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  Richmond Bay Trail New Year Report
January 16, 2014

Friends of the Bay Trail in Richmond,

Click Here if you’d like to download a high resolution version of the 15th Richmond Bay Trail New Year Report prepared by TRAC, the Trails for Richmond Action Committee. This upbeat, colorful report features newly built Bay Trail sections and describes plans for completing the San Francisco Bay Trail in Richmond. Richmond now has over 32 miles of Bay Trail built -- more than any other city on this planned 500-mile hiking and biking route encircling San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. However, ten miles of gaps still remain.

Please share this report with your friends and neighbors either by forwarding this email or by printing the report for display in your home and office. Let them know that they may receive news about Bay Trail events and progress at no cost by emailing tracbayrail@earthlink.net

For maps, the calendar of events and other information about the Bay Trail in Richmond, please visit TRAC’s award-winning website designed and maintained by David Moore of Sincere Design. Thanks very much for your support toward completing the Bay Trail in Richmond.

            TRAC Steering Committee
phone/fax 510-235-2835
Websites >>
TRAC: http://www.pointrichmond.com/baytrail/
City of Richmond Bay Trail: http://www.ci.richmond.ca.us/TRAC
Richmond Bay Trail Slideshows:
Richmond Convention & Visitors Bureau: