Mayor and Members of the City Council:
This is the weekly report for the two weeks ending March 28th, 2014.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 1st beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 PM, followed by a meeting of the Housing Authority Board at 6:00 PM and with the regular City Council agenda scheduled for 6:30 PM.
- Chevron Refinery Modernization Project Draft EIR Available for Public Review – Public Study Sessions Begin Next Week
On Tuesday, March 18th, the City of Richmond Planning Division released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Chevron Refinery Modernization Project (Modernization Project or Project). The DEIR, which is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) evaluates the environmental impacts associated with the Project, analyzes alternatives and identifies mitigation measures to avoid significant environmental effects. Release of the DEIR opens a 45-day comment period that closes at 5:00 PM on May 2, 2014.
Comments on the Draft EIR, sent in writing, must be received by 5:00 PM on May 2, 2014, at the following address:
Lina Velasco
City of Richmond Planning Division
450 Civic Center Plaza
P.O. Box 4046
Richmond, CA 94804
To assist in the review of the DEIR, the City will be hosting a study session and two public workshops, in addition to a public hearing to receive comments on the DEIR.
A study session to introduce the Modernization Project and provide an overview of the Draft EIR will be held at the Planning Commission meeting held on April 3rd at 6:30 PM at the Richmond Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza.
Workshops with technical experts will be held on April 2nd from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium, 403 Civic Center Plaza.
A public hearing to receive comments on the Draft EIR will be held at the Planning Commission meeting held on April 17th at 6:30 PM at the Richmond Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza.
A copy of the Draft EIR is available for review online at Copies are also available for review at the following locations: Richmond Public Libraries: Main Branch 325 Civic Center Plaza; Bayview Branch Library, 5100 Hartnett Ave.; and City of Richmond, Planning and Building Services Department, City Hall, 450 Civic Center Plaza.
- South Richmond Connectivity Plan – Community Workshop #2
Last year, the City of Richmond was awarded a Community-Based Transportation Planning Grant from Caltrans to develop the Connectivity Plan. In coordination with the South Shoreline Specific Plan, the Connectivity Plan will identify key deficiencies in the local and regional transportation network and include specific recommendations to improve multi-modal connectivity between the City’s Southern Shoreline and Central Richmond neighborhoods as well as adjacent communities including El Cerrito, Albany, and Berkeley.
The City of Richmond is partnering with UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities and Schools Y-PLAN Program to engage students from Richmond High School in the identification of community transportation issues and opportunities.
This past Thursday, March 27th, the City of Richmond hosted a second community workshop for the South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan (Connectivity Plan). During the workshop, the City’s transportation consultants introduced options for street and network improvements to key corridors in South Richmond including Cutting Boulevard, Carlson Boulevard, Harbour Way, and Marina Way, and discuss potential new connections.
Additional Project Information:
Please contact Hector Rojas, Senior Planner at for more information.
Community partners and residents from across the City of Richmond are coming together to host the second annual “Walk to Nature” event on Saturday, March 29th. The origin of the walk comes from several day outings that Youth Enrichment Strategies (YES), the fiscal sponsor, and the East Bay Regional Park District have conducted over the years to introduce Richmond families to nearby regional parks in Richmond. The first Walk to Nature event was held in October 2012 and was attended by 280 participants. The purpose of this year's walk is to promote physical activity and good health while connecting with one's community in nature.
Participants will register and depart from two locations in Richmond to arrive at Miller Knox Regional Shoreline in Point Richmond by 11:00 AM. Starting points and times, and their distance to the Miller Knox Sea Gull picnic area (one way) currently includes the following:
- Civic Center Plaza: 450 Civic Center Plaza (3.6 miles) – Register at 9:00 AM;
- Richmond Greenway at 6th and Ohio, Central Richmond (2.2 miles) – Register at 9:30 AM.
When participants arrive at their starting points, they will register and receive a water bottle, wristband, and route map. Along the routes, water and first aid stations will be overseen by volunteers. Upon arriving at Miller Knox, participants will be greeted with a delicious lunch and fun activities for the whole family that promote healthy living. Starting at 1:30 PM, buses and shuttles will transport participants from Miller Knox back to their starting points in Richmond.
Public and nonprofit agencies and community residents are meeting weekly to define the various aspects of the hikes, including logistics, food/activities, outreach, sponsorships, and volunteer recruitment. Participating agencies and sponsors include: Building Blocks for Kids, City of Richmond, Contra Costa Health Services, East Bay Regional Park District, E.M. Downer Family YMCA, Kaiser Permanente, Lifelong-Brookside, Lift-Levántate, Rich City Rides, Richmond Police Department, Urban Tilth, Weigh of Life, and YES Nature to Neighborhoods.
If you would like more information or would like to be involved in the event, please visit, email, or call 510-232-3032.
- West Side Library Temporary Closure
Due to recent storms, the West Side Branch Library experienced a temporary closure due to water damage that affected the air quality in the building. As of this past Thursday, the West Side Branch Library reopened and resumed its normal hours, which are:
Monday: 1:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Closed
The City of Richmond and the Richmond Public Library apologize for this inconvenience, and will be facilitating a long-term fix so that this does not happen in the future. If you have questions, please contact Library Administration at 510-620-6555 or email us at
- Pogo Park and City Restore Trees in Iron Triangle
Pogo Park worked with the City of Richmond and local businesses last week to clean, prune, and restore a magnificent stand of ash and pear trees located in the Iron Triangle neighborhood. The trees line Ohio Avenue between Harbour Way and 8th Street.
Pogo Park’s local resident team removed every weed and blade of grass by hand from the strip between sidewalk and street, worked with arborist Big Chief Tree Service to prune 16 trees, removed two that had died, aerated and vertically composted the soil, and placed organic mulch on the 500-foot-long roadside area. The Pogo Park team is working with the Parks and Landscape Division, various local agencies, and organizations to build the new Harbour-8 Park nearby. The goal is to transform this once-blighted strip of land into a lush, green, walkable corridor.
- Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project Update
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure is planned to remain in place for 18-20 months.
As noted in prior reports, placement of drilled tie-backs and associated excavation work was suspended due to delays of AT&T-performed utility relocation work. Additionally, these activities cannot occur during days with significant precipitation. Staff has continued to maintain close contact with multiple levels of AT&T management to encourage acceleration of remaining work. As late as March 19th, AT&T was maintaining a commitment to complete their work by March 28th. Distressingly, on March 26th AT&T informed us that their completion date is now April 11th, and was not able to provide a reason for this further delay.
Staff will continue to request that AT&T accelerate its work and provide accurate completion dates. The City Attorney and Public Utilities Commission staff are also aware of and monitoring the situation, with a focus on ensuring that AT&T completes their work as soon as possible.
In the meantime, minor work items will be completed until the full restart of critical path activities, now planned for April 14th. At that time, the full impact of the AT&T delays can be assessed, methods to mitigate the delay evaluated, and a revised schedule developed.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s public outreach coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925) 949-6196.
- Code Enforcement Activities
The Code Enforcement Unit recently executed an abatement warrant for the demolition of a severely dilapidated detached garage located at 331 South 13th Street. Staff followed its established protocol and gave the property owner sufficient time to voluntarily abate this public safety hazard. The property owner refused to comply and an abatement warrant was drafted and submitted to the court for approval. The warrant was signed on March 13, 2014 and the structure was removed on March 25, 2014.
This is the second in a series of demolitions scheduled to occur over the next several months. Our goal is to eliminate some of the city's most blighted properties and to stabilize our neighborhoods. All costs associated with these demolitions will be recovered by placing special assessment liens on the properties.
These pictures show the same lot before and after demolition work.
As part of an effort to reduce impacts from railroad operations in Richmond, the section of Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway track crossing at John Avenue is undergoing repairs that began on March 10, 2014. The work will put both sets of railroad tracks at John Avenue on the same level, as well as reshape the road surface to smooth out the crossing for traffic safety improvement. The first phase of the John Avenue crossing improvements began on March 10th and was scheduled to last several weeks. A second phase of construction is tentatively planned for four days of work in May.
While we understand that there is an inconvenience to the temporary closure of the John Avenue crossing, we are happy that BNSF is making these important safety improvements.
- Richmond Neighborhood Public Art Mini-Grant in the News!
The American Teenager Project, a 2014 Neighborhood Public Art (NPA) mini-grant recipient, was recently the subject of a KPIX Channel 5 report. The American Teenager Project photo exhibition, by and about Richmond teenagers, was on display at the Richmond Art Center’s community gallery January 11th through March 4th.
The project demonstrated the intent of the NPA program by giving youth the opportunity to demonstrate their own creativity through the arts, and to work with a professional photographer and learn an art form. They took photos of their peers and wrote about their lives.
Here is the link to the report:
- Mentoring Opportunities Through PAL (Police Activities League)
The Richmond Police Activities League (RPAL) provides excellent, broad-based programs for youth. This year, RPAL was selected to participate in a national research study, sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), intended to learn how programs can improve the caliber of their mentoring services. RPAL is offering a great opportunity for volunteer mentors to participate in this federally-funded research program that seeks to bolster the successes of mentoring programs.
Nationally, over 53% of youth lack crucial positive adult presence in their lives. They need an adult ally in their corner -- someone with a little time to listen. Many of Richmond’s young people, ages 11-15, are at risk for failing academically and developmentally. These youth are eager to learn and want to share their life's goals with someone who cares and who can guide them in the right direction. Whether it's struggling through difficult home life or an academic slump, they need someone they can rely on.
Mentors can bring a wide range of life experiences to these young people, and can be a great source of support and inspiration. A mentor shares with young people their interests, needs, dilemmas and expectations, and helps them achieve their goals. Volunteer mentors also receive consistent support and training from the EBMP program coordinators and other mentors.
RPAL is seeking adult mentors, ages 18+, to mentor youth between the ages of 11-15 enrolled in the RPAL mentoring program. To apply, go online at: or call: 510-621-1290 to speak with Brenda McCuistion, Project Manager.
- Sign up for Health Coverage!
If you haven't signed up for health coverage yet, we encourage you to do so by March 31, which is the deadline of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) open enrollment period.
There are opportunities in West County to learn about coverage options, and to get help enrolling. You can also get information and enroll in coverage on the Covered California website, a one-stop on-line resource for Affordable Care Act coverage.
Covered California is the State's ACA coverage exchange, and offers a range of plans for people and families of all income levels. Counselors also help eligible people enroll in Medi-Cal, the state's health coverage for the low-income and people with disabilities.
Many of these services have bi-lingual counselors - just ask for help in your language.
If you don't use the internet, you can call Covered California at 1-800-300-1506.
Even if you aren't sure if there's a health plan for you, or confused by the health coverage law, please see or call a counselor to learn more.
Remember, the deadline is March 31!
- Meeting with University of California, Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks
This past week, Shasa Curl, Administrative Chief in the City Manager’s office, and I had the privilege of meeting with UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks. As you may recall, this is the Chancellor’s first year in his position at UC Berkeley, and it is gratifying to see that he already knows a good deal about the Richmond community. This particular meeting was to discuss development of the Richmond Bay Campus, and, in particular, how to make that new campus an economic driver for the Richmond community.
- CalPERS Reports Investment Returns
The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS), the largest U.S. public pension, said its assets returned 8.9% in the first seven months of the fiscal year as stock holdings surged. CalPERS, with a market value of $282.9 billion as of March 14, said publicly traded equity investments rose 12.7% through January 31st, according to a performance update. Bonds rose 3.1%. Private equity returns, which lag behind other results by three months, rose 9.8%. This is good news for CalPERS participants that will be depending on the CalPERS assets for retirement. CalPERS assumed rate of return set in 2012 is 7.5% which they are currently exceeding. The City of Richmond contracts with CalPERS to provide pensions to its employees.
The Richmond Veterans Collaborative is hosting a Veterans Resource Fair to help connect local veterans with service organizations that offer resources to veterans on Friday, April 11, 2014, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the Bermuda Room of the Richmond Auditorium, 403 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond.
Some of the confirmed organizations that will be sharing information are:
- RichmondWORKS
- Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
- Veterans Resource Program
- Contra Costa County Veterans Services
- Shelter, Inc.
- Horizon/ACE Home Health Care
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- The American Legion
This free event is open to all veterans and their families, and to any organization that offers assistance to veterans. Tables will be provided free of charge to each service organization. To register, please email Janice Featherstone at, or contact her at (510) 620-5503 by Wednesday, April 9th.
The Richmond Senior Center is hosting the Richmond Shimada Sayonara dinner with the Richmond Shimada Friendship committee on March 28th. The event will end a week-long visit by Shimada Ambassadors who toured schools and the bay area. The ambassadors will perform and say their goodbyes to the host families. It is a heartwarming experience for all.
George Shi, a famous Shanghai ballet star, began teaching a new class at the Richmond Senior Center on Monday, March 24th. The classes take place every Monday from 12:00 to 1:30PM and feature instruction on ballet, Chinese folk dance, and European folk dance. Please call Peter Defabio 510-307-8085 for more information.
The Richmond Senior Center held a St. Patrick's Day Celebration during the lunch hour on Monday, March 17th. Over 40 seniors dined on corn beef and cabbage for the festivities.
The Richmond Annex Senior Center also had their St. Patrick’s Day Celebration where staff prepared corn beef, potatoes, carrots and cabbage. But for extra fun, they presented a green cake and mint chocolate ice cream for dessert!
The Senior Health and Information Day is coming soon. The annual event will be held on May 14th at the Richmond Auditorium. Over 400 announcements for the event were mailed this week and fliers are available at all community center locations as well as the Recreation Department website. Pick up a few and help spread the word.
Participants from both the Adult Morning Program and Therapeutic Interactive Recreation Program feel fortunate to have a technology station with computers and iPads. Everyone takes full advantage of having use of all the devices through programs that enable fun learning for all. They are becoming more advanced in navigating the websites and are really adapt with the programs and games they use.
The Therapeutic Interactive Recreation program is presently available to accept new participants to join the wonderful program. For more information, contact staff at 510-620-6814.
Adult Morning Program Participants recently took advantage of beautiful weather and began prepping the raised beds for a gardening project. They got their smocks and gloves on and shoveled new potting soil into the beds. After they completed their task they were all ready to clean up and rest. In the next few weeks they will begin planting flowers and vegetables.
Therapeutic Interactive Recreation Program participants saw the great job the morning program did with the garden project and decided to make a bird house during art to hang above the gardens. They turned out very beautiful and will make a great addition.
Richmond Auditorium staff diligently prepared the entire facility for the Rakkasah hosted 34th Annual Middle Eastern Dance & Music Festival. The event was held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 14th through the 16th. Over 1,500 people enjoyed the festivities and look forward to the event next year.
This report covers activity for the past two weeks. First, for the week ending March 21st:
Facilities Maintenance: Carpenters completed ergonomic reconfigurations within 440 Civic Center Plaza, replaced rubber base board at Fire Station #62, removed a section of driveway at Fire Station #66, repaired the apparatus room door at Fire Station #63, replace the equipment room door at the May Valley Community Center and repaired the floor at the Leona Street Fueling Station.
New Equipment Room Door at May Valley Community Center
Painters pressure washed the Native American Health Center on Macdonald Avenue and painted and replaced the smoke room door at the Fire Training Center.
Stationary Engineers replaced the water cooler at Nevin Community Center, repaired the water heater at Fire Station #64, replaced the water closet at the Corporation Yard, replaced the craft room faucet in the Disable People’s Recreation Center (DPRC), repaired the intake louvers at the Auditorium and resolved elevator issues at 450 Civic Center Plaza.
Electricians surveyed street light poles around the Hilltop area, inspected Fred Jackson Way for wire theft repair, worked on the power installation in the new Booker T. Anderson bathroom and check the power connection on Moyers Road for power.
Power Installation at Booker T. Anderson Restroom Facility
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews weed abatebated the underpass on 37th Street, repaired the irrigation on 49th Street and Cutting Boulevard, maintained Burg Park, trimmed Flax on 27th Street, repaired play equipment at the Solano Play Lot, rehabilitated the landscaping at Fire Station #61, irrigation installation at the Plunge Park, weed abatement along Hilltop and Robert Miller Drives, completed the picnic area on the Klose Way entrance to Hilltop Lake, and graded the maintenance road at the Giant Road bulk storage yard.
Burg Park Maintenance
Landscape Rehabilitation at Fire Station #61
Tree crews cut, trimmed or removed trees around Cutting Boulevard, Bissell Avenue and Sutter Avenue.
Streets Division: Staff worked from the outstanding pothole list and prepared and paved Hellings Avenue from 18th to 23rd Street.
Paving on Hellings Avenue
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North and South Belding Woods, Atchison Village, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, and Point Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines crews repaired 45 signs/poles, installed 47 new signs, repainted 863’ of curbs, fabricated 60 signs, restriped the stalls at the Main Street Mall, and installed 2 delineations.
Striping on Macdonald Avenue
Equipment Services: Mechanics serviced and repaired 25 Police vehicles, 8 Fire vehicles, 25 Public Works vehicles and completed 2 miscellaneous repairs.
For the week ending March 28th:
Facilities Maintenance: Carpenters addressed safety issues at the Richmond Recreation Complex, replaced the rear door of the Native American Health Center, repaired locks at the Plunge and repaired the panic hardware at the Nevin Community Center and the Plunge.
Repairing Locks at the Plunge
Painters completed the interior of Fire Station #62, painted the ticket office of the Richmond Transit Center and power washed and painted portions of the assembly at the Richmond Transit Center.
Stationary Engineers replaced the fan motor on the air handlers on top of 450 Civic Center Plaza, replaced the compressor to the heat pump at the Nevin Community Center and assisted with the Booker T. Anderson restroom installation.
Electricians located faulty ceiling light circuits and repaired them at the Richmond Transit Center.
Repairing Lighting at the Richmond Transit Center
Utility Workers replaced broken toilet seats at the Richmond Recreation Center, replaced fluorescent lighting tubes and covers and serviced 29 City owned buildings.
Replacing Lighting Tubes and Covers
Parks and Landscaping Division: Crews installed tennis court rule signs at: Tiller, Burg and Nicholl Parks, irrigation repair at Rain Cloud and Mira Vista parks, weeded the Bottle Brush area on Santa Rita Road, weed abatement on Giant Road and Richmond Parkway, completed the picnic area at Hilltop Lake, pruning at Lucretia Edwards Park and staff attended training at the Booker T. Anderson Community Center.
Picnic Area at Hilltop Lake
Tree crews cut, trimmed or removed trees on Sutter Avenue, Moyers Road and Santa Cruz Avenue.
Streets Division: Staff worked from the outstanding pothole list and conducted storm patrol to help prevent flooding around drains.
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday through Friday in the Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, Point Richmond, Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, City Center, Eastshore, Panhandle Annex, Parkview and Richmond Annex neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines crews installed pavement markings on Hellings Avenue, the Measure J sign on the Richmond Parkway, repainted 1266’ of curbs and re-installed 28 delineations and messages.
Installation of Measure J Sign
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512