Mayor and City Councilmembers:
This is the weekly report for the week ending December 20th, 2013.
1. Meeting Notes
The first City Council meeting in 2014 will be Tuesday, January 14th – the second Tuesday of the month, allowing the agenda to be compiled after the holiday break (see item 2, below).
2. Holiday Closure of City Offices and Library
As we have during the past several years, the City offices will be closed during the last week in December from Tuesday, December 24th until Thursday, January 2nd. Police and Fire will, of course, have regular service; maintenance services will be limited; all other non-safety departments will be on holiday, with employees using vacation or other accrued leave time.
The Richmond Public Library, Bayview and West Side branches, and the bookmobile will be closed beginning December 24th, 2013 to January 1st, 2014. eBooks and Audio are available @ The book return slots will be locked during the closure. Please do not leave library materials outside of the Main Library or the branches. Library materials will not incur overdue fines while the Library is closed. Please call (510) 620-6561 or visit the library’s website us at for more information.
Note that there will be recreation programs at several of the community centers December 23rd and January 2nd and 3rd as indicated below.
Site |
Times |
Cost |
Programs |
Parchester |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
Free |
Drop in |
Sheilds Reid |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
Free |
Drop in |
Nevin |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
Free |
Drop in |
May Valley |
10:00am - 6:00pm |
Free |
Registered participants only |
9:00am - 5:00pm |
RCEB or $25/day |
Registered participants only |
Recreation Complex |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
fitness center charges |
Fitness center only |
Booker T. Anderson |
9:30am - 5:00pm |
$10 for all 3 days; $5 per day |
Drop in |
Richmond Annex |
8:30am - 5:00pm |
see regular schedule |
Drop in and registered participants |
Senior Center |
8:30am - 5:00pm |
see regular schedule |
Drop in and registered participants |
3. City of Richmond Employee and Manager of the Year
It is with great admiration that I announce the winners of the Demitrea Foster Employee of the Year and Leveron Bryant Manager of the Year Awards:
Demitrea Foster Employee of the Year - Gabino Vidauri, Utility Worker
Leveron Bryant Manager of the Year - Fire Marshall Terry Harris
The awards are named in honor of two former employees of the City of Richmond who embodied exemplary public service: Demetria Foster, formerly of the Employment and Training Department, and Leveron Bryant, formerly of the City Manager’s office.
Gabino Vidauri, the utility worker that has primary responsibility for maintaining and cleaning the City Hall, was the recipient of the Employee of Year honor. Have you ever noticed how well-polished the floors are at City Hall. That’s because of the pride that Gabino takes in his work – with visible results. He is also a personable fixture at City Hall and received multiple nominations for this award.
Terry Harris, Fire Marshall, was the recipient of the Manager of the Year Award. Since being appointed Fire Marshall last year, Terry rebuilt nearly from scratch the Fire Prevention Bureau, with one his first major tasks to deal with complicated fire code issues associated with the Chevron crude unit repair.
Congratulations to both of these fine individuals.
4. Single Use Bag Ordinance Reminder
This is a friendly reminder that beginning January 1, 2014 single-use plastic bags will no longer be available at retail stores in Richmond, San Pablo and El Cerrito. Stores must charge a minimum of 5¢ for each paper or reusable bag sold. Customers can avoid paying for bags by bringing their own bags.
While adjusting to what some may view as inconvenient new regulations, please keep in mind the following statistics: California retailers distribute more than 19 billion plastic retail bags annually; the average Californian uses an estimated 400 plastic bags per year; and, the average time use of a plastic bag is 12 minutes. The State’s Integrated Waste Management Board estimates that, in the Bay Area, residents use 3.8 billion plastic bags per year, and about one million of these bags end up in the Bay. Even with the emphasis on recycling of plastics in recent decades, the plastic bag recycling rate in California remains at less than five percent.
Local taxpayers must bear the brunt of the plastic litter clean-up costs. It costs the state $25 million annually to landfill discarded plastic bags, and public agencies in California spend more than $303 million annually in litter abatement. This ordinance will further improve quality of life by conserving resources and reducing waste, litter and greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information, including a copy of the ordinance and business resources, please contact:
City of Richmond
(510) 620-6512 |

5. Officer Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project Update – Bridge Installed Successfully
The Bradley A. Moody Memorial Underpass Project involves the construction of a roadway underpass on Marina Bay Parkway between Meeker Avenue and Regatta Boulevard, and is intended to resolve long-standing access limitations to the Marina Bay area caused by frequent train crossings. In early September 2013, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to traffic. This closure will remain in place for approximately 18 months.
The weekend of December 14th began the third of up to six weekend, 24-hour a day closure windows for installation of the bridge. The work completed during this weekend was a great success, with the eight girders placed in the span of approximately 9 hours, and train traffic rolling on the new bridge a half hour ahead of schedule. The process that contractor Gordon N. Ball has used for constructing this bridge has been so efficient that it appears that the bridge will be fully completed in only 4 weekends (i.e. approximately 175 hours), and two of six weekend closure windows may not be needed, reducing inconvenience to nearby residents. One final weekend work window is required to place waterproofing materials on the new bridge, and this is anticipated to occur in mid-January, weather permitting.
During the week of December 16th, additional business wayfinding signage was fabricated and installed, roadway excavation commenced for the north side of the railroad tracks, and utility relocation work continued. For the week of December 23rd, crews will continue roadway excavation north of the railroad tracks and begin placing drilled tie-backs though the deep soil mix (DSM) walls, while utility relocation work continues.
For additional information and to be added to the project update contact list, please see the project website at You can also follow the project on twitter: @moodyunderpass, or contact the project’s public outreach coordinator Jacqueline Majors at (925)-949-6196.

12:30 pm Saturday, December 14th, tracks removed and beginning excavation
to reveal precast abutments placed in November

9:30 am Sunday, December 15th, bridge in place, deck plates being welded

7:30 am Monday, December 16th, tracks back in place, train on newly constructed bridge
New, enhanced detour signage has been installed.
Please continue to support your Marina Bay businesses during this construction period!
6. 2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
On Monday, January 20, 2014, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, along the Richmond Greenway (between 6th and 16th Streets at Chanslor and Ohio Avenues), the City of Richmond’s impact volunteering program, Richmond ESC (Excellence Serving our Community) will join the Friends of the Richmond Greenway and hundreds of community partners and volunteers to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This annual event on the Richmond Greenway has been a community tradition that joins the Richmond community in service.
Join us for healthy food, lively music, and plenty of service projects along the Richmond Greenway as we advance Martin Luther King, Jr.’s vision of service. Sign up to volunteer or contact Stephanie Hervey at, (510) 730-0278 or Rochelle Monk at (510) 620-6511.
7. Street Light Improvement Initiatives
On Monday, December 9th, the City of Richmond began a comprehensive, city-wide project to upgrade – and update – its street lights, with the very first phase of this effort beginning in Parchester Village. Over the next six months, all neighborhoods in the City will be receiving both LED upgrades of existing street lights, and installation of new LED street lights on select wood poles that currently do not have street lights. During this time, approximately 9,000 new LED street light fixtures will be installed as upgrades to existing fixtures or as new fixtures. The street light upgrades will improve community safety and quality-of-life with brighter streets and sidewalks, while at the same time reducing operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The new LED street lights use on average 50 percent less electricity than existing high pressure sodium lights.
It should be noted that the streetlight upgrade project requires a series of closely choreographed steps within each neighborhood, and requires significant coordination between the City’s electrical contractor and PG&E. There will be no disruption of existing street lighting levels, although residents will observe the upgrades taking place in the discrete components outlined below.
New Street Light Connection Process to Empty Wood Poles: First, the City’s contractor will be installing new street lights and arms on select wood poles that currently do not have street light fixtures and that meet PG&E’s power, spacing and pole condition requirements. Subsequent to the installation of the arm and light to the pole, PG&E will connect and energize the new lights to the high voltage lines. There will be a brief amount of time when the new fixtures are attached to wood poles, but will not be energized until PG&E personnel complete the connections. Existing street lights will still be operable during this time and there will be no disruption of existing street lighting levels. We appreciate the community’s patience as we coordinate the installation and connection of these new street lights.
Temporary Difference in Lighting Technology: As a separate step, existing street lights will be upgraded by the City’s contractor to LED fixtures. As a result, there will be a period of time where some lights will be newer LED technology and others will be the current lighting technology (high pressure sodium). Rest assured that all street lights will soon be upgraded to LED technology and there will be no disruption or reduction in community lighting levels.
Please contact the City’s Project Manager, Joel Camacho at or (510) 620-5482 with any questions related to the street light upgrades.
8. Richmond Bay Campus Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The University of California has announced the completion of the draft environmental review documents for the proposed Richmond Bay Campus (RBC) at the Richmond Field Station (RFS) and adjacent Regatta Property.
The proposed 2014 Long Range Development Plan for the Richmond Bay Campus has been prepared by UC Berkeley and UC Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to guide development of up to 5.4 million square feet of research, office and support facilities through 2050.
UC Berkeley is the Lead Agency for the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that analyzes the environmental impacts from the Richmond Bay Campus under the California Environmental Quality Act. The Draft EIR identifies impacts associated with development under the Long Range Development Plan in such categories as air quality, cultural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and transportation.
The Draft EIR is being circulated for public review and comment over a 60-day period ending January 13, 2014. Comments on the Richmond Bay Campus Long Range Development Plan Environmental Impact Report may be emailed to There was also a public hearing on the Richmond Bay Campus EIR this past Wednesday, December 11th.
The activities identified in the Draft Removal Action Workplan (RAW) - to evaluate soil clean-up alternatives at the RFS - are also outlined and analyzed in the Draft EIR.
The Richmond Bay Campus Long Range Development Plan EIR, the draft Long Range Development Plan itself, and related documents and information are provided at:
For more information on the RAW, please visit the RFS Environmental Website for updates.
9. City Manager Chronicles
I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I have recently attended in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.
Activities and meeting topics during the past week have included:
· Met, along with staff from the Port and the Environmental Initiatives group in the City Manager’s Office, with representatives from Marin Clean Energy to discuss potential opportunities for solar power installations at the Port of Richmond facilities;
· Continued discussions regarding solid waste collection services with representatives from Richmond Sanitary;
· Attended the Downtown Holiday Festival and street decoration lighting, in conjunction with Richmond Main Street and hosted by the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts;
· Met with staff and consultants from the Richmond Bay Campus, and with staff from various City departments, to discuss the coordination of land use plans and CEQA documentation for the South Shoreline area;
· Met with Housing Division and Finance Department staff to review compliance issues related to HUD programs;
· Met with Housing and Code Enforcement staff to discuss potential opportunities for acquiring tax-delinquent properties from the County;
· Attended the monthly Council of Industries luncheon, at which Congressman George Miller was the featured speaker;
· Reviewed and finalized provisions of a lease for the General Warehouse;
· Attended the monthly West County Mayors meeting, which was also attended by Senator Loni Hancock and Assemblymember Nancy Skinner, to discuss issues related to dissolution of redevelopment;
· Engaged in an extended conference call with the city’s lobbyist to discuss funding for economic development programs;
· Attended the retirement reception for outgoing Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Judy Morgan; and
· Honored nominees and recipients of the annual Richmond Employee of the Year and Manager of the Year awards.
These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting, agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.
10. Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Open Enrollment Now Available
Open Enrollment for Covered California began October 1, 2013. Residents can begin the enrollment process by calling the Covered California's telephone help line at 1-800-300-1506 or by visiting the Covered California website at Interpreters in multiple languages are available on the telephone help line.
A few important things to know:
· Open enrollment is October 1 – March 31; coverage can begin January 1, 2014.
· will allow consumers to make apples-to-apples comparisons of plans before enrolling, including premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.
· Many Californians will qualify for financial assistance to help make premiums more affordable.
· Covered CA recommends having the following household information available when enrolling: contact information for all household members applying for coverage, ID numbers such as social security or immigration information, income and tax filing status.
· You must enroll by December 23, 2013 for coverage to start January 1, 2014.
Affordable Care Act Frequently Asked Questions addressed by Contra Costa Health Services can be found at
Please consider these other Affordable Care Act resources for Richmond and Contra Costa County residents:
11. Recreation Highlights
Holiday Wonder Workshop
Celebrate the “Holly Days” with the Recreation Department! Family fun, caroling, cookie decorating, ornament making, and pictures with Santa will fill the Holiday Wonder Workshop at the Richmond Recreation Complex on Friday, December 20th, and Monday December 23rd, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Senior Center
The Senior Center held its 11th Annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 14th. Over 170 were in attendance for a wonderful meal, performances from the senior center classes, and a visit from Santa!
Black History Celebration
Join the Recreation Department and the Commission on Aging for the annual Richmond Black History Celebration. There will be a sit down meal, fashion show, music, dance, poetry readings, and presentations honoring seniors and youth in our community. Tickets are on sale now at the Richmond Senior Center at 2525 Macdonald Avenue. Tables are going fast so buy yours today! The event will be held at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium on February 8th, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Tickets are $15 per person and include dinner. For event information call (510) 307-8087.
Snow Ball
The Recreation Department hosted the 61st Annual High School Snow Ball, on Saturday, December 14th, from 7:00 PM to midnight at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium. This gala event is held for young adults, 9th through 12th grade, from schools in West Contra Costa Unified School District. These schools include: De Anza, El Cerrito, Gompers, Hercules, Kennedy, Leadership, Middle College, North Campus, Pinole, Richmond High, Vista, and Various Charter/Community Schools. The 2013 King & Queen honors were awarded to students from Pinole High School.
The Snow Ball has come to signify elegance and grace through the traditional Snow Ball King & Queen Ceremony and Procession. The Snow Ball King & Queen title is an honor awarded to students who embody academic and scholastic achievement. The Kings and Queens are the recipient of the Snow Ball scholarship, which assists the young people in their goal of a higher education. Past Kings and Queens are now in attendance at the University of California, Berkeley and Davis, the University of the Pacific, the University of Southern California, and New York University.
12. Public Works Updates
During the Holiday Closure there will be staff available to handle emergencies, minimal projects, and to perform street sweeping on all weekdays except for December 25th and January 1, 2014.
Facilities Maintenance: Carpenters installed a new main support post at Fire Station #63, cleaned the gutters at the Bayview Branch Library and Community Center, and anchored the fuel card reader at Waste Water.
Painters painted the Captain’s Room at Fire Station #67, painted a storage container for the Fire Department, and painted the Children’s Room at the Nevin Center.
Stationary Engineers repaired the furnace at the Hilltop Police Station, repaired the heaters at the Recreation Complex and the Senior Annex, fixed the main water line at YouthWorks, made repairs to the steam traps in the Richmond Auditorium and to the boiler at the Museum.
Electricians repaired street lights on Macdonald Avenue from 6th to 8th Streets, fixed a street light circuit on Blume Drive, relocated switches at Booker T. Anderson Community Center for the gym lights, and completed repairs to baseball field #2 at Booker T. Anderson Park.

Light Switch Relocation at Booker T. Anderson
Parks and Landscaping: Crews began demolition work at Booker T. Anderson Park to prepare for a new restroom, performed maintenance along Cutting Boulevard from I-580 to Garrard Avenue, repaired Hilltop directional signs at Hilltop and Blume Drives, installed two restored street garbage cans, continued with the Elm Play Lot renovation, performed weed abatement along the Richmond Parkway near the Castro overpass, prepared the community centers for upcoming festivities, began an irrigation system audit, and continued with the court restoration projects at Belding Garcia and Lucas Parks.

Maintenance along Cutting Boulevard

Street Garbage Can Replacement
Tree Crews trimmed, cut or ground trees around Klose Way, Garrity Way, South 4th Street, South 5th Street, Barrett Avenue, Sacramento Avenue, Wiswall Drive, Sutter Avenue, and Sonoma Avenue.
Streets Division: Crews grinded and paved Sacramento Avenue from San Pablo Avenue to Carlson Boulevard and South 57th Street from Jefferson to Bayview Avenue, hauled grindings from paving jobs, and worked from the outstanding pothole and sidewalk list.

Paving on Sacramento Avenue
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the third Monday through Friday in the North Richmond, Iron Triangle, North Belding Woods, Atchison Village, South Belding Woods, Santa Fe, Coronado, Marina Bay, and Point Richmond neighborhood council areas.
Signs and Lines Crews fabricated 37 signs, installed 3 new signs, repaired 15 signs/poles, painted a Helipad at the Fire Training Center and placed over 3,824 feet of painted markings throughout the City.

Helipad at the Fire Training Center
I wish you the very best for the holiday season,
and a 2014 filled with happiness and good health!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512
You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting:
Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512