On January 1, PG&E implemented revised electric rates, which for the time being, make MCE electricity rates lower for both residential and commercial customers.
The rate changes are reflected on the MCE website cost calculators and cost comparison graphics. The graphics shown below show that an average Light Green residential customer currently saves $0.46 per winter month with Light Green. The average Light Green commercial customer currently saves $2.45 per winter month with Light Green.
The Marin IJ published a front page story about PG&E’s rate change here: http://www.marinij.com/marinnews/ci_24835586/pg-e-customers-greeted-new-year-rate-increase
Please keep in mind that MCE’s annual rate setting process will occur in April. Due to market costs, MCE rates will increase which will affect the above average cost comparisons. MCE staff will be introducing revised rates at the February 6 Board meeting and the Ad Hoc Rate Committee will be meeting next week to begin preliminary discussions.
For questions, contact:
Jamie Tuckey | 415.464.6024
MCE Communications Director
Cleaner energy for our community. Your choice.