collaborative (BBK), SunPower, the Richmond Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), Rich City RIDES, and Urban Tilth to celebrate biking as an efficient, viable and cost effective form of transportation. Between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, energizer stations provided riders with water, coffee, snacks, and Bike to Work tote bags and other cool prizes. Thank you to our generous donors Catahoula Coffee and Safeway.

Fourth Annual Richmond Ride of Silence
On Wednesday, May 21st, please join us for the community-wide Richmond Ride of Silence. The Ride of Silence, part of a worldwide effort, is a slow, quiet ride to honor those who have been seriously hurt or killed while bicycling in Richmond. Held during National Bike Month, the Ride of Silence aims to raise community awareness that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways, promote bicycle safety, and ask that we all share the road. The Richmond Ride of Silence will meet in front of Richmond City Hall (450 Civic Center Plaza) at 5:00 PM and leave at 5:30 PM for the group ride. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a post ride celebration to nearby Off the Grid food trucks.

Team Bike Challenge
If you enjoy saving money, having fun and being healthy on Bike to Work Day, you don’t have to stop! Those who want to keep biking through May can join the City of Richmond’s team as a part of the Team Bike Challenge or start your own team! The City has a team that will log its miles each week and compete against other cities and organizations in the East Bay. Those who start their own teams (up to five people) can compete for prizes as they log their miles versus other Contra Costa riders. Learn more and join the team at: www.youcanbikethere.org/tbc.
Friday Lunch Rides
Join us every Friday during May at noon as we bike to beautiful locations across Richmond for lunch. We will meet in front of 450 Civic Center before rolling out! Bring your own lunch or grab something from the Farmers’ Market next door. Riders of all caliber are welcome!
7. Richmond Writes!
The Richmond Writes! Poetry Contest, now in its 4th year, celebrated its 2014 winners at the Richmond Writes! Awards Ceremony in City Council Chambers on Friday, April 11th. The contest is sponsored by the Richmond Arts & Culture Commission. West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) student poets who received awards represented elementary through high school levels. Mayor Gayle McLaughlin presented the awards, and posed for group and individual photos with the young poets. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners received gift cards thanks to the annual donation of the Raymond Family Foundation.
The theme this year was Richmond Identities: Extraordinary Lives/Ordinary People, honoring the new mural at the Senior Center on Macdonald. The Arts & Culture Commission sponsors the contest, and WCCUSD collaborates each year.
The 2014 judges were: Jeremiah Romm, Kit Pappenheimer, Mary Webb, Alexandra Williams-Fleck, Anthony Torres, Todd Groves, Doria Robinson, Ruthie Dineen, Susan Antolin, and Tobey Kaplan.
Haiku Poets of Northern California gave Special Recognition Awards to: Jennifer Cardenos Arceo; Jade Anna Synnott Brandow; Fernando Rivas; Esther Nguyen; Angel Weaver; Dayanna Velazco; and Brandon Kao Chao. (Students were from Lovonya DeJean, Washington, and Wilson Elementary Schools.)
Elementary School Winners were from Washington, Highland, Ford, and Wilson Elementary:
1st Place: Keshia Isome, Vanessa Garcia, Brandon Kao Chao, Devyn Mariah
Barram, and Lucia Rios
2nd Place: Christian Saechao, Atallah Allen, Geriyah Hood, Felsiha Gonzalez, Jade Anna Synnott Brandow, and Melanie Ramirez
3rd Place: Karia Rivas, Malaysha Williams, Lilyana Cauich Kazumi, and Natalie Guzman.
Honorable Mention: Gloria Zearett, Bella Chavez Jackson, and Alondra Gutierrez
Middle School Winners were from Lovonya DeJean Middle School:
1st Place: Carlos Abdiel Santiago, and Perla Arce Diaz
2nd Place: Veronica Lopez Delgado, and Jennifer Cardenas Arceo
3rd Place: Abraham Obinyan, and Hedsauth Bautista
Honorable Mention: Jack Lin
High School Winners were from Kennedy and Salesian High Schools:
1st Place: James Kraynik
2nd Place: Jekari Lynch
3rd Place: Enrique Hernandez
Honorable Mention: Joshua Mania, Neha Venkatesh, and Yajaira Sandoval
2014 Elementary Winners

2014 Middle School Winners

2014 High School Winners
8. 2014 Historic Preservation Awards Winner Announced!
Every year, the City of Richmond recognizes a number of individuals, organizations, businesses, and agencies whose contributions demonstrate outstanding commitment to excellence in historic preservation, local history or promotion of the heritage of the City.
The Historic Preservation Commission is pleased to announce this year's Historic Preservation Award recipients:
· Port of Richmond and Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates for Rehabilitating the Rigger's Loft
· The Women's Westside Improvement Club for Producing the New Point Richmond Street Directory and Map
· The Richmond Rotary Club and The East Bay Center for the Performing Arts for Producing "Lost Secrets of the Iron Triangle"
· Bruce Beyaert and the Trails for Richmond Action Committee (TRAC) for Preserving Richmond's Shoreline and its History
· Kenneth Kokka, Donna Graves, the Blossoms and Thorns Video Committee, and the Contra Costa Japanese American Citizens League for Creating the Documentary Film "Blossoms and Thorns: A Community Uprooted"
The Richmond Historic Preservation Commission and the National Park Service invite you to attend the Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony honoring this year's award recipients. The awards ceremony will take place on Monday, May 12th at 5:30 PM in the Richmond City Council Chambers located at 440 Civic Center Plaza in Richmond. The ceremony will be followed by a reception at the Richmond Art Center, catered by the Contra Costa College Culinary Department.
Feel free to download the Historic Preservation Awards ceremony invitation (http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/28775) and help spread the word. Contact Hector Rojas, Senior Planner, at (510) 620-6662 or hector_rojas@ci.richmond.ca.us with any questions.
9. Improvements to the San Pablo Dam Road Interchange at I-80
In preparation for future improvements to the San Pablo Dam Road Interchange at I-80, El Portal Drive, near Glenlock Street in the City of San Pablo, will be temporarily closed to allow for the advance relocation of underground utilities.
The roadway closure is anticipated to begin in late May 2014 and continue into August 2014. The closure limits on El Portal Drive will be between Glenlock Street and the entrance ramp to westbound I-80 (towards San Francisco), near the Shell Gas Station. Access to/from Glenlock Street from/to El Portal Drive and all entrance and exit ramps will remain open at all times during construction. The sidewalk on El Portal Drive within the road closure segment will remain open at all times, except as needed, when construction activities require temporary closure for public safety.
Detour signs will be posted to inform drivers of alternative routes to reach their destination during the roadway closure (see map below). Electronic changeable message signs will be placed in strategic locations on city streets to minimize traffic delays and public inconvenience.
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) and project partners, including the cities of San Pablo and Richmond, Contra Costa County, and Caltrans, are making every effort to provide opportunities for project neighbors to stay informed about this construction work. More information about the project can be found at:
The Project hotline’s number is (510) 277-0444.
Thank you for your cooperation during this essential work.

10. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project Update
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place until early May 2015.
During the week of May 5th, tieback installation continued, with drilling of the tiebacks fully completed on May 8th. The driveway at the Department of Public Health campus was repaved, and site electrical and landscaping restoration work continued.
For the week of May 12th, testing and “lockoff” (tensioning and installation of spacers) of the installed tiebacks will continue, and installation and loading of the temporary struts will be completed, which will allow for excavation of the roadway to final subgrade.
On April 28th, work on the driveway approach from Regatta Boulevard to the Anchorage at Marina Bay development was completed by the developer, Pulte Homes. With this driveway complete, reconstruction of this development’s driveway to Marina Bay Parkway, known as Jetty Drive, can begin. To accelerate this work, Jetty Drive will be closed the week of May 12th and will remain closed for approximately four months.
As noted in prior reports, the fourth 24-hour a day weekend closure window has been tentatively re-scheduled for the weekend of June 7th. Plans for this closure window remain preliminary at this point and additional information will follow as details are developed.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at www.moodyup.com. You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s public outreach coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
11. City of Richmond, WCCUSD and Ed Fund Partnership
The City of Richmond, West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD), and the Ed Fund will partner to host two pilot summer day camps in Richmond at Shields-Reid Community Center and Nevin Community Center.
Through these summer day camps, youth will have the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic, high quality summer experience. Staff from the three partnering agencies are working with an education consultant to design the daily program schedule. Teachers from Verde and Peres Elementary Schools will serve as academic coaches to inform and support program implementation. The pilot summer camps will feature a fun, project-based curriculum that incorporates social-emotional learning, academic enrichment, and physical activity. In addition to daily camp activities, participants will go on bi-weekly field trips and recreational swimming at the Plunge.
Camp registration is open to children who attend Verde and Peres Elementary schools or who live in the surrounding neighborhood of Shields-Reid Community Center and Nevin Community Center. To make certain that the experience is rewarding to students, the camp will limit participation to 60 children per site, with a ratio of 15 students per 1 staff member. The camps will open to children ages 6 -12, and will operate starting June 9, 2014 through August 15, 2014 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday. For more information, contact the Recreation Department at (510) 620-6793.
12. California Natural Resources Agency Visits Richmond
Staff from the California Natural Resources Agency (CRNA) conducted a site visit with City staff and supporting partners on Friday, April 25th, to review three projects that are candidates for grant funding through this agency. These three projects are:
- Greening the Last Mile of the Richmond Greenway
The City of Richmond partnered with Pogo Park, the Watershed Project, and Groundwork Richmond to propose a $1.4 million dollar grant for “Greening the Last Mile” of the Richmond Greenway. The Richmond Greenway is a three-mile former railroad corridor running through central Richmond. While the City has received funds to restore much of the Greenway’s western section and for the Ohlone Greenway gap closure, the 1.2 mile eastern section of the Greenway, which links the two projects, is significantly under-treed and in need of greening. The project will plant native trees and vegetation on the eastern section, adding a new canopy that reduces the heat island effect, improves air, water and soil quality, increases community green space and safety and promotes physical activity and non-vehicular circulation for the residents of some of California’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods.
The project will improve critical public access points to the Richmond Greenway, creating a series of community green spaces adjacent to the Greenway. The largest areas, at Carlson Avenue and 23rd Street, will become the Greenway’s eastern gateway, establishing Carlson Meadow and converting a concrete drainage channel into a bioswale. At the other locations where the Greenway meets surrounding city streets, the project will develop urban pocket parks with drought tolerant vegetation, seating and lighting, and will expand the urban forest out from the Greenway into the city.

- Booker T. Anderson Green Parking Lot and Riparian Protection
The City of Richmond partnered with the Watershed Project to propose a $380,000 grant for a green parking lot and riparian zone protection project located in Booker T. Anderson Park. In 2001, 850 feet of Baxter Creek in Booker T. Anderson Park were restored to provide a site to enjoy and educate residents and students. However, climate change brings more rainfall in shorter time frames. These intense rain storms flood the parking lot, breach the curb, and cause erosion on the stream bank. New techniques now slow down the storm flow and even treat parking lot runoff pollutants. This project will replace 6,660 sq. ft. of asphalt with a bio-swale and a bio-retention facility to treat runoff and prevent creek bank overflows. The project will use recycled materials for benches, pathways, and weed control.
The site will be able to educate residents and students in low maintenance techniques for reducing stormwater pollution as well as continue to teach riparian ecology, native plants, and integrated pest management. The project will include in-school and after-school activities in the creek for students elementary to college age. Workshops are planned to engage the community in the project and interpretive signs will explain the project and benefits.

- Harbour 8
The Trust for Public Land, in partnership with the City of Richmond, Pogo Park, and the Watershed Project, are working to build Harbour-8 Park. The Harbour-8 Park Project will transform the segment on the Richmond Greenway from Harbour Way South to 8th Street into a beautiful community gathering place and will be a critical linkage in the regional Greenway by developing the following features: a nature-play area for children, planting areas with colorful native plants and trees, planter boxes for community gardening, a fruit tree orchard, community art, multiple stormwater features such as two bioswales, educational signage about the watershed hydrology and habitat, and seating areas for outdoor education.
Phase I of the project is funded privately, and construction will begin in summer 2014. On April 25th, the project partners met with the Urban Greening Projects for Sustainable Communities grants program managers to discuss the requested funds for Phase II of the project, which includes the native gardens, stormwater features, fruit tree orchard, native trees and educational signage.
The Harbour-8 Park is a key element in the larger, multi-phase effort led by the City of Richmond to develop the entirety of the Richmond Greenway into a vital, natural corridor of amenities and green space that will knit together the communities around the Greenway.

CNRA will announce the grant recipients on May 23, 2014. We will keep you informed about these grant awards.
13. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week have included:
· Met with Supervisor John Gioia, staff and consultants from County EMS, the Richmond Police Chief and Fire Chief, and staff from the City Manager’s office and Police Department to discuss the County’s recommended changes to the County EMS system and system standards;
· Attended a meeting of Richmond Bay Campus stakeholders to receive/provide an update on the project as it moves to the University of California Board of Regents on May 14th;
· Met with Contra Costa County staff to discuss their Homeless Summit to be held in Richmond later this year;
· Met with staff from the Department of Toxic Substances Control to discuss soil remediation at the Zeneca site in the context of the South Shoreline Specific Plan.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
14. The State Water Board Adopts the Industrial General Permit (Stormwater) – May 13, 2014
The Industrial General Permit (IGP) is a statewide, general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit that regulates the discharge of storm water associated with industrial activity. Storm water and urban runoff are significant sources of water pollution and can threaten aquatic life and public health.
The City of Richmond Engineering Services Department will be hosting a workshop regarding the regulations in the new permit and how industries will be affected. This unique workshop covers important compliance issues and current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements for industrial site activities and storm water discharges that may impact many larger Industrial facilities.
The workshop will be held at the Richmond Convention Center (Farallon and Governor Rooms) on Tuesday, May 13th, with both a morning session (8:30 AM to 11:30 AM) and an afternoon session (1:30 PM to 4:00 PM). For more information, please visit our website at: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/index.aspx?nid=1735.
For a copy of the permit visit the States web site at:
15. Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Bottoms Property Residential Project on Seacliff Drive
The City of Richmond has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Bottoms Property Residential Project on Seacliff Drive. The project proposes to construct 60 market‐rate condominiums on a vacant waterfront parcel. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15105(a), a minimum forty-five-day (45) public review period is required which commenced on March 27th. All written comments on this document must be submitted to the City of Richmond Planning Department within this 45-day review period, or by Monday, May 12, 2014, by 5:00 PM. Please submit comments to:
Kieron Slaughter, Associate Planner
City of Richmond Planning Division
450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
A copy of the Draft EIR is available for review online. Copies are also available for review at the following locations:
· Richmond Public Library - Main Branch, 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond
· City of Richmond Planning and Building Services Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza
16. Major Taylor Bike Fiesta at Lincoln Elementary School
On May 24th, Building Blocks for Kids (BBK) Richmond Collaborative hosts The Major Taylor Bike Fiesta. This event is a product of the collaboration with local government and community organization to provide Richmond residents with the support and resources they need to be happy, healthy, and informed. Bike Fiesta encourages safe bike riding, family bonding, healthy lifestyle choices, and access to community resources. At this event there will be free bike repairs, exercise classes, interactive games, and entertainment will be offered for families to enjoy.
When: May 24, 2012
Time: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Where: Lincoln Elementary School, 29 6th Street Richmond, 94801
BBK is looking for volunteers for the Major Taylor Bike Fiesta to help lead fun games and activities along with setting up for the event. This volunteer opportunity can count as community service hours for students, for more information from BBK and to register go to http://tinyurl.com/bikefiesta. If you have any questions feel free to call (510) 932-6031.

17. 2014 Cinco de Mayo Parade and Festival
On Saturday, May 3rd, the Cinco de Mayo Parade, Paz y Unidad - Peace and Unity, (San Pablo & Richmond) was held. The successful parade featured many youth groups, schools, business sponsors and non-profit organizations. The parade spectators enjoyed a great variety of music and dance performances, horse riders (Charros), decorated floats, bikes, and classic cars.
On Sunday, May 4th, various City of Richmond Departments participated in the 2014 Cinco de Mayo Festival. Congratulations to the 23rd Street Merchant Association for organizing a great event! Many families had fun enjoying great entertainment, the bike rodeo, jumpers, exhibits, informational booths, and food. To see more photos of the event go to the following link.
18. Recreation Highlights
Summer Programs
Registration for summer programs is now open! The summer/fall 2014 Activity Guide can be found on-line at www.ci.richmond.ca.us/recreation. You can register in the following ways:
· on-line at https://online.activenetwork.com/richmond;
· by phone at 510-620-6793
· by faxing a completed registration form to 510-620-6583
· by mailing a completed registration form to 3230 Macdonald Ave, Richmond, CA 94804
· by visiting the registration office in the 1st floor lobby at the Richmond Recreation Complex, 3230 Macdonald Ave
The Richmond Plunge will be hosting its second annual Aqua Zumba Fitness Party Saturday, May 31st, from 10:00 AM -11:30 AM. Tickets are available now for $15, or $18 at the door. With the amazing turnout last year of over 80 participants, get your tickets early! We’ll see you at the party!
The Richmond Tennis Association will be hosting a social event each month for the next 9 months. Each month will have a different theme or “surprise”. The Merry May event will be on Friday, May 16th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Nicholl Park. Feel free to come early to help with set-up.
To sign up for a potluck offering, click the following link: http://doodle.com/hw2ndvbfr3957cv7. There will be electrical outlets for hot plates, crock pots, and musical devices.
Wear your tennis attire, don’t forget the quad chairs, bring a friend...or two, and be prepared for fun, food, music, surprises and tennis!!
Youth Tennis
Chandani “Cha” Battle won the United States Tennis Association Girls Novice 14 & under championship at the Crow Canyon County Club on April 26th. Along with Cassidy Clark, age 10, and Cienna Clark, age 14, Cha makes the 3rd of 4 young ladies from the youth tennis program to win a tournament this season.

May is Older American Month! Join the City of Richmond at the following events:
Support the Richmond Senior Center Pancake Breakfast on Wednesday, May 14th at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium between 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM. For $5 you will receive a plate of pancakes, sausage, orange juice and coffee. All proceeds go to the Richmond Senior Center Trust Account which pays for the events and activities at the Senior Center.
Enjoy the Richmond Senior Health and Information Faire on Wednesday, May 14th at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium from 9:00 AM to noon. There will be health screenings, performances by the health and wellness classes from the senior center, information for those 55+ years old, and so much more! If you are a vendor and would like to table at this event, contact the Richmond Senior Center at (510) 307-8087 for an application.
The Commission on Aging and the Recreation Department will be hosting the Annual Senior Night Out on May 16th at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium from 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM. Enjoy dinner, performances by Top Shelf, an R&B group, and the honoring of, Irene Patterson, Centenarian of the Year, who recently turned 100 years old. Call Chair, Eli Williams, at (510) 232-4690 for event information or (510) 620-6793 for ticket information.
The Senior Hiking Club has spots available for the May 21st hike. Participants will meet at 10:15 AM at the Richmond Recreation Department (3230 Macdonald Avenue) to register ($2 per person) and staff will drive the group to the Hayward Shoreline Regional Park. The 3-mile hike through the wetlands will include social time between the group and a visit to the nature educational center. The hike will not take longer than 1.5 hours and will include a 10 minute rest stop. Call Debbie Hernandez at (510) 307-8086 for more information. Sign up quickly as space is limited!
The Richmond Senior Center began a new painting class. The session is from May 7th through June 25th. Participants will learn techniques while using stills, live models, and of course your own inspiration! Spots are still available. Call (510) 307-8087 for class information or register at the Recreation Department, 3230 Macdonald Avenue, from 8:30AM – 5:00PM.
19. Public Works Updates
Facilities Maintenance: Electricians installed traffic heads at 19th Street and Barrett Avenue, addressed safety reports for Booker T. Anderson Community Center and the Recreation Complex, replaced the broken post top traffic head on San Pablo and Solano Avenues, replaced a broken traffic pole at Cutting Boulevard and Harbour Way, and provided support for the Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Repair on Solano and San Pablo Avenues

Broken Pole at Cutting Boulevard and Harbour Way
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews installed a new slide at the Kern Playlot, removed the graffiti from the Civic Center Marquee, provided support for the Cinco de Mayo celebration, and refurbished several benches in the Marina area.

Kern Playlot Slide Repair

Graffiti Removal
Tree crews cut, trimmed or removed trees on South 12th Street, Cutting Boulevard from South 26th to South 28th Streets, and on San Mateo Street.
Streets Division: Staff ground and paved 29th Street from Garvin to McBryde Avenue and returned all equipment for the Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Grinding on 29th Street
Street sweeping performed commercial sweeping services for the first Monday through Wednesday and the second Thursday and Friday in the Parchester Village, Hilltop Bayview, Hilltop Green, Fairmede/Hilltop, Carriage Hills North Side, El Sobrante Hills, Greenbriar, Hansford Heights, Via Verda, San Pablo Dam Road, Bristole Cone, Clinton Hill IV and East Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Equipment Services Division: Crews serviced or repaired 5 Fire Department vehicles, 17 Police vehicles, 12 Public Works vehicles and placed a new mower into service.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: www.ci.richmond.ca.us/list.aspx
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512